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我国在《物权法》中把由矿产资源国家所有权派生的探矿权和采矿权列为依法保护的用益物权,为探矿权和采矿权的有偿出让或取得提供了法律依据。然而,近年来在矿政管理中出现了过度物权化和过度行政干扰的倾向性问题。本文在分析矿政管理中过度物权化和过度行政干扰的表现和后果以及过度物权化的认识根源和过度行政干扰的体制性根源的基础上提出了相关对策建议。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍和讨论了芬兰矿产工业的基本现状问题,包括矿产工业结构、主要矿产品产量、主要金属生产矿山、主要运作矿业公司和主要矿产勘查项目等,在此基础上,粗略讨论了未来5年芬兰矿产工业的发展方向。  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市国土资源厅(国土环境资源厅、国土资源和房屋管理局、房屋土地资源管理局),中国地质调查局,各工业地勘部门(公司):自国土资源部组织实施矿产资源补偿费矿产勘查项目以来,各项目主管单位、承担单位和工作人员坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,  相似文献   

欧盟将14类矿产确定为关键原材料   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
矿产原材料对欧洲经济的有效运行至关重要。目前,对油气资源的意义已有充分认识,但非能源矿产尚未得到应有的重视。同时,很多人对于非金属矿产的重要地位认识也不够充分。特别是,一些"高技术矿产"具有特别重要的战略意义,可以使欧盟保持经济竞争力,处于科技创新的前缘地位,生产精密的高科技产品及环保型产品。就这些关键原材料的供应而言,欧盟处于比较脆弱的地位,可能成为经济运行的一个瓶颈因素。在这种背景下,欧盟专门成立了矿产原材料供应研究小组,在分析各类资源对经济的影响和供应风险的基础上,提出了关键矿产原材料的评价准则,并于2010年6月初步将稀土金属、铂族金属、钨、锑、镓、锗、铍、钴、镁、铌、钽、铟、萤石、石墨等14类矿产列为欧盟最关键的原材料。研究小组还对14种矿产未来的市场需求进行了分析,研究了可能会对关键矿产原材料未来供应产生重大影响的6类新兴技术,提出了保障关键矿产原材料供应的8个建议。  相似文献   

国土资发〔2007〕144号各省、自治区、直辖市国土资源厅(国土环境资源厅、国土资源局、国土资源和房屋管理局、房屋土地资源管理局):实施矿产督察工作制度是加强矿产资源开发监督管理的一项重要措施。自2002年部重组矿产督察员队伍以来,国家和地方两级矿产督察员,  相似文献   

美国、欧盟、日本等国家和地区非常重视战略性矿产,推出各自的目录.我国在新一轮的矿产资源规划中也列出了24种战略性矿产,其中能源和部分金属矿产是短缺的,部分金属矿产是优势的,非金属矿产均为优势的.我国应当建立战略性矿产评价与更新机制,加强战略性矿产的调查评价与勘查工作,通过优化资源供给结构推进供给侧结构改革,以提高我国战略性矿产供应能力,促进经济健康发展.  相似文献   



Forests and forest products can significantly contribute to climate change mitigation by stabilizing and even potentially decreasing the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. Harvested wood products (HWP) represent a common widespread and cost-efficient opportunity for negative emissions. After harvest, a significant fraction of the wood remains stored in HWPs for a period that can vary from some months to many decades, whereas atmospheric carbon (C) is immediately sequestered by vegetation re-growth. This temporal mismatch between oxidation of HWPs and C uptake by vegetation generates a net sink that lasts over time. The role of temporary carbon storage in forest products has been analysed and debated in the scientific literature, but detailed bottom-up studies mapping the fate of harvested materials and quantifying the associated emission profiles at national scales are rare. In this work, we quantify the net CO2 emissions and the temporary carbon storage in forest products in Norway, Sweden and Finland for the period 1960–2015, and investigate their correlation. We use a Chi square probability distribution to model the oxidation rate of C over time in HWPs, taking into consideration specific half-lives of each category of products. We model the forest regrowth and estimate the time-distributed C removal. We also integrate the specific HWP flows with an emission inventory database to quantify the associated life-cycle emissions of fossil CO2, CH4 and N2O.


We find that assuming an instantaneous oxidation of HWPs would overestimate emissions of about 1.18 billion t CO2 (cumulative values for the three countries over the period 1960–2015).We also find that about 40 years after 1960, the starting year of our analysis, are sufficient to detect signs of negative emissions. The total amount of net CO2 emissions achieved in 2015 are about ??3.8 million t CO2, ??27.9 t CO2 and ??43.6 t CO2 in Norway, Sweden, and Finland, respectively.


We argue for a more explicit accounting of the actual emission rates from HWPs in carbon balance studies and climate impact analysis of forestry systems and products, and a more transparent inclusion of the potential of HWP as negative emissions in perspective studies and scenarios. Simply assuming that all harvested carbon is instantaneously oxidized can lead to large biases and ultimately overlook the benefits of negative emissions of HWPs.

张成成  桂德竹 《测绘通报》2020,(12):106-109+137
自然资源权属界线、空间管控界线作为自然资源产权管理与国土空间用途管制的重要依据,不仅是技术线,更是政策线。机构改革前界线测绘工作由相关部门分头管理,界线落地时出现了空间范围不准、空间交叉冲突等问题。本文从自然资源管理中空间管控界线、权属界线两类界线测绘的统筹管理需求出发,对提高界线测绘精度、完善界线测绘制图标准等有关问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

边坡稳定性监测是有效预警滑坡的重要手段,本文在总结国内外文献资料的基础上,从不同的技术手段、不同的使用范围分析了边坡稳定性监测方法的利弊及其适用性,监测技术实现了从点到面、从坡体表面到坡体内部、从人工测量到自动化和智能化监测、从近距离监测到远程监控等方向的转变和发展。针对边坡稳定性监测技术研究中存在的问题,提出了采用空-天-地-内一体化监测,实施多源监测数据融合,以及稳定性动态评价和远程监测一体化交互的观点,以提高边坡稳定性预警的可靠性和远程监测的时效性,为降低矿山的生产成本,保障矿山的安全实施提供重要的技术支持,也为相关领域的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

The purpose of this work is to determine whether spatial modeling can be used to model the spread of the Black Death. The study is limited to models for the propagation of the disease in Sweden in 1350. Geographic data of Swedish water bodies and medieval road networks, historical data on the population in Swedish parishes, including their medieval boundaries, along with historical notes and disease characteristics, were used to build alternative models for spatial distribution. Three different models are presented: one radial, one cost‐based and one combining network analysis and radial propagation. Simulations were made to depict different scenarios on the spread of the disease, as well as the drastic changes in the overall population of Sweden, over a couple of hundred years. For purpose of validation the population decrease estimated in each parish is compared with independent historical documents. Results from model scenarios are visualized in maps of propagation, animated video sequences and a web map service. Our analyses clearly demonstrate the power of spatial analysis and geographic information systems to describe, model and visualize epidemiologic processes in space and time.  相似文献   

针对传统采矿设计中采用二维图纸表达三维信息导致的信息直观性不强的问题,该文设计并实现了开采过程动态推演系统,在开采实施之前把开采设计以三维可视化的方式动态推演出来,阐述了系统的整体架构设计以及动态推演要素的规范化描述,通过规范化描述想定推演模型要素,建立典型想定推演模型库,完成了动态推演模型的实现,并阐述了初始化模块和推演模块的实现。系统的实现不仅可以使用户在系统中自然地与各种虚拟实体进行交互,还可以生动的展示、模拟矿山的开采过程。  相似文献   

瑞典和德国都是欧洲重要的矿业生产国,前者以铁矿驰名,后者以钾盐见长,两国在这两个领域的上游有丰富的资源储量,下游有发达的设备制造业.为应对当前矿业的挑战,欧洲矿业联盟实施了“追踪矿产品市场及原材料存在的问题”专项,要求成员国增加资源勘查投入.“中欧矿业合作模式创新倡议”受到欧洲矿业大会的欢迎和肯定.通过与瑞典矿管局、吕勒奥理工大学及德国地学与自然资源研究院等机构的交流,我们认为应加强欧洲矿业情报研究并将之提升为“一带一路”战略矿业合作政策倡议的重要内容.  相似文献   

Among the techniques that have been developed in spectroscopy, derivative analysis is particularly promising for use with remote sensing data. In the first step of this research we apply the derivative spectrum in a real hyperspectral image and introduce a new target detection approach called “DCEM”. For this purpose, 1st to 5th orders of derivative spectrum were applied to the DCEM. The outcome of this research has shown that the application of derivative spectrum in target detection is perfectly advisable in a specific derivative order for each target. This order can be introduced as an optimized order or the Best DCEM. The spectrum differentiation eliminates low frequency components of the spectrum. Despite the little information included in those low frequency components of a signal or spectrum, their complete elimination cause an information loss problem. Hence, in the second step of this research an ensemble classifier approach was employed for the combined use of both spectra and the best derivative order. This simultaneous use of the derivative and zero order spectra is introduced as “ECEM”. Experiments were conducted via a HyMap hyperspectral airborne image in eastern Iran. The detection results show that both proposed methods significantly outperform CEM in ROC and AUC values. The best performance upgrade in DCEM detection was about 24% for Kaolinite target and about 28% for Alunite target in ECEM.  相似文献   

GPS与InSAR数据融合在矿山开采沉陷形变监测中的应用探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GPS与InSAR数据融合具有重要的研究意义,本文分析了传统测量方法在矿山开采沉陷形变监测中的不足,讨论了GPS与InSAR数据融合的技术优势及其在InSAR相位解缠算法、水汽模型和大气层延迟误差改正模型、时间域与空间域的融合模型和算法等方面研究内容,提出了GPS与InSAR数据融合的研究特点与具体方法,并给出了比较详细的研究方案。  相似文献   

Drilling through shale layers is associated with many problems such as wellbore instability, hole wash out, pipe stuck, etc. Reactive shale with swelling potential can lead to such problems. Reactive shale is a shale that has high swelling clay mineral like montmorillonite although there was a little amount of this clay mineral. So determine the type of clay mineral in shale formation and obtain the distribution of swellable clay mineral can help us in the selection of stable well path and determination of well location that has least instability problem, prevention and prediction of problem associated with swelling clay mineral such as pipe stuck, hole wash out, bit balling, etc. In this paper, we used thorium and potassium from corrected gamma ray (CGR) log to obtain the type and percentage of clay mineral. Then used X-ray diffraction for more detail analysis of clay mineral constitute. Finally, geostatistical modelling is used to obtain the continuity of clay mineral in the reservoir and estimate the amount of desire clay mineral along the reservoir.  相似文献   

面向对象的矿产地理数据库的设计与建立   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘汉湖  杨武年  何勇  沙晋明 《测绘科学》2003,28(4):53-54,65
传统的GIS数据模型难以表达非结构化数据和GIS中具有复杂结构的数据 ,更不能表达数据间继承、聚合等在GIS中广泛使用的关系。面向对象的技术则可以很好地解决上述问题。本文介绍了面向对象的地理数据库的设计和建立 ,并结合矿区矿产管理工作中的特殊性 ,通过实例分析了其在矿区矿产地理数据库建立中的应用。  相似文献   

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