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为探究相控阵超声阵列换能器中不同阵元参数对声场的影响,以相控阵超声波检测基本原理和声场辐射理论为支撑,应用MATLAB软件进行数值模拟分析,建立辐射声场模型,进行不同参数下的阵列换能器指向性和声场分析.分析了阵元各项参数变化时对波束质量、聚焦范围、成像效果的影响,结果表明:阵元中心频率过小会使成像分辨率过低,阵元中心频...  相似文献   

与传统压电式超声换能器相比,基于微机电系统微加工技术制备的电容式微机械超声换能器(CMUT)具有频带宽、灵敏度高、一致性好、易于集成等优势,在医学超声成像中具有广阔的应用前景。该文针对研制的矩形CMUT器件,开展硅油介质中CMUT发射、接收声场特性的理论分析及实验验证研究。首先,针对CMUT阵元结构特征和工作原理,根据指向性函数理论和Bridge乘积原理,建立了矩形CMUT阵元指向性函数分析模型。此基础上,分析微元数目以及谐振频率对CMUT指向性的影响规律。最后,针对7 mm×7 mm二维矩形CMUT在硅油介质中的发射和接收特性进行了实验验证,测试表明发射指向性曲线与仿真理论曲线基本吻合;此外,CMUT接收与发射指向性的测试表明,收发指向性具有一致性,从而验证了声场的互易性。该文的研究对CMUT器件的封装设计以及基于CMUT阵列的乳腺超声CT成像系统的研制具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

针对传统光学元件增透的方法中存在物理、化学性质的限制而导致热失配、稳定性不足等问题,提出了对光学表面直接加工圆球和圆锥形两种微纳结构的增透方式;构建了两种微结构模型并以0.38~0.9μm的入射光在不同入射角的条件下对二者进行数值仿真;分析了两种模型随波长与入射角变化的反射率、透射率和电场的变化情况,并对两种实验元件进行实验测试;结合两种微纳结构的仿真和实验数据结果进行对比,获得了两种微纳结构对光透射性能的影响情况。结果表明:入射光波长由小增大时,光学元件透射率增大,并随着波长继续增大透射率逐渐趋于稳定。可为表面微纳结构对光透射性能的影响研究,以及对微纳光学器件的优化设计、制造提供参考。  相似文献   

针对熔融拉锥系统制得的熔锥型微纳光纤耦合器,选择适当的连续函数描述其光场分布,采用归一化的三角分布和矩形分布的加权叠加,以及高斯分布和三角分布的加权叠加实现了模场沿耦合器区域的连续变化;利用局部模式耦合理论推导出腰区及腰区附近锥形区的耦合系数计算公式,并得到微纳光纤耦合器输出光功率随拉伸长度的变化曲线.计算结果表明,随着拉伸长度的增加,光能量在两臂中来回交替耦合的程度变小并且呈现包络样,直至腰区耦合功能消失.通过实时监测拉制微纳光纤耦合器的输出光功率,得到火焰扫描宽度以及氢气流量对双纤失去耦合效应拉伸长度的影响:火焰扫描宽度(均匀腰区)越宽,拉伸长度临界值越大;氢气流量(熔融度)越大,拉伸长度临界值越小.实验结果显示,当光纤耦合器腰区直径达到1.6μm时,耦合功能消失,两输出端口光功率相同且恒定,微纳光纤耦合器具备稳定的光学传输特性.  相似文献   

微纳尺度光纤布拉格光栅折射率传感的理论研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
梁瑞冰  孙琪真  沃江海  刘德明 《物理学报》2011,60(10):104221-104221
亚波长直径微纳光纤强倏逝场传输的光学特性,使其对周围介质折射率的变化具有极高的灵敏度.本文提出一种基于微纳尺度光纤布拉格光栅(MNFBG)的折射率传感器,结合微纳光纤倏逝场传输和光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)强波长选择的特性来实现高精度折射率传感,对其制备可行性进行了讨论.论文中对MNFBG折射率传感机理进行了深入的理论分析,并使用OptiGrating软件进行了数值模拟,模拟数据显示MNFBG折射率测量的灵敏度随着光纤半径的减小而增加,其中光纤半径为400 nm的MNFBG灵敏度可达到993 nm/RIU,相比于包层蚀刻的FBG灵敏度增加了170倍,说明MNFBG对发展微型化、高灵敏度折射率传感器具有良好的应用前景. 关键词: 微纳光纤 光纤布拉格光栅 折射率传感  相似文献   

针对传统光学元件增透的方法中存在物理、化学性质的限制而导致热失配、稳定性不足等问题,提出了对光学表面直接加工圆球和圆锥形两种微纳结构的增透方式;构建了两种微结构模型并以0.38~0.9μm的入射光在不同入射角的条件下对二者进行数值仿真;分析了两种模型随波长与入射角变化的反射率、透射率和电场的变化情况,并对两种实验元件进行实验测试;结合两种微纳结构的仿真和实验数据结果进行对比,获得了两种微纳结构对光透射性能的影响情况。结果表明:入射光波长由小增大时,光学元件透射率增大,并随着波长继续增大透射率逐渐趋于稳定。可为表面微纳结构对光透射性能的影响研究,以及对微纳光学器件的优化设计、制造提供参考。  相似文献   

针对焊缝内相控阵声场聚焦问题,建立焊缝结构中多高斯声束法的相控阵声场计算模型,分别用直接聚焦和底面反射聚焦两种方式对焊缝内部的相控阵声场进行数值模拟,分析不同方式下的相控阵聚焦声场特性,讨论不同区域适用的聚焦方式,分析了界面倾斜角度对聚焦效果的影响。结果表明,在相同焊缝结构条件下直接聚焦的方式更适合对厚壁焊缝的中下部进行聚焦扫描,在焊缝上表面附近,当声束偏转角大于80°时,直接聚焦方式无法有效聚焦;反射聚焦的方式更适合对焊缝上表面附近区域进行聚焦扫描,随着焦点深度增加,反射聚焦的声束偏转角增大,当声束偏转角大于55°时,反射聚焦无法形成明显焦点;两种聚焦扫描方式可形成有效的互补。当设置的焦点固定时,直接聚焦的实际焦点随界面倾斜角度增大向预设点远处偏移,而反射聚焦的效果基本不受倾斜角的影响,实际焦点始终在预设焦点附近。  相似文献   

利用集成运放的方法,设计了一个微纳电流的制取和测量方案并搭建了实验装置。在自制装置的基础上,用高精度的标准电阻和纳伏表对装置进行了对比测试,测试结果表明,装置的测量结果与纳伏表的测量结果非常接近,且测量的精度可达纳安量级,可靠性和稳定性都达到了实验预期。  相似文献   

微纳光纤传感器将微纳加工与光纤传感技术有机结合,具有重大的科研意义和产业化潜力。现有加工方法无法达到任意复杂三维结构可制备化,从而限制了微纳光纤传感器的发展。介绍了一种新型微纳加工方法,该方法在聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)薄膜上实现微纳结构的制备,之后将薄膜连同微纳结构一同转移到光纤端面,在光纤端面实现人为定义三维立体微纳结构。通过在扫描电镜下对制备的样品进行检测,确认PDMS薄膜及其上三维结构可被无损转移至光纤端面。该方法具有易制备、低成本且可加工三维微纳结构的特点。  相似文献   

太阳能电池受阳光照射发电同时产生热量引起温度升高,但温度的升高对其效率和可靠性都有不利影响。本文引入一种辐射散热的方法,通过辐射将热量散发到外层空间来降低太阳电池的工作温度。本文提出一种微纳结构应用于晶硅太阳电池的设计,在8~13μm大气窗口范围内提高太阳电池的发射率,进而提高太阳电池的辐射散热能力,使太阳电池的温度降低。该结构由如下几个部分组成:Si_3N_4层,SiO_2层,Si层。理论分析表明,与顶部采用Si3N_4薄膜层太阳电池以及无薄膜层的晶硅电池相比,采用Si_3N_4和SiO_2层交替薄膜结构的发射率有大幅提高;针对Si_3N_4和SiO_2层交替薄膜结构,分析了结构中各层厚度对晶硅电池发射率的影响。  相似文献   

《中国物理 B》2021,30(7):74301-074301
To overcome the inherent limits of traditional single wave imaging for nondestructive testing,the multi-wave focusing and imaging method is thoroughly studied.This method makes the compressional waves and shear waves focused in both emission and reception processes,which strengthens the focusing energy and improves the signal-to-noise ratio of received signals.A numerical model is developed to study the characteristics of a multi-wave focusing field.It is shown that the element width approaching 0.8 wavelengths of shear waves can keep a balance between the radiation energy of two waves,which can achieve a desirable multi-wave focusing performance.And an experiment using different imaging methods for a linear phased array is performed.It can be concluded that due to the combination of the propagation and reflection characteristics of two waves,the multi-wave focusing and imaging method can significantly improve the imaging distinguishability of defects and expand the available sweeping range to a sector of-650 to 65°.  相似文献   

超声相控阵在多层媒质中的声场模式优化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
丁亚军  钱盛友  胡继文  邹孝 《物理学报》2012,61(14):144301-144301
针对超声在多层媒质中的传播特性,引入相位补偿因子并结合遗传算法, 提出了一种可对多层媒质进行声聚焦控制的方法.利用该方法对16×16二维超声相控阵在多层生物媒质中的多焦点声场模式进行了仿真,计算了生物媒质不同厚度层和不同吸收系数时的声场. 结果表明:该方法能优化多焦点声场模式,抑制旁瓣,提高声场增益,将声强最大限度地聚焦在目标区域内; 改变生物组织不同层的厚度和不同层的吸收系数,焦点位置不发生变化,但焦域内的声强会有所变化.  相似文献   

界面条件下线型超声相控阵声场特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
孙芳  曾周末  王晓媛  靳世久  詹湘琳 《物理学报》2011,60(9):94301-094301
开展了界面条件下线型超声相控阵声场特性的研究.将带有楔块的超声相控阵问题合理简化为液固界面的情况进行讨论.根据射线声学理论,计算了单阵元在液固界面存在时的辐射声场,进而推导了聚焦法则,得到了超声线型阵在液固界面存在时的声场、位移场表达式.对安装在楔块上的相控阵换能器的辐射声场进行了仿真,并讨论了聚焦对换能器轴向和横向声场的影响,结果表明利用聚焦能提高分辨率和灵敏度,但聚焦区域之外声束性能更差,在实际检测中要合理利用聚焦. 关键词: 超声相控阵 界面 声场 聚焦  相似文献   

Liquid crystal (LC) phased arrays and gratings have been employed in optical switching and routing [1]. These diffractive optic elements are of great interest because they can be scaled up to a large number of elements and their optical properties can be electrically addressed with a low driving voltage. LC phase gratings have been achieved either by periodic addressing of pixels or by using periodically-modified structures. The latter approach leads to less reconfigurable devices but the addressing is simpler. In this paper we focus on optical phased arrays where the phase is varied either continuously or discretely and where the periodicity is induced by electrode configuration. We first describe a possible structure based on a conductive silicon wafer. We argue that this structure can induce either continuously or discretely varying arrays while applying single voltage to the array. In the second part we simulate the behaviour of such arrays. We base the simulation on a LC synthesized at the Military University of Technology, this high-birefringence nematic LC shows in a 4-μm thick cell a linear phase shift range of more than 360° between 1.2 V and 1.8 V. We calculate the distribution of the LC molecule director and assess the performance of the array with respect to the applied voltage. Finally, the relevance of such technology for switchable phased arrays is discussed.  相似文献   

针对线性相控阵列在固体介质中的声场聚焦特性及参数优化问题,该文给出了一个线性阵列的纵波瞬态聚焦声场模型.数值结果表明,当阵元被短时脉冲信号激励时,瞬态聚焦声场中不会形成栅瓣,突破了传统稳态理论模型中对阵元间距的限制;同时由于横纵波在聚焦区域内可完全分离,声束旁瓣的幅值也得到了抑制.其次,增大阵元间距能够显著提高聚焦性能...  相似文献   

针对多层各向异性奥氏体不锈钢焊缝中超声相控阵瞬态声场的仿真问题,提出应用高斯声束等效点源模型计算宽带离散化的多个单频稳态声场,通过傅里叶变换将其拓展为瞬态声场,并分析了声场转换过程的主要影响参数。该方法可快速计算焊缝内部超声相控阵聚焦声场的瞬态能量分布和任意一点的时域波形信号。在此基础上针对多层奥氏体不锈钢焊缝内部缺陷的超声相控阵成像检测问题,提出利用上述时域高斯声束法对多通道缺陷散射信号进行时间反转计算,并根据时域声场焦点确定缺陷位置。最后通过实验,验证使用此方法检测实际奥氏体不锈钢焊缝试块内部缺陷的效果。结果表明,提出的方法能够确定缺陷位置,且计算速度快、运算量小,适合作为多层介质内部缺陷实时成像的声场仿真模型。  相似文献   

随着制造业的不断发展,对产品的加工精度要求愈来愈高,然而微小毛刺的去除仍然是十分困难的。毛刺虽小但危害巨大。因此,有效去除毛刺已成为加工中不可或缺的工序。而超声波去毛刺法可以有效快速的去除复杂零件的微小毛刺,具有很高的实用价值。尽管超声波的相关理论日趋完善,但是超声去毛刺机理以及空化产生的高压对毛刺的影响缺乏一些理论参考。此文阐述了超声波去毛刺的基本原理,利用有限元软件ABAQUS对单个空化泡在毛刺上的溃灭过程进行数值仿真,证明了超声波去毛刺的可行性,通过实验验证,超声波能够有效的去除毛刺。其研究结果为进一步研究超声波去毛刺的理论提供了参考。  相似文献   

提高各通道输出光信噪比,进行了复用体全息光栅的优化设计研究。推导了适用于角度放大器的多路复用体光栅耦合波理论,并与单路耦合波理论进行了比较。针对复用体光栅中的串扰问题,研究了调整光栅结构参数优化串扰的规律,并进行了实验验证。研究结果表明:当相邻两路体光栅的布拉格角间隔小于二者角度选择半宽之和时,相互间串扰较强,必须使用多路耦合波理论描述复用体光栅中波的衍射行为。调整相邻路体光栅的矢量倾斜角间隔、减小光栅周期和增加光栅厚度都可以降低串扰,其中调整矢量倾斜角和光栅周期优化效果明显但会降低角放大率,增加介质厚度不影响角放大率但需要厚度增加数倍才有效。  相似文献   



High-frequency ultrasonic transducer arrays are essential for high resolution imaging in clinical analysis and Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE). However, the structure design and fabrication of the kerfed ultrasonic array is quite challenging when very high frequency (?100 MHz) is required.

Objective and method

Here we investigate the effect of kerf depth on the performances of array transducers. A finite element tool, COMSOL, is employed to simulate the properties of acoustic field and to calculate the electrical properties of the arrays, including crosstalk effect and electrical impedance. Furthermore, Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) deep etching process is used to etch 36°/Y-cut lithium niobate (LiNbO3) crystals and the limitation of etching aspect ratio is studied. Several arrays with different profiles are realized under optimized processes. At last, arrays with a pitch of 25 μm and 40 μm are fabricated and characterized by a network analyzer.


Kerf depth plays an important role in the performance of the transducer array. The crosstalk is proportional to kerf depth. When kerf depth is more than 13 μm, the array with crosstalk less than −20 dB, which is acceptable for the real application, could provide a desired resolution. Compared to beam focusing, kerf depth exhibits more effect on the beam steering/focusing. The lateral pressure distribution is quantitatively summarized for four types of arrays with different kerf depth. The results of half-cut array are similar to those of the full-cut one in both cases of focusing and steering/focusing. The Full-Width-at-Half-Maximum (FWHM) is 55 μm for the half-cut array, and is 42 μm for the full-cut one. The 5-μm-cut array, suffering from severe undesired lobes, demonstrates similar behaviors with the no-cut one. ICP process is used to etch the 36°/Y-cut LiNbO3 film. The aspect ratio of etching profile increases with the kerf width decreasing till it stops by forming a V-shaped groove, and the positive tapered profile angle ranges between 62° and 80°. If the mask selectivity does not limit the process in terms of achievable depth, the aspect ratio is limited to values around 1.3. The measurement shows the electrical impedance and crosstalk are consistent with the numerical calculation.


The numerical results indicate that half-cut array is a promising alternative for the fabrication of high-frequency ultrasonic linear arrays. In fact, the minimum pitch that could be obtained is around 25 μm, equivalent to a pitch of 1.6λ, with a kerf depth of 16 μm under the optimized ICP parameters.  相似文献   

This paper describes a procedure to extend the crosstalk correction method presented in a previous paper [A. Bybi, S. Grondel, J. Assaad, A.–C. Hladky-Hennion, M. Rguiti, Reducing crosstalk in array structures by controlling the excitation voltage of individual elements: a feasibility study, Ultrasonics, 53 (6) (2013) 1135–1140] from the harmonic regime to the transient one. For this purpose a part of an ultrasonic transducer array radiating in water is modeled around the frequency 0.5 MHz using the finite element method. The study is carried out at low frequency in order to respect the same operating conditions than the previous paper. This choice facilitated the fabrication of the transducer arrays and the comparison of the numerical results with the experimental ones. The modeled array is composed of seventeen elements with the central element excited, while the others are grounded. The matching layers and the backing are not taken into account which limits the crosstalk only to the piezoelectric elements and fluid. This consideration reduces the structure density mesh and results in faster computation time (about 25 min for each configuration using a computer with a processor Intel Core i5-3210M, frequency 2.5 GHz and having 4 Go memory (RAM)).  相似文献   

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