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Starry flounder Platichthys stellatus , a rare polymorphic flatfish exhibiting a large-scale geographic cline in the frequency of right-eyed (dextral) and left-eyed (sinistral) morphs, was studied to investigate whether foraging behaviour (turning angle and prey strike orientation) differed between dextral and sinistral laboratory-raised juveniles. Platichthys stellatus foraging on brine shrimp Artemia sp. nauplii tended to strike dorsally at prey ('left' to an observer for dextral flounder and 'right' to an observer for sinistral flounder), although this effect was stronger for sinistral fish. This dorsal tendency also increased with body size. Non-strike behaviours (movements between strikes) were ventrally biased for both morphs. Maximum turn angles were larger for both morphs towards the dorsal side than the ventral side during prey strikes but were the same during non-strike behaviours. The positioning of the eyes of the juvenile starry flounder was skewed towards the dorsal midline rather than being symmetrically placed between dorsal and ventral margins on the eyed side of each fish. The migrating eyes of dextral fish, however, were significantly closer to the dorsal midline than in sinistral fish. This, in addition to the more dorsally oriented prey strikes in sinistral fish, suggests that the morphs are not simple behavioural mirror images of one another and therefore may differ ecologically.  相似文献   

The functional significance of allometric change in reptiles has received limited attention and the reason for such changes has been regarded as ‘obscure’. In this paper we report data on the Australian Pogona barbata, the eastern bearded dragon, from across their range and review changes in allometric growth among juveniles, and adult males and females and consider the functional relevance of these changes. There were significant differences in the population for mass, tail length, tail width, rear leg length and jaw length. These differences were consistent with differences required in locomotor performance and thus habitat use, together with access to different preferred dietary components.  相似文献   

A new eastern Pacific achirid, Trinectes xanthurus, has a distinctive yellow or light caudal fin, without pattern, to contrast with its relatively dark body. This species also has black, posterior margins of the dorsal and anal fins and 21-22 caudal vertebrae, versus 19-20 for its Pacific coast congeners. It usually is found in shallow, continental shelf waters on sand or mud bottoms and ranges from Colombia to El Salvador. The genus Trinectes is represented in the eastern Pacific by four species. A fifth species usually occurs in Pacific slope drainages (freshwater) in Panama. Of these species, only Trinectes fonsecensis is found throughout the tropical eastern Pacific, while the other three coastal species are confined to tropical waters south of the Golfo de Tehauntepec.  相似文献   

Abstract In the field, adult males of the grasshopper Phymateus morbillosus are able to fly for up to 1 min and cover up to c. 100 m, whereas females, although fully winged, are apparently unable to get airborne. Morphometric data indicate that the males are lighter, have longer wings, a higher ratio of flight muscles to body mass, and a lower wing load value than females. It was investigated whether this inability of females to fly is related to fuel storage, flight muscle enzymatic design and/or the presence and quantitative capacity of the endocrine system to mobilize fuels. In both sexes, readily available potential energy substrates are present in the haemolymph in similar concentrations, and the amount of glycogen in flight muscles and fat bodies does not differ significantly between males and females. Mass-specific activities of the enzymes GAPDH (glycolysis), HOAD (fatty acid oxidation) and MDH (citric acid cycle) in flight muscles are significantly lower in females compared with males, and mitochondria are less abundant in the flight muscles of females. There is no significant difference between the ability of the two sexes to oxidize various important substrates. Both sexes contain three adipokinetic peptides in their corpora cardiaca; the amount of each peptide in female grasshoppers is higher than in males.
Thus, despite some differences listed above, both sexes appear to have sufficient substrates and the necessary endocrine complement to engage in flight. It seems more likely, from the morphometric data above, that the chief reason for flightlessness is that P. morbillosus females cannot produce sufficient lift for flight; alternatively, the neuronal functioning associated with the flight muscles may be impaired in females.  相似文献   

Female American eels, Anguilla rostrata (LeSueur), were artificially matured with injections of salmon and carp pituitary and human chorionic gonadotropin. In vivo ovulation was induced with 4-pregnene-17α,20β-diol-3-one and eggs were spontaneously released. Eggs were fertilized in vitro and survived to the gastrula stage. Males were matured with injections of human chorionic gonadotropin. They were attracted by the sight and odour of maturing and mature females. Ovulated females released a sex pheromone which was especially attractive to mature males and triggered the release of sperm.  相似文献   

The crevice spawning behavior of Diondadichroma is described for the first time, andcompared to spawning behavior in the genusCyprinella. The evolution of crevice spawningwith respect to other spawning behaviors ofNorth American shiners is examined usingexplicitly phylogenetic hypotheses for thisgroup. We present evidence that broadcastspawning is plesiomorphic and all otherspawning behaviors are independently derived. There is evidence that crevice spawning hasevolved independently at least three timeswithin the shiner clade. There is no supportfor an evolutionary transition between eggclustering and crevice spawning. Nestassociation, spawning on habitat prepared byother species, has also evolved multiple timeswithin this clade. Evolution of spawning inshiners is best described by phylogeneticstasis with several independent origins ofspecialized spawning stragegies.  相似文献   

The taxonomic history of the small frogs of the genus Pseudopaludicola from South America has been controversial. Phylogenetic inferences based on molecular data have identified four Pseudopaludicola clades, correlating with the known variation in karyotypes (2n = 22, 20, 18, and 16). In this study, the ultrastructure of the spermatozoa was analyzed in 12 species of the Pseudopaludicola, with the aim of describing their morphology and identifying characters that may contribute to a better understanding of the phylogenetic relationships. The spermatozoa presented marked differences in tail structures. The tails of the spermatozoa of the species with 2n = 22 chromosomes (Pseudopaludicola sp. 1 [P. pusilla group], Pseudopaludicola falcipes, P. mineira, and Pseudopaludicola saltica), as well as Pseudopaludicola ameghini and Pseudopaludicola ternetzi (2n=20), have juxta‐axonemal fibers, undulating membranes and axial fibers. In contrast, in the species with 2n = 18 (P. facureae, P. giarettai, Pseudopaludicola canga, P. atragula, and Pseudopaludicola sp. 2) and 2n = 16 (Pseudopaludicola mystacalis), there are no evident axial or juxta‐axonemal fibers, but a paraxonemal rod with a thick undulating membrane, which is shorter than that found among Pseudopaludicola species. The ultrastructural morphological differences observed in the spermatozoa of these species may be phylogenetically informative, given that they coincide with the consensus phylogeny of the group and appear to represent a progressive simplification of the spermatozoon. J. Morphol. 276:1495–1504, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Synopsis Abnormalities in five specimens of pleuronectiform flatfishes (one specimen from the family Soleidae, four from Bothidae) are described. The account of naturally occurring anomalies in the naked sole,Gymnachirus melas, is the first from the western Atlantic for a soleid other thanTrinectes maculatus. Anomalies inG. melas include partial albinism and osteological deformities. A second account of pigment and morphological aberrations is provided forParalichthys albigutta (total ambicoloration, incomplete eye rotation and hooked dorsal fin). Partial ambicoloration is reported for three specimens ofParalichthys lethostigma. Possible causes of abnormalities in flatfishes are reviewed. It is postulated that minimum depth of occurrence of species may be linked to frequency of abnormalities. Anomalies appear to be most frequent in species and families of flatfishes which inhabit shallow coastal or estuarine (<5 m depth) waters.  相似文献   

Cheek muscles of 16 species of all Korean cobitid species belong to six genera were examined and described in detail, with comments on their phylogenetic relationships made on the basis of characteristics of cheek muscles. Korean cobitids were divided into two groups, the Cobitis and Misgurnus groups, by five characters related to three cheek muscles (adductor mandibulae, preorbitalis, and retractor arcus palatine). The former group, comprising Cobitis, Iksookimia, Kichulchoia, Koreocobitis, and Niwaella, is defined by four apomorphies, and the latter, including Misgurnus, by a single apomorphy.  相似文献   

The labial palps and their sensilla of the peach fruit moth Carposina sasakii Matsumura, a serious pest of pome fruits in eastern Asia, were investigated using light microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The labial palps are three‐segmented and exhibit distinct sexual dimorphism in length: much longer in the female than in the male. Four types of sensilla were found on the labial palps: campaniform, squamiform, chaetic and flattened sensilla. The campaniform sensilla are present on the first segment alone. The squamiform sensilla are located on all the three segments. The chaetic sensilla are mainly present on the third segment. The flattened sensilla are grooved with wall pores and situated in a labial palp‐pit organ, which is located at the apex of the distal segment of the labial palp. The sexual dimorphism of the labial palp and the labial palp‐pit organ was briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The morphometric characteristics of the European Pond Turtle, Emys orbicularis, were studied at Anzali lagoon on the southern coast of the Caspian Sea. Males were on average (N=249) with 272.0?g significantly lighter than females with 447.0?g, and average carapace length was significantly smaller (123.0?mm in males, 139.0 in females). Females exceeded males also in all other studied characters (carapace width, plastron length, plastron width, and scute height). The sex ratio of male to female was 1 to 1.03, and the comparison of total tail length and cloaca-tail tip length revealed a difference between the position of the cloaca in both sexes, a character useful for sex determination in this species.  相似文献   

The surface of the tegument of the scolex and the immature proglottides of Monticellia belavistensis, M. ventrei, Nomimoscolex chubbi, and N. lopesi is described using scanning electron microscopy. Only blade-like spiniform microtriches and filiform microtriches were observed in the species studied. The types, size and density of microtriches on the apical region surface of the scolex, central cavity surface of suckers, marginal ring surface of suckers, non-adherent surface of suckers, proliferation zone surface, and immature proglottis surface were compared among these species. The distribution pattern of the microtriches was not a reliable feature to discriminate among the genera considered in this study. It varied in each of the species of Monticellia examined, and did not permit to split the heterogeneous genus Nomimoscolex. However, the microthrix pattern can be regarded as an additional diagnostic feature to distinguish among species of proteocephalideans. Further comparative research involving other species of proteocephalid taxa is needed to elucidate the systematic value of the tegumental morphology.  相似文献   

本研究应用透射电子显微镜研究了扩张莫尼茨绦虫原肾管的细胞学特征 ,莫尼茨绦虫原肾管的焰茎球为一个过滤器结构 ,类似于“挡河坝”样构造 ,此构造由端细胞和近管细胞外突形成的肋条 (或称杆 )相互交错排列而成。肋条之间由细胞外物质构成的“膜”结构连接 ,过滤作用通过该“膜”发生。焰细胞与近管细胞交界处有裂缝或孔与细胞外的结缔组织 (实质组织 )相通 ;原肾管的毛细排泄管细胞质索之间没有隔状联结 ;毛细排泄管及排泄管的管腔内有大量珠状微绒毛突起以增加表面积。从扩张莫尼茨绦虫及其它一些无脊椎动物原肾管的研究结果表明 ,原原肾管概念将焰细胞作为封闭的盲端已不再合适 ,需要进行修订 ,建议修订为 :原肾管是一种焰细胞系统 ,通常由焰细胞、管细胞和肾孔细胞组成 ,焰茎球作为过滤装置与周围的结缔组织 (实质组织 )有或没有裂缝 (孔 )相通  相似文献   

The genus Pareuchiloglanis (Sisoridae) contains 20 valid species and 5 species with uncertain taxonomic status. Previous morphological and molecular studies indicated that Pareuchiloglanis was non-monophyletic; nonetheless, no change was made to correct the taxonomy of the genus. Therefore, the authors conducted a systematic morphological comparison and molecular phylogenetic study on Pareuchiloglanis. The results showed that Pareuchiloglanis is a polyphyletic group. Species previously identified as Pareuchiloglanis can be divided into four groups, of which Pareuchiloglanis poilanei alone has the genus name Pareuchiloglanis. The remaining three groups of species are contained within new genera named Barbeuchiloglanis, Sineuchiloglanis and Tremeuchiloglanis. Each genus has a distinct distribution that does not cross or overlap. The molecular results supported the reliability of morphological classification and indicated that the four genera were not directly related to one another. Specifically, Sineuchiloglanis and Tremeuchiloglanis shared no recent common ancestor. In contrast, Sineuchiloglanis formed a sister group with Chimarrichthys, and Tremeuchiloglanis formed a sister group with Creteuchiloglanis and Pseudexostoma.  相似文献   

The rostral cartilages of batoid fishes were examined to elucidate their development, morphology and homology. Comparison of a variety of rostral cartilages among elasmobranchs with other groups of vertebrates shows that rostral cartilages originate embryologically from the trabecula and/or lamina orbitonasalis. Because different morphogenetic patterns of the derivatives of the two embryonic cartilages give rise to a wide variety of forms of rostral cartilages even within elasmobranchs, and because morphogenesis involves complex interactions among participating structures in the ethmo-orbital area, we put forward conceptual and empirical discussions to elucidate the homology of the rostral cartilages in batoid fishes. With six assumptions given in this study and based on recent discussions of biological and historical homology, our discussions centre on: (1) recognition of complex interactions of participating biological entities in development and evolution; (2) elucidation of a set of interacting biological and evolutionary factors to define a given morphological structure; (3) assessment of causal explanations for similarities or differences between homologous structures by determining genetic, epigenetic and evolutionary factors. Examples of conceptual approaches are given to make the approaches testable. Although a paucity of knowledge of rostral cartilage formation is the major obstacle to thorough analysis of the conceptual framework, several tentative conclusions are made on the homology of rostral cartilages that will hopefully attract more research on development and evolution in vertebrate morphology. These are: (1) the rostral cartilage in each group of vertebrates examined can be defined by both developmentally associated and adult structural attributes, yet such data do not allow us to assess homology of a variety of forms of rostral cartilages at higher taxonomic categories; (2) the entire rostral cartilage in elasmobranchs is formed by the contribution of the embryonic trabecula and lamina orbitonasalis. The status of the development and homology of the rostral cartilage in holocephalans remains uncertain; (3) there is no simple picture of evolution of rostral cartilages among three putative monophyletic assemblages of elasmobranchs, galeomorphs, squaloids (possibly plus Squatina, Chlamydoselachus and hexanchoids as the orbitostylic group) and batoid fishes. It is highly likely that rostral cartilages in each subgroup or subgroups of these assemblages may be of phylogenetic significance but that it may not serve as a basis to unite these assemblages into much higher assemblages; (4) the tripodal rostral cartilage is unique in form in the group including some carcharhinoid and lamnoid sharks. The status of the analogous tripodal cartilage in some squaloids remains uncertain. The unfused tripodal cartilage of the electric ray Narke is interpreted as developmentally equivalent to, but not homologous with, the unfused or fused ones in the sharks; (5) the rostral cartilage in the electric ray Torpedo is uniquely formed because of its embryonic origin solely from the ventro-medial part of the lamina orbitonasalis, but it is regarded as homologous with the rostral cartilages which are formed by the trabecula and other components of the lamina orbitonasalis in other batoid fishes; (6) the cornu trabecula contributes to the formation of the ventral stem of the rostral cartilage at least in elasmobranchs, especially to a particular set of rostral cartilages, i.e. the tripodal rostral cartilage in the shark Scyliorhinus and dorso-ventrally flattened rostral shaft in the narcinidid electric rays; (7) there is a unique form of a rostral shaft with rostral appendix in skates and probably guitarfishes; (8) there is no rostral cartilage in adult benthic stingrays, pelagic stingrays Dasyatis violacea and Myliobatidae, although it is present in embryonic stages; (9) there is a unique form of the rostral cartilage as a rostral projection from the dorso-lateral part of the lamina orbitonasalis in pelagic stingrays Rhinopteridae and Mobulidae, which together with part of the pectoral fins, forms a pair of cephalic fins; (10) different developmental mechanisms may be responsible for the absence or loss of rostral cartilages in different groups, i.e. absence of the cartilage derived from the medial area of the trabecula in Torpedo vs absence of the rostral cartilage in benthic stingrays; (11) the rostral cartilages in some placental mammals (cetaceans and sirenians) arise only from the medial area of the trabecula because monotreme and placental mammals do not form the trabecula cranii; (12) some actinopterygians and sacropterygians possess a rostral cartilage which originates only from the medial area of the trabecula. One scombroid group, including Sardini and Thunnini, Scomberomorus, Acanthocybium, Istiophoridae and Xiphias, possesses a unique larval beak composed of the rostral cartilage, ethmoid cartilage and premaxillar bone. The development and homology of other rostral cartilages remain to be further elucidated; (13) urodeles possess a medial rostral process whose anlage is probably developmentally equivalent to that in batoid fishes but the occurrence in urodeles is either atavistic or unique (autapomorphic); (14) the upper jaw of tadpoles is unique in possessing the suprarostral cartilage; the anlage of the cartilage is probably developmentally equivalent to the outgrowth of the cornu trabecula in batoid fishes.  相似文献   

The Didelphidae are considered solitary opossums with few social interactions, usually limited to mating-related or mother–pouch young interactions. Anecdotal reports suggest that additional interactions occur, including den sharing by a few individuals, usually siblings. Here, we report novel observations that indicate opossums are more social than previously thought. These include nest sharing by males and females of Marmosa paraguayana, Gracilinanus microtarsus and Marmosops incanus prior to the onset of the breeding season and without signs of sexual activity; this is taken to indicate early pair-bonding matching and cooperative nest building. We also recorded den sharing among recently weaned siblings of Didelphis aurita and Caluromys philander. In addition, we observed 13 individuals of Didelphis albiventris representing three age classes resting without agonistic interactions in a communal den. These are the first reports of gregarious behaviour involving so many individuals, which are either unrelated or represent siblings from at least two litters, already weaned, sharing the same den with three adults. Sociality in opossums is probably more complex than previously established, and field experimental designs combining the use of artificial nests with camera traps or telemetry may help to gauge the frequency and extent of these phenomena.  相似文献   

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