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信息通信技术在经济社会发展中已经逐渐占据主要战略地位。随着“互联网+”的概念深入人心,移动宽带、光纤宽带、云计算、物联网、大数据等新一代信息通信技术的飞速发展,ICT技术的应用正渗透到世界的每一个角落,为各行各业的创新带来了无限可能。2015年5月15日,由工业和信息化部指导、中国通信学会主办的国际电信联盟成立150周年暨2015年世界电信和信息社会日大会在北京举行。5月17日是1865年签署首项《国际电报公约》和创建国际电信联盟的纪念日。世界电信和信息社会日(WTISD)的目的在于帮助提高人们对使用互联网及其它信息通信技术给社会和经济带来可能性的认识以及弥合数字鸿沟的方式的认识。今年世界电信和信息社会日的主题是“电信与信息通信技术:创新的驱动力”,国际电信联盟确定的这一主题深刻诠释了信息通信技术在引领新一轮科技革命和产业变革浪潮、促进经济社会发展、提升经济增长内生动力等方面的战略地位和关键作用。新一代信息技术的融合发展推动了信息社会到知识社会的演进发展,并催生了创新2.0,而创新2.0又反过来作用与新一代信息技术形态的形成与发展。“互联网+”即是创新2.0时代新一代信息技术与创新2.0相互作用共同演化推进经济社会发展新形态。“互联网+”旨在促进新一代信息技术与传统制造业和服务业的融合创新。要实现“互联网+”,离不开电信与信息通信技术的支持。而这也恰恰迎合了本次大会的主题“电信与信息通信技术:创新的驱动力”。  相似文献   

阐述网络环境下的采访信息交流特点和作用,并对其障碍的产生和现象进行分析、描述,最后提出如何克服这些障碍。  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,我国的计算机发展达到了一个新高度,发生了质的飞跃。随着计算机网络信息技术的不断进步,大部分工作都运用了计算机网络信息技术,大大提高了日常工作的工作效率,节省了时间。在病案室中,运用计算机信息技术,无疑是社会发展的一个必然趋势。笔者讨论了妇幼保健院病案室管理中的计算机网络信息技术,列举了几点应用建议,以供参考。  相似文献   

现代战争中,信息通信技术已经毫无疑问地起到了决定性的作用,现代战争已经由传统的地面战向信息战和科技战过度。由于现代战争情况复杂多变,军队机动化程度高,部队移动速度快,所以全面而精确地掌握敌我信息并建立高效的军队通信网络在现代战争中显得越发重要。目前现代通信技术在战争中的运用大致可以分为三类:信息获取、信息传递,网络构建,对于这些内容,我们将分类进行分析和讨论。  相似文献   

利用OPC(OLE for Process Control)技术,可以建立MATLAB与组态软件之间的通信。这样,就可以利用组态软件生成友好的交互式人机界面,而用MATLAB完成复杂的控制算法,弥补组态软件算法能力不强的弱点,发挥MATLAB的强大计算能力。通过对力控组态软件与MATLAB之间通信的研究,以达到对象模型和控制器的分离构建,为控制系统的理论研究和设计提供了有效的仿真平台。  相似文献   

This paper reports the validation scores of the Student Tool for Technology Literacy (ST2L), a performance-based assessment based on the National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS*S) used to measure middle grade students Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Literacy. Middle grade students (N = 5884) from school districts across the state of Florida were recruited for this study. This paper first provides an overview of various methods to measure ICT literacy and related constructs, and provides documented evidence of score reliability and validity. Following sound procedures based on prior research, this paper provides validity and reliability evidence for the ST2L scores using both item response theory and testlet response theory. This paper examines both the internal and external validity of the instrument. The ST2L, with minimal revision, was found to be a sound measure of ICT literacy for low-stakes assessment purposes. A discussion of the results is provided with emphasis on the psychometric properties of the tool and some practical insights on with whom the tool should be used in future research and practice.  相似文献   

几种巴斯模型参数估计方法的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在创新扩散的巴斯模型的基础上,提出了一种新的模型参数估计方法--采用蚁群算法作为巴斯模型参数估计方法.给出了运用蚁群算法思想设计的具体参数估计方法,并以中国移动通信技术的扩散为例,应用巴斯模型对其扩散趋势进行了实证研究,通过对蚁群算法和最小二乘法、遗传算法等传统参数估计方法估计结果的比较分析,得出结论,采用蚁群算法作为巴斯模型的参数估计方法效果更好.最后对中国移动通信技术的扩散趋势进行了预测并提出策略建议.  相似文献   

It is the intent of this paper to discuss a philosophy of Information Technology and Systems (IT & S) as tools and the impact of this philosophy on the Global Technical Transfer (GTT) process of IT & S.It is argued that IT & S by definition, are artefacts, tools that have been made, used, inherited and studied within a cultural context which encompasses economic, historical, technical and social values and assumptions which are focussed in particular skill sets. It is assumed that these skill sets are mostly in evidence in any culture that receives the IT & S tool for use in a technical transfer process. It is argued, therefore, if we understand the cultural context in which a tool is made then we will understand the skills to transfer and use such tools in an effective manner. The issue we must face as makers, users, inheritors and scholars of IT & S tools, however, is that the tool context and inherent in-built values and skill sets, may not be in evidence across all cultures. This would make the effective use of IT & S, in a global sense, a difficult and complex (if not impossible) undertaking.From this position it is argued that IT & S tools reflect the IT & S discipline, as it is these tools which embody the assumptions of the discipline and hence, its paradigm. The Bunker and Dean (Bunker DJ, Dean RG. Philosophical Traditions in Information Systems: Challenger of an Interdisciplinary View, Faculty of Commerce Workshop, University of Wollongong, July 10--11, 1997) disciplinary model is highlighted as a means of understanding how tools are made within a cultural context and how they reflect the discipline in which they are created. This paper then goes on to explain the ramifications of IT & S as a discipline on the GTT process and proposes a skill-focussed approach, within a culture, to determining what IT & S may be appropriate for that particular cultural context.  相似文献   

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