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Incremental Focus of Attention for Robust Vision-Based Tracking   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We present the Incremental Focus of Attention (IFA) architecture for robust, adaptive, real-time motion tracking. IFA systems combine several visual search and vision-based tracking algorithms into a layered hierarchy. The architecture controls the transitions between layers and executes algorithms appropriate to the visual environment at hand: When conditions are good, tracking is accurate and precise; as conditions deteriorate, more robust, yet less accurate algorithms take over; when tracking is lost altogether, layers cooperate to perform a rapid search for the target and continue tracking.Implemented IFA systems are extremely robust to most common types of temporary visual disturbances. They resist minor visual perturbances and recover quickly after full occlusions, illumination changes, major distractions, and target disappearances. Analysis of the algorithm's recovery times are supported by simulation results and experiments on real data. In particular, examples show that recovery times after lost tracking depend primarily on the number of objects visually similar to the target in the field of view.  相似文献   

Estimating the focus of attention of a person highly depends on her/his gaze directionality. Here, we propose a new method for estimating visual focus of attention using head rotation, as well as fuzzy fusion of head rotation and eye gaze estimates, in a fully automatic manner, without the need for any special hardware or a priori knowledge regarding the user, the environment or the setup. Instead, we propose a system aimed at functioning under unpretending conditions, only with the usage of simple hardware, like a normal web-camera. Our system is aimed at functioning in a human-computer interaction environment, considering a person is facing a monitor with a camera adjusted on top. To this aim, we propose in this paper two novel techniques, based on local and appearance information, estimating head rotation, and we adaptively fuse them in a common framework. The system is able to recognize head rotational movement, under translational movements of the user towards any direction, without any knowledge or a-priori estimate of the user’s distance from the camera or camera intrinsic parameters.  相似文献   

本文针对"全国计算机信息高新技术考试试题汇编"CAD题解,谈了几点CAD矢量图绘制应注意的问题.  相似文献   

While shared visual space plays a very important role in remote collaboration on physical tasks, it is challenging and expensive to track users' focus of attention (FOA) during these tasks. In this paper, we propose to identify a user's FOA from his/her intention based on task properties, people's actions in the workspace, and conversational content. We employ a conditional Markov model to characterize a subject's FOA. We demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method using a collaborative laboratory task in which one partner (the helper) instructs another (the worker) on how to assemble online puzzles. We model a helper's FOA using task properties, workers' actions, and conversational content. The accuracy of the model ranged from 65.40% for puzzles with easy-to-name pieces to 74.25% for puzzles with more difficult-to-name pieces. The proposed model can be used to predicate a user's FOA in a remote collaborative task without tracking the user's eye gaze.   相似文献   

We address the problem of recognizing the visual focus of attention (VFOA) of meeting participants based on their head pose. To this end, the head pose observations are modeled using a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) or a hidden Markov model (HMM) whose hidden states correspond to the VFOA. The novelties of this paper are threefold. First, contrary to previous studies on the topic, in our setup, the potential VFOA of a person is not restricted to other participants only. It includes environmental targets as well (a table and a projection screen), which increases the complexity of the task, with more VFOA targets spread in the pan as well as tilt gaze space. Second, we propose a geometric model to set the GMM or HMM parameters by exploiting results from cognitive science on saccadic eye motion, which allows the prediction of the head pose given a gaze target. Third, an unsupervised parameter adaptation step not using any labeled data is proposed, which accounts for the specific gazing behavior of each participant. Using a publicly available corpus of eight meetings featuring four persons, we analyze the above methods by evaluating, through objective performance measures, the recognition of the VFOA from head pose information obtained either using a magnetic sensor device or a vision-based tracking system. The results clearly show that in such complex but realistic situations, the VFOA recognition performance is highly dependent on how well the visual targets are separated for a given meeting participant. In addition, the results show that the use of a geometric model with unsupervised adaptation achieves better results than the use of training data to set the HMM parameters.  相似文献   

The Enhanced Restricted Focus Viewer (ERFV) is a unique software tool for tracking the visual attention of users in hyperlinked environments, such as Web sites. The software collects data, such as mouse clicks along with the path of users' visual attention, as they browse a site. Unlike traditional eye-tracking procedures, the ERFV requires no hardware to operate other than a personal computer. In addition to time and cost savings, the ERFV allows the administration of usability testing to groups of participants simultaneously. A laboratory test comparing the ERFV to a hardware-based eye-tracking system showed that the two methods compared favorably in terms of how well they track a user's visual attention. The value of the ERFV as a usability testing tool was demonstrated through an experiment that evaluated two Web sites that were equivalent in content but that differed in terms of design. Although several open issues concerning the ERFV still remain, some of these issues are being addressed through ongoing research efforts.  相似文献   

Geer  D.  Jr. 《Security & Privacy, IEEE》2005,3(2):80-80
A problem statement encouraging elegance is spare, unadorned, clean, and leaves the designer as much room as can be left. This is the hardest part of any design process. A good problem statement is a mentor and a supervisor. It asks the right question. A good problem statement extends its writer's skill and wisdom so that, if those are in short supply, the problem statement can make up for some of that itself.  相似文献   

目前,全国各行各业建立的网站已经越来越多,网站建设安全问题引起了人们广泛关注.本文先对网站建设应注意的安全问题及原因进行了分析,继而对应采用的安全技术进行了探析,提出了自己的思考.要从硬件软件多方面协调配置,提高其抗恶意攻击和病毒传播的能力.要把网络安全作为网站发展的一个重要步骤.  相似文献   

英特尔告别奔腾时代近日,据国外媒体报道,英特尔最终做出决定,在其新一代产品中不再使用“奔腾”品牌,英特尔单内核600系列及D800和D900系列处理器将不再以“奔腾”命名。这一决定意味着,英特尔长达12年之久的“奔腾”时代即将成为历史。市场研究机构n-Stat/MDR首席分析师、《微处理器报告》主编凯文·克勒维尔(Kevin Krewell)表示,英特尔市场及产品战略的转移是促使“奔腾”退出的主要原因。对英特尔来说,处理器在其产品线中不再扮演主要角色,英特尔已在逐渐淡化处理器品牌,而将更多的目光吸引到迅弛等新的平台技术方面。Enderle集团首…  相似文献   

发改委官员:我国高技术产业仍很脆弱国家发展和改革委员会高技术产业司副司长顾大伟近日在杭州说,“中国正在成为一个高技术产品制造大国,但中国只是参与了全球贸易的生产环节,还远不是高技术强国。”顾大伟是在此间举行的首届紫金创新论坛——“自主创新与浙江”高层研讨会上作如上表述的。他说,20多年来,我国的高技术产业从无到有,取得了飞速发展,尤其是在“九五”和“十五”期间,高技术产业规模高速增长,国际地位明显提高,成就举世瞩目。上世纪80年代以前,我国的高技术产业基本处于零状态。80年代中期后,高科技产业逐步起步。他举例说,19…  相似文献   

微软副总裁李开复闪电加盟Google任中国区总裁北京时间7月20日消息,Google日前宣布将于今年第三季度在中国设立产品研发中心。原微软全球副总裁李开复将负责Google中国研发中心的运营,并担任Google中国区总裁。李开复在语音识别、人工智能、三维图形及网络多媒体等领域享有很高  相似文献   

数字与短信沃达丰在华设采购中心10亿欧元不含手机采购近日,全球最大的运营商沃达丰在北京宣布,将成立中国采购中心,5年计划采购5亿至10亿欧元,包括网络设备等一系列产品,但终端除外。  相似文献   



网络谍报日本推出世界上最小电脑仅骰子大小近日,据美国物理学家组织网站报道,目前,日本研制出一种世界上最小的计算  相似文献   

数字与短信威盛转攻超便携移动个人电脑有关人士近日表示,威盛电子总经理陈文琦曾向外界透露,威盛未来营运将瞄准UMD(Ultra mobile devices)市场。威盛方面并不愿意把自己的营运方向定义成UMPC(Ultra Mobile PC,超便携移动个人电脑),而是UMD。因为威盛电子未来有关产品的重要特征是集成了手机的通信功能。据初步产品规划,该产品屏幕约6英寸,配备手机通信、蓝牙、全球卫星定位、百万级别摄像头等功能,是一款重点强调通信功能的便携式个人电脑。  相似文献   


美百年公司终结电报业务西联转型金融服务美国西联公司(Westen Union)在美国曾被视为电报业的象征,但随着通讯技术日益进步,该公司日前宣布结束其经营了100多年的电报业务。去年全年西联公司只发出两万封电报。西联公司在其网站上发表公告称,自2006年1月27日起,西联已停止所有电报及商业传讯服务。不过,电报业务的终结并未让这家1851年创立的公司成为历史。公司发言人说:“这是很难做出的决定,因为我们尊重自己的传统。但西联最终还是会从一家通讯公司,转变为金融服务公司的。”目前全球汇款业务几乎占西联营收额的全部。西联的母公司美国…  相似文献   

TOP榜美国五大最危险计算机黑客出炉国外媒体近日评出了美国有史以来最危险的五大计算机黑客,他们年纪不大就成为罪犯并被捕。其中一些人从事黑客行为是为了赚钱,而另外一些则仅仅是出于兴趣。  相似文献   

中欧间最大陆路光缆开通可避免海缆断裂风险近日,在由中国联通主办的国际运营商合作会议期间,中国联通分别与德国电信、俄罗斯铁通(TTC)、香港电讯盈科、哈萨克斯坦铁通、跨国电缆企业中企通信公司等签署合作协议。  相似文献   

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