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AnAmericanenvironmentallaboratoryhadbeen,asfarastheywereaware,successfullyanalysingfishtissueaspartofanongoingmonitoringprogramme.WhenquestionswereraisedconcerningthediscoveryofelevatedlevelsofPCBS,athoroughinvestigationfoundthatallprioranalyseshasbeenrendereduselessthankstoaproblemwiththeclean-upstageoftheoperation.Arareincident?No,saysHratchSemerjian,DirectoroftheNISTChemicalScienceandTechnologyLaboratory.Heestimatesthataquarterofallsampleshavetobereanalysedduetodoubtsaboutthere鄄liab…  相似文献   

PCBs The cost of unreliable measurements or,worse still,the absenceof measurements,is greatly underestimated.In 1999 Belgian labora-tories discovered large amounts of dioxins in chickens and chickeneggs.Belgian products were clear from supermarket shelves through-out Europe,tons of food had to be destroyed and Belgium suffered ex-port embargoes.It turned out that one small batch of contaminated industrial oil,used in the preparation of animal food,caused direct e-  相似文献   

蒸汽热网计量是当前一大热点,从蒸汽热网涉及的计量器具角度出发,分析了计量器具的配备、使用和管理情况给蒸汽热网计量和贸易结算带来的影响。就如何提高蒸汽计量水平,加强蒸汽计量数据的准确可靠性,提出了建立蒸汽计量数据监测和采集系统的必要性,以及用热量作为蒸汽贸易结算依据的迫切性。  相似文献   

随着我国加入世贸组织步伐的日益加快 ,我国的计量工作尤其是法制计量工作如何加快改革以适应未来加入WTO后的要求 ,是一个值得我们全体计量工作者认真研究的课题。例如 ,地区和国际贸易自由化要求测量是协调一致的 ,尽管在实现国家基准等值性方面已取得了明显的进步 ,但为了保证实际的测量有合理的等值性 ,仍有大量的工作要做。目前在许多国家 ,法制计量对技术进展、计量业务范围的扩展和全球化等方面的挑战均反应迟缓。本文就有关计量立法和管理结构问题进行讨论 ,以期对读者有所借鉴  相似文献   

张杰群 《中国科技博览》2013,(17):585-585,587
电力营销中电能计量装置承担着对内提供准确可靠的电量计量数据(供售电量、线路损耗电量、设备损耗电量),以供供电企业准确分析电网的运行状态,确保电网的安全稳定运行;对外提供准确可靠的用户使用消耗的用电量,以供按照规定电价汁量收费。正确分析各种影响电能计量装置运行状态的因素,及时发现问题、解决故障,是我们从事电能计量专业电力人义不容辞的职责。  相似文献   

针对新一轮计量单位制量子化变革带来的普遍影响进行了阐述,相应地,讨论了计量标准小型化、芯片化趋势带来的作用和影响。关于工业计量的影响,结合航空行业特征,特别针对计量单位制量子化变革和计量标准小型化、芯片化趋势这些变化给航空行业计量带来的挑战和契机,进行了系统论述,包括行业计量与量子化融合,量子化计量融入产品的全寿命周期,量子化计量与虚拟仪器技术相融合,以及芯片化计量对工业计量的推动作用。同时,给出了因应措施展望。  相似文献   

武海涛 《硅谷》2010,(24):19-20,113
叙述电网谐波的主要来源,分析了谐波对电能计量的影响。研究结果表明:感应式电能表的误差频率特性曲线呈迅速下降趋势,当谐波含量较大时对其电能计量将会产生较大的影响;而电子式电能表的计量误差受频率变化影响较小,具有较宽的频率响应,误差频率特性曲线较为平坦,在谐波存在下以全能量为计量标准时,电子式电能表的计量误差远远小于感应式电能表的电能计量误差,而以基波能量为计量标准时,电子式电能表的计量误差比感应式电能表的计量误差大。此外,作为谐波源,非线性负荷所产生的谐波是吸收基波的一部分转化而来,基于传统的计量方式具有不合理性,因此针对该情况,提出相应的解决方法和对策以及一种新的电能计量方式。  相似文献   

王灿  路文强 《工业计量》2010,(Z2):191-192
文章对谐波的产生和算法进行了简单的介绍,对各次谐波能够精确计算;并且通过对电子式电能表的工作原理分析可知,在电压和电流都发生畸变时,仍能准确计量。但它也把谐波功率和基波功率等量计算,因此,它的计量误差比感应式电能表大。  相似文献   

武海涛 《硅谷》2009,(24):19-20
叙述电网谐波的主要来源,分析了谐波对电能计量的影响。研究结果表明:感应式电能表的误差频率特性曲线呈迅速下降趋势,当谐波含量较大时对其电能计量将会产生较大的影响;而电子式电能表的计量误差受频率变化影响较小,具有较宽的频率响应,误差频率特性曲线较为平坦,在谐波存在下以全能量为计量标准时,电子式电能表的计量误差远远小于感应式电能表的电能计量误差,而以基波能量为计量标准时,电子式电能表的计量误差比感应式电能表的计量误差大。此外,作为谐波源,非线性负荷所产生的谐波是吸收基波的一部分转化而来,基于传统的计量方式具有不合理性,因此针对该情况,提出相应的解决方法和对策以及一种新的电能计量方式。  相似文献   

<正>一、结蜡过程分析以BB原油计量站流量计检定数据为例分析管道(温度测量管段)结蜡及结蜡原因。1.确定管道(温度测量管段)结蜡测量BB计量站DBL来油流量计测量点、测温点、测温点前、测温点后和标准容积段的温度,测量结果如表1所示。(1)不同测温点温度分析取温度测量管段测温点上、中、下3个温度的平均  相似文献   

ESCA-thickness metrology and head-medium spacing impact of disk lubricant   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA) has been commonly used as a metrology tool for lubricant film-thickness measurement on magnetic hard disks. The accuracy of the ESCA-thickness measurement rests solely with the calibration accuracy of the characteristic photoelectron attenuation length in the lubricant film. Several past studies on this subject yielded widely divergent results, due to the difficulty in obtaining an accurate, absolute lubricant film-thickness measurement. In this paper, we revisited the calibration issue and, instead of following the same paths pursued in the past, used a derivative method to yield an accurate calibration of the photoelectron attenuation length. We also compared the various methods for lubricant film-thickness calculation based on ESCA measurements and determined that the most accurate method is to use only the photoemission signal from the lubricant film. In addition, by studying the lubricant film-thickness effect on the electrical readback signal, we found that the lubricant film leads to an increase in the head-medium spacing by an amount greater than one times, but less than two times, its physical thickness.  相似文献   

The metrology of time   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Measuring time is a continuous activity, an international and restless enterprise hidden in time laboratories spread all over the planet. The Bureau International des Poids et Mesures is charged with coordinating activities for international timekeeping and it makes use of the world's capacity to produce a remarkably stable and accurate reference time-scale. Commercial atomic clocks beating the second in national laboratories can reach a stability of one part in 10(14) over a 5 day averaging time, compelling us to research the most highly performing methods of remote clock comparison. The unit of the international time-scale is the second of the International System of Units, realized with an uncertainty of the order 10(-15) by caesium fountains. Physicists in a few time laboratories are making efforts to gain one order of magnitude in the uncertainty of the realization of the second, and more refined techniques of time and frequency transfer are in development to accompany this progress. Femtosecond comb technology will most probably contribute in the near future to enhance the definition of the second with the incorporation of optical clocks. We will explain the evolution of the measuring of time, current state-of-the-art measures and future challenges.  相似文献   

To mark our anniversary, we are presenting articles that have been particularly appreciated by readers of our online edition once again in print. Here: By accurate vacuum measurement, it is possible to control processes in industry, to ensure the necessary environmental conditions for many experiments in science and research and to support the commercial relationship between manufacturers and users of vacuum equipment. The main task of vacuum metrology, the science of vacuum measurement, is to provide traceability of vacuum measurements to the SI. In recent years, also the characterization of vacuum by partial pressure analysis and outgassing rate measurement, and the dynamics of vacuum measurement became an issue for vacuum metrology.  相似文献   

By accurate vacuum measurement, it is possible to control processes in industry, to ensure the necessary environmental conditions for many experiments in science and research and to support the commercial relationship between manufacturers and users of vacuum equipment. The main task of vacuum metrology, the science of vacuum measurement, is to provide traceability of vacuum measurements to the SI. In recent years, also the characterization of vacuum by partial pressure analysis and outgassing rate measurement, and the dynamics of vacuum measurement became an issue for vacuum metrology.  相似文献   

介绍计量学的三个分支科学计量、工业计量和法制计量的国际和国内最新发展动态.在科学计量中主要介绍有关GUM的增补工作和VIM修订工作;在工业计量中介绍了2000版ISO10012与1994版ISO10012的比较;在法制计量中介绍了《计量法》拟修订的内容.  相似文献   

Methodological aspects are considered for theoretical metrology and the principles for determining basic concepts. The basic concepts in metrology are determined operationally, with the meanings established during the performance of sequences of experimental operations. Differences are pointed out in the definition of the same concepts in metrology and in theoretical physics. __________ Translated from Izmeritel’naya Tekhnika, No. 8, pp. 3–6, August, 2006.  相似文献   

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