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病例A:一个12个月男孩12小时持续腹泻和呕吐 JC是一个12个月的健康男孩,居住在农村。12小时以来,他有8次水样便,便中没有血和黏液,腹泻状况没有改善的迹象;呕吐了4次,而且不想喝水和饮料。最近2小时内,排过一次尿。一周前测量体重为11kg。  相似文献   

案例A: 一例12个月男孩12 h持续腹泻和呕吐 1 病史 JC是一例12个月的健康男孩,居住在农村.12 h以来,他有8次水样便,便中没有血和黏液,腹泻状况没有改善的迹象;呕吐了4次,而且不想喝水和饮料.最近2 h内,排过一次尿.一周前测量体重为11 kg.JC的父母最近把他送到儿童保健中心(托儿所),因为父母想让他和其他孩子一起玩.  相似文献   

Richard Volkman n, in 1809, first referred to a severe contracture of the hand which he ascribed to tigbt bandaging in the treatment of fractures about the elbow; and, in bis classical article (1) in 1881, reaf- firmed his belief in the ischemic nature of the affection which he thought due to deprivation of arterial blood and to venous obstruction. Thomas (2), in 1909, reviewed the literature and found record of 103 cases from the time of Volkmann''s original report to that of Quinby''s report in 1908. To these he added four cases of his own. In 1908, Jones (3) stated he had seen 24 cases. In 1914, Murphy (4) presented six cases, but stated tliat he had seen ''a large number'' of others. From 1910 t0 1930 nurr.erous reports of this condition have entered the literature (5, 6, 8, 9).  相似文献   

This paper reports a case of Sjogren's syn- drome with myocarditis successfully treated mainly by traditional Chinese medicine.  相似文献   

There are reports on cases in which macroglo- bulinemia developed into myeloma and Ieukemia, but no report on cases with myelofibrosis. Such a case is described in this paper.  相似文献   

Liu"Shatze", 41, inpatient No. 6505, a male matshed erector,was admitted to the T''ungchow Hospiial October 21, 1941. He had been deaf frum childhood and was so nearly mute that his speech was almost unintelligible. and the hisrory "as obtained JargeIy from his rm)ther. Twenty days and more before he had ialhn while at hia work and had suifered an abrasion of the right eyebrow regiun. He had not been given any trcatmtnt ior the injury. Ten days later he began to noiice ihat he could not open his mouth as widely as before, and by the time he presemed himself at the hospital he considered that he had become much worse. t''xamination 8howed a welldeveloped and nourished man, conscious and rational. unable ia t,pea his mouth more than l cm., his lega were stiff, he had hyperactive rellexfs every. vuhere and so stiff a neck that he could not even begin to get his chin down to his sternum. There was a deep open infected abrasion, 3 cm wide from right to left and l cm. from above downwards, on his riSht eyebrow, with a J:tcle pocket undermined under the slim of the right vpper lid, containing brownish thin pus. He had,intermittently,a half nsus sardonicus, which was peculiar in tl,at there was a heavy crease running from the left side of his nose downwards towards he lefr angle af the mouth, but hardly any aimilar crease on the right. His mouth drooped on therightand was pulled to the left. The tory:ue protruded in the miCline. The right side of his face was flat and flaccid, but ther waa no paralysis of the eyelids on the affected side. He and his family had not particuIarly noticed the facial paralysia and the duration wa! unknown.  相似文献   

Tetanus neonatorum is such a fatal disease that its mortality rate is usually placed at eighty to ninety-five per cent. Recently Hines in an extensive review of the English literature on the subject found only twenty-sevcfi cases with recovery. It is of interest, therefore, to add aliother case to the series,~vhich is apparentIy also the first case with recovery reported among Chinese patients, althougli this disease is generally understood to be very common in China.  相似文献   

本文报道一例左房粘液瘤。术前依靠超声心动图确诊。在患者高热的情况下行心内直视手术,采用体外循环结合心脏局部深低温,经右心房切口暴露房间隔及左房,于房间隔卵园窝中点处发现一较大带蒂粘液瘤,予以完整摘除肿瘤并切除周围部分房间隔组织,术后恢复顺利,体温正常,出院时情况良好。肿瘤经病理检查证实为粘液瘤。最后,对左房粘液瘤的临床表现,诊断及治疗作了扼要讨论。  相似文献   

本文报道在广西钦州市进行异常血红蛋白(Hb)普查时发现的一种泳动速度较快的异常Hb。经化学结构分析证明是HbJ Bangkok[β~(56)(D7)Gly→Asp]。  相似文献   

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