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The view of the larynx using the Macintosh laryngoscope and the McCoy levering laryngoscope was assessed in 177 adult patients. The view with the McCoy blade in the neutral position and in the position (neutral or elevated) that gave the 'best' view were recorded. The McCoy blade in the neutral position was associated with a lower incidence of grade 1 views and a higher incidence of grade 2 views than the Macintosh blade. There was no difference in the incidence of grade 3 views. When views for each patient using the different blades were compared, the McCoy blade in the neutral position produced a worse view than the Macintosh blade (p < 0.0001). The view obtained with the McCoy blade in its 'best' position and the Macintosh blade were similar. In the 152 patients in whom the vocal cords were seen using the Macintosh blade, the view was worse using the McCoy blade in its 'best' position more often than it was better (p = 0.06). In 25 patients, the vocal cords could not be seen with the Macintosh blade; in these patients the view was better with the McCoy blade (the cords were visible) on 14 occasions and worse in one (p = 0.001). We conclude that the McCoy blade in its neutral position does not behave identically to the Macintosh blade. The McCoy blade is a useful aid to difficult intubation but should not replace the Macintosh blade as the first choice laryngoscope.  相似文献   

We studied 22 female patients (ASA I or II) to investigate if laryngoscopy and intubation induced the skin vasomotor reflex (SVmR), and to compare the effects of the McCoy and Macintosh blades on the SVmR. Anaesthesia was induced with fentanyl, midazolam, vecuronium and nitrous oxide. In 11 patients, the vocal cords were seen for 3 s with the McCoy blade. Two minutes later, laryngoscopy was performed with the Macintosh blade and the trachea was intubated. In the other 11 patients, the first and second laryngoscopies, respectively, were performed with the Macintosh and McCoy blades. Laryngoscopy alone and intubation with laryngoscopy significantly reduced skin blood flow in the ring finger of all patients (P < 0.01), indicating that both procedures provoked the SVmR. The magnitude of the SVmR and haemodynamic changes did not differ significantly between the two groups.  相似文献   

The relationship among body mass index (BMI, kg/m2), smoking status, and overall mortality remains controversial. To assess this relationship in a representative sample of older women, we used data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID). The PSID (begun in 1968) is a prospective longitudinal cohort study designed to examine economic and demographic behavior. Respondents were 1355 women age > or = 50 when they initially completed the Self-Administered Health Questionnaire in 1990. Data collected included self-reported height and weight, years of completed education, smoking status (never versus ever), and responses to four health-related questions (e.g., retired due to ill health, difficulty eating). Respondents were followed, including the date of death if respondent died, through 1994. Cox proportional hazard regression revealed a U-shaped relationship irrespective of whether smoking was included in the model. The base of the curve was fairly wide, suggesting that a broad range of BMI is well tolerated by older women. The minimum mortality (estimated from fitted proportional hazard models) for both the smoking and nonsmoking models occurred at a BMI of approximately 34. When interactions between smoking status and BMI terms were added to the model, the interactions were not jointly significant (p = 0.071). Moreover an exploratory plot of the BMI-mortality curve among never smokers (n = 800) revealed a curve that moved away from being U-shaped toward being more monotonically decreasing. It is concluded that these data suggest that there is no evidence that the U-shaped BMI-mortality relationship observed is caused by confounding by smoking status.  相似文献   

142 adults with pharyngeal and laryngeal diphtheria were registered in Yekaterinburg in 1993. Of them, 136 patients recovered and 6 died. The analysis of the clinical features and diagnostic errors showed that subjects with chronic visceral diseases and alcoholics are more likely to have poor prognosis of diphtheria. Diphtheria manifested primarily with edema followed by infiltration of the mucosa, with appearance of thin transparent furs, tenderness of cervical regional lymph nodes. The typical greyish-brown thick and firm false membranes occurred only in the late stage of the disease. The features of the diphtheric croup in the adults complicated the diagnosis. These were, unlike croup in children, the vagueness of the stages of this syndrome, rapid involvement of the trachea and bronchi, mixed type of dispnea and delirious state in alcoholics. It is necessary to set up the duty of ENT specialists in the diagnostic departments of the infectious hospitals for repeated endoscopic and bacteriologic examinations of the diphtheria suspects.  相似文献   

This study investigated the filled duration illusion in children in comparison to adults, using a temporal bisection task with two ranges of anchor durations (1 vs. 4s and 2 vs. 8s). The results revealed a marked filled duration effect when filled and empty durations were presented in the same session (within-subjects condition), with the filled durations being judged to be longer than the empty durations in all age groups. However, the magnitude of this effect appeared to be larger in the children than in the adults. Furthermore, the filled duration effect decreased with the longest duration stimuli, and apparent reversals of this effect were observed with the empty durations being judged longer. In the between-subjects experiment, the filled duration effect disappeared in all age groups. However, in the children, the variability in the temporal judgment appeared to be greater for the empty than for the filled durations, thus indicating a lower sensitivity to empty durations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Conditions for insertion of the laryngeal mask airway were assessed in 70 unpremedicated patients comparing the co-induction with midazolam-alfentanil-thiopentone and midazolam-alfentanil-propofol. Following pre-induction doses of midazolam 0.04 mg.kg-1 and alfentanil 10 micrograms.kg-1, patients received equipotent doses of either thiopentone or propofol. Whilst jaw relaxation and ease of laryngeal mask insertion were similar between the two groups, patients receiving propofol were less likely to have undesired responses requiring additional boluses of induction agent (p < 0.05). We conclude that, using these doses, propofol is superior to thiopentone for laryngeal mask airway insertion when using a co-induction technique.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The objectives of this study were to compare vincristine/actinomycin D/cyclophosphamide/adriamycin (VACA) with VACA/plus imidazole carboxamide (DTIC) (VACAD) therapy in regards to complete/partial response and event free survival rates in children and adolescents with metastatic non-rhabdomyosarcoma soft tissue sarcomas (NRSTS) or previously chemotherapy-naive recurrent NRSTS or locally persistent gross residual tumor after surgery and radiation therapy. PROCEDURES: Between 1986 and March 1994, 75 patients entered this randomized study comparing VACA and VACAD, given at 3 week intervals. Sixty-one patients were considered eligible and received chemotherapy and radiation therapy to the primary tumor and areas of metastases. Thirty-six patients had regional unresected (Group III) disease, and 25 had metastatic disease (Group IV) at time of accession. Thirty-six patients received VACA (11 were not randomized), and 25 received VACAD. RESULTS: With a median follow-up of greater than 4 years, overall and event-free survival for all eligible patients are 30.6% and 18.4% respectively (S.E: 9.5% and 6.8%). There was insufficient evidence that DTIC offered any advantage to event free survival, but there was evidence for better outcome for patients in Group III disease in comparison to patients with Group IV disease, and for patients with a Grade 1 and 2 histology in comparison to Grade 3 lesions. CONCLUSIONS: Combination chemotherapy with VACA and VACAD were insufficient to prevent recurrent or progressive disease in children and adolescents with high stage NRSTS. The use of vincristine/ifosfamide/doxorubicin with cytokine support is under study.  相似文献   

The authors conducted 3 experiments investigating the effects of aging on higher order auditory processes. They compared younger and older adults with respect to (a) their auditory channel capacity, (b) the extent of their top-down control over auditory gain, and (c) their ability to focus attention on a narrow band of frequencies. To ensure that subclinical cochlear processing deficits in older adults (e.g., higher thresholds, poorer discrimination of frequency and intensity differences) did not limit performance, the authors used only stimuli that were perfectly discriminable by all participants. No age differences were found in any of these experiments, suggesting that some higher order auditory processes (e.g., top-down control over auditory gain, auditory attention) are preserved in normal aging, despite numerous age-related declines in peripheral auditory functionality. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Prophylactic administration of an antiemetic is a common procedure for patients undergoing strabismus surgery. Droperidol and ondansetron hydrochloride are commonly used antiemetics. This study compared the rates of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) in adult patients undergoing strabismus surgery with prophylactically administered Droperidol or ondansetron hydrochloride. METHODS: A double-masked, randomized, prospective study was conducted comparing droperidol with ondansetron hydrochloride when administered prophylactically to adults undergoing strabismus surgery. RESULTS: Forty-five patients entered the study with a mean age of 30 years. Twenty percent of patients had nausea immediately postoperatively and 37% had nausea before discharge with no significant differences between groups. Overall rate of emesis, time in the recovery room, and time to discharge was not significantly different between the droperidol and ondansetron hydrochloride group. CONCLUSION: No real differences in the ability to prevent PONV between the two medications were found in this study.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Recent studies in children and adults indicate that the prevalence of atopy and allergic disorders is lower in previously socialist countries in Eastern Europe compared with countries with a market economy while revealed risk factors are similar. OBJECTIVES: To estimate the prevalence of atopy among adults in Tartu, Estonia and to compare the prevalence of risk factors for atopy and allergic respiratory diseases in Estonia and Sweden. METHODS: As a part of cross-sectional study-European Community Respiratory Health Survey-random samples of 20-44 year olds (n = 351 in Tartu and n = 470 in Uppsala) and persons of the same age with asthma like symptoms or on current asthma medication according to a postal questionnaire (n = 95 in Tartu and n = 201 in Uppsala) were interviewed and circulating IgE antibodies were measured. RESULTS: The prevalence of atopy was 19% in Tartu and 32% in Uppsala (P < 0.001). The prevalence of sensitization to pollen was twice lower (11.5 vs 23.2; P<0.001) and the prevalence of pollen associated asthma symptoms was four times lower (1.7 vs 6.8; P<0.001) in Tartu than in Uppsala while sensitization to pollen was an equally large risk factor for asthma in both centres. Age was inversely related to cat and pollen associated symptoms of rhinoconjunctivitis in Uppsala (OR 0.6 and 0.7, respectively, P < 0.05) but not in Tartu. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of atopy was lower in Tartu, Estonia than in Uppsala Sweden. Perception of allergic disorders seemed to be lower in Tartu than in Uppsala. Age did not influence the prevalence of atopy nor allergic disorders in Tartu, while in Uppsala age was inversely related to clinical allergy. This could suggest a cohort effect underlying the increasing prevalence of allergy in Western Europe.  相似文献   

493 men (mean age 28.24 yrs) and 501 women (mean age 26.65 yrs) in Singapore completed the adult Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ). Similarly, 250 Singapore boys (mean age 13.14 yrs) and 508 girls (mean age 13.28 yrs) completed the Junior EPQ. Correlations between items were calculated for men and women, boys and girls separately. Factor analyses were performed on the resulting matrices, and indices of factor comparison were calculated for all 4 groups, comparing the factors extracted and rotated with similar factors from the original British standardizations. All the indices were high (.91) for the children and even higher (.96) for the adults. It is concluded that similar personality dimensions are to be found in the 2 countries. Findings support the idea that the dimensions of neuroticism, psychoticism, and extraversion are of universal applicability. (12 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Managing IBD in children and adolescents requires attention to issues unique to these age groups. The spectrum of presenting signs and symptoms is broad and often, subtle. Physician awareness of intestinal and extra-intestinal features prompts earlier diagnosis and intervention. The focus of treatment is not limited to intestinal symptoms, but also involves assessing weight and height gains, sexual maturation, extra-intestinal manifestations and psychosocial well-being. Differences in selecting drugs for pediatric versus adult patients are based on: 1. lack of prospective trials establishing effective doses for different ages; 2. inability to swallow capsules; 3. importance of nutrition in promoting growth; 4. paucity of data regarding the long-term safety of medications; 5. untoward cosmetic effects of corticosteroids, and 6. the need to develop coping mechanisms for a chronic illness. While sulfasalazine and mesalamine are useful in mild disease, corticosteroids are necessary for moderate and severe disease. Metronidazole and ciprofloxacin are effective in perianal CD. Elemental and polymeric formulas induce and maintain remission in active CD and reverse growth failure. Immunomodulatory agents (azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurine) enable physicians to reduce steroids and hospitalization. In practice, combination therapy is recommended to control symptoms and limit drug-induced side effects.  相似文献   

In this study, neuropsychological profiles of 14 older adult patients with mild or moderate closed head injury (CHI). 14 patients with probable Alzheimer's disease (AD), and 14 community residing elderly controls were compared. The groups were similar in demographic features, and the CHI and AD patients had comparable Mini-Mental State Examination scores. Tests of verbal learning and memory, letter and category fluency, and naming were administered. Relative to the CHI group, AD patients exhibited more devastated memory and did not show a normal facilitation on the category retrieval task. The patient groups exhibited similar levels of categorical clustering and naming accuracy for both high- and low-frequency words. These results suggest that neuropsychological markers of memory and semantic processing may be useful in differentiating the cognitive effects from AD versus early recovery from CHI. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the cytologic history of patients with cervical cancer with that of patients with high grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) in order to analyze the causes of screening failure. STUDY DESIGN: In 337 patients treated for high grade CIN and 86 women treated for cancer of the cervix, all cytologic reports from the last five years before diagnosis were reviewed, and slides of normal smears taken within three years of diagnosis were reexamined. RESULTS: Among patients with cancer, 32/86 (37.2%) never had a smear, for 28/86 (32.6%) the time interval between screenings was greater than three years, 12/66 (18.2%) were incorrectly managed after the first abnormal smear, and 7/69 (10.1%) had a normal smear within three years of diagnosis. Conversely, among patients with high grade CIN, 45/337 (13.4%) never had a smear, 60/337 (17.8%) had a time interval between screenings greater than three years, 120/337 (35.6%) were incorrectly managed after the first abnormal smear, and 100/333 (30.0%) had a normal smear within three years of diagnosis. When compared with high grade CIN, cancer of the cervix was associated with absent or insufficient screening (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 3.28, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) = 1.86-5.80) but neither with incorrect management of the first abnormal smear (aOR = 1.32, 95% CI = 0.46-3.75) nor with a normal smear within three years of diagnosis (aOR = 0.22, 95% CI = 0.10-0.50). CONCLUSION: Better participation of patients is necessary to improve the efficacy of screening. Conversely, reducing the interval between smears to less than three years would cause a major increase in cost and earlier diagnosis of high grade CIN, but not a significant decrease in the number of cancers.  相似文献   

The efficacy, tolerability and safety of azithromycin and co-amoxiclav in the treatment of non-severe acute maxillary/ethmoidal sinusitis were compared in a randomized, open clinical trial in 254 adult patients. The predominant pathogens were Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae (83 patients). Azithromycin was administered orally to 165 patients at a single daily dose of 500 mg for 3 days, and co-amoxiclav (4:1) to 89 patients, at a dose of 500 mg three times daily for 10 days. The overall clinical response rates were 87.5% for azithromycin and 83.7% for co-amoxiclav at follow-up (day 21-28). Microbiological responses to both drugs were good, with only five patients in each group having a persistent infection after treatment. Both drugs were well tolerated and produced similar incidences of adverse events, which were mostly gastrointestinal. Azithromycin was as effective, and as well tolerated as co-amoxiclav, and its shorter simpler dosing regime may offer advantages in compliance and cost.  相似文献   

Photofrin photodynamic therapy (PDT) has recently received FDA approval for the palliative treatment of totally and partially obstructing esophageal malignancies. However, there is a need for new PDT photosensitizers because Photofrin has a number of undesirable features. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of four amine-bearing silicon phthalocyanines--Pc4, Pc10, Pc12 and Pc18--as potential PDT photosensitizers. Equimolar concentrations of these Pc were found to be highly effective at causing the regression of RIF-1 tumors transplanted to C3H/HeN mice. The amount of Pc4 necessary to cause an equivalent amount of tumor regression in this model system was substantially less than the amount of Photofrin. The cutaneous phototoxicity of the silicon Pc photosensitizer was assessed by the utilization of the murine ear-swelling model. When C3H mice were exposed to 167 J/cm2 of polychromatic visible light from a UVB-filtered solar simulator, which emitted UV radiation and visible light above 320 nm, the Pc produced little, if any, cutaneous photosensitivity. These results indicate that Pc4, Pc10, Pc12 and Pc18 are at least as effective as Photofrin in PDT protocols, while at the same time addressing many of the drawbacks of Photofrin.  相似文献   

This study examined age differences in autobiographical memory and extended findings concerning hypermnesia in laboratory tasks to a real world event, the announcement of the verdict in the O. J. Simpson murder trial. Older and younger adults repeatedly recalled the event in a single session. Interviews were coded for amount and type of accurate information and for errors. The age groups did not differ in ability to recall the gist of the event or in the number of errors made. Younger adults were better at remembering when the event had occurred. Both age groups showed hypermnesia. The results are discussed in terms of the importance of autobiographical memory across the life span and the phenomenon of hypermnesia in everyday memory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated the ability of 3-, 5-, and 8-year-old children as well as adults to learn sets of perceptual categories. Adults and children performed comparably on categories that could be learned by either a single-dimensional rule or by associative learning mechanisms. However, children showed poorer performance relative to adults in learning categories defined by a disjunctive rule and categories that were nonlinearly separable. Increasing the task demands for adults resulted in child-like performance on the disjunctive categories. Decreasing the task demands for children resulted in more adult-like performance on the disjunctive categories. The authors interpret these results within a multiple-systems approach to category learning and suggest that children have not fully developed the same explicit category learning system as adults. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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