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Most of existing works on the topic of real-time routing for wireless sensor networks suffer from void forwarding paths (cannot reach the destination, but have to backtrack) and time overhead of handling isolated nodes. Designing a desired real-time data forwarding protocol as well as achieving a good tradeoff between real time and energy efficiency (as well as energy balance) for delay-sensitive wireless sensor networks remains a crucial and challenging issue. In this paper, we propose an optimal query-driven data forwarding framework that each sensor gets its optimal data forwarding paths (directed acyclic graphs) based on the query messages flooded by the base station without extra overhead. Furthermore, First Forwarding Nodes and Second Forwarding Nodes schemes are developed for data forwarding. In addition, two greedy distributed data forwarding algorithms are provided base on hybrid link cost model trying to achieve energy balance and congestion avoidance in data forwarding. Our framework is fully distributed and practical to implement, as well as robust and scalable to topological changes. The extensive simulations show that our framework has significantly outperformed the existing routing protocols in terms of real time and energy efficiency.  相似文献   

Wireless sensor networks have critical applications in various fields,and the algorithm of their se-cure localization has become a vital technology to support a network.In the light of the self-organization,random deployment and dynamic topology,the localization process is vulnerable to various kinds of malicious attacks.The model of dynamic trust management for a given node is proposed to deal with security concerns in wireless sensor networks.The trust computation is divided into three stages,which are the stage of trust initialization,trust establishment,and trust evolution.The initial value of a global trust relationship is established through a corresponding global trust relation graph in the initial stage of trust.The trust value of each node is calculated by the attribute value in the stage of trust establishment.In the evolution of trust,the iterative process of trust value is accelerated via the finite state machine.Compared with the existing wireless sensor networks,simulation results show that the proposed security localization technology method can resist many kinds of attacks with low communication and time consumption.  相似文献   

张双杰  魏琴芳  秦晓良 《电视技术》2012,36(1):67-70,105
在无线传感器网络中,数据融合是实现有效传输和节省能源的一个重要途径,许多应用都需要可靠并且可信的数据来进行融合.针对上述要求,提出了一个新的安全数据融合算法来保证融合数据的机密性和完整性.算法使用端到端加密和逐跳加密相结合的方式进行数据传输,通过认证过程进行恶意节点及伪造数据的检测.仿真表明,提出的算法能够有效地检测出恶意节点,并保证融合结果的准确性.  相似文献   

In order to avoid internal attacks during data aggregation in wireless sensor networks, a grid-based network architecture fit for monitoring is designed and the algorithms for network division, initialization and grid tree construction are presented. The characteristics of on-off attacks are first studied and monitoring mechanisms are then designed for sensor nodes. A Fast Detection and Slow Recovery (FDSR) algorithm is proposed to prevent on-off attacks by observing the behaviors of the nodes and computing reputations. A recovery mechanism is designed to isolate malicious nodes by identifying the new roles of nodes and updating the grid tree. In the experiments, some situations of on-off attacks are simulated and the results are compared with other approaches. The experimental results indicate that our approach can detect malicious nodes effectively and guarantee secure data aggregation with acceptable energy consumption.  相似文献   

Wang  Taochun  Lv  Chengmei  Jin  Xin  Chen  Fulong  Wang  Chengtian 《Wireless Personal Communications》2021,119(3):2265-2285

Data collection is a key operation in wireless sensor networks. In view of the privacy-preserving problem of the existing data collection schemes, this paper proposes a secure and verifiable continuous data collection algorithm (SVCDC) in wireless sensor networks. Taking the temporal correlation of sensory data into consideration, SVCDC reconstructs multiple sensory data in one period, which can effectively decrease data traffic, and then by encrypting the reconstructed data, SVCDC ensures the privacy of the sensory data. In addition, in SVCDC, the “fingerprint” of sensory data is generated, aggregated and transmitted to Sink. Then, Sink extracts the “fingerprint”, which ensures the verification of the integrity and timeliness of each node’s sensory data and the detections of attack such as replaying or discarding data. Since the “fingerprint” is aggregated and much shorter than the original data, the communication cost of “fingerprint” is low. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that SVCDC has advantages in traffic.


In wireless sensor deployments, network layer multicast can be used to improve the bandwidth and energy efficiency for a variety of applications, such as service discovery or network management. However, despite efforts to adopt IPv6 in networks of constrained devices, multicast has been somewhat overlooked. The Multicast Forwarding Using Trickle (Trickle Multicast) internet draft is one of the most noteworthy efforts. The specification of the IPv6 routing protocol for low power and lossy networks (RPL) also attempts to address the area but leaves many questions unanswered. In this paper we highlight our concerns about both these approaches. Subsequently, we present our alternative mechanism, called stateless multicast RPL forwarding algorithm (SMRF), which addresses the aforementioned drawbacks. Having extended the TCP/IP engine of the Contiki embedded operating system to support both trickle multicast (TM) and SMRF, we present an in-depth comparison, backed by simulated evaluation as well as by experiments conducted on a multi-hop hardware testbed. Results demonstrate that SMRF achieves significant delay and energy efficiency improvements at the cost of a small increase in packet loss. The outcome of our hardware experiments show that simulation results were realistic. Lastly, we evaluate both algorithms in terms of code size and memory requirements, highlighting SMRF’s low implementation complexity. Both implementations have been made available to the community for adoption.  相似文献   

针对无线传感网络(WSNs)的数据传输问题,提出基于转发区域调整的能效地理位置路由(FAEG)。FAEG限定了数据包的转发区域,构建候选转发节点集,并从节点集中选择权重大的节点传递数据包;通过节点剩余能量和离目的节点距离信息计算节点权重,使剩余能量大和离目的节点近的节点具有优先传递数据包的资格,提高了路由稳定性。节点遭遇路由空洞时,则调整转发区域,在更广范围内选择传输数据包的节点。仿真结果表明,提出的FAEG降低了能耗,并提高了数据包传递率。  相似文献   

数据融合是缓解无线传感网资源瓶颈的重要方法之一,但在开放环境中易受数据机密性和完整性攻击。针对此问题,该文提出一种基于同态MAC的无线传感网安全数据融合方案SDA-HMAC。通过同态MAC技术进行融合数据的完整性检测,利用同态加密算法保证了融合数据的机密性,使用杂凑函数和时间参数t计算密钥的MAC保证了数据的新鲜性。实验仿真和理论分析表明,相比于其它方案,SDA-HMAC方案在传感网数据融合过程中能提供较好的数据机密性、完整性和新鲜性保护,具有较高的数据传输效率和融合精度,同时花费较少的计算量和通信量。  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - Secure and trustable routing is one of the remarkable challenges in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In this paper, we proposed a secure, trustable and...  相似文献   

We propose a lightweight trust system for the clustered wireless sensor networks based on the mutual evaluation between the cluster heads and sensor nodes. We evaluate the trust level of a cluster head in two aspects, namely, trust level as a service provider and a supervisor. We consider multidimensional trust attributes to compute the global trust value of a node. By means of the Petri net (PN), we illustrate the performance of an entity in our trust model. Theoretical analyses as well as simulations are done and the results showed that our model with linear computational complexity had less memory and communi-cation overhead when compared with the current state-of-art trust management scheme. In addition, our model can detect malicious and selfish entities (especially the mali-cious cluster head) and resist various attacks efficiently.  相似文献   

Anand  C.  Vasuki  N. 《Wireless Personal Communications》2021,121(4):2911-2926
Wireless Personal Communications - Wireless sensor network occupies an inevitable role in various applications that requires data collection and transmission. The tiny wireless sensor nodes are...  相似文献   

无线传感器网络贪婪转发策略中的路由空洞问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
贪婪转发策略是无线传感器网络中基于地理位置的路由算法中非常重要的一种,但是该算法会遭遇到路由空洞问题。该文从理论上分析了路由空洞在规则部署和随机部署情况下的存在概率,并得出了随机部署情况下随机建立的路径会遭遇到路由空洞的概率。通过分析可以得出,当网络中节点的平均邻居数大于10时,利用带有退避改进方法的贪婪转发策略足以满足无线传感器网络的需要。  相似文献   

王帅 《中国新通信》2008,10(3):69-73
提出一种基于阵列传输结构的无线传感器网络安全定位算法(USA)。该算法主要解决水下无线传感器网络(UWSN)面临的一些安全威胁问题。以提高无线传感器网络安全性,特别是位置信息的安全性为设计目标。利用节点协作形成的阵列作为天线阵列进行相互通信,在不增加额外硬件成本的同时,还获得阵列天线给无线传感器网络带来的优势,如减小多径效应、提高接收端的信噪比、增加系统容量等。USA算法基于这种阵列结构使网络得到很高安全特性,特别是,对Wormhole攻击具有非常好的抵御性能。仿真实验证明该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

LEACH协议首次提出在WSNs(无线传感器网络)中采用动态分簇的层次结构,大大降低了能耗,提高了网络寿命。基于集中式簇头选举的LEACH-C协议比LEACH更节省能耗,但二者都没有考虑安全性,从而可能遭遇各种攻击。论文采用动态密钥分配对LEACH-C进行了安全性改进,并提出了一种适用于集中式控制的安全分簇路由协议SLEACH-C。  相似文献   

无线传感器网络安全定位研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
定位是无线传感器网络的重要支撑技术之一,保证定位的安全性对无线传感器网络的应用全关重要。文章针对安全在定位中的重要性,叙述了定位的安全需求,详细介绍了各种攻击模式和专门针对定位的攻击,对已存在的所有安全定位技术作了全面介绍和比较。最后指出当前安全定位技术存在的不足和安全定位今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

Geocasting is an important communication service in wireless sensor networks. Most of the existing geocasting protocols assume that sensor nodes and the area of interest have accurate location information. However, this assumption is unreasonable if localization systems or schemes cannot work well. This study proposes an efficient probabilistic forwarding decision scheme for reliable geocasting in virtual coordinate-based wireless sensor networks. The proposed scheme uses directional code and hop distance to identify sensor node’s location. The sensor node determines a direction-based probability and a distance-based probability derived from its directional code and hop distance, respectively. The sensor node depends on the two probabilities to determine its ultimate forwarding probability. Simulation results confirm that the proposed scheme outperforms the pure direction-based forwarding scheme in packet delivery ratio though it occurs more packets. Results also show that the direction-based probability significantly dominates the geocasting performance.  相似文献   

为了解决无线传感器网络在军事、商业等领域上的安全和隐私问题,文中分析了传感器节点通信过程中可能遭受的攻击及其防御措施,提出了一种验证安全通信是否真正安全的方法。该方法是一种混合型的形式化分析方法,先应用模型检测工具AVISPA分析安全通信过程是否会遭到攻击,然后采用形式化验证方法Object-Z建立模型和分析,并证明安全通信过程能否实现其安全目标。文中以基于传感器网络加密协议的安全通信过程为例,证实了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

针对无线传感器网络数据汇聚与传输过程面临的安全威胁,文中提出一种基于安全数据汇聚与信息重构的多路由数据传输算法——MDT.该算法允许网络中存在妥协节点,也允许丢失部分数据.通过理论分析与仿真实验,证实该算法在不增加网络整体能耗的前提下,能有效地抵御侦听、数据篡改和拒绝服务攻击,全面提高系统的安全性和可靠性.  相似文献   

Motivated by chaos technology and compressed sensing, we propose a distributed secure data collection scheme via chaotic compressed sensing in wireless sensor networks. The chaotic compressed sensing is applied to the encrypted compression of sensory data for sensor node and the data acquisition for whole sensory in wireless sensor networks. The proposed scheme is suitable for long-term and large scale wireless sensor networks with energy efficiency, network lifetime and security. A sensing matrix generation algorithm and active node matrix algorithm based on chaos sequence are proposed to ensure the secure and efficient transmission of sensor packets. The secret key crack, forgery, hijack jamming and replay attacks on the proposed algorithm are evaluated to show the robustness of this scheme. Simulations and real data examples are also given to show that the proposed scheme can ensure the secure data acquisition in wireless sensor networks efficiently.  相似文献   


Wireless sensor networks are randomly deployed and responsible for monitoring geographical area wide. In WSN, the aggregation of data is very complex because of its limited power and computing capabilities. Issue in data aggregation is that the data may be passed on malicious node. All the existing data aggregation techniques undergo security issues because of the transfer of large amount of data. In this paper we propose a protocol named Secure Data Aggregation Protocol (SDAP) which identifies the malicious node by providing a logical group in the form of tree topology. In the tree topology the aggregation is formed by aggregating the nodes, which are non-leaf node and high level of trust is required to provide a better approximation and accuracy against the security threats. Thus the data is securely aggregated and the efficiency is achieved in data aggregation.


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