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Owing to its inherent antimicrobial effect and positive charge, the expression of human lysozyme in bovine milk could be beneficial by altering the overall microbial level and the functional and physical properties of the milk. We have used transgenic mice as model systems to evaluate the expression of human lysozyme containing fusion gene constructs in the mammary gland. Expression of human lysozyme was targeted to the mammary gland by using the 5' promoter elements of either the bovine beta (line B mice) or alpha s1 (line H mice) casein genes coupled to the cDNA for human lysozyme. Expression of human lysozyme mRNA was not found in mammary tissue from any of line B mice. Tissues were analysed from six lines of H mice and two, H6 and H5, were found to express human lysozyme mRNA in the mammary gland at 42% and 116%, respectively, of the levels of the endogenous mouse whey acidic protein gene. At peak lactation, female mice homozygous for the H5 and H6 transgene have approximately twice the amount of mRNA encoding human lysozyme as hemizygous animals. Expression levels of human lysozyme mRNA in the mammary gland at time points representing late pregnancy, early, peak and late lactation corresponded to the profile of casein gene expression. Human lysozyme mRNA expression was not observed in transgenic males, virgin females or in the kidney, liver, spleen or brain of lactating females. A very low level of expression of human lysozyme mRNA was observed in the salivary gland of line H5.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice were used as model systems to evaluate the impact of human lysozyme expression in the mammary gland. We previously generated two lines of transgenic mice that express human lysozyme mRNA in the mammary gland under the tissue-specific and developmentally correct control of the bovine gene promoter for alpha s1-casein. Concentrations of human lysozyme protein in milk of transgenic mice varied from .25 to .71 micrograms/microliters of milk. Human lysozyme secreted into mouse milk retained its antimicrobial activity, as determined by a denaturing polyacrylamide gel activity assay. The physical and functional properties of the milk were also altered, because mouse milk containing human lysozyme had a 35% decrease in rennet clotting time, a smaller median micelle size (157 nm vs. 172 nm), and a 2.5- to 3-fold greater gel strength than control milk. From these results, we conclude that the use of transgenic animals producing lysozyme in the milk is feasible and potentially useful to the dairy industry.  相似文献   

Prior studies have identified Fibroblast Growth Factor-8 (Fgf8) as a possible proto-oncogene in mouse mammary tumorigenesis. We now report on the generation of two types of Fgf8 transgenic mice that each utilize the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) promoter. The first transgene (MMTV-Fgf8b) results in the overexpression of the FGF8b isoform exclusively. Male and female MMTV-Fgf8b transgenic mice are viable and fertile. RNA for FGF8b is detected in mammary gland and salivary gland tissues of transgenic mice by Northern blot analysis. Nearly 85% of breeding transgenic female mice developed mammary lobular adenocarcinomas by 12 months of age, while no tumors developed in non-transgenic littermates. Salivary gland tumors occurred in some animals, always in association with mammary tumors. Several MMTV-Fgf8b transgenic mice had lung metastases at necropsy. The second transgene (MMTV-Fgf8) uses the entire Fgf8 gene and potentially encodes all FGF8 isoforms. Fgf8 is expressed by this transgene in several tissues in addition to those described above, notably the ovaries. The two MMTV-Fgf8 founders developed mammary ductal adenocarcinomas at five and eight months of age, and both displayed ovarian stromal hyperplasia. The founders expressing either transgene did not successfully nurse their pups. These results demonstrate that production of FGF8b, and possibly other FGF8 isoforms, in the mammary and salivary glands contributes to oncogenesis, and that ovarian expression results in stromal hyperplasia.  相似文献   

Osteopontin (OPN) is a secreted phosphoprotein that binds to cells via an Arg-Gly-Asp sequence and to mineralized surfaces. The protein can mediate cell adhesion and is strongly implicated in transformation and tumorigenesis. We have examined the expression pattern of OPN in mouse mammary glands at different stages of postnatal development. Whereas OPN is expressed at low-to-moderate levels in mammary glands from virgin and pregnant mice, the levels of OPN mRNA are extremely high in the lactating gland, consistent with the presence of the protein in milk. Expression is highest at 2 days of lactation and declines thereafter, but it remains high through involution. OPN expression is restricted to small nests or groups of cells at 9 days of involution. These results suggest that OPN may play a specific role in the process of involution that may be distinct from its role during lactation. In mammary tumors arising spontaneously in transgenic mice expressing the oncogenes c-myc and/or v-Ha-ras under the control of the mouse mammary tumor virus promoter, the level of OPN expression is increased dramatically over that in the normal gland in these same animals. Numerous cells expressing OPN mRNA are widespread throughout the tumors. OPN protein is detectable by Western blotting in extracts from the mammary gland at 2 days of lactation and from the tumors, but not in mammary glands at other stages of development. We hypothesize that OPN is exported from most tissues and that the protein is only detectable in tissues elaborating fluids, such as the lactating mammary gland, or in pathological situations when expression of OPN is abnormally high, such as in tumors.  相似文献   

The renin-angiotensin system is a major determinant of arterial pressure and volume homeostasis in mammals through the actions of angiotensin II, the proteolytic digestion product of angiotensinogen. Molecular genetic studies in several human populations have revealed genetic linkage between the angiotensinogen gene and both hypertension and increased plasma angiotensinogen. Transgenic mice were generated with a human angiotensinogen genomic clone to develop an animal model to examine tissue- and cell-specific expression of the gene and to determine if overexpression of angiotensinogen results in hypertension. Human angiotensinogen mRNA was expressed in transgenic mouse liver, kidney, heart, adrenal gland, ovary, brain, and white and brown adipose tissue and, in kidney, was exclusively localized to epithelial cells of the proximal convoluted tubules. Plasma levels of human angiotensinogen were approximately 150-fold higher in transgenic mice than that found normally in human plasma. The blood pressure of mice bearing the human angiotensinogen gene was normal but infusion of a single bolus dose of purified human renin resulted in a transient increase in blood pressure of approximately 30 mm Hg within 2 min. These results suggest that abnormalities in the angiotensinogen gene resulting in increased circulating levels of angiotensinogen could potentially contribute in part to the pathogenesis of essential hypertension.  相似文献   

Development of the mammary gland during puberty, pregnancy, and lactation is controlled by steroid and peptide hormones and growth factors. To determine the role of the insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) in this process we developed a transgenic model using the whey acidic protein (WAP) gene to direct expression of rat IGF-I and human IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) to mammary tissue during late pregnancy and throughout lactation. High levels of expression of transgenic IGF-I and IGFBP-3 were seen in lobular-alveolar cells by in situ hybridization. There was no obvious effect on mammary development during pregnancy and lactation; indeed, mothers were capable of nursing their pups normally and the only structural difference seen in the mammary glands at peak lactation was an overall smaller size of the alveoli. We also evaluated the role of IGF-I and IGFBP-3 in the remodeling of mammary tissue during involution. Compared with control animals, the process of involution was modified in both transgenic lines. The degree of apoptotic cells was lower in the WAP-IGF-I and WAP-BP-3 expressing mice. In addition, there was a more quiescent pattern of involution with residual lobular secretary ability and a muted host inflammatory reaction with fewer lumenal microcalcifications. These results demonstrate that IGF-I and IGFBP-3 may modulate the involutionary process of the lactating mammary gland.  相似文献   

A Encephalitozoon-like microsporidia was found in epithelial cells of the midgut and the salivary glands of Amblyomma cajennense (F.) and Anocentor nitens (Neumann) that had fed on rabbits. Ultrastructural studies demonstrated that all stages of the life cycle of the parasite occur in parasitophorous vacuoles and contain only 1 nucleus. The sporonts detach from the limiting membrane of the vacuole and divide by binary fission to produce the sporoblasts, each presenting a thickened electron-dense wall, and a primordium of a polar filament. Each spore contained a single nucleus, an electron-dense and rough exospore, an electron-lucent and thick endospore, and 5 coils of the polar tubule.  相似文献   

The effects of starvation on fat cells and blood capillaries of the first abdomino-inguinal mammary gland in mice were investigated by light and transmission electron microscopy. The body weight of starved mice abruptly decreased to approximately 70% of that of controls at 3 days of starvation and, thereafter, gradually decreased. In adipose tissues of mammary stroma, multilocular fat cells increased in number and clustered during starvation to a glandular appearance at 6 days. Collagen fibers increased in amount around mammary ducts and buds. By electron microscopy, multilocular fat cells possessed numerous mitochondria, small lipid droplets, and plasmalemmal vesicles, while endothelial cells of the blood capillaries showed numerous pinocytotic vesicles plus short marginal folds and microvillous processes. These observations prove that the number of pinocytotic vesicles in blood capillary endothelium is closely related with the increased amount of lipid of fat cells in the mammary gland during starvation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Several reports indicate a secular decline of human sperm counts. It is still not known if these findings are artifacts related to shortcomings in the data and applied methodologies. Even less is known about possible mechanisms, but it has been proposed that potential changes may be related to disruption of the hormonal regulation of testicular development in prenatal life. The objective of this study was to examine whether sperm count was related to year of birth. METHODS: An analysis was made of the sperm count of 1196 men participating in 10 cross-sectional occupational sperm studies in 3 regions of Denmark from 1986 through 1995. RESULTS: The median sperm concentration was 63 million per milliliter for men born in 1937-1949 and 52 million per milliliter for men born in 1970 or later, and the median total sperm was 206 million and 117 million, respectively. The inverse relationship between sperm concentration and year of birth was statistically significant even after adjustment for duration of sexual abstinence, season of the year, and study population. However, bias because of differential participation related to age and fertility or lack of comparability across the populations cannot be ruled out. CONCLUSIONS: The apparent decline of sperm count with increasing year of birth is compatible with the hypothesis of a common risk factor for male reproductive health operating in prenatal life or early childhood, but the evidence is circumstantial. Age-related selection bias is an alternative and perhaps not a less likely explanation.  相似文献   

Prolactin stimulated ornithine decarboxylase activity in mammary gland explants from midpregnant mice. The enhanced enzyme activity occurred in explants which were preincubated for 1 day in medium containing insulin, hydrocortisone, insulin plus hydrocortisone, or in medium containing no hormones. The largest prolactin effect was observed in tissues which were pretreated with insulin plus hydrocortisone; a greater than ten-fold increase in ornithine decarboxylase activity was observed when these tissues were incubated with prolactin for 2 hours. An effect of prolactin on ornithine decarboxylase activity was also observed in explants prepared from lactating mouse mammary glands.  相似文献   

The discovery of the superantigens (SAgs) offered new insights on the interaction between microorganisms and the host immune system. Associated to Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) class II molecules, SAgs bind to the variable domain of the beta chain (V beta) of the TCR alpha beta engaged in the family specificity of lymphocytes. Therefore, these molecules are able to activate a high number of T lymphocytes as well as surface MHC class II bearing cells, leading to an overriding release of cytokines and inflammatory mediators, which have been related to their toxic effects. Endogenous SAgs are encoded by murine tumor proviruses (Mtv) which are integrated in the genome of mice. Bacteria and viruses produce exogenous SAgs and those related to food poisoning have been widely studied. The presence of parasite SAgs is still unclear and further studies are required to establish their existence and effects on the corresponding infections.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice, carrying the mts1 gene, one of the genes involved in the acquisition of the metastatic phenotype, were generated. The mts1 gene was placed under the control of the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) long terminal repeat (LTR) promoter leading to overexpression in the lactating mammary gland of transgenic animals. Animals bearing the transgene appear phenotypically normal. Animals of two transgenic lines (Tg463 and Tg507) were crossed with the GRS/A mice. The GRS/A strain is characterized by high incidence of mammary tumors which rarely metastasize. 40% of the tumor bearing hybrid GRS/A mts1 females were found to develop secondary tumors in the lungs. The Mts1 protein was detected in the transgene primary tumor cells as well as in the corresponding metastases. Nontransgenic littermates expressed the Mts1 protein only in the stromal cells surrounding the tumor but not in the tumor cells by itself. Taken together these observations indicate that overexpression of the mts1 gene in the mouse mammary carcinoma cells gives rise to more aggressive tumors which are able to metastasize.  相似文献   

Fibrinogen is a complex plasma protein composed of two each of three different polypeptide chains. We have targeted expression of r-human fibrinogen to the mammary gland of transgenic mice. Three expression cassettes, each containing the genomic sequence for one of the three human fibrinogen chains controlled by sheep whey protein beta-lactoglobulin promoter sequences, were coinjected into fertile mouse eggs. Southern blot analysis demonstrated that more than 80% of the transgenic founders contained all three fibrinogen genes. Reducing sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of milk from the highest producing founder animal demonstrated the presence of human fibrinogen subunits at concentrations of 2000 micrograms/ml. In several animals with a balanced ratio of the individual fibrinogen subunits, up to 100% of the protein was incorporated into fully assembled fibrinogen hexamers. Incubation of the transgenic milk with thrombin and factor XIII resulted in a cross-linked fibrin clot, indicating that a major portion of the secreted fibrinogen was functional. These studies represent the first report of high-level biosynthesis and secretion of a functional, complex, hexameric protein in the milk of a transgenic animal.  相似文献   

The distribution of lead in lactating mice and suckling offspring was studied with whole body autoradiography at 4 and 24 h after a single intravenous injection of 203Pb (50 nmol Pb/kg) to the dams. In the lactating mice on day 14 of lactation, the highest uptake of radioactivity at 4 h after administration was recorded in renal cortex, skeleton and liver. A high uptake was also evident in the mammary gland. At 24 h after administration, the radioactivity had decreased in most organs except in the skeleton. In the suckling pups, exposed to lead only via dams' milk for 24 h, the highest level of radioactivity was present in the intestinal mucosa and a much lower level of radioactivity was present in the skeleton. The mammary glands from mice given three daily intravenous injections of 240 mumol Pb/kg were examined with X-ray microanalysis. At 4 h after the last injection, lead was found associated with casein micelles both inside the alveolar cell and in the milk lumen, indicating that lead is excreted into the milk, bound to casein, via the Golgi secretory system.  相似文献   

For several decades it has been known that steroid hormones, estrogen and progesterone, regulate some genes involved in the growth, proliferation and differentiation of the mammary-gland in animals and humans. In the last years, the presence or absence of the nuclear estrogen receptor has been used by clinicians as a marker for tumor malignancy, as a prognostic index or as an important parameter for hormonal therapy with anti-estrogenic compounds of some hormone-dependent breast cancers. This review shows some advances in the knowledge of the structure, function, molecular mechanisms of estrogenic activity, and interaction with proteins like protooncogenes and growth factors. Also, we refer to the role of the estrogen receptor in the physiophatology of breast cancer.  相似文献   

In an attempt to understand the relationship between photorepair and dark repair in Neurospora crassa, a new mutant was isolated, which showed defects in both repair processes. The new mutant, mus-38, is moderately sensitive to UV and shows imperfect photoreactivation following UV irradiation. DNA was purified from this mutant and the other UV-sensitive mutants, and analyzed for the removal of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs). UV-specific endonuclease-sensitive sites (ESS) completely disappeared with 1 h of photoreactivation in mus-38 DNA, although the survival recovery with photoreactivation was greatly reduced in this mutant. This suggests that the insufficient survival recovery with photoreactivation in mus-38 does not result from a failure of photo-reversal of CPDs. Removal of ESS during liquid holding (dark repair) was slower in mus-38 compared to wild type. To test the possibility that this mutant was involved in excision repair, the double mutant was made between mus-38 and mus-18, which encodes a UV-damage-specific endonuclease. CPD excision in the mus-18 null mutant was severely affected but not completely inhibited. The double mutant showed a complete loss of the excision activity and was super sensitive to UV. These results indicate that mus-38 participates in an excision pathway that is different from the mus-18 pathway. The mus-38 mutant was sensitive not only to UV but also to some chemical mutagens which make adducts on DNA. Thus, mus-38 is possibly involved in an excision-repair pathway that is related to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD3 pathway.  相似文献   

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