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Leaf samples of six plant species collected from locations near the Al-fabrication plants in Sai Kung, Hong Kong were found to be heavily contaminated by Al, Cd, Pb, Ni, Cu and Zn, as determined by inductively — coupled plasma emission spectrophotometer (ICP). Studies using scanning electron microscope incorporated with X-ray microanalyzer showed that significant amounts of dust, with elevated concentrations of heavy metals, were deposited on the leaf surface. The stomatal pores were partially plugged and the guard cells were distorted. The amount of dust deposition and metal contamination varied significantly among different species. Lantana camara had the highest concentrations of all metals. Washing with deionized water could remove the surficial dust particles and reduce the metal contamination, with a degree of effectiveness depending on plant species and metal species. About 50% of Al and other metals were removed from leaves of L. camara and Fiscus variegata by washing, whereas only 20% removal was recorded in Bauhina variegata, the species had the least dust deposition. The soil samples and Al wastes collected from the same sites also exhibited higher values of total metal concentrations than the control. However, the contents of extractable metals were extremely low and were almost below the limits of detection. Experimental data further suggested that the source of leaf metals was mainly accumulated from metal-enriched aerosols, either from Al-fabrication plants or from automobile exhausts, and contribution from soil was relatively unimportant.  相似文献   

The Rio Grande located along the US-Mexico border is affected by anthropogenic activities along its geographical course. Runoff and wind deposition of smelting residues may contribute to the pollution of the Rio Grande in the El Paso-Ciudad Juarez area. Few studies have addressed the presence or impacts of heavy metals or arsenic in this ecosystem. This study reports a survey of heavy metals (Cr, Cu, Cd, Ni, Pb, and Zn) and arsenic (As) in water and sediments of the Rio Grande collected from seven sites in the El Paso-Juarez region. Since water quality influences metal content in water, physical (temperature, flow and conductivity), and chemical (pH, dissolved oxygen, nitrates, alkalinity, and water hardness) parameters were measured at each site. Arsenic and heavy metal levels were determined using Inductively Couple Plasma (ICP) emission spectroscopy following EPA procedures. Zinc and lead were found as both total and dissolved metals in most of the samples, with concentrations of total recoverable metals reaching up to 105 and 70 microg/l, respectively. Most metals were found in sediment samples collected from four of seven sites. The highest Cu concentration (35 mg/l) was found at the American Dam site. Concentrations of metals found through this survey will be used as a reference for future studies in monitoring arsenic, heavy metals, and their impacts in the Rio Grande.  相似文献   

For the first time in Hong Kong, atmospheric radon concentration was continuously monitored between November 2007 and October 2008. This paper presents the results obtained during the 12-month period. The annual mean atmospheric radon concentration in Hong Kong was found to be 9.3 Bq m−3 which was close to the level at neighbouring places like Guangdong and Taiwan. An estimation of the dose arising from atmospheric radon to the Hong Kong population was made. The meteorological effects on the variation of atmospheric radon concentration were discussed. It was found that the origin of the airmass and stability of the local atmosphere played vital roles in the seasonal and diurnal variations respectively, whereas precipitation caused abrupt changes in rainy days. An attempt was also made to find out the contribution of atmospheric radon to the ambient gamma dose rate.  相似文献   

Strategic environmental assessment in Hong Kong   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This review examines the development and application of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) process in the planning framework of Hong Kong. Two strategic planning case studies are evaluated within the context of SEA, namely the Territorial Development Strategy Review (TDS Review) and the Third Comprehensive Transport Study (CTS-3). Rapid population growth and urbanisation in Hong Kong, coupled with a historic lack of planning controls and inherent conflicts between government departments have been major obstacles to achieving sustainable development in the territory. Despite these challenges, Hong Kong was one of the first Asian countries to apply SEA to major development plans, where the implementation of the 'SUSDEV 21' study on sustainable development has demonstrated the government's commitment towards integrated environmental protection. The application of SEA has provided decision-makers with key information on potential environment impacts arising from proposed developments, resulting in greater accountability and transparency in the decision-making process. SEA in Hong Kong has also prompted an increased level of environmental awareness and co-operation between government departments and agencies responsible for the management of Hong Kong's natural and urban environments. However, the application of SEA in Hong Kong continues to have notable limitations. SEA needs to evolve beyond its current sectoral application to examine ways in which development decisions can not only pre-empt and prevent environmental damage, but also positively enhance and restore existing natural resources. Current land use plans and transportation strategies still largely determine the pattern of development in the near future without adequate longer-term environmental cost-benefit analysis. Sustainable development includes environmental, social and economic considerations, and these inter-related elements need be suitably balanced. SEA is not a means to obstruct development in Hong Kong, but should be recognised for its inherent socio-economic and ecological value, and fully integrated with the decision-making process. Whilst it is admirable that Hong Kong has taken positive steps in this direction, it is now an opportune moment for the government to have the foresight and tenacity to create a sustainable development framework for Hong Kong into the future.  相似文献   

Izmir Bay (western Turkey) is one of the great natural bays of the Mediterranean. Izmir is an important industrial and commercial centre and a cultural focal point. The main industries in the region include food processing, oil, soap and paint production, chemical industries, paper and pulp factories, textile industries and metal processing. The mean concentrations showed ranges of 0.01-0.19 and 0.01-10 microM for phosphate, 0.10-1.8 and 0.12-27 microM for nitrate+nitrite, and 0.30-5.8 and 0.43-39 microM for silicate in the outer and middle-inner bays, respectively. The TNO(x)/PO(4) ratio is significantly lower than the Redfield's ratio and nitrogen is the limiting element in the middle-inner bays. Diatoms and dinoflagellates were observed all year around in the bay and are normally nitrogen limited. Metal concentrations ranged between Hg: 0.05-1.3, Cd: 0.005-0.82, Pb: 14-113 and Cr: 29-316 microg g(-1) in the sediments. The results showed significant enrichments during sampling periods from Inner Bay. Outer and middle bays show low levels of heavy metal enrichments except estuary of Gediz River. The concentrations of Hg, Cd and Pb in the outer bay were generally similar to the background levels from the Mediterranean. The levels gradually decreased over the sampling period. Total hydrocarbons concentrations range from 427 to 7800 ng g(-1) of sediments. The highest total hydrocarbon levels were found in the inner bay due to the anthropogenic activities, mainly combustion processes of traffic and industrial activities. The concentrations of heavy metals found in fish varied for Hg: 4.5-520, Cd: 0.10-10 and Pb: 0.10-491 microg kg(-1) in Izmir Bay. There was no significant seasonal variation in metal concentrations. An increase in Hg concentration with increasing length was noted for Mullus barbatus. A person can consume more than 2, 133 and 20 meals per week of fish in human diet would represent the tolerable weekly intake of mercury, cadmium and lead, respectively, in Izmir Bay. Heavy metal levels were lower than the results in fish tissues reported from polluted areas of the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

Upper-air radioactivity soundings have been regularly conducted in Hong Kong since 1994. A total of 38 soundings, measuring the vertical profile of radioactivity in the atmosphere over Hong Kong using on-board Geiger-Müeller tubes, were made during the period 1994-2003 in different seasons and weather conditions. This paper presents the data obtained in Hong Kong and compares the composite vertical profile with observations in other parts of the world. The average Pfotzer maximum over Hong Kong was found to be at an altitude of around 16.1km, lower than those observed at higher latitudes. The variations of the Pfotzer maximum with geomagnetic rigidity and solar activity are discussed. Seasonal and local weather effects on radioactivity in the lower atmosphere were also studied.  相似文献   

Toxicity evaluation of sewage sludges in Hong Kong.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Anaerobically digested sewage sludges collected from four wastewater treatment plants located in Sha Tin, Tai Po, Yuen Long, and Shek Wu Hui in Hong Kong were subjected to chemical characterization and toxicity testing to provide preliminary assessment of their suitability for land application. All sewage sludges were slightly alkaline with pH range of 8.3-8.7. Electrical conductivity (EC; 0.69 dS m(-1)) and soluble NH4-N content (996 mg kg(-1)) of sewage sludge from Yuen Long were lower than that of other plants. Concentrations of heavy metals were determined as total, extractable, and water-soluble fraction using mixed acid digestion, DTPA (pH 7.3), and distilled water, respectively. Yuen Long sludge was most polluted with Zn and Cr higher than the pollutant concentration limits listed in Part 503 of USEPA, owing to the effluent coming from the tannery industry. High concentration of Ni was found in sludge from Sha Tin that originated mainly from the electroplating industry. DTPA-extractable Zn contents were high in sludges from Yuen Long (1247 mg kg(-1)) and Shek Wu Hui (892 mg kg(-1)), while 3.7 mg kg(-1) of DTPA-extractable Cr was found in Yuen Long sludge. Metal speciation of sludges showed that Pb was major in residual phase while Cu, Cr, and Ni in organic and residual phases, and Zn did not show any dominant chemical phase. The sludge extracts did not exert significant adverse effect on seed germination of Brassica chinensis (Chinese cabbage), but Yuen Long sludge caused a reduction in root growth. In view of its lower EC and soluble ammonia contents, the high concentration of Zn and Cr in Yuen Long sludge would likely be responsible for this adverse effect on root growth. Therefore, Yuen Long sludge would likely have a more serious impact on soil quality and plant growth as compared to other sludges. This would require further verification from greenhouse and field experiments.  相似文献   

One hundred and ninety-four randomly selected nonsmoking subjects collected air samples in their breathing zone by wearing personal monitors for 24 h. The study was centered in Hong Kong, and comprised housewives in one group, primarily for assessing exposures in the home, and office workers in a second group to assess the contribution of the workplace to overall exposure. Samples collected were analysed for respirable suspended particles (RSP), nicotine, 3-ethenylpyridine, and environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) particles using ultraviolet absorbance (UVPM), fluorescence (FPM), and solanesol measurements (SolPM). Saliva cotinine analyses were also undertaken to confirm the nonsmoking status of the subjects and to investigate their correlation with ETS exposure measurements. Approximately 6% of the subjects in Hong Kong misclassified their nonsmoking status. Median time-weighted average (TWA) RSP concentrations varied from 43 to 54 μg m−3 with no significant differences detected between any of the groups investigated. Office workers who lived and worked with smokers were exposed to 2.6 μg m−3 ETS particles (SolPM) and 0.44 μg m−3 nicotine, based on median TWA concentrations. Median concentrations of ETS particles and nicotine were below the limits of quantification for housewives living with smokers and were not significantly different from those for housewives living with nonsmokers. It would therefore be unreliable in Hong Kong to use a smoking spouse as a marker for assessing health risks related to ETS exposure. The office workers in this study were significantly more exposed to ETS than housewives from either smoking or nonsmoking homes, and the workplace was estimated to contribute over 33% of the annual exposure to ETS particles and nicotine. Exposure estimates suggest that the most highly exposed office workers in this study receive between 11 and 50 cigarette equivalents per year, based upon upper decile levels for ETS particles and nicotine, respectively.  相似文献   

Geobotanical analysis of aquatic and wetland plant communities of the Tanalyk River has been performed in the zone of impact from the abandoned Kul-Yurt-Tau pyrite mine. The results show that pollution of the river with highly mineralized runoff leads to a decrease in the β-diversity and synthetic characteristics of plant communities (α-diversity, total coverage, and herb layer height) and in the aboveground phytomass of dominant species.  相似文献   

The behaviour of whole-rock major, trace and rare earth elements (REE) during weathering under subtropical conditions is examined along a profile developed over crystal--vitric tuffs with eutaxitic texture. The intensity of weathering within the profile varies erratically, indicating weathering processes operate over different scales. Quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase and biotite are the main primary minerals, whereas clays, sesquioxides, sericite and chlorite are the alteration products. Kaolinite, halloysite and illite-mica are the dominant clay minerals present in significantly varying proportions. Two competing processes, namely leaching and fixation, are the main regulators of variations in mostly major and some trace element concentrations along the profile. In general, as the intensity of weathering increases, Ca, Na, K, Sr +/- Si decrease, while Fe, Ti, Al and loss of ignition (LOI) increase. Likewise, the intensity of negative Eu-anomaly decreases while the intensity of negative Ce-anomaly and the La/Lu and Sm/Nd ratios increases. In detail, however, the behaviour of chemical elements cannot be solely explained in terms of the degree of weathering. This study makes it clearly evident that the type and abundance of sesquioxides and clay minerals can significantly modify the geochemical signatures of weathering processes.  相似文献   

As part of the first environmental assessment within Montevideo Harbour, in summer and winter of 1998, sediments samples were collected at eight locations to determine the spatial distribution of anthropogenic pollutants. Muddy sediments with high organic matter content dominate the study area. Heavy metal levels indicated that sediments were highly polluted with Zn (overall mean: 312+/-102 microg g(-1) dry sediment), Pb (85+/-31), Cu (89+/-25), Cr (162+/-62), and Hg (0.63+/-0.3) and moderately with Ni (30+/-2) and Ag (1.2+/-0.4). Depending on location and season, aliphatic hydrocarbons reached from 21 to 120 microg g(-1), while the unresolved complex mixture represented up to 76% of the total aliphatic fraction. Total PAH concentrations ranged from 1.56 to 90.44 microg g(-1); except at one location, petroleum derivatives were identified as main local source. The results pointed out that almost all the harbour area presented some substances that can cause adverse biological effects, especially in the inner region where all metals are above PEL levels. Principal components analysis confirmed that the inner harbour region is most severely affected by the pollutants and it was possible to differentiate three regions according to their environmental quality.  相似文献   

Surface ozone trends in Hong Kong in 1985-1995   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ozone trends in Hong Kong were assessed from the ozone data recorded at three urban stations and one station in the new development area. Three parameters were selected as the robust trend indicators in the study: monthly mean, monthly averaged daily 1-h maximum, and number of annual hours > 120 microg m(-3). As the ozone data displayed obvious seasonal variation, using deseasonalized monthly average parameters to estimate the ozone trends could smooth out the influence of seasonal fluctuations. The detection of an increase of more than 10% per year in ozone concentration at one station was particularly alarming. Effects of meteorological factors, control programmes of ozone precursors, and long-range transport on the ambient ozone level were examined in the study.  相似文献   

A survey on the concentration of organic and inorganic compounds emitted from various trades and industries in Hong Kong was performed to indicate the level of pollutants occuring in the factories, in the stacks and their dispersion into the environment. The results indicate that none of the organic or inorganic compounds present in the workplace exceed the TLV value for the factories during the visit in the two years period of study. However, the concentration of the chemistry compounds in the stack are found to be very high, with NH3 and HCl exceeding the emission limits. As the dispersion of pollutants in a highly populated place like Hong Kong is an important concern, the effect of prominent stationary sources on the nearby population were investigated qualitatively to establish their contribution to the pollution level at the receptor site in addition to the background pollutant level. Due to the lack of input meteorological data and the highly complex topology around most sites amongst high-rise buildings in Hong Kong, it is difficult to use advanced computer model dealing with complex terrain. Instead, a simple impaction formula was tested for its applicability in Hong Kong. The results indicate an over estimation of the experimental value. Nevertheless, it could be used to provide a rough estimate of the upper limit of the pollutant concentration at given receptor sites. The feasibility of assessing the contribution or different stationary sources to the particulate collected at given receptor sites was studied and work is in progress to obtain a more comprehensive pollutant data inventory for the above assessment.  相似文献   

Sediment samples were analyzed for Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Hg and Zn by AAS. The highest concentrations (ppm) for Cu (26.1+/-4.8), Hg (0.2+/-0.05), Pb (30.7+/-5.6) and Zn (45.4+/-13.1) were found at approximately 25 m from the shoreline. Generally, heavy metals concentration in the sediment decreased with increasing distance from the shoreline except for Cd and Cr whose highest concentrations were found at approximately 2000 m from the shoreline.The data also indicated that sediment samples which were collected at the shores within the urban area of Mwanza showed elevated levels of Pb (54.6+/-11.1 ppm) and Zn (83.7+/-21.5 ppm). However, the highest concentrations of Cd (7.0+/-2.1 ppm), Cr (12. 9+/-1.0 ppm) and Hg (2.8+/-0.8 ppm) were recorded at sampling stations which were adjacent to river mouths.  相似文献   

The source and the extent of Pb pollution in the urban environment of Hong Kong were investigated at five different urban settings selected on the basis of their annual average daily traffic (AADT) varying from less than 100 to 61,700. In addition, a small distant island without any traffic was selected to establish the possible baseline values. The surface environmental samples studied consisted of street and tunnel dusts, gully sediments, and a limited number of roadside topsoils. The analytical results clearly indicated variable degrees of Pb contamination in these urban settings. However, the level of contamination varied significantly among different types of samples collected at the same location. Pb concentrations of roadside topsoils (79+/-22 micrograms/g) and gully sediments (278+/-88 micrograms/g) were lower than those of the corresponding road dusts (327+/-54 micrograms/g). The Pb isotope compositions in different urban settings varied considerably. The bedrock in the small island had the lowest Pb concentration (12 micrograms/g) but with the highest 206Pb/207Pb ratio (1.2206), whereas the tunnel ceiling dusts with the highest level of Pb (1410 micrograms/g) had the lowest 206Pb/207Pb ratio (1.1062). Despite the significant differences in vehicle types and traffic volumes, and the presence of several different petroleum retailers in Hong Kong, the Pb isotope ratios of road dusts (206Pb/207Pb: 1.1553+/-0.0043, 208Pb/207Pb: 2.4408+/-0.0084) varied within a relatively narrow range among all the five urban sampling sites. On the other hand, the Pb isotopic compositions of gully sediments (206Pb/207Pb: 1.1515+/-0.0145, 208Pb/207Pb: 2.4322+/-0.0198) varied noticeably within the same setting, but were reasonably comparable across the different study sites. In general, the 206Pb/207Pb ratios of road dusts can be used to estimate the direct contribution from automobile emissions, whereas those of gully sediments might reflect the effects of the mixing of different anthropogenic sources. The Pb isotope signatures in the urban environment of Hong Kong clearly suggested that anthropogenic Pb in the environment originated from Pb ore with a low 206Pb/207Pb ratio (such as the Australian Pb ore and similar sources in Southeast Asia) were significantly different from those of the anthropogenic Pb present in the neighboring Pearl River Delta (PRD) region.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to assess the spatial distribution of arsenic in the intertidal sediments of the River Scheldt in Belgium. Sediment samples were collected from different locations along the River Scheldt up to 100 cm depth and analysed for the major physicochemical properties. The study reveals that the arsenic contents in the sediment samples vary in a wide range, from 2.3 to 140.2 mg kg(-1) dry weight. Moreover, the arsenic concentrations are generally below the background concentrations and remediation thresholds of arsenic in Flanders, Belgium. The occurrence of arsenic is found closely related to some physicochemical properties of the sediments. Arsenic has a strong positive correlation with organic matter and clay contents. On the contrary, a negative correlation exists between arsenic, sand and pH. It is recommended to develop and use organic matter control practices for lowering further accumulation of arsenic within the sediments.  相似文献   

Twenty-one sediment samples in 11 sites along the Haihe River and Dagu Drainage River, Tianjin, China, were analyzed to investigate the pollution status and bioavailability of mercury (Hg). The results showed that the Haihe River was slightly polluted with Hg when flowing through Tianjin city. On the contrary, the sediments collected from Dagu Drainage River, an important drainage river in Tianjin, were found to have very high Hg concentrations and the highest concentration reached 8779.1 ng g(-1) (dry weight). The methylmercury (MeHg) concentrations accounted for 0.1-2.4% (average: 0.9%) of total mercury (HgT) and were strongly influenced by HgT (r=0.91, p=0.99, n=20) and total organic carbon (TOC; r=0.76, p=0.99, n=20) contents in sediments. Moreover, a five-step sequential selective extraction (SSE) procedure was used to study the bioavailability of Hg in sediments. The mercury in sediments existed mainly as element Hg and mercury sulfide, which accounted for 46.5% and 39.0% of HgT, respectively. The percentage of exchangeable Hg (defined as water soluble Hg plus 'human stomach acid' soluble Hg) was only 0.1-4.6%. The distribution of exchangeable Hg showed an obvious difference to that of HgT, indicating that the HgT concentrations were absolutely insufficient to evaluate the risk of Hg in sediments.  相似文献   

Sediments from two rivers in China, the Haihe and Dagu Rivers, were examined for estrogenic activity using an estrogen receptor (ER)-mediated in vitro bioassay system. ER-active compounds were isolated from sediments by Soxhlet extraction, and the crude extracts were fractionated using a florisil column into three fractions. The estrogenic activity of each extract was detected by measuring luciferase activity in the human breast cancer cell line MCF-7 transfected with a luciferase receptor gene. Significant estrogenic activity was observed in each total extract. The 17beta-estradiol equivalents (E2-EQs) ranged from 8.24 to 95.28 ng E2 g(-1) dw. As a result, the relative estrogenic potencies of three fractions in this study descended in the order of Fraction 3>Fraction 2>Fraction 1. The results of the bioassay analysis indicated the heavy pollution status of these sites with estrogenic contaminants. In this study, five selected chemicals, the natural estrogens 17beta-estradiol (E2) and estrone (E1), and the xeno-estrogens 4-octylphenol (OP), 4-nonylphenol (NP), and Bisphenol A (BPA) were also analyzed using the in vitro bioassay. The estrogenic activity of these chemicals were E2>E1>NP>OP>BPA.  相似文献   

工业革命以来,全球环境发生了前所未有的变化,将可能给地球系统带来灾难性后果,究其原因主要是由于人类活动造成的。人的行为深受意识的影响和制约,环境意识对于环境问题的产生和解决至关重要。本文选取上海、香港两个地区来分析公民对环境的关注度、公民的环保意识、环保行为以及公民对政府环境工作的看法和评价,研究公民对全球环境变化反应的区域差异,为政府制定相关环境保护政策提供理论依据。调查结果显示,上海、香港两地公民在很多环境闷题上具有共识。但是。在对手环境状况好转的期待值、参与环境保护活动的积极性、对人为因素主导力量的认识、环境保护与日常生活的切实关系、为环境保护的支付意愿、对于环境教育内容的认可度等方面存在着一定的差异。  相似文献   

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