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The Advanced Earth Observation Satellite (ADEOS), launched in the summer of 1996, has a high-resolution infrared Fourier transform spectrometer, with the interferometric monitor for greenhouse gases (IMG) onboard. The IMG has a high spectral resolution of 0.1 cm(-1) for the purpose of retrieving greenhouse gas profile maps of the Earth. To meet the requirements of the retrieval algorithms for greenhouse gas profiles, atmospheric emission spectra must be calibrated to better than 1 K accuracy. Prior to the launch of the ADEOS with the IMG, we developed an airborne simulator called the tropospheric infrared interferometric sounder (TIIS). We explain the calibration procedure for the TIIS, which determines the points with the same optical path difference on interferograms for complex Fourier transformation, using the retained phase term on the calibrated spectrum. The downward atmospheric radiation, measured with the TIIS, was well calibrated using this algorithm. Furthermore, calibration of the spectra obtained from the IMG initial checkout mission observation was carried out.  相似文献   

Russwurm GM  Phillips B 《Applied optics》1999,38(30):6398-6407
The response of a Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) instrument to changes in absorbance is inherently nonlinear for a number of reasons. One is that the interferogram acquired by the FTIR is truncated and then apodized before further processing of the data is accomplished. A commonly used apodization function in open-path FTIR research is triangular apodization, and all the research presented here has been done with that function. We calculated a set of absorption spectra by using the HITRAN database, covering ranges in both concentration and temperature for water, ammonia, and methane. Plots of these data reveal nonlinear results. The commonly used analysis technique, classical least squares, assumes that the response is linear. We describe some of the effects of this nonlinearity and present ways to address these effects.  相似文献   

The automated quantification of three greenhouse gases, ammonia, methane, and nitrous oxide, in the vicinity of a large dairy farm by open-path Fourier transform infrared (OP/FT-IR) spectrometry at intervals of 5 min is demonstrated. Spectral pretreatment, including the automated detection and correction of the effect of interrupting the infrared beam, is by a moving object, and the automated correction for the nonlinear detector response is applied to the measured interferograms. Two ways of obtaining quantitative data from OP/FT-IR data are described. The first, which is installed in a recently acquired commercial OP/FT-IR spectrometer, is based on classical least-squares (CLS) regression, and the second is based on partial least-squares (PLS) regression. It is shown that CLS regression only gives accurate results if the absorption features of the analytes are located in very short spectral intervals where lines due to atmospheric water vapor are absent or very weak; of the three analytes examined, only ammonia fell into this category. On the other hand, PLS regression works allowed what appeared to be accurate results to be obtained for all three analytes.  相似文献   

Aoki T  Aoki T  Fukabori M 《Applied optics》2002,41(24):4945-4957
High-accuracy remote measurement of greenhouse gases is hampered by contamination of the field of view by the path radiance of solar radiation scattered from clouds and aerosols. A method is proposed for eliminating the effect of path radiance by differentiating two components of polarized light. The polarization of path radiance is measured directly at the wave-number region of strong water-vapor absorption. Using this measurement, we eliminate the components of path radiance involved in other bands, which are used for greenhouse gas measurements, by differentiating two components of the polarized light. It is shown that the effect of path radiance on retrieving the column amount of gases potentially can be reduced to below 0.1%.  相似文献   

Spyak PR  Smith DS  Thiry J  Burkhart C 《Applied optics》2000,39(31):5694-5706
A short-wave infrared (700-2500-nm) radiometer has been designed and built to calibrate and cross calibrate spherical-integrating sources used in the calibration of satellite sensors residing on NASA's Earth Observing System platforms. We describe the design, predicted and measured performance, and calibration of the transfer radiometer.  相似文献   

介绍了对地观测技术的国外发展情况,从国家安全的角度分析了对地观测技术的发展趋势;接着结合国内对地观测技术发展现状,分析了我国对地观测系统发展存在的差距,从对地观测对国家安全的重要作用出发提出了启示和建议。对地观测系统可以满足面向各种应用的对陆地、海洋、大气等各个层面的全方位、立体观测信息需求,在维护国家安全、促进经济建设和推动技术发展等诸多方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

孙悦  帅俊卿  孙东 《中国测试技术》2007,33(6):13-14,41
设计了一套基于PC的光纤传感-光电检测装置,成功地对液体一氧化碳(CO)-液氮(N2)-石墨碳(C)混合体系的冷凝-混合过程进行了实时监测。响应曲线的波动能准确地对应C-N2-C混合溶液在临界沸腾搅拌后微粒混均-分层-沉降的过程。结合冷凝标定数据,该装置还能实现半定量均匀度的监测。  相似文献   

Evans WF  Puckrin E 《Applied optics》1996,35(9):1519-1522
A new technique has been developed to make possible the laboratory study of the infrared-emission spectra of gases of atmospheric interest. The thermal-emission spectra are in local thermodynamic equilibrium, just as they are in the atmosphere, and are not chemiluminescent. Demonstration results obtained by the use of this new technique are presented for dichlorodifluoromethane (CFC-12) at a pressure of 0.5 Torr in a cell with a path length of 5 cm. The measured cell spectra have been compared with simulations with the FASCD3P radiation code. The measurements of the emission spectra of radiatively active gases may be important for the atmospheric greenhouse effect and global warming.  相似文献   

Tripathi R  Pati GS  Singh K 《Applied optics》2001,40(17):2844-2859
We investigated the correlation performance of a joint fractional Fourier-transform correlator (JFRTC) using computer simulation results. We present a mathematical analysis suggesting use of processing techniques based on a nonlinear transformation and fractional-order fractional-power fringe-adjusted filter to attain improved performance in terms of discrimination sensitivity and input space-bandwidth utilization. Optimal noise performance for the JFRTC is predicted in the presence of additive white Gaussian noise. An all-optical implementation scheme based on incoherent erasure in a photorefractive crystal is proposed.  相似文献   

Uman I  Sade S  Gopal V  Harrington JA  Katzir A 《Applied optics》2004,43(10):2039-2045
An all-fiber-optic infrared multispectral radiometer for measurements of temperature and emissivity of graybodies at near-room temperature was constructed. Different spectral regions in the radiometer were obtained by use of hollow glass waveguides (HGWs) as filters. Using HGWs instead of bulk filters was advantageous because each HGW can be used as two different spectral filters when a dual-band IR detector is used. In addition, HGWs are much cheaper than the bulk IR filters that are usually used in such applications. For one graybody with a mean emissivity of 0.71, the estimated mean errors obtained for sample temperature, ambient temperature, and sample emissivity for all measured temperatures were 0.50% (approximately 1.65 K), 0.48% (approximately 1.4 K), and 7.3% (approximately 0.052) respectively. For a second graybody with a mean emissivity of 0.8 the estimated mean errors were 0.35% (approximately 1.2 K), 0.48% (approximately 1.4 K), and 5.0% (approximately 0.04), respectively.  相似文献   

Earlier work has shown that capturing the CO2 from flue gases in the recovery boiler at a market pulp mill can be a cost-effective way of reducing mill CO2 emissions. In this paper, it is investigated whether the same is valid for an integrated pulp and paper mill. Five configurations are compared, supplying the extra energy needed by a biofuel boiler, an NGCC, a heat pump or by reducing the steam demand at the mill in combination with a biofuel boiler or an NGCC. The configurations have been evaluated with energy market scenarios and the avoidance cost has been calculated. The NGCC configurations have the lowest avoidance costs in all scenarios and they also have the advantage of liberating biofuel for use in other parts of society. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Gao BC  Chen W 《Applied optics》2012,51(18):4078-4086
The visible/infrared imaging radiometer suite (VIIRS) is now onboard the first satellite platform managed by the Joint Polar Satellite System of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and NASA. It collects scientific data from an altitude of approximately 830 km in 22 narrow bands located in the 0.4-12.5 μm range. The seven visible and near-infrared (VisNIR) bands in the wavelength interval between 0.4-0.9 μm are known to suffer from the out-of-band (OOB) responses--a small amount of radiances far away from the center of a given band that can pass through the filter and reach detectors in the focal plane. A proper treatment of the OOB effects is necessary in order to obtain calibrated at-sensor radiance data [referred to as the Sensor Data Records (SDRs)] from measurements with these bands and subsequently to derive higher-level data products [referred to as the Environmental Data Records (EDRs)]. We have recently developed a new technique, called multispectral decomposition transform (MDT), which can be used to correct/remove the OOB effects of VIIRS VisNIR bands and to recover the true narrow band radiances from the measured radiances containing OOB effects. An MDT matrix is derived from the laboratory-measured filter transmittance functions. The recovery of the narrow band signals is performed through a matrix multiplication--the production between the MDT matrix and a multispectral vector. Hyperspectral imaging data measured from high altitude aircraft and satellite platforms, the complete VIIRS filter functions, and the truncated VIIRS filter functions to narrower spectral intervals, are used to simulate the VIIRS data with and without OOB effects. Our experimental results using the proposed MDT method have demonstrated that the average errors after decomposition are reduced by more than one order of magnitude.  相似文献   

Infrared spectroscopy has been used to study a series of synthetic agardite minerals. Four OH stretching bands are observed at around 3568, 3482, 3362, and 3296 cm(-1). The first band is assigned to zeolitic, non-hydrogen-bonded water. The band at 3296 cm(-1) is assigned to strongly hydrogen-bonded water with an H bond distance of 2.72 A. The water in agardites is better described as structured water and not as zeolitic water. Two bands at around 999 and 975 cm(-1) are assigned to OH deformation modes. Two sets of AsO symmetric stretching vibrations were found and assigned to the vibrational modes of AsO(4) and HAsO(4) units. Linear relationships between positions of infrared bands associated with bonding to the OH units and the electronegativity of the rare earth elements were derived, with correlation coefficients >0.92. These linear functions were then used to calculate the electronegativity of Eu, for which a value of 1.1808 on the Pauling scale was found.  相似文献   

Weidmann D  Reburn WJ  Smith KM 《Applied optics》2007,46(29):7162-7171
Following the recent development of a ground-based prototype quantum cascade laser heterodyne radiometer operating in the midinfrared, atmospheric ozone profile retrievals from a solar occultation measurement campaign performed at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory on 21 September 2006 are presented. Retrieval is based on the optimal estimation method. High resolution (0.0073 cm(-1)) atmospheric spectra recorded by the laser heterodyne radiometer and covering a microwindow (1033.8-1034.5 cm(-1)) optimized for atmospheric ozone measurements were used as measurement vectors. As part of the evaluation of this novel instrument, a comprehensive analysis of the retrievals is presented, demonstrating the high potential of quantum cascade laser heterodyne radiometry for atmospheric sounding. Vertical resolutions of 2 km near the ground and about 3 km in the stratosphere were obtained. The information content of the retrieval was found to be up to 48 bits, which is much higher than any other passive ground-based instrument. Frequency mismatches of several absorption peaks between the forward model and experimental spectra have been observed and significantly contribute to the retrieval noise error in the upper-troposphere lower-stratosphere region. Retrieved ozone vertical profiles were compared to ozonesonde data recorded at similar latitudes. The agreement is generally excellent except for the 20 to 25 km peak in ozone concentration, where ozonesonde data were found to be 20% lower than the amount retrieved from the laser heterodyne radiometer spectra. Quantum cascade laser based heterodyne radiometry in the midinfrared has been demonstrated to provide high spectral resolution and unprecedented vertical resolution for a passive sounder in a highly compact and mechanically simple package.  相似文献   

A program package is described that displays on the screen of a personal computer a world map showing the tracks of on or more artificial earth satellites.Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 10, p. 27, October, 1994.  相似文献   

The measurement of the physical and chemical ("physicochemical") properties of nanomaterials used in industry and science including chemistry, pharmacy, medicine, toxicology, etc., is time-consuming, expensive and requires a lot of experience of a well trained lab staff. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR; 4.000-12.000 cm(-1)), working in the wavelength region with the highest IR energy, allows obtaining multifactorial information of the material under investigation due to the occurrence of a high number of combination and overtone vibrations. Coupling of an optimized and well-designed measurement technique with multivariate data analysis (MVA) leads to a non-destructive, fast, reliable and robust novel NIR technique for the fast and non-invasive physicochemical characterization, which is suitable for high-throughput quality control due to the short analyses times of only a few seconds. In the following chapters, the patented basic NIR techniques full-filling these aims are introduced, described, summarized and critically discussed.  相似文献   

Comprehensive proteome analysis requires the identification (and quantification) of the proteins in samples consisting of thousands of proteins spanning a range of abundance of several orders of magnitude. The currency of proteome analysis by mass spectrometry is the peptides generated by protein proteolysis. The high sample complexity of such samples requires a large separation capacity, which is commonly achieved by fractionation of the mixture followed by further serial separations of each fraction. The sample throughput of proteome analysis is therefore limited by the need to sequentially process large numbers of samples. We have developed a novel four-plexed microcapillary liquid chromatography system for automated, high-throughput separation of complex peptide samples. The system supports the concurrent separation of four different samples by directing identically split solvent-gradient flows into four microcapillary C18 columns. The simple design of the system achieves multiplexed separation without the need for extra solvent pumps. Peak resolution, reproducibility, and parallel separating capacity of the system were investigated using standard peptides. The applicability of the system to high-throughput protein expression profiling was demonstrated in qualitative and quantitative analyses of protein expression in S. cerevisiae grown on two different carbon sources using the isotope-coded affinity tag (ICAT) reagent and matrix-assisted desorption/ionization quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

To permit unified analysis and simultaneous evaluation of geometrical spin-redirection phase and Pancharatnam phase, the conventional 2 x 2 Jones matrix calculation is generalized and a new scheme of 3 x 3 matrix calculation is proposed. With the proposed algorithm one can trace the polarization state changes and the geometric phase shifts caused by beam propagation along an arbitrary optical path that involves both reflection and refraction at surfaces with Fresnel shift and birefringence.  相似文献   

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