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In this paper, we attempt to use satellite gravity data and a new inversion method to study the lateral density anomaly distribution in the mantle. First, density difference Δρ(τ,θ,φ) is expanded in terms of a three—dimensional orthogonal function system, the coefficients of the expansion are to be determined. Then, a set of observation equations is established from the relationship between density anomaly and disturbing geopotential. In the equations the unknown vector contains the coefficients of density anomaly expansion, the observational vector is obtained by computing geopotential perturbations using the potential coefficients of GEM10B, and a filtering process is done for the observational values by properly selecting the harmonic degrees of geopotentical. Finally, the lateral density variations in the lower mantle (670 km toCM boundary) are investigated. In this case, the degrees of disturbing geopotential are selected as 2–11, the truncated degrees of density anomaly expansion are taken asL=6 andK=4, and the damping least squares method is used to solve the observation equations. The resulting model shows the high level of density perturbations at 670 km discontinuity and core — mantle boundary, a high — density zone circumscribing the Pacific and a lower—density region under the center of Pacific. These features are in agreement with the three—dimensional seismic velocity variation features by Dziewonski (1984). In the Antarctic region and some parts of Atlantic and Indian Ocean, however, the resulting density anomalies are negatively correlated with the seismic velocity anomalies, the cause resulting in these phenomena is preliminarily analysed in this paper. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 53–65, 1991. The principle and method represented in this paper can also be suitable to study the lateral density anomaly distribution in the earth’s crust and the upper mantle.  相似文献   

The satellite missions CHAllenging Minisatellite Payload (CHAMP) and Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) provide accurate data that are routinely inverted into spherical harmonic coefficients of the geopotential forming a global geopotential model (GGM). Mean square errors of these coefficients, in some cases even entire covariance matrices, are included in the GGM. Due to estimation procedures with a large redundancy and insufficiently propagated observation errors, they often do not represent the actual accuracy of the harmonic coefficients, thus also gravity field parameters synthesized from the respective GGM. Since in most cases standard methods validating the GGMs reached their limits, new procedures and independent data are being currently sought. This article discusses an alternative validation procedure based on comparison of the GGMs with independent data represented by a set of GPS/leveling stations. Due to a different spectral content of the height anomalies synthesized from the GGMs and of those derived by combination of GPS-based ellipsoidal and leveled normal heights, the GGM-based low frequency height anomaly is enhanced for a high frequency component computed from local ground gravity and elevation data. The methodology is applied on a set of selected points of the European Vertical Reference Network and Czech trigonometric stations. In accordance with similar tests based on entirely independent data of cross-over altimetry, obtained results seem to indicate low-frequency deficiencies in the current GGMs, namely in those estimated from data of single-satellite missions.  相似文献   

Estimation of the accuracy of geopotential models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The new Geopotential Model Testing (GMT) method has been theoretically developed and practically applied. It is free of any hypothesis, the limiting factors are the accuracy of the geocentric position of the GMT sites and of their normal heights, as well as the accuracy of the geopotential value W0 on the geoid used as the testing value given a-priori. The GMT procedure occurs on the physical Earth's surface, no reductions are applied. No limits as regards the magnitude of the heights above sea level of the GMT sites are required. The rms error at discrete points of the most recent geopotential model JGM-3 comes out at about ± 1·5 m.  相似文献   

中国大陆精密重力潮汐改正模型   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
利用理论和实验重力固体潮模型,充分考虑全球海潮和中国近海潮汐的负荷效应,建立了中国大陆的精密重力潮汐改正模型.结果表明,采用不同的固体潮模型会对重力潮汐结果产生相对变化幅度小于0.06%的差异;在沿海地区海潮负荷的影响约为整个潮汐的4%,而中部地区约为1%,其中中国近海潮汐模型的影响约占整个海潮负荷的10%,内插或外推潮波的负荷约占海潮负荷的3%.通过比较实测的重力数据表明,本文给出的重力潮汐改正模型的精度远远优于0.5×10-8 m·s-2,说明了本文构建的模型的实用性,可为中国大陆高精度重力测量提供有效参考和精密的改正模型.  相似文献   

用GRACE卫星跟踪数据反演地球重力场   总被引:24,自引:17,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
利用141天GRACE卫星观测资料,包括K波段、星载加速度和卫星轨道数据,反演了80阶地球重力场模型IGGGRACE01S,该模型在半波长为500km的空间分辨率上,确定大地水准面的精度约为0012m,中长波(<80阶)精度优于重力卫星发射以前研制的重力场模型. 与EIGEN_GRACE02S、EIGEN_CHAMP03S和EGM96模型的位系数相比,该模型系数最接近于EIGEN_GRACE02S,与另两个模型差异较大. 比较几种模型确定的全球重力异常和大地水准面起伏,结果发现IGGGRACE01S与EIGEN_GRACE02S模型的计算结果比较接近,与EGM96模型结果差异较大,差别较大地区主要在南极等地区. 对于中国大陆,比较IGGGRACE01S模型(前72阶)计算的重力异常和NIMA重力异常数据(25°×25°网格),两者之间的标准偏差为48mGal.  相似文献   

Summary The calibrated variance-covariance matrices of the harmonic geopotential coefficients of the recent combined model JGM 2 has been tested and verified by independent crossover altimetry from TOPEX/Poseidon and ERS 1 using the Latitude Lumped Coefficients in the southern oceans area. Although orbits are not yet available for these missions with other recent models for which error matrices have been released, by comparison with JGM 2 results and field differences we also confirm that the error matrices for the satellite model GRIM 4S4p and the combined data model JGM 3 are also generally valid. Projections of these matrices for a variety of inclinations show that many unused orbits of even moderate altitude (≈ 800 km) will still yield trajectory crossover errors at a level of many tens of centimeters even with the latest orbitgeopotential models.  相似文献   

This work focuses on the comparison between satellite-only and combined Global Geopotential Models (GGMs) derived from the CHAMP and GRACE satellite missions with land gravity anomalies, geoid undulations provided by the gravimetric geoid ANDALUSGeoid2002 and GPS/levelling geoid undulations in Andalusia in order to find the GGM that best fits this area in order to be used in a further geoid computation. The results show that the EIGEN-CG01C model or the combined models GGM02C/EIGEN-CG01C and ITG-CHAMP01E/EIGEN-CG01C should be used.  相似文献   

首都圈地区精细地壳结构——基于重力场的反演   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文以地质与地球物理资料作为约束条件,利用小波多尺度分析方法,对首都圈地区重力场进行了有效分离,应用Parker位场界面反演法及变密度模型对莫霍界面进行了反演分析,并构建了两条地壳密度结构剖面模型,对该区精细地壳结构进行了深入研究.研究结果表明首都圈地区受多期构造运动的改造,形成坳、隆相邻,盆、山相间,密度非均匀性,壳内结构与莫霍面埋深相差比较大的地壳分块构造格局.受华北克拉通岩石圈伸展、减薄以及岩浆的上涌底侵作用,首都圈地区莫霍面起伏比较大,莫霍面区域构造方向呈NE—NNE方向,在盆地向太行山、燕山过渡地带形成了莫霍面陡变带;盆地内部莫霍面形成东西向排列、高低起伏的框架,最大起伏约5 km,但平均地壳厚度比较小,北京、唐山地区地壳厚度最小约29 km,武清凹陷地壳厚度最大约34 km.在重力均衡调整作用下,西部太行山区地壳厚度较大,但地壳密度小于华北裂谷盆地内部;中上地壳重力场特征与地表地形及地貌特征具有很大的相关性.受新生代裂谷作用影响,首都圈中上地壳结构非常复杂,形成了NNE方向为主体的构造单元,断层多下延至中地壳;下地壳发生明显的褶曲构造,表现出高低密度异常相间排列的典型特征;首都圈地区地壳密度具有明显的非均匀性.研究认为首都圈地区地震的发生与上地幔顶部及软流层物质的上涌有一定关系.  相似文献   

With daily reanalysis data by NCEP/NCAR and data of tropical cyclones landing over China from 1949 to 2005, the variation of low-frequency oscillations of equatorial pressure and their relationship with tropical cyclones landing over China in the summer half of the years (June through October) are studied for the 57 years, using spectral analysis and correlation analysis. The results show that the summertime equatorial pressure is mainly of periodic oscillations of 5―7 days and 10―30 days and the interannual variation of the intensity of its quasi-biweekly oscillation is significantly positive correlation with the number of tropical cyclones landing over China. The quasi-biweekly oscillation is filtered from daily equatorial pressure in May―November over the 57 years with inverse wavelet transform and the probability for tropical cyclones landing on coastal China within four days before and after the oscillatory valleys of quasi-biweekly pressure at the equator is 59.7% and 73.0% for June to October and July to September respectively. The model of atmospheric circulation for quasi-biweekly oscillatory valleys of equatorial pressure in association with or without tropical cyclones landing over China in July―September is set up with the composite analysis method. When the valleys are associated with (without) landfall, zonal (meridional) circulation prevails in the mid and high latitudes of the Eastern Hemisphere, the high pressure ridge is weak (strong) near the Sea of Okhotsk, the westerly zone is northward (southward), the subtropical high is westward (eastward) in location and strong (weak) in intensity, the cross-equatorial flow is strong (weak) in southeast Asia, Southwest Monsoon is strong (weak) and stronger (weaker) while in the valleys of pressure, being favorable (unfavorable) for tropical cyclones landing over China. The atmospheric circulation model for oscillatory valleys of biweekly equatorial pressure in association with (without) tropical cyclones landing over China, which can reflect the difference of atmospheric circulation between them, is beneficial to medium-term forecasts of tropical cyclones landing over China.  相似文献   


本文在法方程层面融合GOCE卫星的VxxVyyVzzVxz重力梯度分量观测数据和GRACE卫星观测数据,采用直接法解算了220阶次的重力场模型Tongji-GOGR2019S.首先利用ⅡR带通滤波器在5~41 mHz的重力梯度带宽范围内对约24个月的GOCE重力梯度观测方程进行无相移滤波处理,并组成解算220阶次重力场模型的法方程,各梯度分量根据相对于参考模型统计精度进行定权;然后与13.5 a GRACE数据建立的180阶次Tongji-Grace02s重力场模型的法方程进行叠加,解算了220阶次的无约束纯卫星重力场模型Tongji-GOGR2019S.利用EIGEN-6C4重力场模型、GNSS/水准数据、DTU15重力异常数据以及欧洲区域似大地水准面模型EGG2015等数据对Tongji-GOGR2019S模型精度进行全面的检核评定,结果表明:引入GOCE卫星梯度数据后,高于72阶的位系数精度优于Tongji-Grace02s模型,Tongji-GOGR2019S模型的整体精度接近同阶次的DIR-R6等GOCE卫星第6代模型.


本文在法方程层面融合GOCE卫星的VxxVyyVzzVxz重力梯度分量观测数据和GRACE卫星观测数据,采用直接法解算了220阶次的重力场模型Tongji-GOGR2019S.首先利用ⅡR带通滤波器在5~41 mHz的重力梯度带宽范围内对约24个月的GOCE重力梯度观测方程进行无相移滤波处理,并组成解算220阶次重力场模型的法方程,各梯度分量根据相对于参考模型统计精度进行定权;然后与13.5 a GRACE数据建立的180阶次Tongji-Grace02s重力场模型的法方程进行叠加,解算了220阶次的无约束纯卫星重力场模型Tongji-GOGR2019S.利用EIGEN-6C4重力场模型、GNSS/水准数据、DTU15重力异常数据以及欧洲区域似大地水准面模型EGG2015等数据对Tongji-GOGR2019S模型精度进行全面的检核评定,结果表明:引入GOCE卫星梯度数据后,高于72阶的位系数精度优于Tongji-Grace02s模型,Tongji-GOGR2019S模型的整体精度接近同阶次的DIR-R6等GOCE卫星第6代模型.  相似文献   

The results of modeling the anomalous gravity field of the Earth in the high-latitude regions, which are of interest in the context of Arctic exploration, are analyzed. The structure and accuracy characteristics of quasi-geoid heights (QGH) and gravity anomalies (GAs) in the Arctic are studied. The analysis addresses fifteen modern Russian and foreign spherical harmonic models of the gravitational potential of the Earth, including the EGM-2008 model, which provides high-order spherical harmonic representations, and the first models based on the data of satellite gradiometry.  相似文献   

In this paper we use gravity data to study fine crustal structure and seismogenic environment beneath Beijing and its surrounding regions.Multi-scale wavelet analysis method is applied to separating gravity fields.Logarithmic power spectrum method is also used to calculate depth of gravity field source.The results show that the crustal structure is very complicated beneath Beijing and its surrounding areas.The crustal density exhibits laterally inhomogeneous.There are three large scale tectonic zones in ...  相似文献   

本文利用GOCE L2观测重力梯度的五个独立分量(Txx,Tzz,Txy,Txz,Tyz),联合EGM2008地球重力场模型计算垂直重力,反演计算了青藏高原及邻区0~120 km深度岩石圈三维密度结构.将经过低阶项改正、地形效应改正、沉积层界面起伏效应改正得到的剩余重力及重力梯度异常值作为观测值,以改正剩余量归一化权重作为观测权重,基于Tikhonov正则化理论建立反演目标函数.反演过程中,利用地震层析S波速度转换密度作为初始约束,通过非等权最小二乘迭代法计算得到最终反演密度.反演结果表明:(1)40 km深度,青藏高原内部为中地壳,表现为低密度,邻区为中下地壳,表现为高密度.青藏高原内部中地壳强低密度层主要分布在高原边界.其成因是印度板块俯冲和周围坚硬块体阻挡作用导致在高原边界形成的高应变积累闭锁区,为壳内低密度软弱物质的形成提供了条件.(2)80 km深度,青藏高原上地幔顶部显示出低密度的特征.高原内部东、中、西密度特征差异明显,低密度以95°E为中心线呈东西对称分布.以班公—怒江缝合带为中心,在拉萨块体和羌塘块体内从北向南出现了"低-高-低"的密度分布起伏特征.该特征与GRACE得到的莫霍面起伏特征一致,结合大地构造结果,这种起伏特征验证了印度、羌塘块体从南北两侧分别向喜马拉雅、拉萨地块挤入的双向俯冲模式.(3)四川盆地和鄂尔多斯盆地内,地壳高密度异常较地震波速异常明显偏低,表明古老的四川盆地和鄂尔多斯盆地比想象中更冷、更坚硬.塔里木盆地和柴达木盆地内壳、幔高密度的结构特征,对应地幔物质上涌.  相似文献   

Evaporation rate estimation is important for water resource studies. Previous studies have shown that the radiation‐based models, mass transfer models, temperature‐based models and artificial neural network (ANN) models generally perform well for areas with a temperate climate. This study evaluates the applicability of these models in estimating hourly and daily evaporation rates for an area with an equatorial climate. Unlike in temperate regions, solar radiation was found to correlate best with pan evaporation on both the hourly and daily time‐scales. Relative humidity becomes a significant factor on a daily time‐scale. Among the simplified models, only the radiation‐based models were found to be applicable for modelling the hourly and daily evaporations. ANN models are generally more accurate than the simplified models if an appropriate network architecture is selected and a sufficient number of data points are used for training the network. ANN modelling becomes more relevant when both the energy‐ and aerodynamics‐driven mechanisms dominate, as the radiation and the mass transfer models are incapable of producing reliable evaporation estimates under this circumstance. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

IntroductionGeopotential model, expressed by a spherical harmonic function, gives the global distribution of disturbed gravimetric potential. It is widely applied in the research of many disciplines of science, such as geodetics, geophysics, geodynamics, oceanography and space science. In geophysics, geopotential model shows the large-dimensional gravity variety, which is the reflection of anomalous density distribution in a large area or in the deep of the earth. Therefore, it is useful in th…  相似文献   

The accuracy of determining the Molodensky normal heights using geopotential models has been investigated. On the basis of geopotential model JGM-3/OSU91A the Molodensky normal heights can be computed with an accuracy of about ±35 cm at the GPS sites in the central part of Europe. On the basis of JGM-3/OSU91A improved the accuracy becomes higher, about ±14 cm.  相似文献   

利用欧空局发布的三组GOCE引力场模型及CNES-CLS 2010平均海面高数据,计算得到了全球的稳态海面地形,进而得到了全球地转流速度图.在此基础上重点对黑潮进行了对比分析.结果表明:GOCE不同组解的稳定性较好,所计算的稳态海面地形的差异基本在厘米量级内,这间接表明了GOCE引力场模型提供的大地水准面的精度达到了厘米量级.此外,通过将GOCE与GRACE相应结果进行对比发现,GOCE可提供更多的局部信息,特别是对于流速快、水流窄的边界流,如黑潮、墨西哥湾流等,GOCE所得结果更加清晰,速度也更精确.  相似文献   

本文收集了1982年3月印度、中国、菲律宾低纬地区9个地磁台的静日月均值资料。经分析对比后绘出了Sq(H),Sq(Z)变幅与离磁赤道距离的关系图。结果显示赤道电射流对Sq(Z)的影响可达500km,对Sq(H)的影响范围小于400km。这个结果与PARKINSON(1983)书中的论述基本一致。离磁赤道远达1000km的琼中台资料没受赤道电射流的影响,广州台资料则更不可能受影响。  相似文献   

卫星重力梯度仪在轨检校是提高梯度模式重力卫星观测质量的关键.本文面向中国未来梯度模式重力卫星规划任务,研究提出一种基于地面重力的卫星在轨检校方法,该方法顾及卫星设计指标,从地面先验重力数据的精度、空间尺度以及卫星重力梯度仪的观测噪声等卫星检校要素开展分析研究,成功实现地面数据与卫星观测数据的比对检校.研究结果表明,在1...  相似文献   

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