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Sediment from four southern Baltic Sea locations and caged mussels were analyzed for PCBs, organochlorine pesticides and metals (Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Hg). In mussels, which were additionally analyzed for 16 individual PAHs, a set of biomarker responses was measured to derive an integrated biomarker response (IBR) index as a part of integrative assessment of pollution in this area. Concentrations of PCBs, ΣDDT, and metals in sediment and mussels, greatest within the Gulf of Gdańsk area, showed decreasing gradients outwards from the Gulf. Sediment quality quotients (SQQs) and biological impact quotients (BIQs), reflecting on sediment- and mussel-accumulated contaminants' potential for biological effects, respectively, pointed out to the Gulf of Gdańsk to be of greatest concern among the examined sites. The IBRs corresponded poorly with the SQQs and BIQs, nevertheless, provided a line of evidence indicative of biological effects of contaminants to support more complex processes of environmental status assessment.  相似文献   

Blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) taken from several sites in the Mersey Estuary, an urban-industrial water body in NW England, have been analyzed for residues of the persistent organochlorines, DDT, PCB congeners nos. 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153 and 180 (ICES7), and alpha-MHCH (alpha-methyl hexachlorocyclohexane). The concentration range for sigmaPCB (ICES7) was 13.9-34.9 microg kg(-1) in 1994 compared with 9.6-31.9 microg kg(-1) in 1998, whilst the equivalent concentrations of sigmaDDT were 8.9-32.4 microg kg(-1) and 4.5-16.8 microg kg(-1), respectively. The concentration of alpha-MHCH, an organochlorine largely restricted to the Mersey Estuary, was 1.2-11 microg kg(-1) in 1994 and 0.3-1.3 microg kg(-1) in 1998. At both sampling dates the inner estuary sites of Rock Ferry and Egremont were more contaminated than the outer estuary sites of New Brighton. Dove Point and Caldy Blacks. The lower concentrations of organochlorines in mussels in 1998 compared with 1994 are thought to be early evidence of significant improvements in water quality derived from major capital investment in the treatment of industrial effluents and sewage wastewater, linked to a combination of stricter legislative controls and the environmental benefits from the adoption of new, clean technologies in manufacturing.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate effects of contaminants at high latitudes, the effects on scope for growth (SFG) were evaluated for both transplanted and resident blue mussel (Mytilus edulis L.) near large and small harbours in Iceland. Low SFG values were found for mussels at the mouth and in the inner part of the large Reykjavík harbour, which could be attributed to elevated levels of organotins and polyaromatic hydrocarbons. Mussels in smaller and/or less polluted harbours and sites off Reykjavík harbour only showed a slight reduction in SFG. No major effects were found at sites >3 km from the large harbour of Reykjavík. SFG provides valuable information on the effects of harbour pollutants in Iceland, in particular in areas of extensive shipping activity. The use of this biomarker on high latitude organisms is highly relevant due to extended oil exploration at higher latitudes.  相似文献   

Large volumes of water often are produced with oil and gas from offshore platforms. The produced water is separated from the oil and gas and either reinjected into a deep formation or discharged to the ocean. The Norwegian oil and gas industry advocates ecological risk assessment as the basis for managing produced water discharges to the North Sea. In this paper, we compare estimates of ecological risks to water-column communities based on data on hydrocarbon residues in soft tissues of blue mussels deployed for a month near offshore platforms and based on predictions of the Dose related Risk and Effect Assessment Model (DREAM). The study was performed near produced water discharges to the Tampen and Ekofisk Regions of the Norwegian Sector of the North Sea. Because polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are considered the most important contributors to the ecological hazard posed by produced water discharges, comparisons made here focus on this group of compounds. The mussel approach is based on predicted environmental concentrations (PECs) of individual PAH, estimated from PAH residues in mussels following deployment for a month near several produced water discharges, and predicted no effects concentrations (PNECs) based on a K(ow) regression model. In the DREAM method, PECs for three PAH fractions are estimated in the three-dimensional area around produced water discharge with the DREAM model. PNECs for each fraction are based on the chronic toxicity of a representative PAH from each fraction divided by an assessment factor to account for uncertainty in the chronic value. The mussel method gives much lower estimates of ecological risk than the DREAM method. The differences are caused by the much lower PNECs used in DREAM than derived from the regression model, and by the lower concentrations of aqueous PAH predicted by DREAM than estimated from PAH residues in mussel tissues. However, the two methods rank stations at different distances from produced water discharges in the same order and both identify 2- and 3-ring PAHs as the main contributors to the ecological risk of produced water discharges. Neither method identifies a significant ecological risk of PAH in the upper water column of the oil fields. The DREAM model may produce an overly conservative estimate of ecological risk of produced water discharges to the North Sea.  相似文献   

Mytilus edulis were collected from a reference site (Port Quin) and an urban/industrial contaminated site (New Brighton) in the UK during June 1999. Levels of PCBs (sigma7 congeners) and CB-138 were determined to be, respectively, 21 fold and 16 fold higher in the mussel digestive glands from New Brighton. Levels of CYPIA-immunopositive protein were 1.5 fold higher (P < 0.05) at the polluted site but the levels of DNA strand breaks were 1.3 fold higher (P<0.05) at the reference site. Mussels from Port Quin were placed in cages at both sites and both transplanted and indigenous populations sampled in September (13 weeks). Mussels transplanted from the reference site to the industrial site, reported elevated levels of CYP1A-immunopositive protein (1.4 fold; P < 0.05) and higher levels of DNA damage (1.2 fold; P < 0.05) compared to caged populations at the reference site and a PCB loading similar to the populations from the polluted site. Moreover, transplanted mussels had DNA damage 1.8 fold greater (P < 0.05) than indigenous mussels at the transplant site. These changes were small but significant when compared to the observed temporal changes in the indigenous populations.  相似文献   

DNA single-strand breaks were measured by the comet assay in both gill and hemolymph cells of mussels collected in 3 sampling areas of the French coast (Pointe du Castelli, Pen Bron and Saint-Nazaire Harbour). Whole mussel tissue samples were also collected for the chemical determination of PAH, PCB and heavy metal concentrations. In mussel, a higher level of DNA strand breaks was measured in gill than in hemolymph cells (p < 0.01). Despite a factor of contamination from 2 to 3 between sites, no difference in the extent of mussel DNA strand breaks was shown between sampling locations (p > 0.05), questioning the sensitivity of the assays used in biomonitoring studies.  相似文献   

In many aquatic organisms including Mytilus edulis, the role of temperature on bioaccumulation of metals is still not clearly understood. In this study, uptake and accumulation of Cu, Co, Cd and Pb in mussels were investigated at different temperatures (6-26 degrees C). Results from exposure of isolated gills showed a positive relationship between temperature and metal uptake. But in whole organism experiments, only the accumulations of non-essential metals (Cd, Pb) showed a similar trend while the two essential metals Co and Cu were independent and inversely related to temperature, respectively. With exception of Cu, elimination process appeared to be independent of temperature. The study also showed that neither changes in scope for growth (SFG) of mussels nor chemical speciation could fully account for the observed temperature-effects. Overall, these results suggest that fundamentally (i.e. at epithelial membranes), temperature-effects on uptake are largely due to changes in solution chemistry and physical kinetics, which favours higher uptake at high temperature. But at whole organism level, complex physiological responses appears to mask the relationship, particularly for biologically essential metals like copper.  相似文献   

DNA adducts in gills and digestive gland, as well as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) tissue levels were analysed in blue mussels (Mytilus spp.) from Nordic coastal areas (Iceland, Norway and Sweden) with diffuse or point sources of PAHs of various origins. Both DNA adduct and PAH tissue levels were generally low, indicating low PAH exposure to the mussels in the areas studied. DNA adducts were found to be higher in gills than in digestive gland of the mussels at all sites studied. Elevated DNA adduct levels in gills were found at 6 sites out of 18 compared to reference sites in respective coastal zones. Adduct levels ranged from 0.5 to 10 nmol adducts/mol normal nucleotides, being highest in mussels from Reykjavík harbour, Iceland (intertidal mussels), and from Fiskaatangen, Norway (subtidal mussels). Total PAH tissue levels in the mussels ranged between 40 and 11,670 ng/g dry wt., and were significantly correlated with DNA adduct levels (r(2)=0.73, p<0.001). PAH ratio values indicated that the PAHs were in most cases of pyrolytic origin, but with petrogenic input near harbours and an oil refinery.  相似文献   

It has been shown that the rate of protein synthesis is significantly decreased in various tissues of mussels gathered from a coastal area, characterised by a high level of pollution, when compared with animals collected in the reference unpolluted area. Such a decrease may represent a general stress index. Additional biological parameters, such as amino acid uptake and RNA synthesis, are similarly decreased in the mussels collected from the polluted area.Moreover, it has been demonstrated that in the digestive gland of the animals sampled from the heavy metal polluted area the level of low molecular weight thionein-like Cu-binding proteins is three times higher than in the digestive gland of the control mussels. The increase in the level of metallothionein-like proteins in the digestive gland of the mussels appears to represent a specific stress index directly related to the presence in the sea water of high concentrations of heavy metals.  相似文献   

Biological effects of environmental pollution, mainly related to presence of PAHs, were assessed in mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis caged in Priolo, an anthropogenically-impacted area, and Vendicari, a reference site, both located along the eastern coastline of Sicily (Italy). PAHs concentration and histopathological changes were measured in digestive gland tissues. Expression of cytochrome P4504Y1 (CYP4Y1) and glutathione S-transferase (GST), indicative of xenobiotic detoxification, and activity of catalase (CAT) as oxidative stress index, were evaluated.The results show a direct correlation between the high concentrations of PAHs in digestive glands of mussels from Priolo and the significantly altered activity of phase I (P < 0.001) and phase II (P < 0.0001) biotransformation enzymes, along with increased levels of CAT activity (P < 0.05). These findings show the enhancement of the detoxification and antioxidant defense systems. The mussel caging approach and selected biomarkers demonstrated to be reliable for the assessment of environmental pollution effects on aquatic organisms.  相似文献   

The blue mussels Mytilus edulis and Mytilus trossulus occur sympatrically and are able to hybridize in populations on the eastern coast of Newfoundland, Canada, presenting an opportunity to study their aggregational behavior. Aggregation behavior may therefore provide insight into post‐settlement interactions and pre‐zygotic reproductive isolation between the species. Three treatments were designed using M. edulis and M. trossulus to investigate their intraspecific and interspecific spatial distribution patterns. With Ripley’s K‐function and Monte Carlo simulation analysis, we found that in the single‐species treatment, M. edulis aggregated significantly but not M. trossulus. Based on results of two‐way ANOVAs, both the number of aggregations and the moving distance were significantly affected by the treatments (single‐species or mixed‐species treatment) and times (24, 48, 72 and 96 h). In further pairwise comparisons using Tukey’s test, M. edulis aggregated differently with or without M. trossulus occupying the same tank, suggesting that the aggregational behavior of M. edulis could be driven by species‐specific chemical cues. The result that M. edulis aggregates intraspecifically may increase the probability of intraspecific fertilization of the spawned gametes and thus function as a pre‐zygotic reproductive isolation mechanism maintaining the blue mussel hybrid zone.  相似文献   

Surficial sediments and blue mussels were collected around the perimeter of Halifax Harbour. Samples were analysed for the levels and fingerprint of polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs). The objective was to explore the relationship between contaminant profiles in sediments and in mussels and to explore the possibility of deducing their sources, pattern of deposition and circulation in the harbour. Combustion derived compounds predominated in both sets of samples, with more variability observed in the level of petroleum derived hydrocarbons in mussel samples. Biota-sediment accumulation factors (BSAF, dry/dry wt.) varied throughout the harbour, ranging from means of 0.006 to 1.26, where generally fluoranthene displayed the highest BSAF. Sediments and mussels give complementary views of the geographical distribution of contaminants, they reflect the state of benthic and pelagic habitats. Results observed for Halifax Harbour are discussed from the perspective of published data.  相似文献   

This study assessed numerous histological parameters as markers of health status in mussels (Mytilus spp.) collected from several locations along a contamination gradient on the River Tamar and two coastal sites on the north and south coast of Cornwall, UK. Twenty-seven health parameters were assessed including the presence of pathogens, inflammatory lesions, non-specific pathologies and reproductive condition. Logistic regression showed that reproductive condition and inflammatory lesions showed changes indicative of a contamination gradient response. Mussel populations further upstream within the Tamar were relatively less developed compared to mussels situated downstream in the estuary. Compared to coastal locations, mussels sampled within the Tamar also exhibited a higher prevalence of inflammatory lesions that increased at locations situated furthest upstream. Similarly, levels of lipofuscin within the kidney epithelium were highest in mussels sampled within the estuary and Whitsand Bay compared to Trebarwith Strand. The most prevalent pathogens observed during this survey included Rickettsia/Chlamydia-like organisms (R/CLO), gill ciliates including Ancistrum mytili, the copepod Mytilicola intestinalis, Ciliophora-like organisms and Marteilia sp. Marteilia sp. was observed in 31% of the mussels sampled from the Cremyll Ferry site. Generally, the range and prevalence of pathogens was highest from the two estuarine locations at Cremyll Ferry and Wilcove. No significant differences were observed between estuarine sampling sites and Whitsand Bay with respect to median epithelial cell height of digestive tubules, however mussels from Trebarwith Strand did exhibit a reduced median epithelial cell height compared to mussels sampled from other sampling sites. Species genotyping was also undertaken during this study in order to consider any histological differences in relation to species. Results are discussed in relation to histopathology health parameters and biological effects monitoring.  相似文献   

Several environmental chemicals are suspected to be responsible for adverse health effects on the reproductive system in various organisms. During this work, environmentally relevant concentrations of North Sea oil were used alone or in combination with alkylphenols and additional PAH to study the effect on vitellogenin-like protein expression and gonadal development in mussels. North Sea oil (0.5 ppm) induced the expression of phospho-proteins in both sexes indicating that some compounds are oestrogen-mimics. This induction was not seen in samples dosed with the mixture but signs of toxic effects were observed in the gonads. Indeed, numerous degenerating ovarian follicles in females and foci, similar to vertebrate melanomacrophage centres, were observed in testes.  相似文献   

A multiple biomarker approach was adopted in a seasonal study carried out in the Lagoon of Venice, with the double aim of evaluating the natural and anthropic stresses influencing the biological responses of mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and of assessing the effects due to spatial rather than temporal variations. Biochemical (aldehyde dehydrogenase and catalase activities), cellular (neutral red retention time) and physiological (survival in air and condition index) biomarkers were determined in mussels collected in four differently impacted lagoon areas. Multivariate analysis showed that samples were distributed mainly according to temperature and four seasonal groups were identified. The combination of spatial and temporal information enabled us to distinguish physiological variations due to natural causes from those due to anthropic stress, and to identify the sampling period when several biomarkers are less influenced by both natural and endogenous factors.  相似文献   

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