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郝魁红  王化祥  赵迎春 《核技术》2007,30(5):459-462
通过分析CdZnTe半导体射线探测器的性能,并考虑到电荷灵敏放大器的噪声特性,设计了用于便携式探测器中的低噪声小尺寸电荷灵敏放大器.在常温下,3mm×7mm×3mm的CdZnTe探测器与小尺寸电荷灵敏前置放大器探测系统对于241Am d的59.5keVγ射线的能量分辨率为4.38%.  相似文献   

CdZnTe(CZT)探测器是近年来迅速发展的新型半导体探测器,具有体积小、分辨率高、可在室温下工作等优点。论文通过分析探测器的噪声组成,并经过实验数据分析,证明了影响探测器性能的主要因素是探测器晶体内电荷收集不完全,并为探测仪器设计时的成形时间选择提供了参考。  相似文献   

为对511 keV伽马光子进行三维定位,提高PET显像性能,研制一种尺寸为16.4 mm×16.4 mm×5 mm正交条形碲锌镉(CZT)探测器,并测试其PET显像性能。在32个电极读出后均采用电荷灵敏前置放大器和滤波放大模块,输入高速模数转换器对数据进行采样,得到探测器中信号的全脉冲形状,并利用模拟数字转换器(ADC)内置可编程门列阵(FPGA)对信号进行在线处理,对信号完成寻峰、滤波等数字化处理。结果表明,该碲锌镉探测器对511 keV伽玛光子的能量分辨率为6.35%,通过对碲锌镉探测器的电极结构分析得出了一套伽马光子相互作用的三维位置坐标计算公式,可以达到亚毫米位置分辨率,实现了碲锌镉探测器三维显像功能。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了采用国产碲锌镉(CdZnTe)单晶材料制备的CdznTe核辐射探测器工艺及测试结果.对α带电粒子Thc-c/(6.04MeV、8.78MeV)FWHM=2.O%、241 Am(5.486MeV)FWHM=2.3%,137Cs低能7(662keV)FWHM=9.7%和207Bi(1048.1keV、975.6keV)内转换电子所测定的能谱.  相似文献   

本文采用CdZnTe单晶制成像素探测器,并对其能谱响应特性及均匀性进行了系统表征。通过I-V和能谱响应测试,测定了晶体的电阻率和载流子迁移率与寿命的积,并用红外透过显微成像观察了晶体内Te夹杂的分布特性。采用光刻、剥离和真空蒸镀技术,在CdZnTe晶片上制备了8×8的像素电极,用丝网印刷和贴片技术通过导电银胶实现像素电极与读出电路的准确连接,制备出CdZnTe像素探测器。对像素探测器的测试表明,-300V下单像素最大漏电流小于0.7nA,对241 Am 59.5keV的能量分辨率可达5.6%,优于平面探测器。进一步分析了晶体内Te夹杂等缺陷对探测器漏电流和能谱响应特性的影响规律,结果表明,Te夹杂的聚集会显著增加漏电流,并降低探测器的能量分辨率。  相似文献   

为有效读出共面栅碲锌镉(CPG-CZT)探测器的核脉冲信号,本文结合CPG-CZT探测器工作原理及国内外研究,设计了可用于CPG-CZT探测器的读出电路,主要包括高压偏置电路、前置放大电路、增益调节及减法电路。为研究读出电路性能,本文测试了各单元电路的性能及探测系统能量分辨率随偏置电压、增益调节电路中两路信号的相对增益G的变化规律。结果表明:高压偏置电路两路输出偏压与输入偏置电压的相关系数R2均为0.998;前置放大电路输出噪声为5 mV;增益调节及减法电路输出信号噪声为10 mV;输入偏置电压、相对增益G的变化均会影响探测系统能量分辨率,当偏置电压为-1650 V、相对增益G为0.7时对137Cs源产生的γ射线能量分辨率最佳,可达3.65%,且无明显拖尾现象。  相似文献   

用几个标准γ源对LaCl3和NaI闪烁体探测器的能量分辨率进行了刻度,并对测量的结果进行了比较,发现LaCl3探测器的分辨率要优于NaI探测器.为了得到精度较高的γ能谱,用EGSnrc计算了LaCl3探测器的能量响应函数,作为探测器的解谱响应矩阵.用探测器测量了152 Elu标准γ源,逆矩阵法解谱后的γ能谱与HPGe谱仪测量结果以及标准值进行比较,发现LaCl3探测系统在能量线性、探测效率以及能量分辨方面都具有很好的性能,说明该探测器在γ能谱测量具有很好的应用前景.  相似文献   

为进一步研究碲锌镉半导体探测器(简称CZT探测器)的特性,搭建了其漏电流和结电容等主要特性参数的测试平台,设计了测试方案,并在不同条件下测试了两种不同结构的探测器,分析了测试结果。通过本次实验,可较好地掌握CZT探测器的主要特性,从而为其在射线探测领域的应用提供参考依据。  相似文献   

研究用于空间探测的新型弗里希栅碲锌镉探测器。选择CdZnTe晶体尺寸为5mm×5mm×5mm的平面结构探测器,通过改进电极结构,采用电容弗里希栅构成只收集电子的单电荷载流子探测器单元,从而使电子对信号脉冲起主要贡献,而去除由于空穴的陷获对脉冲产生的影响。  相似文献   

研究了基于碲锌镉可以吸收其与中子的~(113)Cd(n,γ)反应产生的瞬发γ,采用~(241)Am-Be源进行中子探测实验,结果表明碲锌镉探测器对中子有较好的响应,能量分辨率较高;通过探测带电粒子间接探测中子,即在碲锌镉晶体表面涂硼,基于硼与中子反应产生的α和~7Li在碲锌镉中电离进行探测。采用MCNPX及Geant4两种软件模拟硼层厚度及CZT厚度对中子探测效率的影响,设置适当的甄别阈以降低γ射线的影响。模拟结果表明:当硼层厚度为2.7μm,碲锌镉厚度为1.6μm时可达到最大探测效率。对两种探测方法进行了对比研究,证明了碲锌镉应用于中子探测的可行性。  相似文献   

为设计适用于康普顿背散射成像系统,通过分析成像系统及CdZnTe探测器性能,并考虑到相应核电子学电路的噪声特性,设计了甄别级CdZnTe探测器,并设计了相应的低噪声电荷灵敏前置放大器和主放大器.在常温下,5mm×5mm×5mm的甄别级CdZnTe探测器与核电子学电路系统对于662 keV的137Cs源,其能量分辨率小于4%.  相似文献   

A new electrode structure CdZnTe (Cadmium Zinc Telluride) detector named Binode CdZnTe has been pro- posed in this paper. Together with the softwares of MAXWELL, GEANT4, and ROOT, the charge collec- tion process and its gamma spectrum of the detector have been simulated and the detector structure has been optimized. In order to improve its performance further, Compton scattering effect correction has been used. The simulation results demonstrate that with refined design and Compton scattering effect correction, Binode CdZnTe detectors is capable of achieving 3.92% FWHM at 122 keV, and 1.27% FWHM at 662 keV. Com- pared with other single-polarity (electron-only) detector configurations, Binode CdZnTe detector offers a cost effective and simple structure alternative with comparable energy resolution.  相似文献   

Due to variable time for charge collection,energy resolution of nuclear detectors declines,especially compound semiconductor detectors like cadmium zinc telluride (CdZnTe) detector.To solve this problem,an analog rise-time discriminator based on charge comparison principle is designed.The reference charge signal after attenuation is compared with the deconvoluted and delayed current signal.It is found that the amplitude of delayed current signal is higher than that of the reference charge signal when rise time of the input signal is shorter than the discrimination time,thus generating gating signal and triggering DMCA (digital multi-channel analyzer) to receive the total integral charge signal.When rise time of the input signal is longer than discrimination time,DMCA remains inactivated and the corresponding total integral charge signal is abandoned.Test results show that combination of the designed rise-time discriminator and DMCA can reduce hole tailing of CdZnTe detector significantly.Energy resolution of the system is 0.98%@662 keV,and it is still excellent under high counting rates.  相似文献   

A test device for isotopic γ-ray imaging, which consists of an isotope γ-ray source, a CdZnTe γ-ray spectrometer and other auxiliary equipment, is studied here. Compared with the conventional X-ray, the isotope γ-ray,which is utilized in this project, has its own advantages in imaging. Furthermore, with a room-temperature high-energy-resolution CdZnTe detector and a modern imaging processing technique, this device is capable of effectively suppressing the background and gaining more information, thus it can obtain a better image than conventional X-ray devices. In the experiment of PCB imaging, all soldered points and chip components are sharply demonstrated.  相似文献   

A kind of excellent CdZnTe crystal has been grown in Yinnel Tech, Inc. in recent years. Based on these CdZnTe crystals and some new techniques, a portable energy-dispersive spectrometer has been constructed which has yielded good results. CdZnTe detector has a 3% relative resolution in high-energy field and can detect gamma rays at room temperature. An integrated circuit based on preamplifier and shaping amplifier chips is connected to the detector. Voltage pulses are transformed into digital signals in MCA (multichannel analyzer) and are then transmitted to computer via USB bus. Data process algorithms are improved in this spectrometer. Fast Fourier transform (FFT) and numerical differentiation (ND) are used in energy peak's searching program. Sampling-based correction technique is used in X-ray energy calibration. Modified Gaussian-Newton algorithm is a classical method to solve nonlinear curve fitting problems, and it is used to compute absolute intensity of each detected characteristic line.  相似文献   

徐慧超  张金洲  沈浩元  张光明 《核技术》2005,28(10):791-793
碲锌镉(CZT)晶体由于原子序数高、禁带宽、密度大,制成低能γ射线和X射线探测器不需液氮冷却就能得到相当好的能量分辨率,且有相当高的探测效率,因此近年来发展迅速。我们实验室已制成φ8mm×1.7mm灵敏体积的CZT探测器,室温22℃下对241Am放射源59.54keV能量的γ射线能量分辨率可以达到2.06keV(FWHM)(未使用准直器),连续测量没有极化效应,并且具有很好的长期稳定性。  相似文献   

Cadmium zinc telluride(CZT)is a preferred material for X-ray and gamma-ray detector.Thanks to the relatively high atomic number,high density and wide band-gap,CZT detector possesses sharp energy resolution and high detection efficiency without cryogenic cooling.We have developed a CdZnTe detector with an energy resolution of 3.45%(FWHM)at 59.54 keV at room temperature,and it is used for X-ray fluorescence analysis.In this paper, leakage current,energy resolution and long term stability of the CZT detector are discussed.  相似文献   

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