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本刊讯 2008年12月23日,国土资源部国际合作与科技司在北京组织有关专家对我队完成的“PVC—U塑料管在浅层地热能及地下水开发工程中应用与研究”项目进行了技术鉴定。成果鉴定委员会由中国地质调查局原副局长、博士生导师王达教授,中国工程院苏义脑院士,中国地质调查局张伟教授,吉林大学博士生导师殷琨教授,中国地质大学(武汉)博士生导师、俄罗斯科学院外籍院士鄢泰宁教授,北京探矿工程研究所副所长贾军教授,《探矿工程(岩土钻掘工程)》杂志主编李艺教授,中国地质调查局水文地质环境地质调查中,  相似文献   

“庆祝《探矿工程》杂志创刊50周年纪念大会”2007年10月29日在北京隆重举行。会议由中国地质科学院勘探技术研究所所长、《探矿工程》杂志第六届编委会副主任委员甘行平教授主持。国土资源部国际合作与科技司司长彭齐鸣,国土资源部办公厅新闻处毛东林,中国地质调查局副局长王学龙,中国工程院资深院士刘广志,原地质部探矿司司长任子翔,  相似文献   

张林霞 《探矿工程》2007,34(11):62-62
由中国地质学会探矿工程专业委员主办、福建省地质矿产勘查开发局承办的“第十四届全国探矿工程(岩土钻掘工程)学术研讨会”于2007年10月18—20日在福建省武夷山市隆重召开。中国地质学会探矿工程专业委员会主任、中国大陆科学钻探工程中心主任王达教授主持并致开幕词,中国地质调查局王学龙副局长、福建省国土资源厅姜玉志副厅长(兼地矿局局长)、  相似文献   

为总结、交流近年来探矿工程(岩土钻掘工程)技术在矿产资源勘探、水资源勘探与开发、基础施工(桩基础、基坑支护与降水)、地质灾害治理、隧道与爆破工程、科学钻探、非开挖等方面的应用与发展,介绍探矿工程(岩土钻掘工程)新装备、新器具,交流安全生产与工程施工管理经验,促进我国探矿工程(岩土钻掘工程)技术的可持续发展和技术进步,由中国地质学会探矿工程专业委员会主办、中国煤炭地质总局协办的“第十三届全国探矿工程(岩土钻掘工程)学术研讨会”于2005年10月17~20日在云南省昆明市隆重召开。  相似文献   

今年已84岁高龄的中国工程院刘广志院士仍然心系祖国现代化建设和探矿工程事业的发展,近日他向国土资源部领导及相关部门提交了一份工作建议,经征得刘广志院士的同意,本刊摘要刊登,以飨广大探矿工程界同仁及本刊读者。[编者按]  相似文献   

60年前,一位风华正茂的北平青年,怀着献身祖国找矿事业的崇高理想,“重走张骞路,直奔玉门关”,来到了玉门油矿,开始了他后来为之奋斗一生的探矿工程事业,他就是中国工程院资深院士、新中国地质部门探矿工程奠基人刘广志先生。“时光易逝,似水流年”,今年是刘广志院士从事探矿工程工作60周年。近日,本刊记者采访了年近85岁高龄的刘院士,现将采访的内容摘要刊登,以示纪念和庆祝。[编者按]  相似文献   

探矿工程与西部开发   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
西部开发是具有重要意义的巨大系统工程,为探矿工程(岩土钻掘工程)在基础设施建设、工程勘察施工、地质调查、能源和水资源勘探开发、地质灾害防治等方面发挥作用提供了千载难逢的机遇,为探矿工程(岩土钻掘工程)的持续发展创造了有利条件。了西部大开发给探矿工程带来的难得机遇以及探矿工程的现状,并着重论述了在西部开发中探矿工程的服务和开发应用的先进技术。  相似文献   

本刊讯 “李世忠教授从事探矿工程事业60周年暨90华诞庆贺活动”5月16日在中国地质大学(北京)学术交流中心举行。  相似文献   

“《探矿工程(岩土钻掘工程)》第七届编委会全体会议”2007年10月29日下午在北京召开,第七届编委会委员、编辑部人员、地质出版社代表共40人参加了会议。会议由中国地质调查局副局长、《探矿工程(岩土钻掘工程)》杂志第七届编委会主任委员王学龙主持。  相似文献   

为鼓励我国青年地质科技人才脱颖而出,经有关单位推荐、专家评审委员会评选,中国地质学会第十届青年地质科技奖评选揭晓,共有50位青年地质科技工作者获奖,其中金锤奖10名,银锤奖40名。可喜的是有4名探矿工程专业的科技人员获得了银锤奖称号。他们是:陕西省煤田地质局186队副总工程师、高级工程师杨文清;中国地质大学(武汉)工程学院勘察与基础工程系副主任、教授马宝松;吉林大学建设工程学院副教授张延军;中国地质科学院勘探技术研究所新技术二室主任助理、高级工程师谢文卫。  相似文献   

Our current lack of understanding of the partitioning behavior of Sc, Y and the REE (rare-earth elements) can be attributed directly to the lack of a sufficiently large or chemically diverse experimental data set. To address this problem, we conducted a series of experiments using several different natural composition lavas, doped with the elements of interest, as starting compositions. Microprobe analyses of orthopyroxene, pigeonite, olivine, magnetite, ilmenite and co-existing glasses in the experimental charges were used to calculate expressions that describe REE partitioning as a function of a variety of system parameters. Using expressions that represent mineral-melt reactions (versus element ratio distribution coefficients) it is possible to calculate terms that express low-Ca pyroxene-melt partitioning behavior and are independent of both pyroxene and melt composition. Compositional variations suggest that Sc substitution in olivine involves either a paired substitution with Al or, more commonly, with vacancies. The partitioning of Sc is dependent both on melt composition and temperature. Our experimentally determined olivine-melt REE Ds (partition coefficients) are similar to, but slightly higher than those reported by McKay (1986) and support their conclusions that olivines are strongly LREE depleted. Y and REE mineral/melt partition coefficients for magnetite range from 0.003 for La to 0.02 for Lu. Ilmenite partition coefficients range from 0.007 for La to 0.029 for Lu. These experimental values are two orders of magnitude lower than many of the published values determined by phenocryst/matrix separation techniques.  相似文献   

A new conceptual model for release rate of radionuclides from the proposed repository for high level nuclear waste located at Yucca Mountain, Nevada is developed. The model predicts that heat generated from radioactive decay combined with the unsaturated environment will lead to an inward flow system that, under many relevant conditions, will slow the release of and sometimes sequester radionuclides at locations of higher heat release and lower water percolation. The amount of protection will be greatest for more concentrated waste forms such as spent fuel and less for glass waste forms. The redistribution and concentration of the radionuclides is anticipated to significantly delay radionuclide release and create a tendency towards gradual release over time that is independent of localized penetrations of metallic barriers.  相似文献   

Regional landslide-hazard assessment for Seattle, Washington, USA   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:13  
Landslides are a widespread, frequent, and costly hazard in Seattle and the Puget Sound area of Washington State, USA. Shallow earth slides triggered by heavy rainfall are the most common type of landslide in the area; many transform into debris flows and cause significant property damage or disrupt transportation. Large rotational and translational slides, though less common, also cause serious property damage. The hundreds of landslides that occurred during the winters of 1995–96 and 1996–97 stimulated renewed interest by Puget Sound communities in identifying landslide-prone areas and taking actions to reduce future landslide losses. Informal partnerships between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the City of Seattle, and private consultants are focusing on the problem of identifying and mapping areas of landslide hazard as well as characterizing temporal aspects of the hazard. We have developed GIS-based methods to map the probability of landslide occurrence as well as empirical rainfall thresholds and physically based methods to forecast times of landslide occurrence. Our methods for mapping landslide hazard zones began with field studies and physically based models to assess relative slope stability, including the effects of material properties, seasonal groundwater levels, and rainfall infiltration. We have analyzed the correlation between historic landslide occurrence and relative slope stability to map the degree of landslide hazard. The City of Seattle is using results of the USGS studies in storm preparedness planning for emergency access and response, planning for development or redevelopment of hillsides, and municipal facility planning and prioritization. Methods we have developed could be applied elsewhere to suit local needs and available data.  相似文献   


Efforts in the United States to plan or implement relocation in response to climate risks have struggled to improve material conditions for participants, to incorporate local knowledge, and to keep communities intact. Mixed methodologies of community geography provide an opportunity for dialogue and knowledge-sharing to collaboratively diagnose the challenges of climate adaptation led by communities. In this article, we advance a participatory practice model for the co-creation of knowledge initiated during a two-day workshop with members from the Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw Tribe from Isle de Jean Charles in Louisiana, Yup’ik people from Newtok Village in Alaska, and researchers from the MIT Resilient Communities Lab. Building on prior scholarship of indigenizing climate change research, this article shares the experience of the workshop to support knowledge exchange and dialogue, with the goal of understanding how to build participatory and non-extractive community-academic partnerships. We reflect on the community values and principles used to guide this workshop to inform more inclusive and co-produced research partnerships, and pedagogies that can improve and assist the self-determination of groups impacted by climate change. Workshop presentations and discussions highlight interconnected themes of resources, systems & structures, regulatory imbalance, and resilience that underpin climate resettlement. We reflect on the narratives presented by members of both Indigenous tribes and NGO partners that illustrate the shortcomings of resettlement planning practices past and present as perpetuating existing inequality. In response to this structured knowledge exchange, we identify potential roles for community-academic partnerships that aim to improve the equity of existing resettlement models. We propose approaches for incorporating traditional knowledge into the pedagogy, discourse, and practice of academic planning programs.


Structural, petrographic, and geochemical criteria are applied in combination to determine the petrologic origins of slaty rocks in polydeformed metasedimentary terranes. Multiple lines of evidence suggest that the Peach Bottom slate (PBs), mined over several centuries, is an ultraphyllonite. It occurs within an Alleghanian dextral retraining bend within the Appalachian Piedmont, as a segment of the Pleasant Grove-Huntington Valley shear zone system (>200 km long). The PBs differs markedly from other slates, in that, it contains abundant, micro-scale remnant porphyroclasts of higher-grade minerals. The PBs has major, trace and rare earth element geochemistry and 147Sm/143Nd ratios that are similar to the surrounding pelitic rocks. When compared to average slates, the geochemistry of the PBs exhibits depletion in alkali earth and alkali elements.  相似文献   

The London-Victoria lode-type Au deposit near Parkes, New South Wales, was discovered in 1863 and became the subject of modern exploration in 1980 after about 75 years of little or no activity. The deposit lies within Palaeozoic tuffaceous, andesitic rocks. Soil geochemistry was the main technique used to define drill targets, and the deposit is now at an advanced state of assessment for probable development.Rock geochemistry is being investigated as an aid in drill-core interpretation in the search for extensions to the London-Victoria deposit and other similar deposits in the district.At an early stage of the rock-geochemical work it became clear that minor basemetal mineralization was also present in the structural hanging wall at between 30 and 70 m from the lode Au deposit. Interpretation of the geochemical signatures for major elements (Ca, Mg, Na, K, Fe) and trace elements (Cu, Pb, Zn, Mn) is confused by an overlap and merging of responses from the Au and base-metal mineralization. The measurement of bromine-soluble Sb, As, Bi, and Te, together with the more conventional major and trace elements, permits discrimination between geochemical halos related to the Au and those resulting from minor base metal mineralization.The results demonstrate the use of rock geochemistry for Au exploration, its usefulness in drawing attention to geological features, and the utility of bromine-soluble trace elements commonly associated with gold mineralization.  相似文献   

Extensive phosphate mining in the Blackfoot watershed of Idaho (USA) has substantially increased the selenium (Se) concentration in the river during both snowmelt and baseflow when groundwater discharge dominates. Phosphate mines create a linkage between Se-laden shale that occurs in the Phosphoria Formation and the underlying regional Wells Formation aquifer. Using a reconnaissance-level transport model, mines in the watershed were prioritized for remediation and for comparing the results of simulations of remediation scenarios with a baseline of no remediation, for which Se concentration in the river will exceed the aquatic standard along an extensive length. An accurate simulation of recharge distribution around the watershed and simulated flux to the river is essential. Remediation of mines north of the river will substantially decrease the size of the Se plume, although significant Se will continue to discharge to the river. Similarly, remediation of three mines south of the river would decrease the Se discharge to the river but allow substantial amounts to remain stored in the groundwater north and far south of the river. A lack of calibration data is not a reason to forgo remediation, but rather ongoing data collection can be used to fine-tune plans as they are implemented.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2002,17(8):1105-1114
Tailings from the Macraes Au mine cyanidation process are stored in an impoundment about 0.6 km2 and 80 m deep whose pH is maintained near 8 by the neutralizing capacity of the gangue minerals. The tailings are sandy (>50 μm particles), have a hydraulic conductivity of about 10−2 m/day, and contain 0.1–1.0 wt.% S and 0.1–1.5 wt.% graphitic C from the primary deposit. Concentrations of As in the pore water of the mixed tailings, which are a combination of various tailings types, range from 0.1 to 20 ppm, HCO3- is 100 to 200 ppm, and dissolved SO4 is 100–1700 ppm. The mixed tailings will be stored in this impoundment in perpetuity after mining ceases. Confidence in the long-term pH stability of these tailings can be gained from examination of mineralogically and chemically similar geological analogues in the immediate vicinity. A sequence, typically about 5 m thick, of sands and gravels derived from the Macraes mineralized zone 12–28 ka ago contains rounded detrital sulfide mineral grains which are unoxidized despite their close proximity to the surface and the occasional incursion of oxygenated waters. These sediments have a hydraulic conductivity of about 10−4 m/day. Saturating water pH is currently 7–8. Sands with 0.2–0.8 wt.% organic C host SO4-reducing bacteria (SRB), and local cementation by authigenic framboidal pyrite has occurred. SRB were found in water-saturated sediments with decreased hydraulic conductivity and alkaline and anoxic conditions. These bacteria are involved in the formation of authigenic framboidal pyrite, reducing the cycling of dissolved Fe in the sediments. Carbon is not a limiting factor in this process as organic matter is present in the sandstone and ground water contains up to 180 ppm HCO3-. Comparison of the 28 ka old sediments with the modern tailings suggests that the chemical behaviour of the two will be similar, possibly with the crystallization of authigenic pyrite in the tailings over the long term. As long as the present slightly anoxic and circumneutral pH environmental conditions are maintained in the mixed tailings impoundment, sulfide decomposition and acidification are unlikely.  相似文献   

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