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Type III (humic) organic matter from the Mahakam delta (Indonesia) was chosen to compare artificial and natural coal series. Powdered and concentrated immature organic matter was heated in sealed gold tubes for 24 hr at temperatures ranging from 250 to 550°C and under pressures ranging from 0.5 to 4 kb, with and without water. Both elemental and Rock-Eval analyses were used to characterize the products. A comparison between our results, published data and the natural model shows that, quantitatively, natural maturation is simulated better when pyrolysis is performed under confined conditions (no free volume, no diluting inert gas). Thus, pyrolysis in a medium swept by an inert gas, vacuum pyrolysis and some pyrolysis in sealed glass tubes must be considered to be poor simulation tools. The presence of water does not seem to have an essential effect. Allowing the hydrocarbons formed to reach a certain value of partial pressure seems to be important. Results are unchanged when external pressure varies from 0.5 to 4 kb.  相似文献   

李建平  刘子玉  陈莹  韩雅坤 《地质科学》2023,58(4):1340-1353



The Kutai Basin formed in the middle Eocene as a result of extension linked to the opening of the Makassar Straits and Philippine Sea. Seismic profiles across the northern margin of the Kutai Basin show inverted middle Eocene half-graben oriented NNE–SSW and N–S. Field observations, geophysical data and computer modelling elucidate the evolution of one such inversion fold. NW–SE and NE–SW trending fractures and vein sets in the Cretaceous basement have been reactivated during the Tertiary. Offset of middle Eocene carbonate horizons and rapid syn-tectonic thickening of Upper Oligocene sediments on seismic sections indicate Late Oligocene extension on NW–SE trending en-echelon extensional faults. Early middle Miocene (N7–N8) inversion was concentrated on east-facing half-graben and asymmetric inversion anticlines are found on both northern and southern margins of the basin. Slicken-fibre measurements indicate a shortening direction oriented 290°–310°. NE–SW faults were reactivated with a dominantly dextral transpressional sense of displacement. Faults oriented NW–SE were reactivated with both sinistral and dextral senses of movement, leading to the offset of fold axes above basement faults. The presence of dominantly WNW vergent thrusts indicates likely compression from the ESE. Initial extension during the middle Eocene was accommodated on NNE–SSW, N–S and NE–SW trending faults. Renewed extension on NW–SE trending faults during the late Oligocene occurred under a different kinematic regime, indicating a rotation of the extension direction by between 45° and 90°. Miocene collisions with the margins of northern and eastern Sundaland triggered the punctuated inversion of the basin. Inversion was concentrated in the weak continental crust underlying both the Kutai Basin and various Tertiary basins in Sulawesi whereas the stronger oceanic crust, or attenuated continental crust, underlying the Makassar Straits, acted as a passive conduit for compressional stresses.  相似文献   

Fifteen percent of the exploration wells drilled in the Kutai Basin region were targeted for stratigraphic play-types. Carbonate reservoirs comprise almost 70% of the objectives in these stratigraphic plays. There was need for a better understanding of the carbonate reservoir potential in the region. Accordingly, this study was carried out. The distribution, depositional environment as well as factors controlling the quality of carbonate reservoirs are reviewed and analyzed. Carbonate reservoirs in the study area can be found sparsely throughout the Kutai Basin. Carbonates range in age from Oligocene (Bebulu limestone) to Late Miocene (Dian limestone). The main constituents of these carbonate build-ups are platy-corals, encrusting red algae and larger benthonic foraminifera. Most of the carbonates were deposited in a shallow marine environment (inner to middle shelf) during rises in relative sea level. Highstand system tracts are characterized by well-developed carbonate facies-belts. The carbonate build-ups generally occur as isolated bedded mounds, from a few feet up to 1000 ft in thickness. The preservation of primary porosity is generally poor due to diagenetic processes during burial history, particularly the infilling of pores by non-ferroan calcite cement. The development of secondary porosity is limited, due to the retardation of subsurface fluid flow by non-permeable layers, and the absence of solution effects due to sub-aerial exposure and karstification. Preserved porosities are mainly present as vugs, best developed in coarse-grained shelf-margin facies, which may not have subsequently been completely filled by calcite cement. Early hydrocarbon migration may retard the diagenetic processes and preserve the primary carbonate porosity.  相似文献   

The Mackenzie Delta is a large fine‐grained delta deposited in a cold arctic setting. The delta has been constructed upon a flooding surface developed on a previous shelf‐phase delta. There are three principal depositional zones: the subaerial delta plain, the distributary channel mouth region and the subaqeous delta. The subaerial delta plain is characterized by an anastomosing system of high‐sinuosity channels and extensive thermokarst lake development. This region is greatly influenced by the annual cycle of seasonal processes including winter freezing of sediments and channels, ice‐jamming and flooding in the early spring and declining river stage during the summer and autumn. Deposition occurs on channel levees and in thermokarst lakes during flood events and is commonly rhythmic in nature with discrete annual beds being distinguishable. In the channel mouth environment, deposition is dominated by landward accretion and aggradation of mouth bars during river‐ and storm surge‐induced flood events. The subaqeous delta is characterized by a shallow water platform and a gentle offshore slope. Sediment bypassing of the shallow‐water platform is efficient as a result of the presence of incised submarine channels and the predominance of suspension transport of fine‐grained sediments. Facies of the shallow platform include silty sand with climbing ripple lamination. Offshore facies are dominated by seaward‐fining fine sand to silt tempestites. Sea‐ice scouring and sediment deformation are common beyond 10 m water depth where bioturbated muds are the predominant facies. The low angle profile of the shallow‐water platform is interpreted to be the combined response of a fine‐grained delta to (1) storm sediment dispersal; (2) autoretreat as a result of the increasing subaerial and subaqeous area of deposition as the delta progrades out of its glacial valley; (3) limited water depth above the underlying flooding surface; and (4) efficient nearshore bypassing of sediment through subice channels at the peak of spring discharge. Several indicators of the cold climate can be used as criteria for the interpretation of ancient successions, including thermokarst lake development, submarine channel scours, freeze–thaw deformation and ice‐scour deformation structures. Permafrost inhibits compaction subsidence and, together with the shallow‐water setting, also limits autocyclic lobe switching. The cold climate can thus influence stratal architecture by favouring the development of regional‐scale clinoform sets rather than multiple, smaller scale lobes separated by autocyclic flooding surfaces.  相似文献   

The distribution of aromatic hydrocarbons and stable carbon isotope ratios of organic matter in a series of nine Miocene Embalut coal samples obtained from nine coal seams of Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia were studied. The rank of the Embalut coals ranged from lignites to low rank sub-bituminous coals (0.36–0.50% Rr), based on measurements of huminite reflectance. The aromatic hydrocarbon fractions of all coal samples were dominated by cadalene in the lower boiling point range and picene derivatives in the higher boiling point range of the gas chromatograms. Cadalene can be attributed to the contribution of Dipterocarpaceae and various hydrated picenes to the contribution of additional angiosperms to the coal forming vegetation. The picenes originate from alpha- and beta-amyrin. However, in some coal samples minor amounts of simonellite and retene were also detected which argues for an additional contribution of gymnosperms (conifers) to coal forming vegetation preferentially in the Middle Miocene and at the beginning of the Late Miocene. The results of stable carbon isotope ratios (δ13C) in most of the coal samples are consistent with their origin from angiosperms (δ13C between ?27.0‰ and ?28.0‰). During the Miocene the climate of Mahakam Delta was not uniformly moist and cooler than the present day climate. This would have been favourable for the growth of conifers, especially in the montane forests. The contribution of conifers to the Embalut coals might be a result of the cool Middle/Late Miocene climate during peat accumulation in the Kutai Basin.  相似文献   

被遗忘的三角洲--论淮河三角洲的形成与演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
导淮自桐柏,会于淮阴,东入海,是追索淮河三角洲形成的由来。公元1128-1885年史称夺准700年,古淮河入海水道为黄河泥沙堵塞,从此淮河改道经长江入海,遂使淮河三角洲不为人们提起。本文从区域地质构造入手,阐述淮河水系的发展、淮河三角洲的形成与区域第四纪海进、海退、成淡水演化过程,为正确认识淮河尾闾的发展演化提供科学依据,为振兴淮河三角洲,走高附加产值的大农业生态经济体系,构建与长江三角洲互补、互助、互利、互赢的可持续发展做出贡献。  相似文献   

The equatorial peatlands of the Kutai lowland of eastern Kalimantan are generally 4–10 m in thickness but some sections exceed 16 m in depth. The deposition of peat commenced about 8000 yrs ago after shallow flooding of the basin by the Mahakam River. The earliest vegetation is a Pandanus swamp which grades upwards to swamp forest dominated by dipterocarps. The peatland has expanded laterally and rivers have maintained narrow levee-channel tracks through the swamp, which has grown vertically in balance with river accretion. Historical fires are associated with extreme El Niño years of drought, but human agency is important. The fires of 1982–1983 and 1997–1998 burnt up to 85% of the vegetation on the peatland. Although charcoal analyses show that fire has occurred throughout the history of the peatland, it is rare in forests remote from rivers until the last 3000 years and only common within the last millennium. Fires are earlier and more frequent in sites accessible from waterways, and floodplains have been widely burnt down to water table or below, forming extensive lakes.  相似文献   

A large quarry at Billinge Beacon in Lancashire, northwest England, has provided an excellent exposure of part of the Lower Westphalian A (Upper Carboniferous) Coal Measures sequence which was deposited in a lower delta plain setting. The main horizon exposed, known as the Dyneley Knoll Flags, is interpreted as the proximal reaches of two crevasse-initiated minor delta complexes, into the lower of which has been incised a sinuous minor distributary channel. The channel, which was approximately 120 m wide, built a 160 m wide channel belt by limited lateral accretion with time; vertical accretion appears to have been the dominant infilling mechanism. This produced a stacked series of epsilon cross-strata, made up of rhythmically interbedded sandstone and silty claystone. The peculiar style of infilling of the channel is ascribed to deep incision of the channel into minor delta deposits, and possibly the influence of a seasonal climate.  相似文献   

Subaerial exposure beside the Wandandian Creek channel during the last glacial maximum led to the development of red and orange mottling and, in some areas, produced a palaeosol over the Pleistocene land surface. Incision of the palaeo-Wandandian Creek, during the Late Pleistocene, formed a relatively deep steep-sided channel partially infilled with medium-grained fluvial sand. This palaeovalley became drowned as the post-glacial marine transgression impounded the western portion of St Georges Basin and the basal prodelta/lagoonal mud facies was deposited from ca 7 ka. The Wandandian Creek delta prograded down the palaeovalley and reached the study area ~3500 – 4000 years ago with the deposition of delta-front sandy silt and the overlying prograded sand facies. The subaerial portion of the delta is characterised by well-developed floodplains, levees, mouth bars and backswamps. Dredging in Wandandian Creek and land clearing for rural and urban development have had little long-term effect on the growth and morphology of Wandandian Creek delta.  相似文献   

The architectural framework and Holocene evolution of the Zeballos fjord‐head delta on west‐central Vancouver Island was established through a multidisciplinary field‐based study. The Zeballos delta is a composite feature, consisting of an elevated, incised, late Pleistocene delta and an inset Holocene delta graded to present sea level. Both deltas have a classic Gilbert‐type tripartite architecture, with nearly flat topset and bottomset units and an inclined foreset unit. Time domain electromagnetic (TDEM) and ground‐penetrating radar (GPR) surveys, borehole data, and gravel pit exposures provided information on the internal form, lithologies and substrate of both deltas. Both sets of deltaic deposits coarsen upward from silt in the bottomset unit to gravel in the topset unit. The TDEM survey revealed a highly irregular, buried bedrock surface, ranging from 20 m to 190 m in depth, and it delineated saltwater intrusion into the deltaic sediments. Late Quaternary sea‐level change at Zeballos was inferred from delta morphology and the GPR survey. The elevated, late Pleistocene delta was constructed when the sea was about 21 m higher relative to the land than it is today. It was dissected when sea‐level fell rapidly as a result of glacio‐isostatic rebound. Relative sea‐level reached a position about 20 m below the present datum during the early Holocene. Foreset beds that overlap and progressively climb in a seaward direction and topset beds that thicken to 26 m landward imply that the delta aggraded and prograded into Zeballos Inlet during the middle and late Holocene transgression. Sea‐level may have risen above the present datum during the middle Holocene, creating a delta plain at about 4 m a.s.l. Remnants of this surface are preserved along the valley margins. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

东地中海经历了伸展-聚敛的构造演化旋回,聚集了丰富的油气资源。基于2D地震、ODP Leg160、IHS及Tellus商业数据库和公开发表的文献资料,本文在建立东地中海及周缘构造-地层格架的基础上,恢复了东地中海12个关键地质历史时期的原型盆地,并以板块构造为切入点探讨了盆地演化机制。东地中海及周缘上三叠统以来地层可划分为新特提斯被动大陆边缘陆地及浅水区、新特提斯被动大陆边缘深水区和塞浦路斯弧前褶皱区3个地层分区,前两个地层分区均发育一套裂谷-被动大陆边缘层系,但是二者的岩相特征和不整合发育有明显的差异,而塞浦路斯弧前褶皱区发育一套大洋盆地-弧前盆地层系。研究认为东地中海经历了二叠纪—早侏罗世裂解期、中侏罗世巴柔期—晚白垩世土伦期漂移期和晚白垩世森诺期以来的汇聚改造期3个原型阶段,其中汇聚改造期又可细分为晚白垩世森诺期“双俯冲带”消减期、古近纪北部俯冲-碰撞期、中新世塞浦路斯岛弧带南侧俯冲-碰撞与黎凡特边缘活化期和中新世梅西期以来“弧-山碰撞”与“走滑逃逸”期4个阶段。东地中海盆地演化受控于图哈罗德-安纳托利亚板块以及凯里尼亚、特罗多斯和埃拉托色尼等微板块与冈瓦纳大陆北缘的分离、向北的漂移和与欧亚大陆汇聚拼贴的板块构造活动。  相似文献   


通过对长江三角洲泰州地区TZK3钻孔沉积物沉积特征、微体古生物的综合分析,结合系统的高分辨率AMS 14C、OSL测年,讨论了该地区末次冰期以来沉积环境的演变过程。结果显示,TZK3孔自下而上可分为6个沉积单元:1)MIS 4,砂砾层,不含有孔虫,为河床相;2)MIS 3,粉砂,含有贝壳碎片、小海贝、海相腹足类口盖,为河口相;3)MIS 2,含粘土粉砂,含少量介形虫,为河漫滩相;4)12.1~10.5cal.ka B.P.,粉砂,未见有孔虫,为河床相;5)10.5~6.9 cal.ka B.P.,粉砂,零星见个体非常小的有孔虫,潮汐层理发育,为受潮汐影响的河漫滩;6)6.9~4.3 cal.ka B.P.,粉砂,含有大量有孔虫,为河口砂质沉积。对比研究发现,全新世长江三角洲的最大海泛面时期为6.9 cal.ka B.P.,黄桥砂坝发育的年龄区间为7.6~4.3 cal.ka B.P.,为潮成砂坝,其发育主要受长江径流、河口潮汐流和亚洲季风的影响。


A 61-m-long sediment core (HB-1) and 690 km of high-resolution seismic profiles from offshore of the Yellow River delta, Bohai Sea, were analyzed to document the stratigraphy and sea-level changes during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. Accelerator mass spectrometry 14C dating and analyses of benthic foraminifera, ostracods, the mineral composition, and sedimentary characteristics were performed for core HB-1, and seven depositional units (DU 1–DU 7 in descending order) were identified. The seismic reflection data were interpreted in light of the sedimentological data of the core and correlated with other well-studied cores obtained previously in the Bohai Sea area. Seven seismic units (SU 1 to SU 7 in descending order) were distinguished and interpreted as follows: SU 7 corresponds to marine facies in Marine Isotopic Stage (MIS) 5; SU 6, to terrestrial facies in MIS 4; SU 5 and SU 4, to alternating terrestrial and marine facies (DU 7–DU 5) in MIS 3; SU 3, to terrestrial facies (DU 4) in MIS 2; SU 2, to Holocene marine facies (DU 3 and DU 2); and SU 1, to modern Yellow River delta sediments deposited since 1855 (DU 1).The sedimentary facies from DU 7 to DU 5 reflect sea-level fluctuations during MIS 3, and the boundary between DU 5 and DU 6, which coincides with that between SU 4 and SU 5, is a distinctive, laterally continuous, undulating erosion surface, with up to 20 m of relief. This surface reflects subaerial exposure between transgressions during MIS 3. Estimated sea levels during MIS 3 ranged from −35 ± 5 to −60 ± 5 m or lower, with short-term fluctuations of 20 m. Sedimentary environments in the Bohai Sea area were governed mainly by eustatic sea-level changes and the Bohai Strait topography, which controls the entry of sea water into the Bohai Sea area.The mineral composition of the sediment core suggests that the Yellow River did not discharge into the Bohai Sea, or at least did not influence the study area significantly, during parts of MIS 3 and MIS 2 to the early Holocene (11–8.5 cal kyr BP).  相似文献   

渤海湾及其沿岸是中国海洋地质与第四纪地质研究程度最高的地区之一.虽然研究成果众多,但仍有一些基础的地质问题亟待解决.比如,晚更新世晚期黄河是否流经渤海湾?全新世黄河在渤海湾及其沿岸形成的多期次三角洲叶瓣在海域如何展布?以上问题一直是中国海洋地质研究中备受关注的热点话题.借助2016—2017年在渤海湾获取的约2000 ...  相似文献   

This study evaluates the impacts resulting from the construction of two large-scale detached breakwater systems on the Nile delta coast of Egypt at Baltim and Ras El Bar beaches (~18.3 km shoreline length). The two protective systems were installed in a water depth of between 3 and 4 m and consist of 17 units in total (each ~250 m long). A comprehensive monitoring program spanning the years 1990 to 2002 was implemented and included beach-nearshore profiles, grain size distribution of seabed sand and information related to the background coastal processes. Evaluation of these systems concentrates on the physical impacts on coastal morphodynamics, mitigation and their design implications. The beach and nearshore sedimentation (erosion/accretion patterns) and grain texture of seabed sediment in the study areas have been substantially disrupted due to the interruption of longshore transport by the shore-parallel detached breakwaters. Rate of shoreline and seabed changes as well as alongshore sediment volume have been substantially affected, resulting in accretion in the breakwater landward sides (tombolo or salient) followed by downdrift erosion. The preconstruction beach erosion at Baltim (–5 m/year) and at Ras El Bar (–6 m/year) has been replaced, respectively, by the formation of sand tombolo (35 m/year) and salient (9 m/year). On the other hand, beach erosion has been substantially increased in the downdrift sides of these protective systems, being –20 m/year at Baltim and –9 m/year at Ras El Bar. Further seaward, the two protective systems at Baltim and Ras El Bar have accumulated seabed sand at maximum rates of 30 and 20 cm/year and associated with downdrift erosion of –45 and –20 cm/year, respectively. Strong gyres and eddies formed in the breakwater gabs have drastically affected swimmers and subsequently caused a significant number of drownings each summer, averaging 35 and 67 victims/year at Baltim and Ras El Bar beaches, respectively. This study provides baseline information needed to help implement mitigation measures for these breakwater systems.  相似文献   

The Barataria barrier coast formed between two major distributaries of the Mississippi River delta: the Plaquemines deltaic headland to the east and the Lafourche deltaic headland to the west. Rapid relative sea‐level rise (1·03 cm year?1) and other erosional processes within Barataria Bay have led to substantial increases in the area of open water (> 775 km2 since 1956) and the attendant bay tidal prism. Historically, the increase in tidal discharge at inlets has produced larger channel cross‐sections and prograding ebb‐tidal deltas. For example, the ebb delta at Barataria Pass has built seaward > 2·2 km since the 1880s. Shoreline erosion and an increasing bay tidal prism also facilitated the formation of new inlets. Four major lithofacies characterize the Barataria coast ebb‐tidal deltas and associated sedimentary environments. These include a proximal delta facies composed of massive to laminated, fine grey‐brown to pale yellow sand and a distal delta facies consisting of thinly laminated, grey to pale yellow sand and silty sand with mud layers. The higher energy proximal delta deposits contain a greater percentage of sand (75–100%) compared with the distal delta sediments (60–80%). Associated sedimentary units include a nearshore facies consisting of horizontally laminated, fine to very fine grey sand with mud layers and an offshore facies that is composed of grey to dark grey, laminated sandy silt to silty clay. All facies coarsen upwards except the offshore facies, which fines upwards. An evolutionary model is presented for the stratigraphic development of the ebb‐tidal deltas in a regime of increasing tidal energy resulting from coastal land loss and tidal prism growth. Ebb‐tidal delta facies prograde over nearshore sediments, which interfinger with offshore facies. The seaward decrease in tidal current velocity of the ebb discharge produces a gradational contact between proximal and distal tidal delta facies. As the tidal discharge increases and the inlet grows in dimensions, the proximal and distal tidal delta facies prograde seawards. Owing to the relatively low gradient of the inner continental shelf, the ebb‐tidal delta lithosome is presently no more than 5 m thick and is generally only 2–3 m in thickness. The ebb delta sediment is sourced from deepening of the inlet and the associated channels and from the longshore sediment transport system. The final stage in the model envisages erosion and segmentation of the barrier chain, leading to a decrease in tidal discharge through the former major inlets. This process ultimately results in fine‐grained sedimentation seaward of the inlets and the encasement of the ebb‐tidal delta lithosome in mud. The ebb‐tidal deltas along the Barataria coast are distinguished from most other ebb deltas along sand‐rich coasts by their muddy content and lack of large‐scale stratification produced by channel cut‐and‐fills and bar migration.  相似文献   

The Frome near Stroud is an unusual example of a Cotswold stream that flows west, against regional topographic and geological dips. As a result, a deeply incised and irregularly indented valley has been carved through a succession of Jurassic strata of varying competencies and permeabilities. The landscape has been modified by intense, locally variable periglacial erosion during Devensian times, resulting in a number of characteristic landforms including landslip, valley bulging, and limestone cambering. This study assesses the importance of spring and river discharge upon the sculpting of such a unique landscape. An extensive discharge survey of 67 hillside springs has revealed two well defined springlines that form at stratigraphical interfaces. Groundwater issues in greater abundance from the lower, Inferior Oolite, aquifer; discharge here is more regular throughout the year. Groundwater flow is a function of the regional SE strata dip, and of the heavily fissured character of the limestone, which provides rapid preferential flow pathways. Discharge of the River Frome was measured at four localities and cannot be explained by a simple model using upstream drainage area, as the channel can run completely dry over limestone in summer. The position of the springs has influenced the development of a line of settlements along the valley sides, as well as the proliferation of industry in the valley floor, with mills sited at points of high stream power. Geology affects valley shape, width, and orientation; the structure of the jointed limestone aquifer guides spring discharge and the orientation of many dry valleys.  相似文献   

Understanding the stratigraphic fill and reconstructing the palaeo‐hydrology of incised valleys can help to constrain those factors that controlled their origin, evolution and regional significance. This condition is addressed through the analysis of a large (up to 18 km wide by 80 m deep) and exceptionally well‐imaged Late Pleistocene incised valley from the Sunda Shelf (South China Sea) based on shallow three‐dimensional seismic data from a large (11 500 km2), ‘merge’ survey, supplemented with site survey data (boreholes and seismic). This approach has enabled the characterization of the planform geometry, cross‐sectional area and internal stratigraphic architecture, which together allow reconstruction of the palaeo‐hydrology. The valley‐fill displays five notable stratigraphic features: (i) it is considerably larger than other seismically resolvable channel forms and can be traced for at least 180 km along its length; (ii) it is located in the axial part of the Malay Basin; (iii) the youngest part of the valley‐fill is dominated by a large (600 m wide and 23 m deep), high‐sinuosity channel, with well‐developed lateral accretion surfaces; (iv) the immediately adjacent interfluves contain much smaller, dendritic channel systems, which resemble tributaries that drained into the larger incised valley system; and (v) a ca 16 m thick, shell‐bearing, Holocene clay caps the valley‐fill. The dimension, basin location and palaeo‐hydrology of this incised valley leads to the conclusion that it represents the trunk river, which flowed along the length of the Malay Basin; it connected the Gulf of Thailand in the north with the South China Sea in the south‐east. The length of the river system (>1200 km long) enables examination of the upstream to downstream controls on the evolution of the incised valley, including sea‐level, climate and tectonics. The valley size, orientation and palaeo‐hydrology suggest close interaction between the regional tectonic framework, low‐angle shelf physiography and a humid‐tropical climatic setting.  相似文献   

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