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利用发射光谱法对离子渗金属中辉光等离子体的电子温度进行了诊断。实验以氮气为工作气体,通过对放电时氮离子两条特征谱线强度的相对标定,测量了电子温度随放电气压40Pa~80Pa和电压500V~1000~的变化。并探讨了电子温度随气压和电压变化的原因。结果表明,该放电为典型的反常辉光等离子体放电,电子温度在1eV~15eV之间变化,且随工作气压和电压的的升高迅速增大,这与实际观测的放电效果相符合,实验结果表明,发射光谱法是测量离子渗金属中等离子体参数的一种有效手段。  相似文献   

采用低气压氩气直流辉光放电等离子体对PVC细管内表面进行了处理,使其内表面亲水性得到显著改善,且处理效果均匀.处理时间越长PVC细管内表而的水接触角越小.经过处理后的PVC细管放置室内大气环境后内表面的水接触角出现退化,72小时以后基本稳定,稳定后的内表面水接触角显著好于未经处理的PVC细管.  相似文献   

ASTM分析化学技术委员会起草一项新标准ASTM WK 25738(火花或辉光放电原子发射光谱法分析钛和钛合金的试验方法》,由ASTM E 01金属、矿石及相关材料化学分析技术委员会下属的E01.06钛、锆、钨、钼、钽、铌、铪和铼分委会制定。  相似文献   

平面直流磁控溅射放电等离子体模拟研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
放电等离子模拟是平面直流磁控溅射装置系统仿真的一个重要的子过程。本文根据模型的种类,求解问题的维数以及自洽性对磁控放电等离子体模拟方法进行了分类,并通过介绍不同种类的仿真模型,诸如动力学模型,流体模型,粒子模型,混合模型以及简化模型,根据平面直流磁控溅射放电的特殊性,对这些模型在该装置等离子模拟中的适用性进行了分析。兼顾问题求解的速度和质量,本文认为二维自洽粒子模拟与三维非自洽粒子模拟是目前需要重点研究的两种方法。最后作者对磁控放电等离子体模拟的进一步发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

采用常压辉光放电等离子体制备了超细荧光碳纳米粒子。分别采用聚乙二醇(PEG)2000和聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)20000作为表面活性剂和表面修饰剂,利用辉光放电等离子体射流产生的大量高能电子等活性粒子分解乙醇溶液制备碳纳米粒子。采用透射电子显微镜和荧光分光光度计对生成物的形貌和荧光特性进行了检测。结果表明,生成物为石墨相的荧光碳纳米颗粒。随着反应时间的延长,生成物的荧光强度增强;采用PEG-2000修饰后产物的荧光强度比采用PVP-20000更强;丝状放电模式下生成物的荧光强度高于辉光放电模式。制备的碳纳米颗粒的荧光量子产率为46.58%。  相似文献   

等离子体中电子激发温度是等离子体的一个重要物理参数之一,对材料表面改性具有非常重要的意义。本实验以Ar气为工作气体,利用发射光谱法对双层辉光放电等离子体参数进行在线诊断。依据气体放电中的光谱发射谱线强度与等离子体的电子激发温度有关,本实验选择了650~800 nm范围Ar原子谱线,通过玻尔兹曼方程,采用多线-斜率法对等离子体电子激发温度进行了估算。实验研究了工件电压、源极电压、工作气压等工艺参数对电子激发温度的影响,测量了电子激发温度的空间分布。实验结果表明,随工件电压的升高,电子激发温度先减小后增大,变化过程中有一个电子激发温度突变过程;不同工件电压下,工作气压对电子激发温度的影响规律不同;空间分布测量可知,中间部位处的电子激发温度要比两边高;而源极电压较小时,对电子激发温度影响不太明显。  相似文献   

辉光放电增强聚丙烯电荷贮存性能的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用SF6,O2和空气低温等离子体对双轴拉伸聚丙烯薄膜进行表面改性,考察了表面接枝对驻极性能的影响。表面电位被用作表征电荷贮存容量的参数,而热刺激电荷衰减的半值温度则是衡量电荷贮存稳定性的标志。  相似文献   

介绍了发生在双辉光离子渗金属技术中的双辉光交链增强型放电现象,分别采用交链等效电路法和微变等效电路法,对这种双辉光交链增强型放电现象进行了描述。  相似文献   

本单位专业从事材料分析测试,拥有一大批先进进口仪器和专业的技术团队,可对各种材料(有机高分子材料、金属材料、有机溶剂等)进行定性定量分析与性能测试。  相似文献   

利用朗缪尔双探针等离子体诊断方法, 研究了细长石英管内的低气压直流放电行为, 探讨了细长管空间内的放电条件对等离子体参数的影响规律。结果表明:通过提高放电功率和增加阴极数目可以有效的提高等离子体密度, 且当放电气压为100 Pa时, 电子密度最大, 本装置所测最大密度为1.03×1017m-3;电子温度则随着放电功率和放电气压的增大而不断减小;放电距离越远, 对击穿电压要求越高, 分段式放电可以在较低的放电电压下, 对较远的电极距离实现直流放电。  相似文献   

低压甲烷等离子体发射光谱诊断   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在CH4/He体系下,利用光学发射谱技术,对螺旋波放电产生低压甲烷等离子体内活性粒子的光学发射特征进行了原位测量。根据甲烷离解后产生的所有可能基、团的对称性、构造并分析了甲烷离解的所有可能反应通道,进一步证实了CH、Hα、Hβ以及Hγ等碎片粒子的存在。研究了各实验参量对活性基团CH、Hα、Hβ以及Hγ的发射谱强度的影响。结果表明:CH粒子发射光谱谱线相对强度随着射频功率的增大是先增大而后减小,随工作气压的增大而逐渐减小;随气压及功率的增加,Hα、Hβ以及Hγ相对强度变化的总体趋势都是先增加而后减小的。该结果为等离子体沉积各种薄膜过程的理解及制备工艺参数的调整提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

采用OMA-4000测量了SiH4射频辉光放电等离子体的光发射谱,研究了其谱线强度随放电射频功率和反应气体流量间的变化关系。发现在放电射频功率增加和反应气体流量升高的过程中,其等离子体状态分析发生性质不同的转变,这种转变联系到射叔功率耗散机制的变化。当反应气体流量增加时,电子获得能量的机制由阴极暗区加速转变为等离子体内电场的加热效应,而在放电功能升高的过程中,离子轰击阴极产生二次电子发射效应导致了  相似文献   

Spatially- and temporally-resolved measurements of optical emission intensities are presented from rf discharges in argon over a wide range of pressures (6.7 to 133 Pa) and applied rf voltages (75 to 200 V). Results of measurements of emission intensities are presented for both an atomic transition (Ar I, 750.4 nm) and an ionic transition (Ar II, 434.8 nm). The absolute scale of these optical emissions has been determined by comparison with the optical emission from a calibrated standard lamp. All measurements were made in a well-defined rf reactor. They provide detailed characterization of local time-resolved plasma conditions suitable for the comparison with results from other experiments and theoretical models. These measurements represent a new level of detail in diagnostic measurements of rf plasmas, and provide insight into the electron transport properties of rf discharges.  相似文献   

X-ray emissions have been registered in experiments with high-current glow discharge from the different cathode and different plasma forming gases within 100 ms and more after turning off the current. The emission X-rays was realized: in the form of laser microbeams (up to 104beams a second and up to 10^10 X-ray of quanta in a beam, angular divergence was up to 10-4), The fine structure of X-ray spectra were detected using a bent mica crystal X-ray spectrometer and recorded on X-ray film after the discharge current switching off (during up to 20 h afterwards). The X-ray energy was 0.8-6.0 keV. The possible mechanism and phenomenon model of producing the X-ray emission on the solid medium cathode with the exited energy levels was considered.  相似文献   

克服强电磁场干扰 ,以具有三级差分抽气系统的分子束质谱为手段 ,对线板式高压脉冲电晕放电N2 等离子体阴极板区的正离子成分进行了首次诊断研究。发现在各种实验条件下 ,N 离子流强度均显著大于N 2 ;N 及N 2 离子流强度随放电电压、放电频率升高而增大 ,随放电室气压变化则存在一极值。对N2 等离子体中所包含的主要基元物理 化学过程进行了讨论  相似文献   

Nitrogen ion was implanted into the nano-TiO2 film surfaces by electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasma modification to improve the optical reactivity in visible-light region for nano-TiO2. Diagnosing the N2 plasma by optical emission spectroscopy (OES) was applied to the process of plasma modification. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was used for analysis of the binding of element after plasma modification. It is shown that the surface modification was caused by excitated N. The injecting of N2 and N+ leads to the increase in the dissociative interstitial state N in the films. The doped N makes for TiO2-xNx appearing in the TiO2 films. TiO2-xNx forms the impurity energy state in the TiO2 energy band gap and reduces the energy band gap. This is the main reason leading to the red shift of absorption edge.  相似文献   

B. Liebig  P.J. Kelly 《Thin solid films》2010,519(5):1699-1704
Optical 2D-imaging in combination with Abel inversion was used to study the spatial and temporal evolution of the plasma-induced emission of HIPIMS discharges. A titanium target, as well as an aluminium-doped zinc target was sputtered in an argon atmosphere of pressures 0.53 Pa and 1.33 Pa and an average power of 650 W and 400 W, respectively. The discharge was observed optically employing various wavelength filters to investigate the development of selected species, namely argon and titanium neutrals, as well as argon and zinc neutrals and ions.The argon neutral emission did not only differ substantially from the DC case but also underwent a significant development during the pulse ‘on’-time, showing a structure similar to an ion acoustic wave travelling away from the target, as well as rarefaction of the working gas while sputtering with high discharge peak currents. In addition, the intensity profile of argon and zinc ions revealed an increased width in front of the target which is then reflected by a wider sputter distribution of the target material. Indeed, it was found that the width of the metal neutral emission increased with increasing discharge current. Their emission revealed two distinct maxima and the loss of intensity in between these maxima could be explained by an increased ionisation of the sputtered metal flux.  相似文献   

直流反应磁控溅射法制备CdIn2O4薄膜的光电性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用直流反应磁控溅射法制备了CdIn2O4(CIO)薄膜,研究了氧浓度、基片温度、溅射时间和退火处理对薄膜光电性能的影响.结果表明电阻率随着氧浓度的增加和溅射时间的减小而增加,随着基片温度的升高先减小后增加;透光率随着氧浓度、基片温度的增加和溅射时间的减小而增加.退火处理后,薄膜的电阻率降低,光吸收边发生"蓝移".点缺陷对薄膜的光电性能产生重要影响,光吸收边的移动是"Burstein-Moss"效应和多体效应共同作用的结果.综合实验结果和理论研究,推荐了直流反应磁控溅射法制备CIO薄膜的最佳条件.此条件下制备薄膜的电阻率为2.95×10-4 Ω·cm,波长为628 nm时薄膜的透光率高达91.7%.  相似文献   

Growth of carbon nanofibers and nanotubes by combination of aerosol synthesis and plasma-enhanced catalytic chemical vapor deposition with alcohol as carbon precursor is presented. Only a hollow cathode glow discharge (HCGD) is used as gas activation process without any specific heating of the substrate. Specially designed hollow cathode enables the evaporation of catalyst directly on the substrate for catalytic growth. Product of physical vapor deposition process was examined by energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS). Spectroscopic features of the plasma were monitored by optical emission spectroscopy (OES). Carbon deposition was examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Catalytic nanofibers and multi-walled carbon nanotubes with outer diameters 20-60 nm have been observed.  相似文献   

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