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微波干燥和热风干燥对金萱茶叶品质影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
茹赛红  曾晖  方岩雄  纪红兵 《化工进展》2012,31(10):2183-2186
将微波干燥和热风干燥应用于新鲜金萱茶叶的干燥,在3个不同的微波功率(350 W,470 W,800 W)和4个不同的空气温度(70 ℃,80 ℃,90 ℃,100 ℃)下,研究了干燥参数即微波功率或温度对干燥时间、失水量的影响,同时还考察了茶叶中茶多酚总量和儿茶素含量的变化、干茶叶的复水性。实验得出,与热风干燥相比,微波干燥的时间缩短了76%~95%,而且干燥后的茶叶有很好的复水性,但干燥后茶多酚总量少于热风干燥;同时随着功率增加,微波干燥时间由11 min降为6 min,随着温度升高,热风干燥时间由127 min缩短为45 min。这两种方法的茶叶干燥动力学模型均满足Page’s半经验公式。  相似文献   

不同干燥方法对纳米氧化镁粉体形貌和尺寸的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
由均匀沉淀法制备出氢氧化镁沉淀,再分别采用直接烘箱干燥、溶剂置换烘箱干燥、共沸蒸馏干燥、溶剂置换微波干燥以及溶剂置换超临界二氧化碳干燥除去沉淀中的水分。干燥后的氢氧化镁经高温煅烧得到纳米氧化镁粉体。通过透射电子显微镜和X射线衍射仪的检测,研究了不同干燥方式对纳米氧化镁粉体形貌和尺寸的影响。  相似文献   

通过对虎杖白藜芦醇的提取物干燥方法的比较研究,筛选出真空冷冻干燥为虎杖白藜芦醇的最佳干燥方法,其回收率达97.28%。  相似文献   

采用热风和微波两种方式对煤泥进行干燥处理,从主要组分、燃烧特性和水分复吸特性等方面对煤泥干燥产品进行了分析。通过工业分析对比了干燥前后煤泥主要组分的变化,发现两种煤泥干燥过程中煤泥的挥发分、灰分和固定碳含量没有明显变化。采用热重分析研究了原煤泥和两种煤泥干燥产品的燃烧特性,发现除了失水阶段,3种煤泥样品的热重曲线没有较大差异,3种样品的燃烧特性指数十分接近。最后探究了两种干燥方式下煤泥干燥产品的水分复吸特性,发现环境湿度和煤泥含水率对水分复吸特性有显著影响,而干燥方式对水分复吸特性影响并不明显。  相似文献   

本文主要针对具有三维网络结构的多孔陶瓷在制备过程中挂浆后,采用微波干燥工艺,通过控制微波功率密度,对比分析了不同微波功率密度干燥后产品含水率及对产品性能的影响.结果表明,微波功率密度越高,产品最终含水率越低,但是产品的性能降低,当功率密度超过26W/g时,产品干燥后显微镜下可见明显裂纹,当功率密度低于26W/g时,产品...  相似文献   

不同干燥因素对天然橡胶微波干燥过程的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用动态称量微波干燥设备研究了不同微波功率密度、不同胶样厚度和不同初始含水率3种因素对湿天然橡胶微波干燥过程及表观质量的影响。结果表明,3种因素对湿天然橡胶微波干燥过程和胶样表观质量的影响较大;微波功率密度越大,失水速率就越大,干燥时间就越短,胶样易出现干燥发粘现象;胶样厚度越厚,失水速率越小,干燥时间就越长,易出现部分夹生和发粘现象;初始含水率越高,失水速率就越大,干燥时间就越长,胶样易出现部分发粘现象。微波干燥湿天然橡胶较为合适的微波功率密度、胶样厚度和初始含水率分别为30.14-34.2W/dm3,5~15mm和10%-20%。  相似文献   

目的:考察不同的干燥方法对北沙参中的化学成分香豆素类及多糖含量的影响,以期为确定北沙参产地适宜的干燥方法提供理论依据.方法:采用晒干、阴干、热风烘干(70 ℃、60 ℃、50 ℃、40℃)及微波等不同的干燥方法对北沙参进行干燥;运用HPLC法测定北沙参中补骨脂素、花椒毒素、佛手柑内酯、欧前胡素和异欧前胡素的含量;运用苯...  相似文献   

为探讨干燥方式对天然胶性能影响,采用了烟熏烘干,微波烘干,直接烘干,絮胶烘干等不同干燥方式,探讨了不同干燥方式下产品特性、动态力学性能以及机械性能。结果表明:微波烘干烘干时间远远短于其他几种方式,天然胶产品中几乎不存在烘干过程中的夹生胶情况。四种方式中微波烘干纯胶、碳黑胶配方、白炭黑配方均得到优越的物理性能,絮胶烘干方式次之。动态力学性能测试中,可得碳黑配方的硫化胶中,絮胶烘干得到的天然橡胶产品tanδ值最小,而在白炭黑配方的硫化胶中,微波烘干所得天然胶产品tanδ值最小。  相似文献   

热敏性、高粘度物料的干燥仍是现代干燥技术中的一个难题。灵芝水提后,由薄膜蒸发器浓缩至含水量70%左右,然后采用微波真空干燥(真空度3000Pa)至水分含量10%左右,改用传统的电热真空干燥(55~60℃)至含水量6%~7%。对干燥产品的主要生物活性成分——灵芝多糖和三萜酸进行了分析检测并与其它干燥方法进行了比较。结果表明:利用微波真空干燥的灵芝产品其灵芝多糖和三萜酸的保留率与冷冻干燥产品十分接近。而比传统真空干燥(60—65℃)的产品要高得多,此外采用微波真空干燥的干燥时间要短得多。  相似文献   

银杏叶提取物是一种天然保健产品。传统的冷冻干燥或者喷雾干燥对于保健品品质均有不同程度的破坏。通过L25 5^5正交试验设计,研究银杏叶提取物超临界流体干燥中超临界流体的压力、温度、流量以及干燥时间和提取物初始固含量等参数对于产品中残留溶剂的影响;根据正交试验结果分析得出了优化的工艺参数,并根据优化参数的校核试验验证了所得的相关结论。  相似文献   

The drying characteristics of restructured wild cabbage chips dried using microwave vacuum (MVD), hot air (AD), and microwave freeze drying (MFD) were compared. Some of the key quality parameters of restructured wild cabbage chips such as fracturability and color and sensory characteristics were measured. Results showed that the drying time was reduced with the increase of microwave power (MVD/MFD) and in the case of air drying by the temperature (AD). Drying time was the shortest in the MVD process. Optimal quality of dried chips was obtained with the MFD process at a microwave power level 2.0 W/g.  相似文献   

Ginger (Zingiber oficinale) has many applications in the food and pharmaceutical sectors as an additive in a number of commercial foods and beverages. It is valued both for its aromatic volatile constituents and its spicy, pungent constituents. Ginger, if taken in a proper dosage, has high medicinal value because it is useful in preventing motion sickness and has a calming effect on upset stomach. Dehydration helps to achieve longer shelf life and easier transportation and storage, enabling wider distribution of the product. But it is important to retain the 6-gingerol, the active component, during drying of ginger extract. The present work pertains to the optimization of spray drying of ginger extract using response surface methodology (RSM). A central composite method was used to design the experiments. Different parameters investigated include inlet temperature (120–160°C), air flow rate (40–60 Nm3/h), feed rate (2.5–4 mL/min), and atomization pressure (1.5–2.25 kg/cm2). Optimum drying conditions for spray drying were decided on the basis of different responses such as moisture content, water activity (aw), flowability, porosity, and percentage retention of gingerol.  相似文献   

In this article, the quality changes of the granular fruits and vegetables dried by vacuum microwave drying, freeze drying, hot air drying, and combined hot air-vacuum microwave drying are investigated, and the quality parameters compared on the basis of vitamin C and chlorophyll contents, shrinkage and rehydration capacity, color, texture, and microstructure changes. The quality parameters of products dried by vacuum microwave drying are slightly lower than those obtained by freeze drying, but much better than those obtained using conventional hot air drying. The quality characteristics of product dried by combined hot air-vacuum microwave are significantly improved compared to those simply hot air-dried.  相似文献   

In this article, the quality changes of the granular fruits and vegetables dried by vacuum microwave drying, freeze drying, hot air drying, and combined hot air–vacuum microwave drying are investigated, and the quality parameters compared on the basis of vitamin C and chlorophyll contents, shrinkage and rehydration capacity, color, texture, and microstructure changes. The quality parameters of products dried by vacuum microwave drying are slightly lower than those obtained by freeze drying, but much better than those obtained using conventional hot air drying. The quality characteristics of product dried by combined hot air–vacuum microwave are significantly improved compared to those simply hot air–dried.  相似文献   

The effects of three different drying methods (e.g., intermediate infrared-assisted convection drying, low-frequency (915 MHz) microwave drying, and hot-air drying) on the quality of squid cubes were investigated. The quality parameters used to evaluate the drying efficiency were color, shrinkage, rehydration ratio, and hardness of the final dried products. The results showed that intermediate infrared-assisted convection drying and low-frequency microwave drying have the advantages over hot-air drying in terms of drying rate, shrinkage percentage, and rehydration ratio. Low-frequency microwave-dried samples displayed a puffed structure and their hardness was the highest. The intermediate-wave infrared-assisted convection drying, at 60°C, was identified as the best method for squid-cube drying in this study.  相似文献   

The findings of an investigation into the microwave (MW) modification and conventional kiln drying of backsawn/flatsawn messmate stringybark (Eucalyptus obliqua L'Herit) are summarized. The project was conducted in two parts. Part 1, the subject of this article, investigates whether low-intensity microwave modification results in more or less check formation than occurs during conventional drying of eucalypts. Part 2 of the investigation will determine the acceleration in kiln drying that can be achieved through microwave modification of the wood structure and in turn improving permeability.

Significant improvement in microwave modified samples compared to controls in relation to check (internal/honeycombing and surface) formation during drying was observed, with Schedule 1 (70 kWh/m3) having 55% of samples without checks compared to the control samples at 31%.

The study also found that there is a significant reduction in surface checking (number and depth) in MW modified boards compared to the controls. The control samples exhibited the highest proportion of surface checking, with 65% possessing one or more surface checks, of which 82% extended more than one quarter the width of the sample. This was in marked contrast to Schedule 2 (75 kWh/m3), which resulted in 43% having one or more surface checks, of which 25% extended more than one quarter the width of the sample.

The control samples also returned the highest rate of internal/honeycombing checking with 28% of samples affected, while samples pretreated according to MW Schedule 2 yielded the lowest rate, with 11% affected.  相似文献   

This article presents experimental results and analysis of four drying methods, viz. hot air drying (AD), hot air-assisted radio frequency drying (ARFD), infrared drying (IRD), and microwave-assisted hot air drying (MAD), on color, microstructure, density, rehydration capacity, and texture after rehydration of stem lettuce slices (Lactuca sativa L.). The drying time required for these drying protocols was also compared. These four drying tests were conducted at fixed air temperature (60°C) and velocity (1 m/s), as well as identical sample load (300 g), bed depth (20 mm), and the power level for ARFD, IRD, and MAD, which was fixed at 4 W/g. The results showed that the drying time required for stem lettuce slices using ARFD was the shortest (120 min), followed by MAD (140 min) and IRD (180 min); AD required the longest time (360 min). Notably, ARFD yielded uniform drying and the quality of the dried samples using ARFD was also the best among these four drying methods.  相似文献   

The findings of an investigation into the microwave (MW) modification and conventional kiln drying of backsawn/flatsawn messmate stringybark (Eucalyptus obliqua L'Herit) are summarized. The project was conducted in two parts. Part 1, the subject of this article, investigates whether low-intensity microwave modification results in more or less check formation than occurs during conventional drying of eucalypts. Part 2 of the investigation will determine the acceleration in kiln drying that can be achieved through microwave modification of the wood structure and in turn improving permeability.

Significant improvement in microwave modified samples compared to controls in relation to check (internal/honeycombing and surface) formation during drying was observed, with Schedule 1 (70 kWh/m3) having 55% of samples without checks compared to the control samples at 31%.

The study also found that there is a significant reduction in surface checking (number and depth) in MW modified boards compared to the controls. The control samples exhibited the highest proportion of surface checking, with 65% possessing one or more surface checks, of which 82% extended more than one quarter the width of the sample. This was in marked contrast to Schedule 2 (75 kWh/m3), which resulted in 43% having one or more surface checks, of which 25% extended more than one quarter the width of the sample.

The control samples also returned the highest rate of internal/honeycombing checking with 28% of samples affected, while samples pretreated according to MW Schedule 2 yielded the lowest rate, with 11% affected.  相似文献   

Effects of impregnated calcium ion and microwave (MW) power on texture, rehydration, shrinkage, color, and other selected indexes of freeze-dried apple slices were investigated. Apple slices were dried by freeze drying and microwave freeze drying (MFD) separately. Vacuum impregnated (VI) and non-vacuum-impregnated apple slices were dried at various microwave power levels. Non-vacuum-impregnated apple slices were found to preserve their mechanical structure better than the VI-treated ones. Microwave application resulted in decreased protopectin fraction as well as total pectin content. As microwave power varied from 1.2 to 2.0 W/g, the total pectin content decreased from 0.810 to 0.521 (expressed as g galacturonic acid/100 g fresh sample). The effect of microwave power in decreasing the drying time was significant. The color of MFD apple slices varied to a minor extent with MW power level over the range of parameters studied.  相似文献   

In order to discourage the use of chemicals in raisin processing, the effect of microwave and pulsed electric field (PEF) pretreatments on the drying rate and other quality parameters like color, total soluble solids, bulk density, appearance, and market quality were compared with that of chemically pretreated raisins dried at 65°C. The untreated and pretreated samples had a statistically significant difference in drying rate (P < 0.05). The drying rate of chemically pretreated raisins was the highest when compared to others. The results showed that the PEF and microwave-treated samples had a significantly high Total Soluble Solids (TSS), along with good appearance and market quality.  相似文献   

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