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为了探究碱性氨基酸转运载体(CAT1)基因在尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)饥饿0、7 d肌肉和肝的昼夜表达规律,实验分别在尼罗罗非鱼饥饿0,7 d 06:00、09:00、12:00、15:00、18:00、21:00和24:00、第2天03:00、06:00,分别对应区时(Zone time, ZT) ZT0、ZT3、ZT6、ZT9、ZT12、ZT15、ZT18、ZT21、ZT24采样,采样在一昼夜内完成。每组随机取3尾鱼进行解剖,取其肌肉和肝样品分析。结果表明:CAT1基因在正常投喂的尼罗罗非鱼肌肉表达具有显著性时间差异(p0.05),呈现昼低夜高的节律性振荡(p0.3),达到峰值的时间为ZT 0.72。饥饿7 d后,虽然在各时间点上CAT1基因表达有显著性差异(p0.05),但无昼夜节律性(p0.3);CAT1基因表达为在光周期先升后降,在暗周期先降后升,峰值相位在光照阶段,为ZT 7.44。在尼罗罗非鱼肝中,CAT1基因在正常投喂时表达具有显著性时间差异(p.05),呈现节律性振荡(p0.3),CAT1基因表达为在光周期先降后升,在暗周期则先升后降,峰值相位在黑暗阶段,达到峰值的时间为ZT 16.56。饥饿7 d后,在各时间点上CAT1基因表达无显著性时间差异(p0.05),且表达无昼夜节律性(p0.3);CAT1基因表达为在光周期先降后升,在暗周期则先升后降,峰值相位在黑暗阶段,为ZT 21.60。以上结果说明CAT1基因在尼罗罗非鱼肌肉和肝表达的昼夜节律不同。  相似文献   

鱼类骨骼肌不仅是体内主要蛋白质储存库,还是代谢活跃和适应代谢变化高度可塑性的组织.为了揭示在食物缺乏条件下,鱼类肌肉支链氨基酸(branched chain amino acids,BCAA)代谢变化的适应性调控机制,本研究以禾花鲤(Procypris merus) (336±30)g为研究对象,分别设立了4个不同饥饿...  相似文献   

为了探究GSK4112对生物钟以及自噬基因在尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)肝脏的昼夜表达规律的作用.本试验分别对尼罗罗非鱼注射等量生理盐水和GSK4112,并在注射24h后的06:00、09:00、12:00、15:00、18:00、21:00、24:00时以及翌日03:00、06:00时采样...  相似文献   

通过"灭非灵"对尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)(体重为34.65±5.69 g)的急性毒性试验及对鳃、肝、肾的组织学研究,从组织学角度探讨了"灭非灵"对尼罗罗非鱼的致死机理。结果表明:"灭非灵"对尼罗罗非鱼的24、48、72和96 h-LC50分别为0.148、0.103、0.048和0.032 mg·L-1;其组织病理学损伤表现为鳃小片萎缩、卷曲、坏死、脱落和融合,鳃间隙分泌大量的粘液细胞;肝细胞肿大,空泡化,细胞界限模糊,细胞核固缩;肾细胞肿大,充血;"灭非灵"对3种组织的损伤程度为鳃肝脏肾脏,3种组织的损伤很有可能是造成尼罗罗非鱼死亡的主要原因。  相似文献   

尼罗罗非鱼肌肉热变性特点的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
巴氏杀菌结合真空包装低温冷藏来保存食品,近几年来在国外发达国家中十分流行。其产品被称为第三代新型调理食品,以区别于经过高温杀菌的罐头食品以及低温冻结的调理食品。这种加工方法的特点是:(1)能较好地保持新鲜食品原有的色、香、味,不会出现罐头食品中的蒸煮过度的现象,也不会出现冻藏食品中的冷害。(2)食品加工中耗能少,节约能源,因此可降低生产成本。(3)生产,消费快速方便1。    相似文献   

以随机扩增多态DNA技术(RAPD)分析了奥利亚罗非鱼和尼罗罗非鱼两个养殖群体的群体内及群体间遗传关系,并探讨了该技术在种群鉴定中的应用。RAPD引物筛选结果表明,所测试的20个随机引物中(Table 1),除一个引物未扩增出任何片段外,其余19个引物均扩增出1~11个大小不等的片段,长度大部分在500—3000bp之间,共扩增出220个片段,平均每个引物产生55个片段。两群体间共有片段70条,大部分引物的扩增产物具有种间多态性,种群间相似系数为0.727。以筛选的引物对两种群不同个体(Fig.1,Table 2)及种群混合样品(Fig.2,Table 3)进行RAPD分析。结果表明,不同引物在扩增图谱上表现很大差异:奥利亚罗非鱼不同个体间表现为一致的扩增图谱,种内相似系数达1000,显示了其种群内遗传变异的缺乏;尼罗罗非鱼种内相似系数为0.827,个体间存在不同程度的多态性;两个种群间的相似系数分别为0.767和0.742,表明种间有较高的同源性,遗传距离为0.235,略低于国外的报道.此外,两个养殖群体间的扩增图谱比较也暗示了遗传渐渗现象的存在。实验表明,RAPD标记可以作为一种可靠的遗传标记,用于不同鱼类种群的鉴定,RAPD分析方法是一种快速,简便且行之有鼓的鉴定鱼类种群的方法。  相似文献   

Crtam作为NK细胞和CD8+T细胞的活化标志物,已被证实在哺乳动物中参与多种免疫途径,但在罗非鱼中的作用未知.本研究克隆鉴定了尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus) Crtam cDNA全长(命名为On-Cr-tam),对该基因进行生物信息学分析,并运用荧光定量PCR对无乳链球菌刺激后On-Crt...  相似文献   

饥饿对于鲈肌肉、肝脏和血清主要生化组成的影响   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
于 2 2 93± 2 15℃条件下 ,在室外水泥池 (3m× 2m× 1m)中对正常鲈 (2 85 2 6± 6 5 4 g)和患脂肪肝病鲈 (4 6 4 71± 5 4 2 2g)进行为期 9周的饥饿处理。分别在实验开始后第 0周、 3周、 5周、 7周和 9周取样 ,以观察饥饿对于鲈内脏相对重量、肌肉肝脏和血清主要生化指标的影响。研究表明 ,鲈对饥饿耐受能力较强 ,在饥饿时首先快速动用肠系膜脂肪和肌肉脂肪作为能量供应 ,而在整个饥饿阶段则主要以肌肉蛋白质作为能量来源 ,肝脏中能源物质在饥饿中并无明显减少 ,故不是鲈饥饿时的主要供能物质。饥饿时 ,肌肉和肝脏中的水分和脂肪含量呈现负相关 ,尤其在肝脏中表现明显。鲈血清中脂肪酶、甘油三酯、胆固醇、低密度脂蛋白和高密度脂蛋白在饥饿中表现出周期性和阶段性的变化 ,其中正常鲈表现出有规律的波浪状图形 ,而脂肪肝病鲈则表现出山峰状图形 ,说明脂肪肝病鲈代谢机制不如正常鲈灵敏 ,9周的饥饿并不能减轻或消除鲈的脂肪肝病.  相似文献   

为揭示尼罗罗非鱼Ikaros基因结构特征及其在抗病原感染中的免疫调控机制, 实验采用RT-PCR和RACE方法克隆了尼罗罗非鱼Ikaros的cDNA序列以及利用PCR和染色体步移技术克隆了Ikaros的基因组DNA序列, 通过荧光定量PCR分析了Ikaros mRNA的组织分布及其对无乳链球菌感染的响应。结果表明, 克隆的尼罗罗非鱼Ikaros基因组DNA为20454 bp, 包括7个内含子和8个外显子, 经可变剪接可形成6种不同的mRNA剪接异构体, 其编码的氨基酸序列均具有Ikaros家族典型的锌指结构域且与硬骨鱼类Ikaros氨基酸序列同源性较高(70.6%—93.7%)。Ikaros基因在尼罗罗非鱼各组织中均有表达, 在血液中的表达量最高, 其次为胸腺、脾脏和头肾。人工感染无乳链球菌后, 血液、胸腺、脾脏、头肾中Ikaros基因的相对表达量均显著上调, 并在48h达到峰值, 这表明Ikaros基因参与调控尼罗罗非鱼抵御无乳链球菌的免疫应答反应。研究可为进一步探索Ikaros基因在罗非鱼抗病原感染中的作用机制奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

饥饿对日本沼虾摄食节律的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了不同饥饿时间对开本沼虾Macrobrachium nipponense摄食节律的影响.结果表明,饥饿后恢复投饵初始日本沼虾表现出强烈的摄食,摄食节律为单峰型,随着时间的延长,多峰型摄食节律出现.饥饿4 d的日本沼虾在饥饿过程中并未出现饥饿死亡现象,恢复投喂后在较短时间内(5 d)即可恢复正常的摄食节律.饥饿8 d组在饥饿的第6~8 d便可明显观察到虾体色异常并有部分死亡,说明饥饿8 d已经影响到了日本沼虾的存活.饥饿8 d组日本沼虾摄食高峰的变化无明显规律,恢复到正常摄食节律需要较长时间.  相似文献   

The body composition of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) collected from drainage canals in Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia and the concentration of four heavy metals; zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co) and lead (Pb) in both fish muscles and the water collected from this environment were assessed across the four seasons. The body composition was found to change with the seasons, with the best body composition being recorded in autumn and winter, where higher levels of protein (17.24, 17.65%), and fat (0.58, 0.71%) and lower water content (80.15, 79.86%) respectively were noted. The concentration of heavy metals in both fish muscles and the water body also varied significantly with the seasons. In the fish muscles, the highest content of Zn (0.409 mg/kg dry weight) and Cd (4.140 mg/kg dry weight) was recorded in winter, however, the highest concentration of Co (0.318 mg/kg dry weight) and Pb (1.96 mg/kg dry weight) was observed in spring and summer respectively. On the other hand, the water samples collected in autumn showed the maximum concentration of Cd (1.385 mg/L), Co (0.762 mg/L) and Pb (0.18 mg/L) however, the maximum concentration of Zn (0.0041 mg/L) was recorded in winter. With the exception of Cd, the accumulation of the studied heavy metals in fish muscles was within the safe limits for seafood recommended by various organizations.  相似文献   

A Pavlovian conditioning paradigm was used to induce a connection between a conditioned stimulus, light (CS), associated with an unconditioned stimulus, confinement (US) in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus , which resulted in a conditioned endocrine response (CR) to the CS alone manifested as an increase in plasma cortisol. Individual isolated Nile tilapia were submitted for 10 days to the conditioning treatment consisting of turning on a light (CS) for 1 min with subsequent 30 min confinement (US). On the 10th day of the experiment, plasma cortisol was not increased when fish were subjected to no handling at all, or only light, or even a daily stressor for the 9 days. On the other hand, at the 10th day cortisol was significantly increased only when light was presented either with or without pairing with the stressor. These results confirmed that the cue, light (CS), was not stressful in itself, but when given as the CS in the absence of the US post conditioning the hypothalamus–pituitary–interrenal axis was activated. Therefore, it was concluded that memory of a previous experience with a stressor can be recalled by a conditioned stimulus and induce stress, which is the first demonstration of a memory‐induced stress in fishes.  相似文献   

罗非鱼对微型生态系统浮游生物群落和初级生产力的影响   总被引:29,自引:5,他引:29  
本文报道罗非鱼不同放养密度对淡水微型生态系统结构与功能影响的部分研究结果。罗非鱼的捕食使微型生态系统中浮游动物密度下降,引起浮游植物密度、初级生产力和P/R系数的增长,同时使水柱透明度降低而pH值增高,以致于实验后期微型生态系统具有典型的富营养化水体的特征。就罗非鱼放养密度不同的微型生态系统而言,虽然其浮游生物密度和P/R系数存在显著的组(或部分组)间差异,但不同密度组的初级生产力水平和最终的理化状况相差不大,并且罗非鱼的收获量甚为接近。因此,实验条件下微型生态系统的群落结构和代谢的变化,按照营养级联假说不能很好地予以解释,表明微型生态系统是由捕食(下行影响)和理化因素(上行影响)共同调节或控制的。根据微型生态系统的实验结果推断,放养较大密度的罗非鱼,将会加速营养物负荷较高的天然水域富营养化的进程。  相似文献   

Sexual maturation and gonadal development of fish is greatly influenced by photic information, an external environmental factor, and melatonin mediates this information to regulate gonadotropin (GTH) secretion and gonadal activation. The relationship between gonadotropin inhibiting hormone (GnIH) and melatonin in fish, however, has not been studied to date. Here, the GnIH expression pattern and daily change of melatonin levels were compared to each other in mature tilapia (body length 16.1 ± 0.2 cm, body weight 77.7 ± 3.43 g), and the effect of melatonin injection on GnIH gene expression was investigated. GnIH gene expression increased at night when the secretion of melatonin increased, whereas gene expression decreased during the day when melatonin secretion decreased. Injecting tilapia intraperitoneally with melatonin increased GnIH gene expression and decreased the expression of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) and GTH. Furthermore, the injection decreased the 11-KT concentration in male tilapia. These results indicate that melatonin is likely to suppress the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad (HPG) axis via the action of GnIH in this species.  相似文献   

罗非鱼对微型生态系统营养物水平的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文总结了罗非鱼不同放养密度的微型生态系统中N、P浓度及P分布动态观测结果。在罗非鱼的影响下,微型生态系统中氨氮、颗粒磷和总磷浓度不同程度地高于对照组,而正磷酸盐浓度和沉积物磷的量显著地低于对照组。不同密度组某些指标的观测值虽有显著差异,但未见任何指标依罗非鱼放养密度而有规律地变动。微型生态系统中正磷酸盐浓度同浮游动、植物密度和初级生产力显著相关,氨氮浓度与浮游植物密度之间亦有显著的相关关系。然而,浮游植物密度与总磷浓度之间不存在营养级联假说所预见的下行影响,相反有前者决定于后者的上行影响的趋向。微型生态系统中P分布的变化可揭示罗非鱼促进系统中营养物循环,从而加速其富营养化的主要机制。  相似文献   

Gonadal development and sexual maturation of fish are often related to photic conditions. We attempted to utilise the direct application of melatonin to elicit similar effects in the absence of photoperiod manipulation. We found no significant differences in somatic growth between melatonin-treated groups and controls, indicating that melatonin administration did not negatively affect the growth of the experimental fish. Treatment with low-dose melatonin (0.3 mg/kg BW) resulted in a decrease in spawning frequency, number of spawned eggs and gonadosomatic index in female tilapia. In male tilapia, low-dose melatonin was associated with a decrease in sperm count, spermatocrit and spermatozoa activity index, implying that exogenous melatonin might mimic the effects of shortened light photoperiod, which suppresses reproductive activity in this species. These results suggest the possibility that an optimised dose of melatonin treatment could be used to control the spawning behaviour of this species.  相似文献   

Probiotic administration can be a nutritional strategy to improve the immune response and growth performance of fish. The current study aimed to evaluate the effects of a probiotic blend (Bacillus sp., Pediococcus sp., Enterococcus sp., Lactobacillus sp.) as a dietary supplement on growth performance, feed utilization, innate immune and oxidative stress responses and intestinal morphology in juvenile Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). The probiotic was incorporated into a basal diet at three concentrations: 0 g/kg (A0: control), 3 g/kg (A1: 1.0×106 colony forming unit (CFU)/g) and 6 g/kg (A2: 2.3×106 CFU/g diet). After 8 weeks of probiotic feeding, weight and specific growth rate where significantly higher in fish-fed A1 diet than in fish-fed A0. Alternative complement in plasma was significantly enhanced in fish-fed A2 when compared with A0. The hepatic antioxidant indicators were not affected by probiotic supplementation. Villi height and goblet cell counts increased significantly in the intestine of fish-fed A1 and A2 diets compared with A0. The dietary probiotic supplementation was maintained until 20 weeks of feeding. Then the selected immune parameters, digestive enzymes and apparent digestibility of diets were studied. No effect of probiotic feeding was observed after that longer period supplementation. The dietary supplementation of mixed species probiotic may constitute a valuable nutritional approach towards a sustainable tilapia aquaculture. The improvement of the immune responses and intestinal morphology play an important role in increasing growth performance, nutrient absorption and disease resistance in fish, important outcomes in such a competitive and developing aquaculture sector.  相似文献   

The Nile tilapia fish (Oreochromis niloticus) has a high potential to be used as a model in neuroscience studies. In the present study, the preference of the Nile tilapia between a gravel-enriched (GEE), a shelter-enriched (SEE) or a non-enriched (NEE) environment was determined, for developing a place preference model. Nile tilapia had an initial preference for GEE, but after 1 day of observation, the fish stabilized their frequency of visits among compartments. Hence, any stimulus motivating tilapia increase in compartment visiting indicates a positively reinforcing effect. This feature is very useful for the development of new behavioural paradigms for fish in tests using environmental discrimination, such as the conditioning place preference test.  相似文献   

This study evaluated how water temperature (26, 28, and 30°C), number of meals per day (one or two meals), and protein percent in diet (20, 25 and 30%) impact growth performance, biometric indices, and feeding behavior of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Fish were randomly allocated into 18 equal replicate groups. Higher final body weight was observed in fish reared at 30°C and fed one meal per day containing 30% crude protein. Better weight gain, weight gain %, feed conversion ratio, specific growth rate, and condition factor were recorded in fish reared at 26°C and fed one meal per day containing 30% protein. The best length weight relationship was obtained in fish reared at 26°C and fed one meal per day containing 30% crude protein. Shorter feeding duration and duration of appetite inhibition latency were recorded in fish reared at 30°C, fed one meal per day, and given a diet containing 30% protein. The highest proactivity was recorded in fish reared at 30°C, received one meal per day, and with 25% crude protein in their diet. Conclusively, rearing Nile tilapia at 26–30°C with a lower feeding frequency (one meal/day) and a 30% crude protein diet achieved better performance and feeding behavior.  相似文献   

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