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一种高生存性的光接入网结构   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
提出了一种新的双环加星型环的高生存性光接入网拓扑结构,并和现行各种光接入网拓扑结构的生存性进行了定量比较.在多故障情况下,具有比现行各种光接入网结构更高的生存率.随着故障数目的增加,其网络生存率均值下降缓慢,当故障数为6时,依然可以保持99.997%的高生存率均值,大大好于现行光接入网结构,说明该接入网结构能更好地满足用户对下一代光接入网生存性的要求.  相似文献   

通信网络拓扑抗毁性评估算法研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
首先论述了当前主要网络拓扑抗毁性评估技术,然后根据实际工程应用需求,提出了一种新的通信网络拓扑抗毁性评估模型与算法,同时用计算机对模型和算法进行了仿真验证。该算法能求出通信网络拓扑图中各节点抗毁性度量值以及这些度量值的均方差,且把节点抗毁性度量值均方差作为整个网络拓扑的抗毁性量度。计算机仿真结果表明,利用该模型算法可以发现拓扑图中关键节点,同时度量值均方差可以准确评估给定连通网络拓扑图的抗毁性能。  相似文献   

张林  徐钊  杨芬 《光通信技术》2007,31(3):8-11
结合下一代矿区通信网分层模型和矿井通信网的总体架构,提出矿井通信网的整体拓扑结构应该是:主干部分沿主要巷道构成光纤自愈环,在地面与矿区通信环网相切,井下其它部分则根据巷道分布特点、信息流量和可靠性等要求,构成分支树型或局部环型,就近连接到主干环的结点上.矿井主干环采用互逆双环拓扑结构,通过空间重利用技术提高带宽利用率,采用插入缓冲技术实现数据的快速转发.  相似文献   

弹性分组环高生存性垂直拓扑的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章提出一种基于弹性分组环(RPR)的新型环网拓扑结构.该结构采用环网垂直的拓扑方式,拥有较高的生存性,同时,又充分利用了RPR标准单环数据传输机制的优点,并将该优点应用到宏观的网络体系结构中,提高了网络整体的带宽利用率.  相似文献   

A critical component of any large-scale parallel processing system is the interconnection network that provides a means for communication along the system's processors and memories. Attributes of the multistage cube topology that have made it an effective basis for interconnection networks and the subject of much ongoing research are reviewed. These attributes include O(N log2N) cost for an N-input/output network, decentralized control, a variety of implementation options, good data-permuting capability to support single-instruction-stream/multiple-data-stream (SIMD) parallelism, good throughput to support multiple-instruction-stream/multiple-data-stream (MIMD) parallelism, and ability to be partitioned into independent subnetworks to support reconfigurable systems. Examples of existing systems that use multistage cube networks are considered. The multistage cube topology can be converted into a single-stage network by associating with each switch in the network a processor (and a memory). Properties of systems that use the multistage cube network in this way are examined  相似文献   

首次提出一种基于随机进程代数的网络可生存性形式化建模方法,该方法把形式化建模与性能分析相结合,从而可以在形式化建模同时分析得到系统的各种生存性能参数.在简单介绍随机进程代数的语法和操作语义的基础上,用进程表达式对生存性系统进行形式化描述;然后利用PEPA Workbench工具实现对可生存性网络稳态可用性和瞬时可用性测度的实验,仿真结果验证了该形式化建模与分析方法的有效性和可行性.  相似文献   

Future networks must offer extremely high levels of reliability because information has become critical to the continued well-being of society. This article shows the approaches to the survivable ATM network. The reliability requirements of future networks are discussed first. Development results of three typical restoration architectures (automatic protection switch (APS), self-healing network (SHN), and failure-resistant virtual path (FRVP)) for ATM networks are then shown. Next, we describe current progress in standardization activities. They also discuss open issues that must be resolved in future studies  相似文献   

全光网生存性的关键问题及其解决方案   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于OXC、OADM的出现,使得联网不仅能在业务层进行,光层的联网也变成现实。如何控制和管理网络就变成一个非常重要而且相当棘手的问题。由于现在所有的光器件都是电控型的,所以如何在光层之上构造一个合适的控制平台就成了问题的关键。现在国际上的四大组织作的各种草案,虽各有差异,但基本的思路都是相似的。他们总的思路都是以IP为核心,借用IP网中的流量控制(TE)、IS-IS、OSPF、RIP、RSVP等一系列协议,并在原协议的基础上进行扩展和修改来达到控制光网络的目的,而且将信令网(控制平台)与业务网相分离(最起码是逻辑…  相似文献   

The high reliability exhibited by the Sprint long distance network is the result of many interrelated factors. The network utilizes robust architectures, systems, and equipment to provide a reliable transport infrastructure. Redundant equipment, conservative synchronization, protected power, and other factors combine to form a dependable foundation. New architectures and systems are under development to meet the changing demands of customers. This article summarizes Sprint's current network reliability, and emerging demands and technology, and presents possible directions for the future Sprint network. Sprint selected the SONET four-fiber bidirectional line switched ring (4F BLSR) architecture for the vast majority of its transport network architecture. A 4F BLSR architecture requires four fibers, or four optical wavelengths of wave division multiplexing (WDM), to accommodate a work and protect path in each direction around a ring of network elements or add-drop multiplexers (ADMs)  相似文献   

余奇 《信息通信》2010,(2):44-47
传统主备机技术不能很好满足军事通信系统中关键节点的高可用性要求,本文提出利用分布式地理位置备份机制来提高节点的抗毁性和顽存性,在分析各种故障场景的基础上设计并实现了一种快速选举协议。  相似文献   

基于模糊推理的网络可生存性的建模与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先用对象Peui网对网络系统进行了形式化的描述与建模,接着构建了系统的攻击失效模型,并用模糊推理方法对系统在攻击发生时状态的变化进行了描述,最后在此基础上对攻击行为的严重程度和服务等级进行了有效量化,提出了分布式系统可生存的评价参数.这种在复杂攻击发生的早期推理分布式系统的生存能力的建模与分析方法可有效地度量贯穿攻击各阶段的系统的可生存能力,并为系统进行持续服务和进行应急响应提供可靠依据.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the BISDN customer network configurations as specified in CCITT Recommendation I.413 (e.g. star, bus, ring, starred bus), assumed market needs and the impact on the ATM layer functionality at the broadband user-network interface at the SB and TB reference points. Orderly and fair access of several terminals to a shared transmission medium requires a suitable access protocol (generic flow control). Its functionality and possible implementations are discussed.  相似文献   

this paper presents methods for computing network survivability indexes under multiple external (adverse) effect which causes a network gradual structur al degradation. A multiple external effect (MEE) is a discrete flow of separate actions. Probabilistic models for MEE with difference strategies and ranges of actions are presented. In particular, if MEE is a flow of local (point) actions, each of which disables exactly one element of network and destroyed elements are excluded from ranges of following actions, then proposed indexes may be used for the evaluation of network fault-tolerance.  相似文献   

刘亦功 《电视技术》2003,(12):36-39
介绍了SDH的特点、分层模型,对利用SDH技术组建市-县广播电视干线传输网进行了分析,提出了总体设计方案,并介绍了主要设备的功能和特性。  相似文献   

In WDM networks, path protection has emerged as a widely accepted technique for providing guaranteed survivability of network traffic. However, it requires allocating resources for backup lightpaths, which remain idle under normal fault-free conditions. In this paper, we introduce a new design strategy for survivable network design, which guarantees survivability of all ongoing connections that requires significantly fewer network resources than protection based techniques. In survivable routing, the goal is to find a Route and Wavelength Assignment (RWA) such that the logical topology remains connected for all single link failures. However, even if the logical topology remains connected after any single link fault, it may not have sufficient capacity to support all the requests for data communication, for all single fault scenarios. To address this deficiency, we have proposed two independent but related problem formulations. To handle our first formulation, we have presented an Integer Linear Program (ILP) that augments the concept of survivable routing by allowing rerouting of sub-wavelength traffic carried on each lightpath and finding an RWA that maximizes the amount of traffic that can be supported by the network in the presence of any single link failure. To handle our second formulation, we have proposed a new design approach that integrates the topology design and the RWA in such a way that the resulting logical topology is able to handle the entire set of traffic requests after any single link failure. For the second problem, we have first presented an ILP formulation for optimally designing a survivable logical topology, and then proposed a heuristic for larger networks. Experimental results demonstrate that this new approach is able to provide guaranteed bandwidth, and is much more efficient in terms of resource utilization, compared to both dedicated and shared path protection schemes.  相似文献   

张宇  方滨兴  张宏莉 《通信学报》2007,28(12):96-101
以建立中国IP级网络拓扑图景为目标,首先评价了传统的目标抽样法,提出了3项改进技术,并测量了中国网络,然后运用复杂网络研究方法提取并比较分析了拓扑特征,最后采用IP2AS技术统计了自治域规模。结果表明,传统目标抽样法将丢失大量信息,改进技术在保持完整性的同时降低约一半负载。获得新的中国拓扑规模5倍于CAIDA的skitter。新拓扑与skitter拓扑相比,呈现更显著的非相称性、更弱的聚集、更短的距离、更不均衡的节点流量分布。发现了中国自治域规模的重尾分布。  相似文献   

随着数字管道的建设和发展,信息网络是实现生产管理智能化、事务处理自动化、数据共享远程化不可或缺的纽带和基础设施。针对某管道储运企业的网络建设情况,通过网络拓扑结构可靠性分析,从连通性和结合度的角度,对网络可靠性进行探讨,查找影响网络可靠运行的链路连通问题。在综合考虑投资与效益等因素,提出了基于原有拓扑结构,适当增加链路冗余,配置路由策略等改进措施,停机断网次数减少,有效地控制网络碎片产生,取得了明显的效果。  相似文献   

为了满足实时跟踪的需求,在分析了3种配电网拓扑跟踪算法的基础上,提出了一种电网全局以母线为节点遍历和设备单元局部更新相结合的新型实时跟踪算法。为了便于说明算法的应用,文中还对电网拓扑变化和跟踪算法进行了阐述。最后在一个大型钢铁企业的配电网仿真系统中进行了实际的应用,该仿真说明了该跟踪算法是有效的。  相似文献   

作为国家军事防御体系的一个重要组成部分,天基预警系统能够在维护国家安全和获取潜在目标威胁等方面发挥重要作用。因此,对天基预警系统的系统网络进行建模和分析成为认识系统网络和衡量系统性能的重要方法。基于此,文章提出了基于复杂网络理论的天基预警系统抽象映射和抗毁性分析方法,以完成对网络拓扑图的构建,获取系统网络的特征信息以及不同攻击模式下抗毁性变化情况等。  相似文献   

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