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The objective of this work was to study the characteristics of four gluten-free bread formulations and the possibility of substituting soya protein with other legume proteins. Four bread recipes were prepared with chickpea flour, pea isolate, carob germ flour or soya flour. Carob germ flour batter structure was thicker compared with the other batters, probably due to the different protein behaviour and the residual gums present in carob germ flour. However, carob germ flour bread obtained the lowest specific volume values (2.51 cm3/g), while chickpea bread obtained the highest (3.26 cm3/g). Chickpea bread also showed the softest crumb. Confocal scanning-laser microscopy results showed a more compact microstructure in carob germ flour bread compared with soya and chickpea formulations. Chickpea bread exhibited the best physico-chemical characteristics and, in general, good sensory behaviour, indicating that it could be a promising alternative to soya protein.  相似文献   

The rheological characteristics of gluten-free doughs and their effect on the quality of biologically leavened bread were studied in amaranth, chickpea, corn, millet, quinoa and rice flour. The rheological characteristics (resistance to extension R, extensibility E, R/E modulus, extension area, stress at the moment of dough rupture) were obtained by uniaxial dough deformation. Specific loaf volume of laboratory prepared gluten-free breads was in significant positive correlation with dough resistance (r = 0.86), dough extensibility (r = 0.98) and peak stress at the moment of dough rupture (r = 0.96). Even if the correlation between R/E modulus and the characteristics of loaf quality were not significant, the breads with the highest specific loaf volume were prepared from flours with R/E closer to the wheat check sample (18 N?mm-1). The results showed, in general, good baking flours exhibited stronger resistance to extension and greater extensibility, but differences found were not directly related to the results of baking tests.  相似文献   

Gluten-free bread was prepared from commercial zein (20 g), maize starch (80 g), water (75 g), saccharose, NaCl and dry yeast by mixing above zein's glass transition temperature (Tg) at 40°C. Addition of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC, 2 g) significantly improved quality, and the resulting bread resembled wheat bread having a regular, fine crumb grain, a round top and good aeration (specific volume 3.2 ml/g). In model studies, HPMC stabilized gas bubbles well. Additionally, laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) revealed finer zein strands in the dough when HPMC was present, while dynamic oscillatory tests showed that HPMC rendered gluten-like hydrated zein above its Tg softer (i.e. |G*| was significantly lower). LSCM revealed that cooling below Tg alone did not destroy the zein strands; however, upon mechanical impact below Tg, they shattered into small pieces. When such dough was heated above Tg and then remixed, zein strands did not reform, and this dough lacked resistance in uniaxial extension tests. When within the breadmaking process, dough was cooled below Tg and subsequently reheated, breads had large void spaces under the crust. Likely, expanding gas bubbles broke zein strands below Tg resulting in structural weakness.  相似文献   

Since protein aggregation and formation of a continuous protein matrix in rye dough is very limited, an enzyme-induced protein aggregation method to improve the baking properties was investigated. The effects of microbial transglutaminase (TG) on the properties of rye dough were studied by rheological tests, confocal laser scanning microscopy (CSLM), standard-scale baking tests and crumb texture profile analysis. Addition of TG in the range of 0-4000 Ukg−1 rye flour modified the rheological properties of rye flour dough, resulting in a progressive increase of the complex shear modulus (|G∗|) and in a decrease of the loss factor (tan δ) due to protein cross-linking or aggregation. CLSM image analysis illustrated a TG-induced increase of the size of rye protein complexes. Standard baking tests showed positive effects on loaf volume and crumb texture of rye bread with TG applied up to 500 Ukg−1 rye flour. Higher levels of TG (500 U ≤ TG ≤ 4000 U) had detrimental effects on loaf volume. Increasing TG concentration resulted in an increase of crumb springiness and hardness. In conclusion, the results of this work demonstrated that TG can be used to improve the bread making performance of rye dough by creating a continuous protein network.  相似文献   

The supplementation effects of maize fiber arabinoxylans (MFAX, 0%–6%), laccase (0–2 U/g flour) and water absorption level (90%–100%) on gluten-free (GF) batter rheology and bread quality were analyzed. From viscoamylograph analysis, lower starch amount in GF flour due to MFAX addition decreased peak viscosity and retrogradation. Surface response plots showed that laccase did not have significant effect on GF batter rheology and bread quality, whilst water was the most important variable. Higher levels of water absorption benefited bread texture. Higher water level (>100 mL/100 g flour) was needed in the experimental design to evaluate correctly the effect of 6% MFAX replacement on GF bread quality. Further analyses were carried in order to adjust water absorption of batters according to their consistency index (K ≈ 100 Pa sn), resulting an optimal water absorptions of 95%, 100% and 105% for control flour and flours supplemented with 3% or 6% MFAX, respectively. Thus, MFAX addition enhanced water-binding capacity of flour and yielded GF breads with higher specific volume and softer crumb texture. These quality parameters were best rated with 6% MFAX addition to flours. This research demonstrated the potential of MFAX to develop GF breads with improved quality, when optimal water level is used.  相似文献   

Extruded wheat flours, due to their increased water absorption capacity, constitute an opportunity to increase bread output in bakery production. However extrusion may modify dough and bread characteristics. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the substitution of 5% of the wheat flour by extruded wheat flour (produced with different time-temperature extrusion treatments) on dough mixing, handling and fermentation behaviour and bread volume, shape, texture and colour. The RVA curves indicate that extrusion intensity increases with increasing temperature or water content. Water absorption capacity rises with increasing treatment intensity, but dough stability tends to decrease. Adding extruded flours decreases dough extensibility but increases tenacity and gas production. Differences in dough structure were observed on photomicrography, though there were no clear differences in bread quality. These results indicate that it is possible to obtain adequate dough and bread characteristics using dough with 5% extruded wheat flour.  相似文献   

Glucose oxidase (Gox), transglutaminase (TG), and pentosanase (Pn) were investigated for their effect on bread quality. The changes introduced in wheat protein by the action of these enzymes were analysed to explain dough behaviour. Gox treatment decreased free sulphydryl groups (SHf), increased glutenin macropolymer contents, and modified the electrophoretic pattern of protein fractions. Gox modified mainly albumin, globulin, and glutenin, forming large protein aggregates. These modifications explained the high strength of the dough and the low bread specific volume of samples with Gox. TG treatment modified solubility in SDS of protein and decreased glutenin macropolymer content. However, it formed large protein aggregates. The new cross-linking bonds introduced by this enzyme were different to S–S bonds and, consequently, the dough was less extensible and showed high resistance. Pn treatment increased water soluble pentosan content. Moreover, in these samples a tendency to increase SHf content was observed. In addition, Pn increased protein solubility in isopropanol, which indicates that the reduction of pentosans size decreases steric impediment of insoluble pentosans, thus increasing interaction among protein and making their extraction easier. These changes at the microscopic level allowed explaining the formation of softer dough and the production of higher specific volume in breads with Pn.  相似文献   

Gluten was extracted from flours of several different wheat varieties of varying baking quality. Creep compliance was measured at room temperature and tan δ was measured over a range of temperatures from 25 to 95 °C. The extracted glutens were heat-treated for 20 min at 25, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 90 °C in a water bath, freeze-dried and ground to a fine powder. Tests were carried out for extractability in sodium dodecyl sulphate, free sulphydryl (SH) groups using Ellman's method, surface hydrophobicity and molecular weight (MW) distribution (MWD) using field-flow fractionation and multi-angle laser light scattering. With increasing temperature, the glutens showed a decrease in extractability, with the most rapid decreases occurring between 70 and 90 °C, a major transition in tan δ at around 60 °C and a minor transition at 40 °C for most varieties, a decrease in free SH groups and surface hydrophobicity and a shift in the MWD towards higher MW. The poor bread-making variety Riband showed the highest values of tan δ and Newtonian compliance, the lowest content of free SH groups and the largest increase of HMW/LMW with increasing temperature. No significant correlations with baking volume were found between any of the measured parameters.  相似文献   

Breadmaking achievement using grains alternative to wheat and rye is a challenging task for cereal technologists, since most of the available innovative breads are characterised by poor crumb and crust characteristics, slight flavour and fast staling. To improve texture, mouth-feel, acceptability and shelf-life of breads prepared by using minor and/or under-utilised cereals, gluten and/or polymeric substances that mimic the viscoelastic properties of gluten, are required. Recent studies reported that high hydrostatic pressure (HP) treatment may represent an efficient non-thermal technique to promote the dough structure formation of composite cereal matrices. In the present study the effects of HP on the techno-functional and nutritional properties of oat-, millet-, and sorghum- based breads were evaluated compared to their unpressured- and gluten-added conventionally made counterparts. HP-treated (350 MPa, 10 min) wheat, oat, millet and sorghum batters were added to the bread recipe, replacing 50%, 60% and 40% of untreated wheat flour, respectively. Data from bread analyses revealed non significant physico-chemical impairment, and superior nutritional and sensory profiles in most quality features when HP treatment was applied to dough batters, compared with conventional/gluten-added samples. Specifically, HP breads deserved better sensory scores and exhibited higher antiradical activities despite a reduction in specific volume (wheat and oat) and faster staling kinetics (millet and sorghum) that were explicit in some composite samples.  相似文献   

Composite flour blends containing wheat (W), fababean (F), cottonseed and sesame flours were formulated to provide the FAO/WHO/UNU protein requirements for the 2–5 year old child, and evaluated in pan and flat bread applications. Water absorption of composite flour doughs was up to 35% greater than the control but gluten strength and slurry viscosities were markedly reduced. Loaf volume and specific volume of pan breads prepared from composite flours were 25–60% less than that of the control bread but flat breads tolerated the protein supplements extremely well. The W/F flat bread, containing 27% of fababean flour, received acceptable taste, texture and colour scores and was only slightly inferior to the control in puffing and layer separation. Additions of cottonseed or sesame flours to the W/F blend failed to improve sensory properties of the flat breads.  相似文献   

Flours from wheat varieties of differing bread-making quality were fractionated using a sequential salt precipitation technique. The gluten fractions in the different varieties varied in the proportion of HMW, LMW glutenins and gliadins. Their rheological behaviour was examined using constant strain (2%) small deformation oscillation tests over frequencies ranging from 0.005 to 10 Hz, before and after heating at 90 °C. The fractions containing a higher proportion of HMW glutenins were associated with a predominantly elastic character, whereas fractions containing mostly gliadins exhibited a viscous-like behaviour. The frequency dependent rheological behaviour of fractions containing HMW proteins was less susceptible to heat, and their elastic character was maintained after heating, whereas the rheology of intermediate fractions and fractions containing mostly gliadins was more susceptible to heating, indicating a rapid change from viscous to elastic behaviour after heating.  相似文献   

Physico-chemical properties of bread baked by partially replacing normal wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) flour (15, 30, and 45%) with two hard waxy wheat flours were investigated. Substitution with waxy wheat flour resulted in higher loaf volume and softer loaves. However, substitution at >30% resulted in excessive post-bake shrinkage and a ‘key-hole’ shape with an open crumb structure. Bread crumb microstructure indicated a loss of starch granule rigidity and fusing of starch granules. The cells in the interior of the bread did not become gas-continuous and as a result, shrunk as the loaf cooled. Soluble starch content was significantly higher in bread crumb containing waxy wheat flour than in control bread. Debranching studies indicated that the soluble starch in bread made with 30-45% hard waxy wheat flour was mostly amylopectin. Incorporation of waxy wheat flour resulted in softer bread immediately after baking but did not retard staling upon storage.  相似文献   

A core collection of 372 accessions representative of worldwide hexaploid bread wheat diversity [Balfourier, F., Roussel, V., Strelchenko, P., Exbrayat-Vinson, F., Sourdille, P., Boutet, G., Koenig, J., Ravel, C., Mitrofanova, O., Beckert, M., Charmet, G., 2007. A worldwide bread wheat core collection arrayed in a 384-well plate. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 114, 1265–1275] was used to evaluate the available genetic diversity of agronomic and quality characteristics. The traits assessed during the vegetative period were date of ear-emergence, date of flowering, lodging, disease susceptibility and pre-harvest sprouting. Thousand kernel weight, test weight, grain hardness, grain protein content, pentosan viscosity and grain colour were also measured. The rheological properties of the derived white flours were estimated using mixograph and alveograph tests. For most of the traits, a wide phenotypic variation was observed across all the accessions. Several parameters (mixograph width parameters before and after peak time, alveograph dough tenacity and extensibility, near infrared measurements, like those for protein content, and absorbance measurements of palmitic acid and linoleic acid content) made it easier to discriminate between the cultivars. The largest ranges of variation were found in landraces and old cultivars rather than in more recent varieties. This is evidence that there is sufficient variability available for rare alleles, which have been eliminated in breeding modern varieties to be detected. Such a core collection will therefore be a useful resource for future genetic studies on wheat quality.  相似文献   

The effect of substituting canola oil/caprylic acid structured lipid (SL) for partially hydrogenated shortening (at 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100% levels) on the rheology of soft wheat flour dough (28.4% total lipid on flour weight basis, 43% moisture) was determined using the Alveograph. The effect of SL substitution on baking and textural qualities of sugar-snap cookies was also investigated. Addition of shortening to soft wheat flour dough resulted in a significant (P<0.05) decrease in dough resistance to deformation (P), dough extensibility (L), and dough baking strength (W), suggesting a less developed gluten network. SL substitution for shortening did not affect P and W. The cookies incorporating SL (50 and 75% SL substitution) were similar (P<0.05) to the shortening control cookies in both baking and textural qualities, but exhibited some baking and textural quality differences at the 25 and 100% SL substitution levels. Correlations (P<0.05) were found between some Alveograph characteristics, and baking and textural qualities.  相似文献   

Cereal based products intended for gluten sensitive individuals, particularly to celiac disease patients, tend to have poor organoleptic qualities and they contain low levels of healthy whole grain compounds. Adding whole grain ingredients, such as malt hydrolysates, could compensate these defects provided that the ingredients are adequately free from toxic prolamin epitopes. Here we demonstrate that the level of toxic prolamin epitopes in the malt autolysates (wheat, barley, rye) were substantially lower than in the native malts but too high to allow “very low in gluten” labelling. To further eliminate the residual levels of toxic prolamin epitopes, a proline-specific endoprotease from Aspergillus niger was added to the malt autolysates. In the resulting malt hydrolysates (of wheat and rye but not barley), the prolamins were indeed greatly reduced and were below the very low gluten limit of 100 mg/kg. Malt hydrolysates with adequately low gluten levels may potentially be used as novel ingredients within gluten-free foods.  相似文献   

To limit nutritional losses and optimise bread processing, heat damage indices (furosine, glucosylisomaltol, hydroxymethylfurfural), sugars, α-amylase, β-amylase and colour were monitored during bread manufacturing from refined flour of three einkorn, three bread and one durum wheat samples. The heat damage indices increased only during the baking step. Furosine was significantly lower in einkorn (on average, 9.3 ± 5.33 and 25.3 ± 10.70 mg/100 g protein in crumb and crust, respectively) than in bread wheat (31.6 ± 3.05 and 115.6 ± 13.53) and durum wheat (36.2 ± 2.82 and 165.0 ± 3.17). Glucosylisomaltol and hydroxymethylfurfural were detected only in the crust, with lower levels in einkorn (on average, 2.3 ± 1.78 and 10.0 ± 7.79 mg/kg DM, respectively) than in bread wheat (13.1 ± 5.57 and 42.8 ± 10.64) and durum wheat (18.9 ± 1.11 and 57.2 ± 0.80). The different behaviour of einkorn was probably related to its moderate β-amylase activity, and thus the low maltose content of its dough. Colour was correlated with heat damage, as einkorn breads were lighter than the others.The results show that einkorn bread undergoes lower heat damage than analogous products from durum and bread wheat, thus probably better preserving its nutritional value.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different polymerization degree of inulin on plain wheat dough rheology and quality of steamed bread. It was found the water absorption of dough decreased with the increasing of short-chain (FS) and natural inulin (FI) and increased with the increasing of long-chain inulin (FXL) higher than 7.5%. Three kinds of inulin all increased the development time, stability and farinograph quality number and decreased softening degree of the dough. When proof time was less than 90min, the extensibility increased with the substitution of 5% of FS, 5% of FI and 2.5% of FXL. The resistance to extension, ratio number of resistance to extensibility and energy all increased with the increasing of FS and FI as well as the time. While the energy increased with FXL substation at 45min and dropped thereafter, regardless of the concentration. The addition of inulin all enhanced the brightness, specific volume and hardness of steamed bread and decreased the water content, vaporization enthalpy, springiness, recovery, and cohesiveness. During the storage, inulin reduced the change rates of relative hardness, recovery, and cohesiveness and increased the change rate of relative enthalpy, which restrained the staling rate of steamed bread.  相似文献   

A new gluten-free bread formulations composed of quinoa, buckwheat, rice flour and potato starch were developed in the present study. Rheological characteristics of the bread batter with increasing amount of quinoa were determined; storage (G′) and loss modulus (G″) values were also measured for investigation of viscoelastic properties. To evaluate the quality of breads; technological and physical (bake loss %, specific volume, texture, microstructure, color), chemical (protein, moisture, ash) and sensory properties were determined. All batter formulations independent of the quinoa amount exhibited pseudoplastic behavior, and G′ values were found to be higher than G″ values in expressing the solid like characteristics of the batter. Amount of quinoa flour addition did not present significant difference on bake loss%, specific volume and protein content (p>0.05); however, 25% quinoa flour bread displayed better results with its higher sensory scores and softer texture. Quinoa and buckwheat flour mixture therefore will be a good alternative for conventional gluten-free bread formulations.  相似文献   

Hydrocolloids have traditionally been investigated as an alternative to gluten for making good quality products for coeliac patients. This study investigated the interactions between hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) (2–4 g/100 g of flour), psyllium (0–4 g/100 g of flour) and water level (90–110 g/100 g of flour) in gluten-free breadmaking. Psyllium incorporation reduced the pasting temperature and compliance values, and increased elastic (G′) and viscous (G″) moduli values. In contrast, HPMC addition had no important effects on pasting properties and compliance values, but also increased G′ and G″ values. Psyllium inclusion reduced bread specific volume and increased bread hardness, while there were hardly differences in the bread specific volume and hardness between the percentages of HPMC studied. In addition, when the dough hydration level was increased, there was a decrease in the influence of hydrocolloids on dough rheology and specific volume and hardness of breads.  相似文献   

Nejayote is the wastewater from the alkaline-cooking of maize and its solids are rich in dietary fiber (45.3%), calcium (5.7%) and ferulic acid (219 mg/100 g). Nejayote solids were used to develop a food additive (NS) consisting of 80% nejayote solids and 20% gluten. NS was incorporated at 3, 6 or 9%, in wheat flour to increase the dietary fiber, calcium, phenolics and antioxidant capacity of breads. The addition of 9% NS did not affect overall baking performance and bread quality but increased dietary fiber up to 54% in composite breads. Moreover, enriched breads contained about 745 times more free ferulic acid and increased approximately 70% their antioxidant capacity. Two slices of bread (64 g) supplemented with 9% of NS provided 29% of the recommended calcium intake. Thus, the NS could be used as a value-added food-ingredient for the preparation of composite bakery-products with improved dietary fiber, calcium, nutraceuticals and antioxidant properties.  相似文献   

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