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This paper presents results of the relationship between the degree of saturation and the matric suction head at static equilibrium and during dynamic flow of water using a Buchner funnel and a fully instrumented two-dimensional tank, respectively. The major influences of the dynamic flow on the relationships between the suction head and the degree of saturation are highlighted and discussed. The experimental results show that dynamic flow of water strongly affects the volume of entrapped air. The results also reveal that any scanning curve can be described as two parts, namely, transition and coinciding. The transition curve starts from the recent reversal degree of saturation and continues up to the previous reversal degree of saturation. The shape of the transition curve and the amount of hysteresis are not only a function of the reversal degree of saturation but are also a function of the saturation path history. The experimental results are used to examine the validity of the proposed analytical model by Parker and Lenhard in 1987 for describing the relationships between the degree of saturation and the matric suction head. It was found that Parker and Lenhard’s model provides a good prediction of the relations provided that care should be taken for the value of the reversal degree of saturation at zero suction head.  相似文献   

Profiles of Steady-State Suction Stress in Unsaturated Soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Application of the effective stress principle in unsaturated geotechnical engineering problems often requires explicit knowledge of the stress acting on the soil skeleton due to suction pore water pressure. This stress is defined herein as the suction stress. A theoretical formulation of suction stress profiles, based on the soil water characteristics curve, the soil permeability characteristic curve, and previous shear strength experimental verification, is developed. The theory provides a general quantitative way to calculate vertical suction stress profiles in various unsaturated soils under steady flow rate in the form of infiltration or evaporation.  相似文献   

Rate of Capillary Rise in Soil   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A rigorous closed-form analytical solution is developed for analyzing the rate of capillary rise in soils. The new solution can be reduced to Terzaghi’s classical solution if the nonlinearity in the hydraulic conductivity with changing soil suction is ignored. Results obtained using the new solution are compared with Terzaghi’s classical solution and a series of previously documented experimental data from open-tube capillary rise tests. The new solution is a significant improvement over the previous solution, thus providing more realistic and practical predictions for the rate of capillary rise in unsaturated soils.  相似文献   

Landslides in residual soil slopes are commonly induced by rainfall infiltration. These residual soils are typically in an unsaturated state with negative pore-water pressures or matric suctions since the groundwater tables in steep slopes are often deep. The net normal and shear stresses of the soil remain essentially constant during rainwater infiltration into the slope. Failure of the slope during rainfall can be primarily associated with the decrease in the matric suction of the soil. The objective of the study was to investigate the strength and deformation characteristics of a residual soil of the Bukit Timah Granitic Formation during infiltration that leads to slope failure. There were two modified direct shear apparatuses used. One apparatus was used for the determination of shear strength under controlled suction conditions while the other apparatus was used for shearing-infiltration tests. The shearing-infiltration test results were compared with the shear strength values obtained from the shearing tests under constant suction. The shearing-infiltration test results indicate a close relationship between the decreasing matric suction and the increasing displacement rate of the soil specimen. At the initial part of the infiltration process, there is a rapid reduction in matric suction that is accompanied by little movement in the soil. When failure of the soil is imminent, the soil movement will accelerate.  相似文献   

Suction Caisson Capacity in Anisotropic, Purely Cohesive Soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a plastic limit analysis of the lateral load capacity of suction caissons in an anisotropic, purely cohesive soil assuming conditions of rotational symmetry about the vertical or gravity axis. The formulation utilizes a form of the Hill yield criterion that is modified to allow for different soil strengths in triaxial compression and extension. Using this yield criterion, energy dissipation relationships are formulated for continuous and discontinuous deformation fields. These dissipation relationships are then applied to a postulated caisson failure mechanism comprising a wedge near the free soil surface (mudline), a two-dimensional flow-around failure at depth, and a hemispherical slip surface at the base of the rotating caisson. The plastic limit analysis predictions compared favorably to predictions obtained from finite-element simulations employing a Hill yield criterion. For the range of anisotropic undrained strength properties commonly reported for normally K0-consolidated clays, parametric studies indicate that suction caisson horizontal load capacities predicted using a conventional approach (a von Mises yield surface fitted to the soil simple shear strength) will differ from anisotropic predictions by less than 10%.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional moisture diffusion and volume change model was developed for determining the distribution of soil suction and the associated volume changes in an expansive soil mass under a covered area (e.g., slab foundations or pavements) with respect to time. The model was used to determine a relationship among the edge moisture variation distance, em, the amplitude of surface suction change, U0, and the diffusion coefficient of the soil, α. The edge moisture variation distance calculation is based on the change in soil suction beneath the covered area as a result of climate changes. The edge moisture variation distance is considered to be the distance between the edge of the covered area and the point beneath the covered area where suction change is no more than 0.12 kPa (0.1 pF). Comparison between the predicted values of edge moisture variation distance by using the proposed relationship to that measured in the field or predicted by other methods is also presented.  相似文献   

Suction Stress Characteristic Curve for Unsaturated Soil   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The concept of the suction stress characteristic curve (SSCC) for unsaturated soil is presented. Particle-scale equilibrium analyses are employed to distinguish three types of interparticle forces: (1) active forces transmitted through the soil grains; (2) active forces at or near interparticle contacts; and (3) passive, or counterbalancing, forces at or near interparticle contacts. It is proposed that the second type of force, which includes physicochemical forces, cementation forces, surface tension forces, and the force arising from negative pore-water pressure, may be conceptually combined into a macroscopic stress called suction stress. Suction stress characteristically depends on degree of saturation, water content, or matric suction through the SSCC, thus paralleling well-established concepts of the soil–water characteristic curve and hydraulic conductivity function for unsaturated soils. The existence and behavior of the SSCC are experimentally validated by considering unsaturated shear strength data for a variety of soil types in the literature. Its characteristic nature and a methodology for its determination are demonstrated. The experimental evidence shows that both Mohr–Coulomb failure and critical state failure can be well represented by the SSCC concept. The SSCC provides a potentially simple and practical way to describe the state of stress in unsaturated soil.  相似文献   

The combined effect of soil moisture in unsaturated soil layers and pore-water pressure in saturated soil layers is critical to predict landslides. An improved infinite slope stability model, that directly includes unsaturated zone soil moisture and groundwater, is derived and used to analyze the factor of safety’s sensitivity to unsaturated zone soil moisture. This sensitivity, the change in the factor of safety with respect to variable unsaturated zone soil moisture, was studied at local and regional scales using an active landslide region as a case study. Factors of safety have the greatest sensitivity to unsaturated zone soil moisture dynamics for shallow soil layers (<2?m) and comparatively deep groundwater tables (1 m). For an identical groundwater table, the factor of safety for a 1 m thick soil mantle was four times more sensitive to soil moisture changes than a 3-m thick soil. At a regional scale, the number of unstable areas increases nonlinearly with increasing unsaturated zone soil moisture and with moderately wet slopes exhibiting the greatest sensitivity.  相似文献   

The apparent cohesion due to soil suction plays an important role in maintaining the stability of steep unsaturated soil slopes with deep ground water table. In this paper, a modified direct shear box is used to determine the relationships between the value of this additional cohesion and the associated soil suction. The apparatus incorporates a miniature tensiometer which allows for the simple and direct measurement of suction during shearing. The soil-water characteristic curves and shearing behavior of intact residual soils, being low-to-medium plasticity silts, as well as silty sand, taken from four landslide-prone areas in Thailand, have been investigated. The relatively low air-entry suctions (0–7 kPa) and bimodality of the soil-water characteristic curves gives an indication of the structured pore size distribution of the materials tested. Samples with higher suction tend to display stronger bonding at particle contacts and thus are more brittle. The shear strength is found to increase nonlinearly with suction, though linearization can be reasonably assumed for suction below around 30 kPa. Prediction of shear strength based on soil-water characteristic curves agrees better with ultimate than peak values. A simple equation is proposed for the minimum ultimate strength that can be expected in an unsaturated residual soil with a suction lower than about 30 kPa.  相似文献   

This paper presents the hydraulic characteristics of an unsaturated, compacted clay, including its soil-water retention curve (SWRC) and hydraulic conductivity function (K function), determined using a new centrifuge permeameter developed at the University of Texas at Austin. A companion paper describes the apparatus, its instrumentation layout, and data reduction procedures. Three approaches are evaluated in this study to define the SWRC and K function of the compacted clay under both drying and wetting paths, by varying the inflow rate, the g level, or both. For imposed inflow rates ranging from 20 to 0.1 mL/h and g levels ranging from 10 to 100 g, the measured matric suction ranged from 5 to 70 kPa, the average volumetric water content ranged from 23 to 33%, and the hydraulic conductivity ranged from 2×10?7 to 8×10?11?m/s. The SWRCs and K functions obtained using the three different testing approaches were very consistent, and yielded suitable information for direct determination of the hydraulic characteristics. The approaches differed in the time required to complete a testing stage and in the range of measured hydraulic conductivity values. The g level had a negligible effect on the measured hydraulic characteristics of the compacted clay. The SWRCs and K functions defined using the centrifuge permeameter are consistent with those obtained using pressure chamber and column infiltration tests. The K functions defined using the centrifuge permeameter follow the same shape as those obtained from predictive relationships, although the measured and predicted K functions differ by two orders of magnitude at the lower end of the volumetric water content range.  相似文献   

Soil-Water Characteristic Curve Equation with Independent Properties   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The soil-water characteristic curve (SWCC) has traditionally been represented using equations whose fitting parameters do not individually correspond to clearly defined soil properties or to features of the curve. As a result, unique sets of parameters are often nonexistent, and sensitivity analyses and statistical assessments of SWCC parameters become difficult. In order to overcome these difficulties, a new class of equations to represent unimodal and bimodal SWCCs is proposed. The chosen fitting parameters are the air-entry value, the residual suction, the residual degree of saturation, and a parameter that controls the sharpness of the curvatures. The physical meaning for the soil parameters is discussed for different soil types. A unique relation between each of the equation parameters and the individual features of SWCCs is assured. The proposed equations are fitted to data corresponding to a variety of soil types and a good fit is observed.  相似文献   

Fractal Approach to Unsaturated Shear Strength   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Great efforts have been made to determine the shear strength of unsaturated soils using both elaborate laboratory tests and empirical methods. However, elaborate laboratory tests are difficult and time consuming to perform, and the physical meaning of empirical parameters is not obvious in empirical methods. A simple method to determine the unsaturated shear strength is proposed based on a fractal model for the pore surface. The unsaturated shear strength can be easily estimated using the surface fractal dimension and air-entry value, which can be calculated from the soil–water characteristic curves. The unsaturated shear strength obtained from the proposed method is in satisfactory agreement with the experimental data found in the literature. The proposed method is critically examined and its advantages and limitations are also discussed.  相似文献   

Application of a pressure membrane extractor (PME) to establish soil-water characteristic curve (SWCC) of fine-grained soils, in 0–1,500 kPa range, is well established. However, this technique requires testing of several identical specimens, corresponding to same or different pressure(s), and their subsequent removal from the PME chamber for moisture content determination. This turns out to be a cumbersome process and even the results are considered less accurate, by the research fraternity. This is mainly due to the fact that removal of the specimen before equilibration time may not incorporate the influence of the applied pressure, precisely. This calls for the development of an alternate technique that can be employed for measuring the instantaneous moisture content of the specimen when it is pressurized, sequentially, without removing it from the PME chamber. In this context, the utility of electrical measurements (i.e., the voltage) across two points in the specimen for determining moisture content was investigated and its details are presented in this paper. This technique has been found to be quite promising and hence can be employed for acquisition of the data which would yield the moisture content of the specimen, without removing it from the PME chamber, easily and quickly. Validity of the methodology has been demonstrated by comparing the obtained SWCC vis-à-vis those obtained by conducting studies using a dewpoint potentiameter, WP4, and by employing the fitting function and a pedo-transfer function available in the SoilVision database.  相似文献   

BCD: A Soil Modulus Device for Compaction Control   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is a trend toward using the modulus as an alternative to dry density in compaction control because of the undesirable nuclear source in the current field density gage and because a modulus is often used in the design of roadway bases and compacted fills. The Briaud compaction device (BCD) is a new instrument used to obtain a soil modulus in only a few seconds; it consists of leaning on a rod equipped with a thin circular metal plate at the bottom end and recording the bending of that plate under a standard load. This article describes the theory and the experiments that have been performed to validate the new instrument. This validation is based on a comparison to a simple plate test and on a numerical simulation of the BCD test. A recommended procedure is outlined in the conclusions. The BCD is used in the lab on top of the soil in the Proctor mold to obtain the lab modulus versus water content curve and select a target value. Then the BCD is used in the field to verify that the target modulus has been achieved.  相似文献   

One of the important components of a flexible pavement structure is granular material layers. Unsaturated granular pavement materials (UGPMs) in these layers influence stresses and strains throughout the pavement structure, and have a large effect on asphalt concrete fatigue and pavement rutting (two of the primary failure mechanisms for flexible pavements). The behavior of UGPMs is dependent on water content, but this effect has been traditionally difficult to quantify using either empirical or mechanistic methods. This paper presents a practical mechanistic framework for determining the behavior of UGPMs within the range of water contents, densities, and stress states likely to be encountered under field conditions. Both soil suction and generated pore pressures are determined and compared to confinement under typical field loading conditions. The framework utilizes a simple soil suction model that has three density-independent parameters, and can be determined using conventional triaxial equipment that is available in many pavement engineering laboratories.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology to investigate the collapse behavior of unsaturated soils using suction-monitored oedometer tests. By incorporating independent suction measurement, the oedometer apparatus is capable of following the same stress paths as in double oedometer tests, while continuously monitoring the suction. The proposed method has been used to investigate the collapse behavior of a compacted silty clay and to confirm the uniqueness of the loading-collapse surface as identified from loading and wetting paths. A new mathematical form of the yield surface within an elastoplastic framework is proposed on the basis of test results over a wide range of suctions (0 to 30,000?kPa) and net stresses (up to 7,000?kPa). The fundamental assumptions of the newer type of elastoplastic framework, which incorporate the degree of saturation within their stress variables, are evaluated, and the limitations of such models are identified. The collapse behavior of samples with different fabrics induced by differing compaction characteristics is also investigated within an elastoplastic framework. The difference in fabric, which is observed through a petrological microscope, can be presented in a quantitative way with different model parameters.  相似文献   

Hysteresis of Capillary Stress in Unsaturated Granular Soil   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Constitutive relationships among water content, matric suction, and capillary stress in unsaturated granular soils are modeled using a theoretical approach based on the changing geometry of interparticle pore water menisci. A series of equations is developed to describe the net force among particles attributable to the combined effects of negative pore water pressure and surface tension for spherical grains arranged in simple-cubic or tetrahedral packing order. The contact angle at the liquid–solid interface is considered as a variable to evaluate hysteretic behavior in the soil–water characteristic curve, the effective stress parameter χ, and capillary stress. Varying the contact angle from 0 to 40° to simulate drying and wetting processes, respectively, is shown to have an appreciable impact on hysteresis in the constitutive behavior of the modeled soils. A boundary between regimes of positive and negative pore water pressure is identified as a function of water content and contact angle. Results from the analysis are of practical importance in understanding the behavior of unsaturated soils undergoing natural wetting and drying processes, such as infiltration, drainage, and evaporation.  相似文献   

Contaminant transport in the unsaturated zone is important for managing water resources and assessing the damage due to contamination in the field of irrigation, water management, wastewater management, and urban and agricultural drainage systems. Deterministic modeling which is widely used for contaminant transport is not adequate because it considers model input parameters as well-defined crisp values and hence does not account for uncertainties and imprecision. This paper presents a contaminant transport model based on fuzzy set theory to simulate water flow and contaminant transport in the unsaturated soil zone under surface ponding condition. Among all soil hydraulic parameters that have uncertainty associated with them, saturated hydraulic conductivity was found to be the most sensitive to model outputs. Trapezoidal fuzzy numbers were used to express the uncertainties associated with saturated hydraulic conductivity. The incorporation of uncertainties into contaminant transport model is useful in decision making, as it yields scientifically and practically based estimates of contaminant concentration.  相似文献   

McKeen’s expansive soil classification methodology relies on a parameter referred to as the “total suction-water content index” for describing the slope of the soil–water characteristic curve on a semilog plot. The swelling potential of expansive soils is qualitatively classified (e.g., “low” or “high”) based on the magnitude of the total suction-water content index. This study examines the validity of using a “benchmark intercept simplification” for indirectly estimating the total suction-water content index when complete soil–water characteristic measurements are not available or economical. Suction indices estimated using the benchmark intercept simplification are compared with indices measured directly using the noncontact filter paper technique for 80 undisturbed expansive shale specimens from the Colorado Front Range Corridor. The results show that the suction-water content index is consistently overestimated using the benchmark simplification by amounts ranging from negligible to 50%, and averaging 23%. For 49 of the 80 specimens (61%), the estimated indices fall in different swelling potential categories than the measured indices. In 44 of the 49 cases (90%), the estimated indices fall in higher swelling potential categories than the measured indices. These discrepancies reflect potential errors that may arise from the use of the benchmark intercept simplification in classifying expansive soils.  相似文献   

Unsaturated Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Unsaturated soil mechanics has rapidly become a part of geotechnical engineering practice as a result of solutions that have emerged to a number of key problems (or challenges). The solutions have emerged from numerous research studies focusing on issues that have a hindrance to the usage of unsaturated soil mechanics. The primary challenges to the implementation of unsaturated soil mechanics can be stated as follows: (1) The need to understand the fundamental, theoretical behavior of an unsaturated soil; (2) the formulation of suitable constitutive equations and the testing for uniqueness of proposed constitutive relationships; (3) the ability to formulate and solve one or more nonlinear partial differential equations using numerical methods; (4) the determination of indirect techniques for the estimation of unsaturated soil property functions, and (5) in situ and laboratory devices for the measurement of a wide range of soil suctions. This paper explains the nature of each of the previous challenges and describes the solutions that have emerged from research studies. Computer technology has played a major role in achieving practical geotechnical engineering solutions. Computer technology has played an important role with regard to the estimation of unsaturated soil property functions and the solution of nonlinear partial differential equations. Breakthroughs in the in situ and laboratory measurement of soil suction are allowing unsaturated soil theories and formulations to be verified through use of the “observational method.”  相似文献   

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