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Capillary zone electrophoresis was successfully applied to the enantiomeric resolution of racemic tramadol. Both uncoated and polyacrylamide-coated capillaries were tested for method optimization using either negatively charged or native cyclodextrins (CD) added to the background electrolyte (BGE). The resolution was strongly influenced by the CD type and concentration as well as by the pH and the concentration of the BGE. Among the CDs tested, carboxymethylated-beta-cyclodextrin allowed the baseline separation of tramadol enantiomers. After the method was optimized, it was validated in a coated capillary for enantiomeric analysis of tramadol enantiomers in pharmaceutical formulation, including specificity and elution order, linearity, accuracy and precision, determination of limit of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ), enantiomeric purity linearity, freedom from interference, and stability of sample solutions. Precision at the target concentration was less than 2%, with an accuracy higher than 99%. Furthermore, the method was able to detect 0.3% and to quantify 1% of the minor enantiomer in the presence of the major one at the target value.  相似文献   

General strategies for the development of capillary electrophoretic methods for the enantiomeric separation of basic, acidic or neutral drugs were developed. For all kinds of compounds, the use of a buffer made of 100 mM phosphoric acid adjusted to pH 3 with triethanolamine and containing anionic and/or uncharged cyclodextrin (CD) derivatives as chiral selectors was recommended. Two different optimization schemes depending on the acidic or basic character of the analytes, were elaborated. For most basic compounds present in cationic form at pH 3, enantiomeric separation could be achieved in the normal polarity mode. Different beta-cyclodextrin derivatives were first tested at a given concentration. Five derivatives were found to be particularly useful for enantioseparations in capillary electrophoresis (CE): the anionic carboxymethyl-beta-CD (CMCD) and sulfobutyl-beta-CD (SBCD) and the neutral dimethyl-beta-CD (DMCD), trimethyl-beta-CD (TMCD) and hydroxypropyl-beta-CD (HPCD). After selection of the most suitable CD, its concentration was optimized with respect to chiral resolution. If necessary, a further improvement in resolution could often be obtained for the enantiomers of cationic solutes by increasing the buffer pH from 3 to 5 using CMCD as chiral additive. Another possible alternative for enhancement in chiral resolution was the addition of metharlol or cyclohexanol to the buffer. For acidic drugs, essentially present in uncharged form at pH 3, and for neutral solutes, anionic CD derivatives such as SBCD or CMCD were first tested at a given concentration in the reversed polarity mode. Dual systems, based on the simultaneous addition of a charged CD (SBCD or CMCD) and a neutral CD (TMCD or DMCD), could then be investigated for resolution improvement. After optimization of the CD concentrations, the use of dual systems with CMCD at pH 5 could also be tested if necessary, especially for very weak acidic and neutral drugs. By applying these optimization strategies, 48 of the 50 drugs examined as model compounds could be fully enantioseparated by CE in short analysis times (usually less than 10 min).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Conducting research in clinical settings can be problematic for many nurses in practice due to lack of experience and support. METHOD: Research collaboration between clinical nurse specialists and staff nurses in clinical settings can promote development of their research process skills. RESULTS: Strategies identified can be applied by clinical nurse specialists involved in continuing education and staff development in clinical practice through further research development. CONCLUSION: Collaboration among clinical nurse specialists and staff nurses provides a unique and strong link that transcends degrees and roles to make substantial contributions to professional nursing practice.  相似文献   

Capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) was used for the enantiomeric separation of (R,S)-tiaprofenic acid ([R,S]-Tia) in a pharmaceutical formulation employing an acetate buffer at pH 4.5 and 2,3,6-tri-O-methyl-beta-cyclodextrin (tri-OMe-beta-CD) as the chiral selector. The effect of the concentration of trimethylated-beta-cyclodextrin in the presence of carboxymethylated-beta-cyclodextrin (CM-beta-CD) on enantiomeric resolution of (R,S)-Tia and (R,S)-5-benzoyl-alpha-methyl-3-thiopheneacetic acid (3-isomer of tiaprofenic acid, 3-Tia) was investigated at pH 4, 4.5, and 5.  相似文献   

Direct separation of enantiomers of denopamine was investigated by two separation methods. One is capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) using cyclodextrins (CDs) (CD-CZE) and the other is high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using CD immobilized chiral stationary phases (CD-CSPs). Enantiomers of denopamine were successfully resolved by employing heptakis (2,6-di-O-methyl)-beta-cyclodextrin (DM-beta-CD) and acetyl-beta-cyclodextrin (AC-beta-CD), and partially resolved with heptakis(2,3,6-tri-O-methyl)-beta-cyclodextrin (TM-beta-CD), hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HP-beta-CD) and beta-CD polymer under acidic conditions. Separation of enantiomers of denopamine by HPLC was also successful with one of the CD-CSPs, where perphenylated beta-CD (Ph beta-CD) was immobilized. In CD-CZE, some polymeric additives, such as hydroxy-propylmethylcellulose (HPMC) and polyvinylalcohol (PVA), and a coated capillary were used to improve the enantioseparation of denopamine. Method validations such as linearity, recovery and repeatability, etc., were investigated for HPLC, and the method was applied to the optical purity testing of the drug substances and in tablet form.  相似文献   

We have developed a rapid method for unambiguous identification and mutant fraction determination of individual mutants in mixtures of DNA sequence variants each differing by one or a few nucleotides. This method has applications to such diverse areas as interpretation of mutational spectra, screening of populations for polymorphisms and identification of species in environmental mixtures. In our approach, a mixture of unknown sequences labeled with a fluorescent dye is combined with a set of predetermined sequences (standards) representing the variants to be assayed. Labeling the standards with another dye allows the two sets of variants to be measured independently. Using constant denaturing capillary electrophoresis, the sequence variants are separated as individual peaks on the basis of differential melting equilibria. The unknown sequence variants are initially identified based on co-migration with particular standards. This preliminary identification is verified by hybridization of the unknown variants with the co-migrating standards within the capillary. We demonstrate the use of capillary electrophoresis hybridization to dissect complex mutational spectra of human cells in culture.  相似文献   

A coated capillary modified with a cationic polymer was developed by using a novel coating procedure, successive multiple ionic-polymer (SMIL) coating. The SMIL coating was achieved by first attaching the cationic polymer to the capillary inner wall, and then the anionic polymer to the cationic polymer layer, and finally the cationic polymer to the anionic polymer layer. The stability of Polybrene (PB)-modified capillary made by SMIL coating was remarkably improved in comparison with a conventional PB-modified capillary. It endured during 600 replicate analyses and also showed strong stability against 1 M NaOH and 0.1 M HCl. The relative standard deviation of the run-to-run, day-to-day, and capillary-to-capillary coating was all below 1%, and good reproducibilities were obtained. The PB-modified capillary made by SMIL coating was applied to the basic protein analyses. It gave good performances for the protein analyses even when the pH of the electrolyte was near the isoelectric point (pI) of the protein. In addition, 0.1 M NaOH rinse prior to the sample injection allowed the reproducible analysis of a highly adsorptive sample such as plasma because the adsorbed sample could be flushed out of the capillary. Besides protein analyses, an efficient analysis of the cationic drugs by capillary electrophoresis/mass spectrometry (CE/MS) was also possible.  相似文献   

The application of capillary electrophoresis (CE) methods in forensic toxicology for the determination of illicit and/or misused drugs in biological samples is reviewed in the present paper. Sample pretreatments and direct injection modes used in CE for analysis of drugs in biological fluids are briefly described. Besides, applications of separation methods based on capillary zone electrophoresis or micellar electrokinetic chromatography with UV absorbance detection to (i) analysis of drugs of abuse, (ii) analysis of other drugs and toxicants of potential forensic interest and (iii) for metabolism studies are reviewed. Also, alternative CE methods are briefly discussed, including capillary isotachophoresis and separation on mixed polymer networks. High sensitivity detection methods used for forensic drug analysis in biological samples are then presented, particularly those based on laser induced fluorescence. A glimpse of the first examples of application of CE-mass spectrometry in forensic toxicology is finally given.  相似文献   

The recognition and removal of human apoptotic peripheral lymphocytes in selected populations of periportal and perivenous endothelial cells was studied in in situ and in vitro experiments. Apoptotic peripheral blood lymphocytes once injected into the liver circulation were retained by the sinusoids showing a large heterogeneity of distribution: apoptotic cells are found in the periportal tract double the amount found in the perivenous region. Apoptotic PBL adhesion was lowered to a sixth of the control after preinjection with a sugar mixture (Mannose, N-acetylgalactosamine, N-acetylglucosamine, D-galactose), as suggested by the expression of modified surface glycoconjugates on the plasma membrane of apoptotic cells. A bimodal profile of the distribution of the hepatic sinusoidal cell population, regarding the number of galactose and mannose receptors and the porosity index, was found. Two endothelial cell subsets were present: low porosity cells (average index 14 +/- 6%; periportal tract) with a high number of carbohydrate binding sites, and high porosity cells (average index 26 +/- 7%; perivenous tract), with a low number of carbohydrate binding sites.  相似文献   

The potential utility of capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) for the separation and quantitative determination of some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) was investigated. The influence of different parameters on migration times, peak symmetry, efficiency and resolution was studied; these parameters included the nature and concentration of the anionic and cationic components of the separation buffer. A buffer consisting of 75 mM glycine adjusted to pH 9.1 with triethanolamine was found to provide a very efficient and stable electrophoretic system for the CZE analysis of NSAIDs, giving RSD values of about 0.1 and 0.5% for the within-day reproducibility of migration times and peak areas, respectively at a concentration of 25 micrograms ml-1 (n = 5). Response was linear from 2-100 micrograms ml-1 for both sulindac and tiaprofenic acid, for which the LOQ values were 2.8 and 1.9 micrograms ml-1, respectively, using UV detection at 280 nm. Accuracy for each drug was 102-103%.  相似文献   

The present paper describes the methodological optimisation and validation of a capillary zone electrophoresis method for the determination of morphine, cocaine and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in hair, with injection based on field-amplified sample stacking. Diode array UV absorption detection was used to improve analytical selectivity and identification power. Analytical conditions: running buffer 100 mM potassium phosphate adjusted to pH 2.5 with phosphoric acid, applied potential 10 kV, temperature 20 degrees C, injection by electromigration at 10 kV for 10 s, detection by UV absorption at the fixed wavelength of 200 nm or by recording the full spectrum between 190 and 400 nm. Injection conditions: the dried hair extracts were reconstituted with a low-conductivity solvent (0.1 mM formic acid), the injection end of the capillary was dipped in water for 5 s without applying pressure (external rinse step), then a plug of 0.1 mM phosphoric acid was loaded by applying 0.5 psi for 10 s and, finally, the sample was injected electrokinetically at 10 kV for 10 s. Under the described conditions, the limit of detection was 2 ng/ml for MDMA, 8 ng/ml for cocaine and 6 ng/ml for morphine (with a signal-to-noise ratio of 5). The lowest concentration suitable for recording interpretable spectra was about 10-20-times the limit of detection of each analyte. The intraday and day-to-day reproducibility of migration times (n = 6), with internal standardisation, was characterised by R.S.D. values < or = 0.6%; peak area R.S.D.s were better than 10% in intraday and than 15% in day-to-day experiments. Analytical linearity was good with R2 better than 0.9990 for all the analytes.  相似文献   

Pulsed-field capillary electrophoresis (PFCE) in buffers containing ultradilute polymer solutions is used to separate long chain dsDNA in less than 4 min. Separations are shown to work with chain lengths below 10 kbp and greater than 1.5 Mbp. Several pulse protocols have been examined. If running time is to be minimized, a field inversion with higher peak amplitude in the forward direction than in the reverse, but with equal pulse durations, provides the best resolution. Other protocols can provide higher resolution, but only with longer running times.  相似文献   

In this study, various anionic chiral selectors were investigated for the capillary electrophoresis (CE) separation of six chiral phenethylamines and three achiral neutral impurities which are commonly identified in illicit methamphetamine. Analyses were carried out at pH 8 (high osmotic flow) with untreated capillaries using 25 mM chiral surfactant or 10 mM charged cyclodextrin. The chiral selectors included the micelle (R)-N-dodecoxycarbonylvaline (EnantioSelect (R)-Val-1) (ES) and the cyclodextrins sulfobutyl(IV)-ether-beta-cyclodextrin (SBE(IV)-beta-CD) (BSB4), SBE(VII)-beta-CD (BSB7), SBE(XII)-beta-CD (BSB 12), SBE(IV)-gamma-CD (GSB-4), SBE(VII)-gamma-CD (GSB-7), sulfated(XI)-alpha-cyclodextrin (SU(XI)-alpha-CD (AS11), SU(VII)-beta-CD (BS7), SU(XII)-beta-CD (BS12) and SU(XIII)-beta-CD (GS13). Enantiomeric and achiral selectivity strongly depends on the size of the CD, the average degree of substitution, and the type of substitution. ES exhibits good performance for the neutral solutes, but exhibits enantiomeric selectivity only for the alpha-hydroxyphenethylamines. GS13 provides the best overall enantiomeric selectivity. All fifteen solutes related to methamphetamine are simultaneously separated using BSB7.  相似文献   

The most commonly used measure of resolution for chromatographic and electrophoretic separations does not take into account the possibility of there being different amounts of each of the molecular species. A modification of a measure of resolution recently suggested by Aldroubi and Garner (BioTechniques 1992, 13, 620-624) can incorporate this effect explicitly. Their criterion for resolution is based on the time to observe a valley of specified magnitude separating two peaks. We examine how this measure depends on different physically relevant parameters that characterize the system.  相似文献   

The enantiomers of five racemic anaesthetic drugs were resolved with cyclodextrins using capillary zone electrophoresis. Parameters which affected the chiral resolution, such as type and concentration of cyclodextrin, temperature, and addition of organic modifier were investigated. The results show that the enantiomeric discrimination of the solutes is influenced by the structural shape of the solute molecules, separation temperature, and type of cyclodextrin. It was found that alpha-cyclodextrin was the best enantioselector for resolution of prilocaine and ketamine, while the enantiomers of mepivacaine, ropivacaine, and bupivacaine were resolved with beta-cyclodextrin and/or modified beta-cyclodextrins, i.e., methyl- and 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin, as chiral selectors. The length of the alkyl chain on the amino group of the drug molecule had a strong effect on the enantioresolution of mepivacaine, ropivacaine, and bupivacaine. Baseline separation of racemic ketamine was achieved with alpha- and methyl-beta-cyclodextrin at 15 degrees C. Addition of 5 M urea to the running buffer containing beta-cyclodextrin at high concentrations resulted in the enantioseparation of prilocaine, mepivacaine, and ketamine. Enantioresolution was improved upon the addition of 10% methanol to the buffer containing urea and beta-cyclodextrin. Generally, the complex formed between the S-enantiomers and modified beta-cyclodextrins was stronger than the corresponding R-forms. An exception was prilocaine where the R-form gave a more stable complex both with alpha- and beta-cyclodextrin.  相似文献   

Polyethyleneimine (PEI, molecular weight 6 x 10(5) - 1 x 10(6)) is applied as a positively charged pseudostationary phase for electrokinetic chromatography (EKC) of uncharged mono- and oligophenols. EKC is carried out in PEI-coated fused-silica capillaries (with electroosmotic flow directed towards the anode) in 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid (MES) buffer (pH 7.0, 20 mM) with PEI added to the solution in concentrations up to 0.70% w/v. The pseudostationary phase leads to a retardation of the solutes mainly according to the number (and the position) of the OH-groups of the separands, and is not influenced significantly by methyl groups. For 0.70% w/v PEI solution, for instance, the relative retention, rho, has values between 0.33 and 0.53. For the systems with the highest resolution of the separands (0.25-0.30% PEI) 190,000 plates per meter are observed. The results indicate that the separation selectivity is mainly caused by ion-dipole interactions between the OH-groups of the solutes and the pseudostationary phase.  相似文献   

Separations of various tetracycline mixtures by high-performance capillary electrophoresis (HPCE) and a new form of electrochromatography (CEC) are compared. The new CEC method involves etching the inner wall of the capillary surface with an appropriate reagent (ammonium dihydrogen fluoride) in order to produce a significant increase in surface area. The etched surface is then modified by a silation/hydrosilation reaction sequence to first produce a hydride intermediate which is then further reacted to attach a C18 moiety. The bare and hydride capillaries are tested under HPCE conditions while the C18 capillary functions in the CEC mode. The effects of pH and the presence of an organic modifier (methanol) are also studied. Detection limits ( < 10 micrograms/ml) are comparable to previous HPLC and HPCE results. Resolutions for mixtures which simulate real analytical problems are equal to or better than those reported for separations on polymeric and diol columns by HPLC and in earlier studies by HPCE and MECC.  相似文献   

In order to develop a strategy for the impurity profiling of drugs, the possibilities of some capillary electrophoresis systems were investigated. A mixture containing a drug and some of its possible impurities has been used as a model problem. The test compounds were investigated by capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) and by micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC). The pH of the CZE buffer was varied, but the two stereoisomers could not be separated. Moreover, CZE is not suitable for neutral compounds. In MEKC, two different types of surfactants, sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), have been used and the effect of type and concentration modifier on the separation and the elution window was studied. In the SDS system, both the resolution and the elution window could be increased considerably by the addition of modifier. The use of two MEKC systems of different selectivity seems to be a combination with high potential for the impurity profiling of drugs.  相似文献   

The broad category of antibiotics encompasses some of the most widely prescribed pharmaceuticals in the world. As is the case with any pharmaceutical, an antibiotic must be characterized in terms of its potency or activity, and the presence and quantity of impurities. Additionally, any residue or metabolite that may be present as a result of its use must be monitored. Many capillary electrophoretic techniques have been utilized in the analysis of antibiotics, addressing the various aspects of their quantitation, profiling, and monitoring. Some of the more recent applications are summarized in this review article.  相似文献   

Capillary electrophoresis is a useful tool for the analysis of nucleotides. Methods have been optimized for both CZE and MECC modes. A variety of CZE buffers, such as borate, carbonate and phosphate were used successfully. The pH of the buffer changes the charge on the nucleotides. Therefore, the selectivity of the analytes can be controlled by the acidity of the buffer solution. CE separations of nucleotides have been performed at all pH levels, in both CZE and MECC modes. SDS was the most commonly used modifier in MECC separations, but other additives have been added to optimize selectivity. In addition, nucleotides have been quantified in different matrices, including tissue and cell extracts and several DNA and RNA sources. This paper summarizes the methods used for the optimization of nucleotides by CE and includes the most recent techniques to improve selectivity, reproducibility and sensitivity. A summary of CE methods is used in analyses of nucleotides in biological matrices is included.  相似文献   

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