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在脉冲电晕放电条件下,探讨了O2和H2O对NO分解反应过程的影响,并对复杂组分中NO的分解特性进行了实验研究。研究结果表明,脉冲电晕放电对NO分解反应具有一定的促进作用,可有效地分解模拟烟气中的NO,脱除效率随脉冲电压的增加而缓慢增加;受O2和H2O影响,NO分解转化率较N2氛围略有降低。  相似文献   

GRACE卫星搭载的高精度SuperSTAR加速度计观测数据包含点火脉冲信号,本文分析点火脉冲数据特点,讨论点火脉冲对加速度计校准结果(尺度参数和偏差参数)的影响。2008-04一个月的加速度计实测数据分析表明,点火脉冲对尺度参数、比例参数的影响最大分别为0.02、10-7m·s-2,对加速度校准结果的影响在Y、Z方向上高达10-10m·s-2。  相似文献   

从忽略光纤非线性效应的光脉冲非线性薛定谔方程出发,在光纤正色散区,利用傅立叶变换和反傅立叶变换模拟了不同初始啁啾的二阶与四阶超高斯光脉冲波形随距离的三维演化.分析讨论了脉冲沿锐度以及脉冲预啁啾对脉冲波形演化的综合影响.结果表明:不论脉冲有无预啁啾,光脉冲波形最终都将随着传输距离的增大而展宽.但是负预啁啾将使脉冲波形在脉冲传输的初始阶段发生严重的畸变,即脉冲会分裂成尖峰结构,并且尖峰的数目和能量分布随距离而变.而当预啁啾为正或零时,脉冲前期的畸变很弱.随着脉冲沿锐度的增大,脉冲畸变会加强.此外,在脉冲的前后边缘会出现矮小的峰.整个脉冲波形都是中心对称的.  相似文献   

研究伪随机脉冲在吸收低轨卫星和4大导航系统卫星未模型化摄动力方面的有效性,分析其对拟合轨道精度的影响。结果表明,伪随机脉冲能够有效吸收低轨卫星及GNSS卫星未模型化的摄动力。对于低轨卫星,伪随机脉冲能够有效模拟大气阻力对轨道的影响,达到mm级拟合精度;对于GNSS卫星,伪随机脉冲能够在一定程度上吸收太阳光压摄动,尤其是与ECOM太阳光压模型联合使用,能够充分吸收ECOM模型未能吸收的摄动力,只需每天设置一组伪随机脉冲参数,其拟合精度能达到mm级。  相似文献   

非线性效应和色散都是影响光脉冲在光纤中传输的重要因素,在反常色散区,色散和非线性效应的相互平衡可实现光孤子传输;在正常色散区,二者的相互作用可用于光脉冲的压缩.因此,两种效应对光脉冲传输的影响一直受到人们的广泛关注.从光脉冲的非线性薛定谔方程出发,在忽略色散的条件下,推导并模拟了自相位调制(SPM)非线性效应下的高斯光脉冲的非线性相移、频率啁啾;数值模拟了SPM下不同最大相移时无啁啾和有正啁啾时高斯光脉冲的频谱.讨论了SPM效应对高斯光脉冲频谱的影响.  相似文献   


针对地下水对混凝土分解性侵蚀指标pHs现行评价方法中存在水样间pHs横向没有可对比性和难以定量绘制pHs分解性侵蚀分区图等两大缺陷,推出了一个新的pHs分解性侵蚀判别式sk1,用编制的"地下水对混凝土分解性侵蚀判别式计算程序",完成了新定义的判别式sk1的计算,计算结果不但具备了水样间的每种分解性侵蚀横向对比的功能,而且还具备了定量绘制每种分解性侵蚀分区图和定量绘制3种分解性侵蚀综合评价迭加图的功能。通过实例应用,形象地印证了现行评价方法存在的缺陷及现推出的判别式、定量编绘侵蚀分区图的可行性。  相似文献   

基于OMI数据的中国NO2时空分布与人类影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,空气质量不断恶化,严重威胁人类身体健康。二氧化氮(NO2)作为人类排放的重要污染物之一,实时监测其时空分布及含量,对空气质量研究及公众安全预警具有重要意义。本研究利用搭载在AURA卫星上的OM(IOzone Monitoring Instrument)传感器反演获取的2005年1月至2010年12月中国区的NO2数据,探究了NO2的时空分布特征及其人类影响。结果表明:中国NO2浓度上升趋势显著,6年来总NO2柱浓度(TotNO2)和对流层柱浓度(TropNO2)净增值分别为0.61×1015molec/cm2和0.63×1015molec/cm2,年均增长率为2.47%和5.69%;全国绝大部分地区NO2浓度呈增长趋势,但增长速率在空间上有所差异,表现为东部沿海地区大于西部欠发达地区。在全国尺度上,NO2呈现显著的时空分布差异特征:空间上,总体呈东高西低态势;时间上,东部地区的NO2浓度冬季明显高于夏季,西部地区则相反。最后,对比分析了TropNO2/TotNO2与人类足迹的相关性,结果显示二者间呈显著相关,且冬季最大,夏季最小。同时,分析发现各地地区生产总值和全国汽车保有量与对流层NO2间呈较强相关性。表明人类活动和经济发展是导致大气中NO2增多的主要原因。  相似文献   

文章针对大坝变形受多种不确定性因素的影响,提出一种基于小波分解和最小二乘支持向量机的大坝变形预测方法。利用小波将大坝位移序列分解成不同频率特征的子序列,根据分解得到的子序列特点,同时考虑水位和温度的影响,构造不同的最小二乘支持向量机模型对子序列进行预测,最后对各子序列预测值进行重构得到最终的预测值。实验对比分析表明,该方法对大坝变形的预测具有较高的精度。  相似文献   

两种群竞争系统的脉冲收获模型的持续生存和周期解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考虑了两种群竞争系统的脉冲收获模型。利用比较原理,讨论了含脉冲的竞争系统的持续生存性、周期解的存在性和唯一性、全局渐近稳定性,并给出保持这些性质时脉冲项应满足的先验界。  相似文献   

1Introduction NOisadiffusible,gaseousfreeradicalthatplaysimportantrolesinanimalsandplants.Itfunctionsin diseaseresistance,abioticstress,celldeath,respira tion,senescence,rootdevelopments,germinationandhormoneresponses.Itisanunusualsignalinthatitis areactive,lipophilicandvolatilefreeradicalthatcanbecytotoxic.ThewidespreadbiologicalsignificanceofnitricoxidewasrecognizedbySciencein1992whichnamedthefreeradicalNO‘Moleculeoftheyear’,andin1998theNobelPrizeinPhysiologyandMedicinewasawardedforwor…  相似文献   

随着经济的快速发展,空气污染已经成为当今重要的环境问题,引起公众的广泛关注,二氧化氮(NO2)作为主要的空气污染物之一,成为相关研究的重点。通过监测数据发现,二氧化氮质量浓度值的空间分布具有区域性差异,所以对其空间分布模拟,以及形成区域差异的下垫面影响因素分析,具有重要的研究价值。土地利用回归模型(Land-use Regression,LUR)是将统计方法中的回归模型与空间上的土地利用数据、监测数据和其他相关的地理数据结合分析并在地图上显示的方法。本文结合缓冲区分析、叠加分析、Spearman相关性分析、多元回归分析等方法构建土地利用回归模型(Land Use Regression,LUR),用于识别与NO2浓度相关的下垫面影响因素,并模拟NO2质量浓度的空间分布。LUR模型可以模拟出NO2质量浓度空间分布特征,并针对下垫面影响因素得到以下结论:城乡居住地及工业用地面积增加、污染源的距离减少和道路长度增加会导致NO2浓度升高;耕地面积、绿地面积和水域面积的增加会导致NO2浓度减少;NO2浓度最高的区域主要集中在工业园区;NO2浓度值从城区到郊区递减,需要通过改变工业区结构和增加绿地面积来减少城区的NO2浓度。  相似文献   

二类水体组份的遥感定量反演一直是水色遥感的难点和热点问题,原因在于其水体组分(纯水、叶绿素、悬浮物及CDOM)之间复杂的相互作用.本文引入光谱分解算法,通过Hydrolight软件模拟叶绿素、悬浮物和CDOM的标准反射率光谱,解决光谱分解算法中“纯端元”难以获取的问题.在此基础上建立了二类水体组分光谱分解反演模型.模型...  相似文献   

Material dematerialization is a basic approach to reduce the pressure on the resources and environment and to realize the sustainable development. The material flow analysis and decomposition method are used to calculate the direct material input (DMI) of 14 typical mining cities in Northeast China in 1995-2004 and to analyze the demateri-alization and its driving factors in the different types of mining cities oriented by coal, petroleum, metallurgy and multi-resources. The results are as follows: 1) from 1995 to 2006, the increase rates of the DMI and the material input intensity of mining cities declined following the order of multi-resources, metallurgy, coal, and petroleum cities, and the material utilizing efficiency did following the order of petroleum, coal, metallurgy, and multi-resources cities; 2) during the research period, all the kinds of mining cities were in the situation of weak sustainable development in most years; 3) the pressure on resources and environment in the multi-resources cities was the most serious; 4) the petro-leum cities showed the strong trend of sustainable development; and 5) in recent years, the driving function of eco-nomic development for material consuming has continuously strengthened and the controlling function of material utilizing efficiency for it has weakened. The key approaches to promote the development of circular economy of min-ing cities in Northeast China are put forward in the following aspects: 1) to strengthen the research and development of the technique of resources' cycling utilization, 2) to improve the utilizing efficiency of resources, and 3) to carry out the auditing system of resources utilization.  相似文献   

A series of laboratory incubation experiments were conducted to examine the decomposition of algal organic matter in clay-enriched marine sediment under oxic and anoxic conditions.During the 245-day incubation period,changes in the concentrations of TOC,major algal fatty acid components (14:0,16:0,16:1,18:1 and 20:5),and n-alkanes (C16-C23) were quantified in the samples.Our results indicate that the organic matters were degraded more rapidly in oxic than anoxic conditions.Adsorption of fatty acids onto cla...  相似文献   

The effects of environmental Na /K ratio on the gill ion-transport enzyme activity,plasma osmolality and growth ofCynoglossus semi/aevis juveniles were investigated.The results showed that,plasma osmolality was similar among flounder adaptedto different Na /K ratios of saline groundwaters (P>0.05),while the growth,gill Na ,K -ATPase and HCO,3'--ATPase activities wereaffected by Na /K ratio significantly (P<0.05).The gill Na ,K -ATPase activity reached its maximum on day 3,then decreasedgradually from day 3 to day 9 and remained constant from day 9 to day 15.The peak values of gill Na ,K -ATPase activity weredetected on day 3 for all Na /K ratios of saline groundwaters,then the enzyme activities descended,and on day 9 the enzyme activi-ties achieved steady state,and the gill HCO,3--ATPase activity increased rapidly and achieved steady state after one day.Duringsteady state,the gill Na ,K -ATPase and HCO,3--ATPase activity of Na /K ratios 20 and 40 treatments were significantly higherthan those in the control group (Na /K ratio 27.5),while there were no significant differences between the Na /K ratio 30 treatmentand the control group; the gill Na ,K -ATPase activity of Na /K ratio 20 and 40 treatments were significantly higher than that forratio 30 treatment,but there were no significant differences of gill HCO3-ATPase activity among these treatments.At the end of the15-day experiment,the weight gain (%) and specific growth rate (SGR) of flounders maintained in seawater were significantly higherthan those in groundwaters; significant differences also occurred among the treatments; Na /K ratio 30 treatment had the highestvalues (33.7% and 1.94 respectively),which were significantly higher than those under Na /K ratios 20 and 40 treatments.There-fore,for the saline groundwater used in this experiment,it is suggested that the Na /K ratio be adjusted to approximately 30,I.e.,asclose to that of natural seawater as possible in the culture of flounder.  相似文献   

针对GPS可降水量时间序列具有非线性、非平稳性的特征,研究一种基于小波分解(WD)、遗传算法(GA)和最小二乘支持向量机(LSSVM)的GPS可降水量短临预报方法。先采用小波分解将GPS可降水量时间序列分解成便于预报的低频分量和高频分量;然后利用遗传算法优化LSSVM参数,进而对各分量建立预报模型;再将各分量预报结果进行叠加重构得到最终预报结果。选取两组数据进行实验,并将预报结果分别与LSSVM和遗传小波神经网络(GA-WNN)预报结果进行对比。结果表明,该组合模型具有良好的泛化能力,可有效解决神经网络易陷于局部极小的问题,提高了全局预报精度。  相似文献   

Silver nanoparticles(AgNPs)have been widely used in medicine and consumer products.And it enters the river in dif-ferent ways,then finally converges to the ocean through the estuary.AgNPs polution can affect NO2?and N2O production by denitri-fiers in aquatic system.The effects of AgNPs on denitrification activity,nitrogen transformation and nitrous oxide(N2O)emission were investigated in Dagu River Estuary(DRE)and Jiaozhou Bay(JZB).The results showed that the potential denitrification activity(PDA),NO3?and NO2?reduction rates decreased with an increase of AgNPs concentration in DRE and JZB.However,the N2O ac-cumulation was significantly increased at AgNPs concentrations above 5 mg kg?1in both areas,and the accumulation rate was greater in estuary than in bay(P<0.05).Moreover,the total bacterial count showed a slightly increasing trend with an increase of AgNPs concentration(P>0.05)in DRE and JZB.Importantly,the relative abundance of narG,nirS and nosZ gene in two areas decreased with the increase of AgNPs concentration,and the negative effect of AgNPs varied in order:nosZ>nirS>narG,inferring that the expression of denitrifying related genes could be significantly and differently inhibited by AgNPs addition.Thus,this study demon-strated that the inhibitory effect of AgNPs on different denitrification process,which may lead to the increase of inorganic nitrogen accumulation and N2O realease.This study provides a scientific basis for the further studies of AgNPs on the ecological impact mechanism and environmental effects of offshore sedimentary environment.  相似文献   

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