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Modeling Turbidity in a Water Supply Reservoir: Advancements and Issues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The development and testing of a “turbidity” model is documented for a water supply reservoir, Schoharie Reservoir, NY, where inorganic terrigenous particles received during runoff events in turbid density currents from the primary tributary cause distinct periodic degradation. The model state variables are fractions (two or three) of the beam attenuation coefficient at 660?nm (c660), a surrogate optical metric of turbidity. The fractions of c660 correspond to slow and rapidly settling components; the latter implicitly accommodates particle aggregation. The transport framework is a two-dimensional (laterally averaged), independently tested, hydrodynamic model. Model testing is supported by detailed measurements of the dynamics of tributary and meteorological drivers and c660 within the reservoir, during and following twelve runoff events. The model is demonstrated to meet the demanding temporal and spatial predictive needs of water supply lakes and reservoirs, by performing well in simulating the timing and magnitude of c660 peaks, the vertical and longitudinal patterns of c660, diminishment following runoff events, and the dependence of impact on magnitude of a runoff event. Further advancements in turbidity modeling, including multiple particle size classes as state variables and explicit representation of particle aggregation and resuspension inputs, are considered.  相似文献   

Characterization of the particle population for a location in a water supply reservoir, Kensico Reservoir, N.Y., is documented for a high turbidity event, from its onset, through alum treatment and its waning. Supporting in situ measurements included the beam attenuation coefficient at 670?nm (c670) and 660?nm (c660) [surrogates of turbidity (Tn)], particle concentrations (N) and size distributions (PSDs), and size class specific settling velocities (SVs). Laboratory measurements included chemical and morphometric analyses of individual particles, and routine measurements of Tn. The turbidity is shown to be primarily derived from clay minerals, mostly in the size range of 1.5–6?μm. An initial high c670 level (40?m?1;Tn ~ 100?NTU) decreased sevenfold in less than 1?week in response to alum treatment that largely eliminated the particle size classes responsible for the elevated turbidity. Successful SV experiments, made using a laser in situ scattering and transmissometry (LISST) instrument, for seven particle size classes in the range of 1.25–129?μm yielded SV values of 0.17–69.4?m?day?1. Size classes larger than ~ 5?μm settled much slower than Stokes law predictions, before alum treatment, indicating that these classes existed as porous flocs or aggregates. Decreases in SVs following treatment suggest changes in floc character consistent with increased porosity. In situ measurements of c670, N, PSDs, and SVs can contribute to the development and testing of a multiple particle size class model to simulate fate, transport, and impacts of suspended particles.  相似文献   

Effective simulation of the fate and transport of runoff event inflows is an important goal of many water quality modeling initiatives. The set-up and testing of a two-dimensional hydrodynamic transport model is documented for a water supply reservoir, Schoharie Reservoir, New York, that uses specific conductance (SC) as a conservative tracer and focuses on fate and transport of runoff event inputs, particularly the plunging of density currents in summer and fall. Model testing is supported by temporally detailed measurements of meteorological, operational, and tributary (temperature and SC) model drivers, and temporally and spatially replete in-reservoir patterns of SC following multiple runoff events, obtained with a combination of robotic monitoring platforms and gridding with rapid profiling instrumentation. Specific conductance is demonstrated to be an ideal tracer because of the distinct tributary signals and subsequent in-reservoir signatures imparted from runoff events and its close coupling to turbidity patterns that are primary water quality concerns for managers. The model is demonstrated to perform well in simulating in-reservoir signatures of SC following multiple runoff events over the spring to fall interval of 2003, including vertical, longitudinal, and temporal patterns, and features of the thermal stratification regime for the same interval. The validated model is applied in a probabilistic manner on the basis of a 61-year record (239 runoff events) of model drivers to provide a robust representation of the transport of runoff event inputs relative to the location of the water supply intake. This application demonstrates the entry of runoff event inflows as plunging density currents in summer and fall is a recurring phenomenon for this reservoir.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics model is used to estimate the hydraulic residence time for a portion of the Wachusett Reservoir in central Massachusetts. The basin under consideration has several major inflows and exhibits complex flow patterns. The basin is modeled using the FLUENT software package with particles used to track travel time in a steady-state flow field. A tetrahedral mesh with over 1.6 million cells is used with accurate depiction of basin bathymetry and inlet and outlet geometries. Modeling is performed to simulate behavior during a period when conditions are isothermal. It is determined that mean hydraulic residence time is 3–4?days; approximately half of what would be expected assuming strictly plug flow. The presence of a primary flow path, large scale eddies and stagnation zones contribute to the faster travel times. Reductions in inflow rates produce increased residence times and significant changes in flow patterns.  相似文献   

The capacity to store water in a reservoir declines as it traps sediment. A river entering a reservoir forms a prograding delta. Coarse sediment (e.g., sand) deposits in the fluvial topset and avalanching foreset of the delta, and is typically trapped with an efficiency near 100%. The trap efficiency of fine sediment (e.g., mud), on the other hand, may be below 100%, because some of this sediment may pass out of the reservoir without settling out. Here, a model of trap efficiency of mud is developed in terms of the mechanics of a turbidity current that plunges on the foreset. The dam causes a sustained turbidity current to reflect and form a muddy pond bounded upstream by a hydraulic jump. If the interface of this muddy pond rises above any vent or overflow point at the dam, the trap efficiency of mud drops below 100%. A model of the coevolution of topset, foreset, and bottomset in a reservoir that captures the dynamics of the internal muddy pond is presented. Numerical implementation, comparison against an experiment, and application to a field-scale case provide the basis for a physical understanding of the processes that determine reservoir trap efficiency.  相似文献   

Observations and model predictions of progressive surface waves were made for Cannonsville and Schoharie Reservoirs, located in southeastern New York State. These reservoirs are deep with steep bottom slopes and relatively small fetch. The Donelan/Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab model, a parametric second-generation wave model was applied to these reservoirs assuming deep water throughout the domain. This assumption was based on the relatively small waves and steep bottom slopes, resulting in a very narrow region of wave interaction with the bottom along a lee shore. Previous applications of this model have been for water bodies with larger fetch. Observations of wave characteristics were made near the shoreline at two sites in Cannonsville and one site in Schoharie using submerged pressure sensors, from which the height of larger waves was determined. Model hindcasts were made for the observation periods with model inputs being wind speed and direction and water surface elevation. The model performed well in simulating significant wave height determined from observations. Some implications of the use of wave model simulations to predict sediment resuspension in these and other deep lakes and reservoirs are discussed.  相似文献   

In a detailed model for reservoir irrigation taking into account the soil moisture dynamics in the root zone of the crops, the data set for reservoir inflow and rainfall in the command will usually be of sufficient length to enable their variations to be described by probability distributions. However, the potential evapotranspiration of the crop itself depends on the characteristics of the crop and the reference evaporation, the quantification of both being associated with a high degree of uncertainty. The main purpose of this paper is to propose a mathematical programming model to determine the annual relative yield of crops and to determine its reliability, for a single reservoir meant for irrigation of multiple crops, incorporating variations in inflow, rainfall in the command area, and crop consumptive use. The inflow to the reservoir and rainfall in the reservoir command area are treated as random variables, whereas potential evapotranspiration is modeled as a fuzzy set. The model’s application is illustrated with reference to an existing single-reservoir system in Southern India.  相似文献   

A full-field, three-dimensional (3D) computer model has been developed to numerically simulate reservoir compaction and surface subsidence for a weak, water-sensitive, hydrocarbon reservoir during field-wide water-injection operations. The developed model was used for modeling the compaction and subsidence processes under waterflood operations at the Ekofisk Field in the North Sea. The model was thoroughly validated through the comparison of model results to extensive field measurements with good agreement being achieved. The validated model has been successfully employed as a tool to forecast subsidence and to assist in the development of a subsidence risk assessment. For practical field applications, important quantitative information, that includes reservoir compaction, seafloor subsidence, and seafloor horizontal movement, may be generated from the full-field, 3D model and is presented in this paper.  相似文献   

Hypolimnetic oxygenation can improve water quality by decreasing hypolimnetic accumulation of reduced compounds that complicate potable water treatment. Historically, aeration systems have been undersized because designers have not accounted for increases in sediment oxygen demand (SOD) resulting from the operation of aeration systems. A comprehensive study was performed to estimate the hypolimnetic oxygen demand (HOD) in San Vicente Reservoir, a eutrophic raw water reservoir in San Diego. Chamber experiments confirmed that turbulence and oxygen concentration at the sediment-water interface dramatically affected SOD. Values ranged from under 0.2?g/m2/day under quiescent low-oxygen conditions to over 1.0?g/m2/day under turbulent high-oxygen conditions. Based on a statistical evaluation of historical oxygen concentrations in the reservoir and anticipated increases in SOD resulting from operation of an oxygenation system, a design HOD of 16,400?kg/day was estimated. This is approximately four times the HOD observed in the spring after the onset of thermal stratification. Laboratory chamber experiments confirmed that maintenance of a well-oxygenated sediment-water interface inhibited the release of phosphate, ammonia, iron, and manganese from sediments. In addition, hydrodynamic modeling using DYRESM-WQ showed that operation of a linear diffuser oxygenation system would not significantly affect thermal stratification.  相似文献   

A catalytic reactor model (CatReac) that describes the transport and series reactions of compounds in a three-phase fixed-bed catalytic reactor is developed for the purpose of describing the volatile assembly reactor system within the potable water processor on-board the International Space Station. CatReac includes these mechanisms: advective flow, axial dispersion, gas-to-liquid and liquid-to-solid mass transport, intraparticle mass transport with pore and surface diffusion, and series reactions of multiple compounds. A dimensional analysis of CatReac revealed the following seven dimensionless groups may be used to determine the controlling transport and/or reaction mechanisms: (1) the Peclet number is the ratio of the advective to the dispersive transport; (2) the Stanton number is the ratio of the external mass transfer rate to the advective rate; (3) the Damk?hler number compares the reaction rate to the advective transport rate; (4) the surface diffusion ratio equals the rate of transport by surface diffusion divided by the rate of transport by advection; (5) the pore diffusion modulus is the ratio of the rate of transport by pore diffusion to the rate of transport by advection; (6) the ratio of the gas to liquid advective rates; and, (7) the Biot numbers for surface and pore diffusion compare the external mass transfer rate to the intraparticle mass transfer rate. These dimensionless numbers are used to evaluate the impacts of the different mechanisms on the overall performance of the reactor. The numerical solution using orthogonal collocation was validated for a wide range of controlling mechanisms by comparing model simulations with several analytical solutions: (1) Gas-to-Liquid mass transfer controlling the overall mass transfer-reaction mechanisms, for a wide range of Pe number values; (2) Liquid-phase dispersion controlling the overall process; (3) Liquid-to-solid mass transfer resistance controlling the overall mass transfer-reaction process; (4) Reactions in series with two possibilities (4a): No intraparticle mass transfer resistance, and (4b): Significant intraparticle mass transfer resistance; (5) Langmuir isotherm (5a): single compound, no mass transfer resistance, and (5b): multicomponent competitive adsorption without mass transfer resistance; (6) Unsteady state operation: Plug flow with mass transfer and no reaction. These validations systematically examine all the mechanisms that are included in the general model and examine the model limitations based on the controlling mechanisms.  相似文献   

A one-dimensional reservoir-bubbler model has been developed to examine the mixing and the change in dissolved oxygen pattern induced by bubbler operation in a stratified reservoir. The reservoir-bubbler model is applied to a tropical reservoir, the Upper Peirce Reservoir, Singapore. For this tropical reservoir with low wind speeds, it is found that bubbler operation dominates oxygen transfer into the reservoir water rather than oxygen transfer from all other sources, including surface reaeration. It is illustrated that selection of airflow rate per diffuser, air bubble radius, and total number of diffusers are important criteria in bubbler designs. Higher dissolved oxygen levels in reservoirs are obtained by increasing the bubbler airflow rate that is associated with lower mechanical efficiency (ηmech) than optimal ηmech of the bubbler. Determining an appropriate airflow rate is shown to be a tradeoff between increased dissolved oxygen levels and increased operating costs as airflow rate increases. When the reservoir is close to well mixed, the water quality is usually reasonably good but the bubbler operates at a very low ηmech—thus the bubbler should be turned off.  相似文献   

A suspended growth nitrification model was developed to describe nitrification dynamics in terms of chloramine, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and nitrifying bacteria concentrations in pilot-scale chloraminated drinking water systems. The model provided a semimechanistic base to study the regrowth and persistence of nitrifiers in chloraminated distribution systems. Results showed that the developed suspended growth model, without a biofilm nitrification component, was able to simulate and predict nitrification episodes in the pilot-scale systems. In the restricted low nutrient drinking water environment, growth kinetic parameters for nitrifiers were estimated to be significantly lower than ranges reported in the literature. The maximum specific growth rate and ammonia half-saturation constant for ammonia oxidizing bacteria were estimated to be 0.46?day?1and 0.023?mg NH3–N/L, respectively. In addition, an estimated reaction rate of 70±32?L/(mg?HPC?day) between chloramines and soluble microbial products suggests that heterotrophic growth can be a significant contributor to chloramine decay in some chloraminated distribution systems.  相似文献   

An experimental study was conducted to investigate the use of a temperature-control curtain in selective withdrawal from a two-layer stratified reservoir. This study focused on the case where cool water at a depth was forced to flow under the curtain. The evolution of the mean flow, the withdrawal water quality, and the mean velocity field were studied using particle image velocimetry and laser-induced fluorescence. Practical relationships were developed for predicting the withdrawal water quality and the interface height as a function of time. The structures of the flow field in both the upper and lower layers are discussed in detail. The flow in the lower layer was dominated by the recirculation eddy induced by the jet flow under the curtain and a relation between the eddy length and the interface height was obtained. Close to the intake, within about 3d (where d = intake diameter), the velocity field can be well described by the potential flow theory. Beyond 3d, however, the flow field considerably deviated from the potential flow theory due to the jet expansion and stratification. A general discussion of the results and engineering applications are also provided.  相似文献   

A lake tap is the submerged piercing of a tunnel at the intake to connect the reservoir to the tunnel system. It is referred to as a dry lake tap if the tunnel is dry before the blasting of the last rock plug at the tunnel entrance. Transient state conditions in the tunnel following a dry lake tap are modeled using the lumped and distributed-system approaches. Fourth-order Runge-Kutta method and the method of characteristics are used in the lumped-system model and distributed-system models, respectively. The results computed by the lumped and distributed-system approaches agree with one another. Pressures computed by using distributed-system and lumped-system models are compared with the experimental results available in literature for rapid filling of a pipeline with closed end. The rate of dissipation of pressure oscillations in the measured air pressure during prototype lake tap at Crater Lake Snettisham project in Alaska, and in the experiments reported in the literature is higher than that computed by the mathematical models using steady state friction and constant wave velocity.  相似文献   

Terrigenous inorganic particles delivered during runoff events cause problems of high turbidity in many lakes and reservoirs. A turbidity model, composed of a two-dimensional hydrothermal/transport submodel and a turbidity submodel, is developed and tested for Ashokan Reservoir, New York, that experiences elevated turbidity levels following runoff events. A robotic monitoring network, rapid profiling instrumentation, and individual particle analyses are used to support the modeling, by specifying turbidity loads and in-reservoir patterns and features of the particles that guided representation of settling. The turbidity-causing particles are clay minerals, 1–10?μm in diameter. The hydrothermal/transport submodel that serves as the physical framework for the overall model, was separately validated for a 13-year period. The turbidity submodel considered three particle-size/settling velocity classes of turbidity, consistent with the independent individual particle characterizations. Robust performance is demonstrated for the overall turbidity model, as it simulates well the wide range of patterns observed in the reservoir and withdrawal, associated with a number of major runoff events from the same 13-year period. The model will be used to support forecasting in the evaluation of management alternatives intended to abate the problem.  相似文献   

Modern water treatment must maintain an acceptable balance between the microbial safety of potable water supply, the costs of treatment, and the formation of potentially harmful disinfection by-products (DBPs). In order to achieve the optimum balance, it is essential to understand and predict both the formation of DBP and the decay of chlorine, in relation to source water, treatment processes, storage, and supply. Reported herein are new data which demonstrate the lack of durability, precision, and accuracy associated with earlier empirical chlorine decay rate equations. This work develops an improved methodology for the prediction of variation in chlorine decay rates in distribution systems enabling practical, cost-effective prediction of the effects of both seasonal variations and management interventions on chlorine levels at treatment works and in distribution systems.  相似文献   

Sensitivity analysis is used to determine how a system state or a model output changes due to a change in the value of a system parameter or a model input. We present the adjoint approach for determining the sensitivity of the concentration of a contaminant in a water distribution system to a change in a system parameter such as the location of the source of contamination, the reaction rate of the contaminant, and others. With the adjoint method, the sensitivity of the model output to any number of parameters can be obtained with one simulation of the adjoint model. If the number of parameters of interest exceeds the number of model outputs for which the sensitivity is desired, the adjoint method is more efficient than traditional direct methods of calculating sensitivities. We develop the adjoint equations for water quality in a water distribution system, verify the adjoint-based sensitivity equation using an analytical example, and demonstrate the numerical calculation of adjoint sensitivities using EPANET.  相似文献   

The properties of water withdrawn from a stratified reservoir are investigated in a field study conducted in Lake Burragorang, Australia. It is shown that temperature and turbidity fluctuations of the extracted water are directly correlated to the vertical displacement of the thermal structure of the reservoir immediately in front of the offtake and the thickness of the selective withdrawal layer. Scaling of the unsteady withdrawal revealed that the timescale associated with the formation of selective withdrawal is an order of magnitude smaller than the typical period of the internal wave. This means the withdrawal layer is acting as a filter, extracting water of a particular quality as it is swept past the outlet by the internal seiches; the steady-state theory of the selective withdrawal can be used to predict outflow temperature fluctuations in reservoirs where long internal waves are present. To correctly interpret other outflow water parameters, such as turbidity or dissolved oxygen, it is important not only to know the stratification conditions in front of the offtake, but also to understand the local flow dynamics in the lower reaches of the reservoir.  相似文献   

The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) supplies unfiltered water from two large surface water reservoirs to the metropolitan Boston area, as well as to three smaller communities in central Massachusetts [the Chicopee Valley Aqueduct (CVA) communities]. Quabbin Reservoir is larger than Wachusett Reservoir, and has traditionally been used to supplement the Wachusett during the summer period. Quabbin water is also of better quality, with lower reactive natural organic matter (NOM). The MWRA began to add chlorine at Wachusett in 1997, and a new facility for adding chlorine at Quabbin for the CVA was also started up in 2000 to meet primary disinfection regulations to meet pathogen inactivation. The reaction of chlorine with NOM produces undesirable disinfection by-products (DBPs). The absorption of ultraviolet light at a wavelength of 254 nm was identified in chlorine decay studies to be the most important raw water quality parameter for predicting chlorine decay and DBP formation. This technical note summarizes the chlorine decay model for Wachusett and Quabbin water. The model is extended to ozonation of Wachusett water for the future Walnut Hill treatment plant. The models allowed the development of a trigger using UV-254 to time the Quabbin transfer to optimize treatment results. It is believed that the model for disinfectant decay and the use of UV-254 as a trigger for water treatment decisions are generalized and applicable to other water utilities.  相似文献   

Within inshore or fluvial environments, submerged fine matter mud banks are characterized by a high water content, a great spatial variability, and a strong deformability. The study of their instabilities induced by the variation of hydraulic stress requires a coupled modeling of sliding, erosion, and deposition mechanisms. In order to predict the impact of dam reservoir emptying on the stability of immersed upstream slopes, the method of approach to the problem proposed here combines theoretical developments, numerical modeling, site observations, and measurements. First, the theoretically achieved sliding criterion is compared with unstable mud height measurements. For more accuracy in the representation of the natural events, the sliding criterion is then integrated within a numerical code which couples the computation of hydrodynamic conditions, the erosion, and deposition of mud and the banks sliding. Finally, the results of the combination of all these mechanisms are compared with the variations in the bathymetric profiles obtained on the experimental site.  相似文献   

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