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加油站石油计量器具种类较多,对不同类型仪器设备进行管理与校准成为行业人员关注的焦点。本文首先对石油专用计量器具的检定标准进行描述,其次分析检定主要内容,对强检计量器具、非强检计量器具与专用计量器具进行论述,最后明确专用器具在使用中存在的不足,总结标准技术落后原因,并提出针对性解决方案,通过应用最新检定技术、制定标准计划方案,完善技术体系等多种措施,使得计量器具的检定准确度提升,为行业高质量发展助力。  相似文献   

计量器具的管理工作是工业炸药生产企业保证安全生产、保障产品质量的必要工作,从开展计量器具管理工作的必要性和如何有效开展计量器具管理工作等方面阐述了计量器具管理工作的重要性。  相似文献   

石油是我国重要战略能源,在社会经济发展中具有举足轻重的地位。石油企业在油气勘探开发过程中,会通过测井仪器获悉地层深层空间油气分布情况和储量,在这一过程中,仪器获得的测井原始信号测量值需要通过数值转换,才能转化为反应地层物理参数的工程值。石油专用计量器具工作就是实现这一转换的关键器具。然而,在实际应用中,采油厂间隔巨大,存在较多跨市、跨省情况,导致石油专用计量器具种类繁多,标准不一,实际应用环境差。本文首先对石油专用计量器具检定校准技术应用意义作出阐述,其次,详细分析石油专用计量器具检定校准技术应用现状,明确检定校准薄弱环节,最后结合其工作内容,对检定技术应用做出思考,以便更好地管理相关设备仪器,发挥其应用价值。  相似文献   

松香色度标准装置(又名《松香颜色分级标准》玻璃比色块),是符合我国松香光学特性具有完整体系的松香颜色分级标准。1982年荣获林业部科技成果二等奖。1987年至今,被《脂松香》、《松香试验方法》国家标准所采用,并多次经国家质量监督检验检疫局复查考核合格。  相似文献   

简述了我公司计量管理工作实施措施,通过建立和完善能源计量管理体系从而保障了节能工作的有效开展。  相似文献   

化工生产连续性强,自动化程度高,计量器具的维护保养和周期检定是计量管理的重头戏,必须要花大力气抓好。  相似文献   

可燃气体检测报警器是《中华人民共和国计量法》确定的强制检定的计量器具,广泛应用于石油化工、气体充装、城镇燃气及仓储。当工业环境中可燃气体泄漏时,可燃气体检测报警器(以下简称为报警器)的检测器检测到气体浓度达到爆炸或中毒浓度设置的临界点时,报警器的控制器就会发出报警信号,以提醒使用单位迅速采取驱动排风、切断、  相似文献   

随着现代工业的不断发展,酸度计作为重要的化学测量工具之一已经被广泛的应用到工业技术,工程测定,三废处理和土质分析等众多领域。然而由于科技设备更新速度的加快,酸度计在产品生产制造和使用的过程中都出现了一定的问题。型号规格不标准,试验统计不够科学,众多的影响因素限制了酸度计的使用和扩展。本文针对其计量检定过程中出现的问题提出了相应的解决措施。  相似文献   

This paper describes equipment designed to measure the color-matching functions of a human observer, together with the results obtained. Its future potentialities are discussed, as well as its limitations, accúracy, and reliability. The results obtained are in close agreement with the CIE 1964 Standard Colorimetric Observer data and will enable a statistical study of individual color-matching characteristics to be made.  相似文献   

A bending creep test is proposed for measuring the change in viscosity of a porous material during densification. Equations, based on simple beam deflection theory, were derived to obtain the viscosity from a series of loading experiments using rectangular samples of different densities. By measuring the deflection in the center of the specimen between the spans, the viscosity of a porous material during densification can be measured. Experiments with porous Y2O3-stabilized ZrO2 beams were used to illustrate the bending creep test. Consistent with theory the viscosity increased from 50 to 400 GPa·s as the sample densified from 87% to 98% density. The rapid increase in viscosity was considered to be a result of both densification and grain growth.  相似文献   

The asymmetrical four-point bend (AFPB) method, which provides a pure shear stress state in the middle of the test specimen, was utilized to measure the shear strength of the joints between Nicalon-fiber-reinforced SiC composites. The small test specimens were prepared as butt-joints with uniform depth (no notch). It was shown experimentally that the position of loading points is critical to induce shear fracture at the joint without the failure of base material. The appropriate positions for the present test specimen were determined and, as a result, an articulated ceramic fixture was designed. This test method is economical and involves small test specimens with simple geometry, and can be used at high temperatures.  相似文献   

浅谈电气设备的预防性试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对电气设备预防性试验的必要性进行论述,分析电气设备绝缘缺陷产生的原因并对其分类论述,提出了预防性试验方法,并用实例说明其效果.  相似文献   

It is well known that water‐based commercial explosives locally ignited in closed vessels do not undergo self‐sustained combustion when the pressure is lower than some threshold value. The latter is usually referred to as the Minimum Burning Pressure (MBP) of the explosive and is now being used by some manufacturers as a basis of safety for many associated manufacture, transport, and handling processes. In the present work, both an apparatus based on hot‐wire ignition and an associated methodology were developed to measure the MBP of water‐based explosives. Typical results for various emulsion and water‐gel explosives are also reported and discussed. It is also shown that the technique could be used to characterize very insensitive explosive substances normally used as explosive precursors.  相似文献   

工程中经常遇到一些在役运行的塔,由于塔结构改变或其它原因,而造成塔地脚螺栓面积核算不够的现象发生,如何在既不影响正常生产,又能保证设备安全运行的情况下,解决塔地脚螺栓面积不够的问题,本文将介绍采用加固螺栓方法。  相似文献   

鲁江 《山东化工》2015,(5):114-116
把分析测试中心的大型设备和学校的实验教学环节相结合,将精密仪器引入到实验实践教学之中,可以充分发挥科研平台的研究和教学功能。这个举措在为科研带来便利的同时也为工科专业的实验教学注入了先进的技术和概念,激发了学生的动手能力和专业兴趣。  相似文献   

常新中 《河南化工》2011,28(1):33-35
介绍了CAD系统的组成及分类,分析了化工设备产品开发中引入CAD技术的必要性及目前我国CAD技术在化工设备产品开发中的应用情况.  相似文献   

煤化工企业仪表自动化设备的故障预防与维护措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
受科技推动作用,现代化企业发展模式不断变化,为保证安全生产,煤化工仪表的利用率不断提高。随着煤化工企业仪表自动化设备的种类不断增加,故障发生的类型和几率不断上升。就目前而言,企业生产对仪器设备的依赖性不断增强,这也促使自动化设备的维修保养在整个生产过程中发挥的作用越来越大。  相似文献   

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