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利用0.53 hm^2池塘试养红螯螯虾,放养体长1.5 cm红螯螯虾虾苗2万尾,收获红螯螯虾975 kg,另外收获河蟹175 kg、青虾36 kg、鲫鱼190 kg,总利润68420元。饲料系数为0.72,红螯螯虾成活率为65%。结果认为:红螯螯虾可单养,亦可与河蟹、青虾等混养;水草覆盖率80%是适宜的。  相似文献   

红螯螯虾俗称澳洲淡水龙虾,原产地为澳洲北部的热带地区,生长最适温度18~32℃,食性广,生长快,肉质细腻,营养丰富,经济价值较高.近年来,无锡市锡山区水产技术推广站开展了红螯螯虾与河蟹生态高效养殖试验,形成了一种亩效益超3万元的生态高效混养技术模式.现将该技术总结如下.  相似文献   

中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis),又称河蟹,是我国重要的淡水经济蟹类。全国河蟹养殖遍及全国三十个省(自治区、直辖市),养殖面积达666666.6 hm2左右。河蟹在全国平均每667 m2产量约77 kg,江苏地区2019年平均每667 m2产量达100 kg。2020年出现长时间的阴雨天气,江苏地区河蟹平均每667 m2产量在75 kg以下,较多养殖户产量仅有30~50 kg。这种产量养殖户很难收回成本,更难赚钱。河蟹产量低,养殖周期长,池塘空间利用率低。红螯螯虾(Cherax quadricarinatus),又称为澳洲淡水龙虾、澳洲淡水小青龙等,是澳大利亚东北部虾种。澳洲淡水龙虾个体大,生长速度快,养殖3至4个月能长到100 g以上,最大个体能长到500 g左右,是普通小龙虾的4~5倍。2018—2020年江苏农牧科技职业学院在江苏现代畜牧科技园水产实训中心开展了中华绒螯蟹和红螯螯虾生态混养试验,养殖效果较好,具有一定的推广前景,现将试验情况介绍如下,供业者参考。  相似文献   

为了探索在上海崇明地区养殖大规格中华绒螯蟹成蟹的技术,在崇明西北部地区选择具有代表性的养殖池塘开展种草生态养殖成蟹试验。试验池塘面积15亩(15亩=1 hm2,下同),放养规格为100只/kg的中华绒螯蟹蟹种500只/亩,试验期间池塘整体水草覆盖率约为70%。试验结果:养殖成蟹871.95kg,亩产58.13 kg,其中雄蟹平均壳长64.23 mm,壳宽72.03 mm,体质量194.07 g,个体200 g以上的比例为40.0%;雌蟹平均壳长60.46 mm,壳宽67.51 mm,体质量140.88 g,个体150 g以上的比例为36.7%。结果表明,采用种草生态养蟹模式,可以在崇明地区养成大规格中华绒螯蟹,该模式是一种可持续发展的水产养殖模式。  相似文献   

2021年在上海浦东新场镇某合作社开展河蟹套养红螯螯虾生态养殖试验,在河蟹基本放养模式基础上套养一定量的红螯螯虾能够提高饵料利用效率与单位池塘的产出,最终提高经济效益,具有一定的推广价值.  相似文献   

为应对单一养殖崇明清水蟹带来的风险,提出了崇明清水蟹与青虾高效生态混养模式。从池塘准备、苗种放养、饲养管理、日常管理等方面详细总结了该模式的技术要点,介绍了运用生物制剂调节水质,采用种植水草、投喂螺蛳等生态手段净化水体的主要方法。实践证明,崇明清水蟹与青虾高效生态混养模式的平均利润比单一养殖清水蟹模式高30%左右,较好地兼顾了经济效益和生态效益。  相似文献   

<正>临泉县流鞍河属于草型河道,2011年2月至2013年12月,我们对该河道进行拦网,开展克氏原螯虾、中华绒螯蟹生态混养,养殖面积3000亩,年均亩产虾50.6千克、蟹16.1千克,每千克商品虾平均16元,蟹每千克80元,亩产值2098元,每亩平均利润1100元,获得总利润为330万元。草型河道克氏原螯虾、中华绒螯蟹生态混养技术已经成熟,该技术对  相似文献   

2010年在闽西北山区进行红螯螯虾池塘健康养殖生产试验,经过5个月的养殖,结果8口池塘共产红螯螯虾19095kg,平均单产达0.57kg/m2,养殖成活率64.2%,饲料系数1.31,投入产出比1∶1.69。试验结果表明,池塘养殖红螯螯虾前景广阔。  相似文献   

<正>1龄鱼种池套养克氏原螯虾是利用上半年饲养鱼种的空闲塘口和时间,于3月底至4月初投放克氏原螯虾幼虾,或是采取本塘上一年的自繁存塘幼虾,通过载种水草、放养螺蛳、强化投饵、调节水质、精精心管理等一系列措施,饲养出1—2季成虾的养殖模式。2008—2009年在260×667 m~2不同面积的12口池塘养殖试验,平均产成虾121 kg/667 m~2,1龄鱼种产量426 kg/667 m~2。产值8 920元/667 m~2,其中养虾产值3 410元,养鱼产值5 510元。利润  相似文献   

鱼种池套养红螯螯虾试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
红螯螯虾具有适应性强、生长快、个体大、产量高、出肉率多等优点,市场前景十分广阔。为摸索红螯螯虾在长江流域养殖的生长习性,我场于1997年5月至12月在鱼种池内进行小面积、低密度套养红螯螯虾试验,现将试验情况报告如下:一、材料与方法1.试验池塘选择本场进排水方便的三  相似文献   

为探索南美白对虾与鱼类的新型混养模式,于2020年5月—10月在上海市青浦区某合作社开展了南美白对虾和草金鱼、草鱼等的池塘混养试验。试验结果显示:0.33 hm~2(5亩)试验池塘共收获南美白对虾2 070 kg,平均规格83尾/kg,平均销售价格37.7元/kg,销售收入78 040元;共收获草金鱼430 kg,平均规格230.0 g/尾,平均销售价格27元/kg,销售收入11 610元。南美白对虾和草金鱼总计收入89 650元,扣除生产成本45 950元,利润为43 700元。  相似文献   

为探索南美白对虾稳产高效养殖模式,通过对2口面积共计1 hm~2的连栋大棚养殖池塘进行改造,在大棚内设置净面积约35 m~2的篷布池135口,辅以供水、增氧、排水以及尾水处理等设施,引进SPF一代南美白对虾苗种,采用集中标粗后再分级养成的模式进行试验。2020年放养两茬虾苗,单位面积产量达到13.85 kg/m~2,产值595.9元/m~2,利润222.16元/m~2。折合每公顷产量138 500 kg,产值595.90万元,利润222.20万元。试验结果表明,大棚篷布池养殖投资较低,建设周期短,养殖环境可控,是1种适合于推广的南美白对虾高效养殖模式。  相似文献   

3种水草搭配模式对河蟹生长及水环境的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为探究水草搭配模式对河蟹的生长性能及水体环境的影响,以河蟹池塘养殖最常用的3种水草为基础,设计了伊乐藻、伊乐藻+轮叶黑藻、伊乐藻+黄丝草3种水草搭配种植模式,进行了河蟹养殖对比试验。试验结果:从养殖河蟹的产量和规格来看,3种模式下河蟹的体质量差异不显著(P>0.05),伊乐藻+黄丝草模式可以获得较高的河蟹产量;从肝胰腺和性腺发育情况来看,单独种植伊乐藻组河蟹的肝胰腺和性腺发育最好,其次为伊乐藻+黄丝草组,伊乐藻+轮叶黑藻组较差;从养殖水质净化效果来看,伊乐藻+黄丝草组效果最好,其次为伊乐藻+轮叶黑藻组,最差的是伊乐藻单独种植模式。结果表明,从经济效益、生态效益等方面综合考虑,3种水草搭配模式中,伊乐藻+黄丝草的搭配模式最佳,其次为伊乐藻+轮叶黑藻,单独种植伊乐藻最差。  相似文献   

为提高刀鲚和暗纹东方鲀的池塘养殖效益以及获得大规格刀鲚鱼种,2021年在上海市水产研究所奉贤科研基地的4口池塘中进行了1+龄刀鲚(3 000尾/hm2)与暗纹东方鲀成鱼(12 000尾/hm2)的混养试验以及刀鲚生态自繁养殖试验。经过132 d的养殖,刀鲚出塘规格达到24.99~59.90 g/尾,成活率为15.0%~54.1%,其中有3口试验池塘获得了大规格刀鲚自繁鱼种,数量分别为2 515、2 871、3 399尾;暗纹东方鲀出塘规格在280.2~296.3 g/尾,单位面积产量达到3 372.8~3 502.5 kg/hm2,成活率达97.8%~100.0%。  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted during May to December 2002 to determine growth performance, the highest economic return and suitable species composition in the polyculture of Thai pangus (Pangasius hypophthalmus) with carps (catla, Catla catla and rohu, Labeo rohita) and freshwater giant prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) using low‐cost formulated feed. Three treatments (T1, T2 and T3) were conducted with three replications. The treatment T1 was designed as a monoculture of pangus with a stocking density of 17 500 individual ha?1. The other two treatments (T2 and T3) were designed as polyculture and stocked with pangus, catla, rohu and prawn with densities of 10 000, 2500, 5000, 3750 ha?1; and 10 000, 5000, 2500, 3750 ha?1 in T2 and T3 respectively. The net weight gain and production of pangus were significantly different (P>0.05) between monoculture and polyculture but were not different within the two polyculture systems. The production of catla and rohu were significantly different (P>0.05) in both treatments where prawn was not. Though the gross production (8.53 ton ha?1) was significantly (P>0.05) higher in T1, the higher gross net profit (Tk 154 201 ha?1) was in T2. Thus, the polyculture of pangus is more profitable than its monoculture and the species composition in T2 is more suitable than other composition.  相似文献   

在江苏省南通市水深2m、面积467km~2的池塘中,每667m~2放养伞径5cm的海蜇Rhopilemae sculentum200只、全长1cm左右的斑节对虾Penaeus monodon 4000尾和4 000粒/kg的缢蛏Sinonovacula constrzcta 20万粒。经饲养,海蜇产量为855kg/km~2、斑节对虾67kg/km~2、缢蛏145kg/km~2,总产量为1 067kg/km~2,产值为8 600元,利润为6 057元,显示出较高的生态和社会效益。  相似文献   

On‐farm fish production experiments were conducted for 240 days to investigate the effect of stocking density on growth, yield and economic benefits of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in monoculture and polyculture with African sharptooth catfish (Clarias gariepinus). Low stocking density (LSD), medium stocking density (MSD) and high stocking density (HSD) of 30 000, 60 000 and 90 000 fish ha?1 respectively, were tested. O. niloticus cultured in polyculture attained significantly higher mean weight gain than those cultured in monoculture. O. niloticus and C. gariepinus raised together in polyculture attained significantly higher net annual yield than O. niloticus cultured alone in monoculture. Profitability analysis using partial enterprise budgets revealed that polyculture is a more profitable system than monoculture. The highest growth, yield and economic benefits were achieved at HSD and MSD than at LSD with no significant difference between HSD and MSD. Results demonstrate that farmers can achieve the highest net yield and economic benefits by culturing O. niloticus and C. gariepinus in polyculture at HSD and MSD, preferably MSD for economic reasons.  相似文献   

Abstract This experiment was carried out in the framework of a project to develop a viable fish polyculture technology under Bangladeshi conditions that allows simultaneous fish production of small indigenous species for farm families' consumption and of large carp species as a cash crop. The polyculture included the large carp rohu, catla and mirror carp as cash crop fish, and the small indigenous fish punti and mola as food for the small‐scale household. Total large carp stocking density was 10 000 fish ha?1, at a species ratio 1:1:1. Total small fish stocking densities were 0, 25 000 or 50 000 fish ha?1. The objectives were to assess the effects of adding 25 000 punti and/or mola ha?1 on the large carp and environment, and to assess the effects of punti on mola and mola on punti. It was found that catla was not affected by the addition of small fish in any of the combinations tested; rohu was not affected by punti, and mola reduced rohu performance by 30–40% only when punti was not present; mirror carp was not affected by punti, and mola increased mirror carp growth rate and harvesting weight by 25–30% whether punti was present or not; small fish did not significantly affect total yield and food conversion ratio; punti performance was not affected by mola; mola harvesting weight was not affected by punti, while mola harvesting numbers and biomass were reduced by 55–65% by punti. Factor analysis of water quality data identified photosynthesis–respiration and algal biomass– temperature as the main processes governing water quality. Effects of treatment on those water quality factors are analysed, and the fish–water quality relationships discussed. In a parallel polyculture experiment in 25 farm ponds, the performance of large carp species was found to be unaffected by the addition of punti and/or mola. The results indicate that, at the densities tested, punti and mola addition to the large carp polyculture is viable as they do not reduce cash crop production and might be a good food source for the farmer's family.  相似文献   

2017、2018年连续2年利用7口0.4 hm2(6亩)对虾养殖池在淡水条件下进行了鲻鱼与南美白对虾混养试验.试验结果:鲻鱼放养规格48~80 g/尾,放养密度为75~225尾/hm2,收获鲻鱼规格为420~520 g/尾.2017年,南美白对虾单养池(对照池)产量为6090 kg/hm2,6口鱼虾混养池产量分别比对...  相似文献   

Fish polyculture is based on the assumption that each species has its own feeding niche and may increase the maximum standing crop of a pond by exploring a wider range of available food and ecological niches. In order to identify the better species ratio and to introduce jundia (JN) (Rhamdia quelen Quoy & Gaimard) and Nile tilapia (NT) (Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus) in to the carp polyculture practiced in South Brazil, a 162‐day experiment was conducted, in 12 250‐m2 earthen ponds (1.2 m deep). Treatment I (T‐I) contained 35% common carp, Cyprinus carpio (L.) (CC); 35% grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella Valenciennes (GC); 15% silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Valenciennes (SC); and 15% bighead carp, Aristichthys nobilis Richardson (BC). Treatment II (T‐II) consisted of three ponds stocked at the following ratio: 17.5% CC, 35% GC, 15% SC, 15% BC and 17.5% JN. Treatment III (T‐III) consisted of three ponds with 35% CC, 35% GC, 7.5% SC, 7.5% BC and 15% NT. Treatment IV (T‐IV) consisted of three ponds with 17.5% CC, 35% GC, 7.5% SC, 7.5% BC%, 17.5% JN and 15% NT. No significant correlation was found between the treatments with different species ratio and water quality parameters. The final weight of different species, in different treatments, was statistically different. The major result was the clear positive effect on growth parameters observed by the introduction of JN and/or NT in to the carp polyculture. The yield per hectare was 2083.33±183 kg ha?1 for polyculture with carp species; 2476.67±139.88 kg ha?1 following the introduction of JN only; 2801.67±111.42 kg ha?1 for isolated introduction of NT; and 2506.67±422.31 kg ha?1 for simultaneous introduction of JN and NT. The introduction of JN and/or NT had a positive effect on growth parameters when compared with carp‐only polyculture. The reduction in CC ratio also had a positive effect on growth parameters.  相似文献   

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