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20世纪90年代以来中国基础教育在课程结构、综合课程、课程管理制度等方面的改革,是逐步深入与完善的,由不合理到比较合理。课程结构改革首先把活动粪课程正式作为课程列入课程计划,同学科类课程相辅相成,然后在学科类课程中又分为必修课程和多种选修课程,这样有利于学生素质的全面提高及获得更多的选择和发展的机会。综合课程改革在各省市积极探索的基础上,构建了分科课程与综合课程相结合的新基础教育课程体系,综合课程的设置减少了学科门类和内容,减轻了学生的学习负担,有利于学生的全面发展和各种能力的培养。课程管理制度实行国家、地方和学校三级课程管理,并明确了国家、地方和学校承担不同的权力与责任,有利于调动学校和教师的积极性,使学校办学更有特色,学生发展更有特长。但这些方面的改革,仍然存在一些有待解决的问题。  相似文献   

As universities seek to bolster enrollment through distance education, faculty are tasked with maintaining comparable teaching/learning standards in traditional, blended, and online courses. Research has shown that there is an achievement gap between students taking courses exclusively offered online versus those enrolled in face-to-face classes. In an effort to mitigate these observed differences, the School of Business faculty at the research institution investigated various course models to meet the needs of a diverse, non-traditional, and multifaceted student population. Ultimately, a blended course model for statistics and quantitative method courses was developed that allowed students to choose between online, remote (via interactive television), and traditional course delivery modes each week. This model is more flexible and agile than existing blended courses that have more static components. Multiple regression analysis, χ2, and t-tests are used to demonstrate the efficacy of our model in maintaining student performance standards.  相似文献   

Growth in the use of testing to determine student eligibility for community college courses has prompted debate and litigation regarding over the equity, access, and legal implications of these practices. In California, this has resulted in state regulations requiring that community colleges provide predictive validity evidence of test-score?based inferences and course prerequisites. In addition, companion measures that supplement placement test scores must be used for placement purposes. However, for both theoretical and technical reasons the predictive validity coefficients between placement test scores and final grades or retention in a course generally demonstrate a weak relationship. The study discussed in this article examined the predictive validity of placement test scores with course grade and retention in English and mathematics courses. The investigation produced a model to explain variance in course outcomes using test scores, student background data, and instructor differences in grading practices. The model produced suggests that student dispositional characteristics explain the high proportion of variance in the dependent variables. Including instructor grading practices in the model adds significantly to the explanatory power and suggests that grading variations make accurate placement more problematic. This investigation underscores the importance of academic standards as something imposed on students by an institution and not something determined by the entering abilities of students.  相似文献   

2009年国家精品课程评审指标的变化反映了国家对于教学改革和课程建设的新要求、新标准。本文从教学系统化设计的“产品”“课堂”“系统”3个维度探讨在新指标体系下精品课程及其辅助教学网站的设计、开发。  相似文献   

中国教育现代化2035目标中明确提出了淘汰“水课”、打造“金课”的要求,目的是切实提高课程教学质量,“金课”的教学设计原则以及评价标准也成了当前的研究热点之一。文章以网络安全与执法专业为例,探讨一种模块化的“金课体系”建设方法,其核心思想是缩小课程教学粒度,建立课程教学模块,按照“金课”教学设计标准设计模块,通过考核和评价保证每个教学模块内容对学生的有效输出,一门课程可以通过选择不同的模块组合而成,相同专业不同课程之间也可以共享模块。  相似文献   


The authors compared the average grades given in 165 behavioral and social science courses with the average ratings given by students to the instructors who taught the courses. Significant positive correlations were found between the average ratings for instructional quality and the average grades received by students. The courses in which the average grades were the highest were also those in which students gave teachers the highest ratings. Among possible reasons for the correlations are that better teachers attracted better students or that quality teachers provided more effective instruction, resulting in more student learning and, thus, higher average grades. Another explanation is that most college students tend to bias their ratings of instructional quality in favor of teachers who grade leniently (I. Neath, 1996). If correct, the latter reasoning begins to explain why the widespread use of student evaluations in the United States in recent decades has been accompanied by increases in the average grades that university students received. To prevent grade inflation, and particularly to avoid rewarding and promoting instructors who use increasingly lax grading standards, administrators should adjust student ratings of instructional quality for the average grades given for a course. In general, only courses near the extremely high and low ends in terms of students' average grades were significantly affected by the statistical adjustment.  相似文献   

This paper describes an analysis of faculty grading patterns at a large public university. It introduces a methodology to both normalize and stabilize grade data by courses. Using this method, we report on grading patterns for over 1,000 teachers, giving more than 40,000 grades in approximately 2,000 courses. The findings indicate that the academic field of the course is strongly related to the types of grades assigned. Courses emphasizing quantitative and factual learning tend to have assigned lower grades. The higher grades are found in career-oriented courses, such as teacher training. This was shown in separate analyses for undergraduate and graduate courses. For undergraduate courses, lower grades were found in freshman and sophomore courses as compared with junior and senior courses. The academic credentials and personal characteristics of the teachers were only moderately related to grades. Temporary teachers had higher grades in their courses, but such personal characteristics as sex, marital, and minority status were not systematically related to grades given. There was a tendency in undergraduate courses that as class size increased, the proportion of higher grades decreased.  相似文献   

Despite its growing use at the K–12 level, standards-based grading (alignment of grading to course standards) has been comparatively neglected in higher education. College students are often confronted with grading practices that reflect subjective, non-standardized formats incorporating a blend of academic and non-academic components. This case study examined student attitudes and experiences regarding standards-based grading (SBG) principles introduced in an educational technology course in a medium-sized, Midwestern university. The authors found that, while students were initially anxious about the paradigm shift and the additional work it would entail, they nevertheless viewed the model as clearer and more fair. As the study progressed, students reported moving beyond “playing the game” of earning points for a grade and actually engaging more substantively with course content. Based on regular formative feedback, students began to take more ownership of their learning. Ultimately, most participants found SBG more beneficial and defensible—and reflective of their knowledge—than traditional grading practices. To supplement these findings, the authors offer some implementation ideas to assist instructors who may want to begin using SBG in their courses, including reflecting on and clarifying their purpose for grading, ensuring that their grades have meaning (by communicating information that is accurate, meaningful, and relevant to student success), and allowing students multiple chances to demonstrate learning (if the purpose of grading and assessment is to encourage and report mastery).  相似文献   

黄荻  谢佳君  胡佳 《高教论坛》2012,(1):121-123
高职课程采用项目化教学方式目的是更好地培养学生的职业技能和职业素养,这种教学方式对于注重实践的电类课程尤为适合。课程教学载体的设计和开发对于实现项目化课程的培养目标起着至关重要的作用。对于电类课程而言,为了使课程载体适应企业与行业的飞速发展,高职院校教师在开发项目化课程教学载体时,可以考虑三条思路,即关注市场的主流产品,引入国家、行业的相关标准和参考劳动部门职业技能鉴定标准。  相似文献   

"好课程"是一个相对的概念。它受到课程目标、教师水平和风格、学生背景、硬件条件等因素的制约。目前来看,多样的课程和具有"可拼装性"的课程是课程发展的趋势,为了达到目标和人才培养模式要求的多种逻辑的课程组合是大学教学改革的方向。针对这些因素来看,"精品课程"的国家评选并非是科学的举措。  相似文献   

明晰基于全局视野和系统思维的顶层设计的课程意义,通过对教师、儿童、课程这三者的独特的课程理解,从学校原有课程项目出发,走课程架构和课程统整的路径,设计课程结构和综合课程内容,开发属于学校自己的课程。  相似文献   

哈佛大学学生对课程及任课教师的评价   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
“评估是对某一计划和政策的运作或结果的系统评价,并将之与一套显性或隐性的标准作比较,从而使这一计划或政策趋于完善。”在教育领域中,评估则可用来确定在教和学经过一段时间的相互作用后,是否能达到预期的效果。介绍哈佛大学的研究生如何对课程及任课老师作出评价,校方又是如何利用这些评价来提高教学质量的做法,也许对中国高等教育评估界的同仁有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

精品课程建设既是学校的品牌,也是高校高水平教学的标志之一.它的建设是一项复杂的、需要学校领导和师生共同配合、长期努力的系统工程.只有坚持不断创新和完善,才能确保精品课程建设的可持续发展.本文以2007年国家级精品课程评估指标体系的各要素为切入点,即以科学发展思想为指导原则,准确的课程定位为导向,激励与评价机制为保障,高素质师资团队建设为关键,立体化教材、优化教学内容、先进灵活教学手段为根本途径,拓展实验实训基地为平台等方面对健美操精品课程的可持续建设等问题加以探讨.  相似文献   

This article focuses on curriculum change, in particular on course team responses to the introduction of a new curriculum and on the implications of empirical findings for our understanding of curriculum implementation and change. The case discussed is that of the second version of GNVQ. The discussion is based on an analysis of data collected across twenty-two course teams in ten schools and colleges over a two-year period as part of an ESRC-funded project. The model of comprehensive assessment of the second version of the GNVQ is one in which the curriculum reinforcement role of assessment related to the coverage and standards of the qualification but not to the design of courses. Theoretically, significant scope was accorded to course teams to develop and provide courses that responded to local contexts. The article explores how patterns of difference and similarity in course team responses to the introduction of this curriculum might be explained and indicates three broad approaches: implementation, adaptation and assimilation, relating these responses to the existing experience and expertise of members of the various course teams. The article draws on concepts from the field of linguistics to put forward the notions of ‘curricular fields’ and ‘sub-curricular fields’ and suggests that curriculum implementation needs to take greater account of the sub-curricular fields of course teams.  相似文献   

在中小学和高校开设生态文明教育课程,有利于进行系统化、规范化、专门化的生态文明教育,促进全社会牢固树立生态文明理念。我国中小学和高校的生态文明教育还处于零散的初级阶段,尚未形成制度化、规范化、系列化的教育体系和课程体系,中小学和高校生态文明教育课程设置,需要明确课程的性质和类型,确定课程的目标体系、知识结构体系、内容体系和评价体系,规定教学内容的安排顺序和学时分配,以及做好教材建设和教师培训。  相似文献   

课程体系优化的系统观及系统方法   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
提出了一个课程体系优化的系统结构模式 ,从外部环境与内部结构的相互作用上区分了课程体系改革及优化必须考虑的因素 ;给出了一个课程体系优化的系统工程程序 ,重点论述了如何从“课程体系→课程群→主干课程”实现课程体系的递阶控制及三级优化思路 ;给出了课程体系优化评价的指标体系及评价模型 ,并以此完成高师地理学专业课程体系优化设计。  相似文献   

我国民族地区地方课程及其政策研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
地方课程是为了保障和促进课程适应不同地区的需要,由地方根据国家课程管理政策、课程计划、课程标准和当地的政治、经济、文化、民族及学生发展需要,结合本地的优势和优良传统,充分利用本地的课程资源而自主开发并由地方管理的课程。我国在少数民族语言文字教材的开发与利用方面积累了丰富的经验,在新课程改革背景下,民族地区地方课程开发的政策、目标与内容等均有着新的内涵。  相似文献   

现行的高等师范美术专业课程之间缺乏有机的衔接,为了改变这种状况,提高整体的教学效果,同时加强专业基础教学,我们从区别于传统美术基础课程的角度,开设了“现代造型基础课”。通过教学实践和研究,确定了具体的课程框架和基本内容,取得了良好的课堂教学效果,达到了预期的目标,并逐步得到完善。  相似文献   

Morehouse School of Medicine elected to restructure its first‐year medical curriculum by transitioning from a discipline‐based to an integrated program. The anatomy course, with regional dissection at its core, served as the backbone for this integration by weaving the content from prior traditional courses into the curriculum around the anatomy topics. There were four primary goals for this restructuring process. Goal 1: develop new integrated courses. Course boundaries were established at locations where logical breaks in anatomy content occurred. Four new courses were created, each containing integrated subject content. Goal 2: establish a curriculum management team. The team consisted of course directors, subject specialists, and a curriculum director. This team worked together to efficiently manage the new curriculum. Goal 3: launch contemporary examination and question banking methods. An electronic system, in which images could be included, was implemented for examinations and quizzes, and for storing and refining questions. Goal 4: ensure equitable distribution of standardized examinations and course grading systems among all courses. Assessments included quizzes, in‐course examinations, and National Board of Medical Examiners® (NBME®) Subject Examinations. A standard plan assigned the contribution of each to the final course grade. Significant improvement was seen on subject examinations. Once the obstacles and challenges of integration were overcome, a robust and efficient education program was developed. The curriculum is expected to continue evolving and improving, while retaining full regional dissection as a core element. Anat Sci Educ 10: 262–275. © 2016 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

项目教学法在高职教学中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
项目教学法是目前倍受关注的一种职业教育课程教学方法。在国家精品课程建设实践的基础上,对课程进行基于工作过程系统化思想的整体设计,将项目教学法应用于课程教学,在项目教学的应用过程中要求教师重新定位角色、熟悉职业实践。具有跨学科能力、团队合作精神和创设学习情境的能力,才能适应高职教育的快速发展和教学改革的要求。  相似文献   

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