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Environmental conditions of a large river in southeastern Brazil were assessed by evaluating fish assemblage structure (index of biotic integrity, IBI), landscape use (forest, pasture, urban area, and tributary water) and riparian condition. A survey of the 338 km-long middle reach of the Rio Paraiba do Sul, containing a large urban-industrial complex, was conducted in two seasons: summer/wet and winter/dry. Fish were sampled with a standardized level of effort twice at seven sites, between March 2001 and April 2002, by gill nets, cast nets, sieves and seines. Riparian condition was evaluated by direct observations, and land use maps were used to assess landscape condition of an 8 km2 buffer surrounding each site. IBI scores ranged from 5 to 36 (out of a possible range of 4–40), with lowest values at an urban-industrial landscape, and highest scores upstream and downstream, indicating the river’s recovery capacity. The most appropriate time to assess IBI was during the winter/dry period, when sampling was more effective and the IBI was more sensitive to changes in environmental quality. Landscape use and riparian condition were correlated, and IBI was positively correlated with % pasture, % tributary area, and riparian condition, but negatively correlated with % urban area. In some cases urban areas eliminated riparian woody vegetation, destabilizing site physical habitat structure.  相似文献   

Knowledge of temporal patterns of larval fish occurrence is limited in south China, despite its ecological importance. This research examines the annual and seasonal patterns of fish larval presence in the large subtropical Pearl River. Data is based on samples collected every two days, from 2006 to 2013. In total, 45 taxa representing 13 families and eight orders were sampled. The dominant larval family was Cyprinidae, accounting for 27 taxa. Squaliobarbus curriculus was the most abundant species, followed by Megalobrama terminalis, Xenocypris davidi, Cirrhinus molitorella, Hemiculter leuscisculus and Squalidus argentatus. Fish larvae abundances varied significantly throughout the seasons (multivariate analyses: Cluster, SIMPROF and ANOSIM). The greatest numbers occurred between May and September, peaking from June through August, which corresponds to the reproductive season. In this study, redundancy analysis was used to describe the relationship between fish larval abundance and associated environmental factors. Mean water temperature, river discharge, atmospheric pressure, maximum temperature and precipitation play important roles in larval occurrence patterns. According to seasonal variations, fish larvae occurrence is mainly affected by water temperature. It was also noted that the occurrence of Salanx reevesii and Cyprinus carpio larvae is associated with higher dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations, higher atmospheric pressure and lower water temperatures which occur in the spring. On the other hand, M. terminalis, X. davidi, and C. molitorella are associated with high precipitation, high river discharge, low atmospheric pressure and low DO concentrations which featured during the summer months. S. curriculus also peaks in the summer and is associated with peak water temperatures and minimum NH3–N concentrations. Rhinogobius giurinus occur when higher atmospheric pressure, lower precipitation and lower river discharges occur in the autumn. Dominant fish species stagger their spawning period to avoid intraspecific competition for food resources during early life stages; a coexistence strategy to some extent. This research outlines the environmental requirements for successful spawning for different fish species. Understanding processes such as those outlined in this research paper is the basis of conservation of fish community diversity which is a critical resource to a successful sustainable fishery in the Pearl River.  相似文献   

Two mutants of Escherichia coli K-12, defective in the oligopeptide and dipeptide transport system, are described. A mutant defective in the oligopeptide transport system (opp-1) was isolated as resistant to the inhibitory action of triornithine; this mutant is also resistant to glycylglycylvaline and does not concentrate (14)C-glycylglycylglycine, although it is still as sensitive as the parental strain to glycylvaline and valine. Starting from the opp-1 strain, a mutant defective also in the dipeptide transport system (dpp-1) was isolated; this mutant is resistant to the inhibitory action of glycylvaline, valylleucine, and leucylvaline and does not concentrate (14)C-glycylglycine, although it is still as sensitive as the parental strain to valine. The apparent kinetic constants for oligopeptide and dipeptide transport were measured. The opp marker is co-transducible with trp at 27 min on the E. coli genetic map. The dpp locus is separated from opp and is located between proC (10 min) and opp.  相似文献   

As the intensity and speed of environmental change increase at both local and global scales it is imperative that we gain a better understanding of the ecological implications of community shifts. While there has been substantial progress toward understanding the drivers and subsequent responses of community change (e.g. lake trophic state), the ecological impacts of food web changes are far less understood. We analyzed Wabash River fish assemblage data collected from 1974-2008, to evaluate temporal variation in body-size structure and functional group composition. Two parameters derived from annual community size-spectra were our major response variables: (1) the regression slope is an index of ecological efficiency and predator-prey biomass ratios, and (2) spectral elevation (regression midpoint height) is a proxy for food web capacity. We detected a large assemblage shift, over at least a seven year period, defined by dramatic changes in abundance (measured as catch-per-unit-effort) of the dominant functional feeding groups among two time periods; from an assemblage dominated by planktivore-omnivores to benthic invertivores. There was a concurrent increase in ecological efficiency (slopes increased over time) following the shift associated with an increase in large-bodied low trophic level fish. Food web capacity remained relatively stable with no clear temporal trends. Thus, increased ecological efficiency occurred simultaneous to a compensatory response that shifted biomass among functional feeding groups.  相似文献   

Peristaltic transport of copper-water nanofluid in an inclined channel is reported in the presence of mixed convection. Both velocity and thermal slip conditions are considered. Mathematical modelling has been carried out using the long wavelength and low Reynolds number approximations. Resulting coupled system of equations is solved numerically. Quantities of interest are analyzed through graphs. Numerical values of heat transfer rate at the wall for different parameters are obtained and examined. Results showed that addition of copper nanoparticles reduces the pressure gradient, axial velocity at the center of channel, trapping and temperature. Velocity slip parameter has a decreasing effect on the velocity near the center of channel. Temperature of nanofluid increases with increase in the Grashoff number and channel inclination angle. It is further concluded that the heat transfer rate at the wall increases considerably in the presence of copper nanoparticles.  相似文献   

代应贵 《动物学杂志》2017,52(2):253-262
基于2014~2015年对贵州蒙江流域的野外调查,合并过去的零星采集,共计收集蒙江鱼类标本5 206号,经鉴定为65种(或亚种)。结合历史文献,蒙江共分布有鱼类75种(或亚种),隶属7目18科56属。其中,鳗鲡(Anguilla japonica)为洄游鱼类,食蚊鳉(Gambusia affinis)、陈氏新银鱼(Neosalanx tangkahkeii)、尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)为外来种。与历史调查记录相比,本调查新增蒙江鱼类记录41种(或亚种)。蒙江鱼类组成,以鲤形目鱼类占显著优势,共计有51种(或亚种),占总种(或亚种)数的68.0%。在科的水平,以鲤科为主要类群,占总种(或亚种)数的60.0%。其次,鲇科和鲿科物种较多,分别有3和4种鱼类。UPGMA聚类分析表明,蒙江鱼类组成,与西江上游支流北盘江具有高度相似性。蒙江鱼类区系中,以华南区指示性种类最多,其次为华东区代表性种类较多,缺乏北方区指示性成分。蒙江鲤科鱼类由老第三纪原始类群、东亚类群、南方类群和青藏高原类群等4个类群组成,并以老第三纪原始类群占优势,缺乏北方冷水性类群种类。蒙江鱼类区系具有物种多样性高、区系成分复杂、特有种和受威胁种类多、富于适应急流环境鱼类和具有云贵高原东部地区鱼类区系特殊组成等特点。蒙江鱼类区系属于东洋区南亚亚区。  相似文献   


Background and Purpose

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy has become an important technique for tissue studies. Since tissues are in semisolid-state, their high-resolution (HR) spectra cannot be obtained by conventional NMR spectroscopy. Because of this restriction, extraction and high-resolution magic angle spinning (HR MAS) are widely applied for HR NMR spectra of tissues. However, both of the methods are subject to limitations. In this study, the feasibility of HR 1H NMR spectroscopy based on intermolecular multiple-quantum coherence (iMQC) technique is explored using fish muscle, fish eggs, and a whole fish as examples.

Materials and Methods

Intact salmon muscle tissues, intact eggs from shishamo smelt and a whole fish (Siamese algae eater) are studied by using conventional 1D one-pulse sequence, Hadamard-encoded iMQC sequence, and HR MAS.


When we use the conventional 1D one-pulse sequence, hardly any useful spectral information can be obtained due to the severe field inhomogeneity. By contrast, HR NMR spectra can be obtained in a short period of time by using the Hadamard-encoded iMQC method without shimming. Most signals from fatty acids and small metabolites can be observed. Compared to HR MAS, the iMQC method is non-invasive, but the resolution and the sensitivity of resulting spectra are not as high as those of HR MAS spectra.


Due to the immunity to field inhomogeneity, the iMQC technique can be a proper supplement to HR MAS, and it provides an alternative for the investigation in cases with field distortions and with samples unsuitable for spinning. The acquisition time of the proposed method is greatly reduced by introduction of the Hadamard-encoded technique, in comparison with that of conventional iMQC method.  相似文献   

ObjectiveAlthough impairment in pancreatic insulin secretion is known to precede the clinical diagnosis of type 2 diabetes by up to a decade, fasting blood glucose concentration only rises abnormally once the impairment reaches a critical threshold. Despite its centrality to the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes, the pancreas is the least studied organ due to its inaccessible anatomical position. Previous ultrasound and CT studies have suggested a possible decrease in pancreatic volume in type 2 diabetes. However, ultrasound techniques are relatively insensitive while CT uses ionizing radiation, making these modalities unsuitable for precise, longitudinal studies designed to explore the underlying mechanisms of type 2 diabetes. Hence there is a need to develop a non-invasive, safe and precise method to quantitate pancreas volume.MethodsWe developed and applied magnetic resonance imaging at 3.0T to obtain balanced turbo field echo (BTFE) structural images of the pancreas, together with 3-point Dixon images to quantify pancreatic triglyceride content. Pancreas volume, morphology and triglyceride content was quantified in a group of 41 subjects with well-controlled type 2 diabetes (HbA1c ≤ 7.6%) taking only metformin (duration of T2DM 5.7±0.7years), and a control group of 14 normal glucose tolerance subjects matched for age, weight and sex.ResultsThe mean pancreatic volume was found to be 33% less in type 2 diabetes than in normal glucose tolerant subjects (55.5±2.8 vs. 82.6±4.8cm3; p<0.0001). Pancreas volume was positively correlated with HOMA-β in the type 2 diabetes subjects (r = 0.31; p = 0.03) and controls (r = 0.46; p = 0.05) considered separately; and in the whole population studied (r = 0.37; p = 0.003). In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas was typically involuted with a serrated border. Pancreatic triglyceride content was 23% greater (5.4±0.3 vs. 4.4±0.4%; p = 0.02) in the type 2 diabetes group.ConclusionThis study describes for the first time gross abnormalities of the pancreas in early type 2 diabetes and quantifies the decrease in pancreas size, the irregular morphology and increase in fat content.  相似文献   

Based on possible unity of the evolutionary origin of some prokaryotic proteins with eukaryotic ion channels and receptors, this review analyzes interconnections between receptive, transport, and channel functions of integral proteins. This interconnection can be considered the best by the example of neurotransmitter transporters. Their role in chemical synapses and their possible participation in phenomena of synaptic plasticity are reviewed. There are discussed mechanisms of transporter functioning, such as the allosteric model and the model of activity by the principle of channel, as well as data about coupling by the transporters of reception of substrate and its transport with the substrate-activated channel of Cl-conductance and the ion leakage. The importance of the latter aspects of the neurotransmitter transporter functioning is usually underestimated in studying neuronal and glial electrogenesis.  相似文献   

The wide occurrence of peristaltic pumping should not be surprising at all since it results physiologically from neuro-muscular properties of any tubular smooth muscle. Of special concern here is to predict the rheological effects on the peristaltic motion in a curved channel. Attention is focused to develop and simulate a nonlinear mathematical model for Carreau-Yasuda fluid. The progressive wave front of peristaltic flow is taken sinusoidal (expansion/contraction type). The governing problem is challenge since it has nonlinear differential equation and nonlinear boundary conditions even in the long wavelength and low Reynolds number regime. Numerical solutions for various flow quantities of interest are presented. Comparison for different flow situations is also made. Results of physical quantities are interpreted with particular emphasis to rheological characteristics.  相似文献   

汉江支流堵河鱼类群落结构及多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于堵河2018年6月-2019年5月渔获物,分析了鱼类群落组成及变化、优势种以及群落多样性时空分布特征,讨论了外界环境扰动作用对鱼类群落结构和生物多样性的影响.结果 表明:调查期间共采集鱼类38种,分属4目8科,其中鲤形目鱼类最多(26种),占总种数的68.4%.群落优势种为鳙(Aristichthys nobili...  相似文献   

Anthropogenic selenium contamination of aquatic ecosystems was first associated with cooling reservoirs of coal-fired power plants in the late 1970s, and later with drainage water from agricultural irrigation activities in the 1980s. In the 1990s, selenium contamination has been raised as a concern in the recovery of currently endangered fish in the Colorado River system. Widespread contamination from seleniferous drain waters from agriculture has been documented in the upper and lower Colorado River basins. Historically, irrigation started in the upper Colorado River basin in the late 1880s. In the 1930s, selenium concentrations in various drains, tributaries, and major rivers in the upper and lower Colorado River basins were in the 100?s and 1000?s of µg/L. Native fish inhabiting large rivers such as the Colorado pikeminnow and razorback sucker were abundant before 1890, but became rare after 1910 to 1920, before the influence of mainstem reservoirs in the upper and lower Colorado River. A hypothesis is presented that selenium contamination of the tributaries and major rivers of the Colorado River basin in the 1890 to 1910 period caused the decline of the endangered fish and continues to inhibit their recovery.  相似文献   

利用2004~2009年长江宜昌江段三层流刺网的渔获物数据,分析三层流刺网的主要捕捞对象和个体大小,探讨三层流刺网对长江鱼类资源的影响。结果显示,采集到5目8科40种鱼类,主要捕捞对象为铜鱼、圆口铜鱼、瓦氏黄颡鱼、长吻鮠和圆筒吻鮈等喜流水的种类。三层流刺网主要捕捞对象的体长明显小于初次性成熟体长。本研究的分析结果说明三层流刺网的主要捕捞对象为喜流水、中下层鱼类的幼鱼,对鱼类资源造成了过度捕捞。为了保护长江鱼类资源,建议在长江水系开展全面禁渔。  相似文献   

The effects of solvent additive (1,8‐diiodooctane (DIO)) on the morphology, charge generation, transport, and recombination in solution‐processed small‐molecule solar cells are studied and these parameters are correlated with device performance. In the optimum nanoscale morphology, which is processed with 0.4% DIO, the phase separation is large enough to create a percolating pathway for carrier transport, yet still small enough to form large interfacial area for efficient charge separation. Complete phase separation in this film reduces the interfacial defects, which occurs without DIO, and hence suppresses the monomolecular recombination. Moreover, balanced charge transport and weak bimolecular recombination lead to a high fill factor (72%). On the other hand, an excess amount of DIO (0.8%) in the solvent results in the over‐aggregation of the donor phase, which disturbs the percolating pathway of the acceptor phase and reduces the electron mobility. The over‐aggregation of the donor phase also shrinks the interfacial area for charge separation and consequently reduces the photocurrent generation.  相似文献   

We studied day‐night patterns in fish diversity in natural, gravel‐sand stretches and boulder covered rip‐rap habitats in the littoral zone of the River Danube. Sample‐based rarefaction indicated marked differences in species richness between day and night, and smaller differences between habitats for both day and night. Whereas, individual‐based rarefaction indicated no such substantial differences in species richness. However, distinct fish assemblages were found based on relative abundance data, and species of great conservation concern tended to link to natural habitats. The diversity of biological traits/attributes were generally higher in rip‐rap habitats. The differences in fish assemblage characteristics between habitats revealed the importance of gravel‐sand habitats in maintaining natural assemblages and that rip‐rap sections increase compositional beta diversity at the mesohabitat scale. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

In the spring and summer of each year, large patches of submersed aquatic macrophytes overgrow the bottom of the alluvial Warta River downstream of a large dam reservoir owing to water management practices. Environmental variables, macroinvertebrates (zoobenthos and epiphytic fauna, zooplankton) and fish abundance and biomass were assessed at this biologically productive habitat to learn intraseasonal dynamics of food types, and their occurrence in the gut contents of small-sized roach, dace, perch, ruffe and three-spined stickleback. Gut fullness coefficient, niche breadth and niche overlap indicated how the fishes coexist in the macrophytes. Chironomidae dominated in the diet of the percids. However, ruffe consumed mostly benthic chironomids, while perch epiphytic chironomids and zooplankton. The diet of dace resembled that in fast flowing water although this rheophilic species occurred at unusual density there. The generalist roach displayed the lowest gut fullness coefficient values and widest niche breadth; consequently, intraspecific rather than interspecific competition decided the fate of roach. Three-spined stickleback differed from the other fishes by consuming epiphytic simuliids and fish eggs. The diet overlap between fishes reaching higher gut fullness coefficient values was rather low when the food associated with the submersed aquatic macrophytes was most abundant; this is congruent with the niche overlap hypothesis that maximal tolerable niche overlap can be higher in less intensely competitive conditions.  相似文献   

Inheritance of altered flower morphology and resistance to antibiotic kanamycin was studied in the first and second generations (T1and T2, respectively) of self-pollinated transgenic tobacco plants. In most transformants, kanamycin resistance was closely linked to mutant phenotype. T-DNA-induced mutations were shown to be dominant.  相似文献   

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