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Urban Air Quality Assessment Model: UAQAM   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Urban Air Quality Assessment Model (UAQAM) calculates urban concentrations caused by city emissions themselves, the so-called city background concentration. Three versions of the model for describing the dispersion were studied: Box, Gifford Hanna (GH) and a combined form of these two (Box–GH model). Regional background emissions contributing to the urban background concentration were accounted for by using measurements and calculations from a dispersion model on the continental scale. The results of the three UAQAM versions for a number of European cities were compared to measurements of SO2 and NO X . The Box–GH model shows better results when compared to the Box model and slightly better results in comparison to the GH model. The Box–GH model has been taken as a starting point for the assessment of urban air quality with UAQAM.  相似文献   

关于环境空气质量评价的一些思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
不断变化的大气污染形势和不断发展的监测技术对中国的环境空气质量评价工作提出了新的要求。总结中国环境空气质量评价的发展历程和国外环境空气质量评价的主流做法,分析存在的主要问题,提出在学习国外先进经验的基础上,结合实际情况,建立符合科学规律和中国国情的环境空气质量评价方法,以达到如实反映环境空气质量状况,客观评价环境管理成效及为改善环境空气质量服务的目标。  相似文献   

In countries having limited resources, it is difficult to assess urban air quality on contemporaneously, due to the absence of on-line information about air pollution levels and emission rates. An alternative approach is recommended for smaller cities with lower demands of resources. The applied scheme consists of a database of air pollution sources (NO x and CO from industry, traffic, and domestic heating), the simple Gaussian-plume model AEROPOL and a series of measurements by passive monitors. This method was used in Tartu, a small city situated in the valley of the river Emajõgi, within a landscape with noteworthy topographical variations. Simulations of annual average and maximal concentrations were performed, and a fair agreement obtained with NO2 monitoring results from passive Palmes monitors. Inventories of pollution sources in 1998 revealed that official statistics of stationary sources covered 64% of SO2,36% of CO, 37% of NO x and 32% of total particulate matter emissions. Recommendations for measures for reducing air pollution levels and for further investigations towards improving air quality assessment and management, are given.  相似文献   

The environmental decision-making process is related with the interpretation of data both in spatial and temporal dimensions. This paper presents a methodology that integrates the time-space framework of air quality data to infer the temporal pattern and spatial variability that could be interpreted for environmental decision purposes. Variograms that accommodate time and space lags were used for the analysis and proved to be effective. Its environmental meaning, in particular its relationship with traffic patterns is discussed. Data from air quality monitoring stations located in the central part of Lisbon were used in this study. It describes a strategy to identify the type of vehicles responsible for certain pollutant levels, particularly for nitrogen oxides, and discusses the application of new air quality European legislation to the city of Lisbon, Portugal.  相似文献   

上海港船舶大气污染物排放对城市空气质量的影响不容小觑。基于船舶AIS数据,高精度船舶大气污染物排放清单得以建立并应用。2018年11月5—10日召开的第一届中国国际进口博览会期间,在气象条件不利的情况下,通过提前实施船舶排放控制区政策等措施,使船舶单日SOx排放量下降28.5%,一次PM2.5排放量下降25.5%,全市空气质量达到了保障要求。  相似文献   

利用河南省环境空气质量新标准实施一期城市(郑州、开封)2013年的环境空气自动监测数据,分析了实施《环境空气质量标准》(GB 3095—2012)对这2个城市空气质量评价的影响。研究发现,若采用新标准,郑州、开封污染物年均浓度超标情况加重;城市空气质量达标率从51%、71%下降到35%和31%,下降了16和40个百分点;PM2.5的纳入是空气质量达标率下降的最主要原因,大于NO2标准的收严和CO、O3纳入评价指标的影响,其超标率分别为58%(郑州)和63%(开封);且PM2.5取代PM10成为郑州、开封的首要污染物,其作为首要污染物的比例均大于70%。  相似文献   

集对分析用于大气环境质量评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简述了集对分析用于大气环境质量综合评价的基本思路,介绍了多项污染物联系度表达式中合成同一度、差异度及对立度的计算公式。通过实例说明了计算的方法和步骤。该法应用于大气环境质量评价的结果是合理的,并针对结果进行了讨论。  相似文献   

借鉴美国加州南岸空气质量预报经验,特别是其运行管理模式对于现阶段中国城市环境空气质量预测预报具有极高的参考价值。简要介绍了加州南岸空气质量管理局(SCAQMD)空气质量预报业务流程、技术方法、信息发布方式和预报效果评估策略。建议从4个方面借鉴SCAQMD经验:(1)建立相对完善的空气质量预报体系,分层级自上而下指导预报工作;(2)选择合适的空气质量预报方法,综合统筹成本-效益评估工作;(3)评估预报效果进而提高预报准确率;(4)在优化空气质量预报能力的基础上,有序开展预警协同控制工作。  相似文献   

Contemporary urban air quality management requires the use of appropriate systems which include air quality models, a Geographical Information System (GIS) and a combination of expert systems and decision support tools, while at the same time possessing the capability to receive information from in situ measurements. Until recently, the relation between Information Technology capabilities and the system's design and architecture were poorly addressed, mainly due to technological limitations posed. Moreover, air quality management scenario design issues were partially considered, because of the difficulty in aggregating complex, air quality related issues, in a comprehensive and effective manner, from the end users point of view. In the present paper the use of Environmental Telematics is discussed as a framework for the development of urban air quality management systems, while a comprehensive approach for the application and evaluation of relevant scenarios is presented.  相似文献   

借鉴加州南岸空气质量监测管理经验(特别是运行管理模式)对于现阶段我国城市环境空气质量监测管理具有极高的参考价值。简要介绍了加州南岸空气质量管理局( SCAQMD)的空气质量监测现状、监测网络布局、颗粒物采样方法和相关质量管理体系。对现行的环境空气质量指数、管理架构和PM2?5考核方法进行了综合比较,建议从4个方面借鉴SCAQMD经验:试行“空气质量管理区”模式;开展专项研究网络建设;逐步开展手工监测采样和颗粒物化学组分分析;提升数据挖掘水平,服务管理决策。  相似文献   

空气质量预测在国内的关注度日益提高,传统的空气质量预测系统通常运用数值化学传输模型,利用物理方程来计算污染物的扩散、沉降和化学反应。而化学传输模型的预测准确性很大程度上需要依赖详细的污染源排放信息和气象模型的输出结果。基于统计模型的OPAQ空气质量预报业务系统,采用人工神经网络算法,可预测各污染物的日均值或日最大值。并对北京空气质量预报的结果进行了评价,OPAQ空气质量预报业务系统对空气质量预测的准确性较高,能够利用较低的计算资源得到较为准确的预测结果。与数值预报相比,OPAQ空气质量预报业务系统不需要大量的基础数据作为输入,可弥补数值预报的不足,并成为数值预报的有力补充。  相似文献   

区域环境空气质量预报的一般方法和基本原则   总被引:2,自引:12,他引:2  
为响应公众服务和环境管理对环境空气质量预报的迫切需求,中国环境监测总站率先在京津冀区域开展了区域环境空气质量预报测试。结合目前积累的预报经验和国内外相关研究,探索出区域空气质量预报的一般方法和基本原则,讨论了客观订正环节中大气扩散条件、污染源排放、物理化学过程和空气质量变化规律的分析方法及系统建立、结果确定、天气控制形势分析和信息表述等基本原则,以期为各地开展环境空气质量预报提供技术参考。  相似文献   

基于聚类分析的颗粒物监测网络优化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了优化香港环境监测网络,收集香港14个监测站2011年1月1日至2015年11月30日的颗粒物PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)的小时数据进行统计分析。对PM_(2.5)进行聚类,并利用日均浓度变化图进行验证,结果表明,可将监测站分为4类(A、B、C、D类),A类位于城市郊区,B类则位于港口附近,且A、B类的PM_(2.5)日变化特征均呈现双峰型分布,峰值分别出现在09:00和21:00。对PM_(10)进行类似分析结果表明,监测站同样可以分为4类,A类位于九龙区,B类则位于港口附近,而且A、B类的PM_(10)日变化双峰分别出现在11:00和20:00左右。说明污染源头及地形的相似致使某些监测站颗粒物浓度的变化出现相同的趋势,导致监测设备的浪费和管理的冗余。建议建立更高效的空气管理系统,将冗余设备转移到其他地区,扩大空气监控区域。对PM_(2.5)/PM_(10)聚类结果表明,将监测站分为4类,B类均属于路边站,C类则位于居民区。同时还发现同类监测站PM_(2.5)/PM_(10)数值变化相同,并且可以用其中一个站的PM_(2.5)和PM_(10)浓度及另一个站的PM_(2.5)或PM_(10)浓度预测PM_(2.5)或PM_(10)浓度,为优化监测资源提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   

根据上海市空气自动监测网络由市级中心站负责子站和区/县级监测站自建子站共同组成和两级管理的结构特点,上海自2006年开始实施对空气自动监测子站的年度质保审核,并在实践中持续改进和完善。以上海为例对新环境空气质量标准实施和AQI实时发布背景下完整的空气质量自动监测QA/QC体系中的质保审核的建立实施及其效果进行讨论。  相似文献   

福州市环境空气质量预报误差分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了福州市环境空气质量预报系统,分析了预报产生误差的原因,指出SO2、NOx预报误差相对较小,TSP预报误差相对较大,误差主要由局地污染源的不确定和特殊天气情况造成,具此提出了提高预报准确性的改进方法和措施。  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and application of an integrated modeling framework composed of an urban air chemistry model, an urban runoff model, and a water-quality model. The models were linked to simulate the fate and transport of air emissions of nitrogen compounds in the air, urban watershed, surface water runoff, and in a coastal receiving-water body. The model linkage is demonstrated by evaluating the potential water quality implications of reducing NO x emissions by 32%, volatile organic compound emissions by 51%, and ammonia emissions by 30%, representing changes from 1987 levels to proposed 2000 target levels in Los Angeles, California, USA. Simulations of the Los Angeles dry season during the summer of 1987 (June 1 to August 31) indicated that by reducing emissions from 1987 to proposed year 2000 levels, the dry deposition nitrogen loads to Santa Monica Bay and the Ballona Creek watershed were reduced 21.4% and 15.0%, respectively. Water quality modeling results indicated that dry season atmospheric load reductions to the Ballona Creek Estuary did not reduce chlorophyll-a levels or significantly raise nighttime dissolved oxygen levels because the magnitude of the reductions was negligible compared to non-atmospheric inputs of nitrogen compounds. Simulations of the time period from November 18, 1987 to December 4, 1987 during the Los Angeles wet season indicated that air emissions reductions produced an 18.6% reduction in the dry deposition nitrogen load to Santa Monica Bay, a 15.5% reduction in the dry deposition nitrogen load to the Ballona Creek watershed, a 16.8% reduction in the wet deposition nitrogen load to the Ballona Creek watershed, and a 16.1% reduction in the stormwater discharge load from the Ballona Creek watershed. Although the wet season load reductions are significant, modeling results of the ultimate effect on the Ballona Creek Estuary water quality were inconclusive.  相似文献   

奎屯市空气质量变化趋势及改善途径分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对奎屯市环境空气质量监测数据的分析,显示出大气污染三项因子随年、季变化的趋势(其中20%的天数TSP超标)。结合当地的能源结构、气候特征、城市环境综合发展水平,探讨了改善奎屯市空气质量变化趋势的途径,为防治和减轻奎屯市的空气污染提供科学依据。  相似文献   

A modular approach to Integrated Assessment modeling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we present a new approach to model coupling that probably forms the methodological basis of a new generation of Integrated Assessment models. This approach respects the knowledge and expertise that is embodied in existing models and encourages their gradual evolution. Modularity is the guiding principle. Our approach is distinguished by the way modules are coupled which is based on an interplay of a job control module, a numerical coupling module, and a couple of stand-alone functional modules. The numerical coupling module - the core component - serves to treat the feedbacks between the functional modules. A first implemented example that couples an economic and a climate module by means of a two-phase meta-optimization is presented here. The algorithm and mathematical structure behind are discussed as well as important features such as convergence behavior and reliability.  相似文献   

对不同国家在环境空气质量评价中主要污染物浓度表示方法进行了比较和分析,发现各国对于气态污染物浓度的表示方法主要有体积比浓度和质量浓度2种方法,对于颗粒物浓度的表示方法则普遍采用了质量浓度;颗粒物的质量浓度有标况浓度和实况浓度2种表示方法,在中国标况浓度和实况浓度的数值存在较大差异,在不同地区和不同季节此差异大小亦不同,一般情况下,实况浓度低于其标况浓度,且实况浓度能够更加客观反映颗粒物污染状况;建议修订中国环境空气质量标准中颗粒物浓度的表示方法,使用实际状况下的质量浓度来表示空气中颗粒物的浓度,以保证中国与其他国家之间监测数据的可比性。  相似文献   

利用粤港珠三角区域空气质量监控网中天湖、金果湾与万顷沙3个区域站2010年全年SO2、NO2、PM10、O3、PM2.5与CO自动监测的数据,分析了实施环境空气质量新标准(GB 3095—2012)对这3个子站空气质量评价的影响。研究发现,若采用新标准,万顷沙的NO2、PM10和PM2.5年均浓度将不同程度超标。这3个子站空气质量达标率下降7~28个百分点,空气污染指数从91%~99%下降至63%~91%;O3的引入是导致空气质量达标率下降的最主要的原因;O3将取代PM10成为最主要的首要污染物,出现频率大于50%,且O3(8 h)平均浓度的影响大于O3 (1 h)浓度的影响。PM2.5的纳入也是导致空气质量达标率下降的重要因素,其超标率为3%(金果湾)~16%(万顷沙)。NO2标准的收严未对天湖与金果湾空气质量评价造成影响,但导致万顷沙NO2的超标率从2%上升至10%,且NO2作为首要污染物的比例达24%。  相似文献   

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