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论述了一种新的小鼠卵母细胞去核方法一一表面张力辅助去核法(STA),并同时与其他3种核方法(简称A法,B法,C法)进行比较,STA法是将卵母细胞核在固定管的辅助下,借助液体表面张力通过透明带上的破口被被挤出。经STA法去核的卵母细胞质体用于电融合介导的小鼠耳成纤维细胞核移植实验,结果有76.1%细胞与细胞质体融合形成重组胚,85.4%的重组胚形成原核,49.4%卵裂形成2-细胞。  相似文献   

本工作针对不锈钢电弧辅助活性钨极氩弧焊,采用一套骤冷装置,保留熔池的高温状态,然后截取骤冷的表层金属并重熔,利用座滴法测试熔池的表面张力,进行了表面张力温度系数变化机理的分析,研究了活性元素对熔池表面张力的影响,同时验证了表面张力温度系数改变理论。测试结果表明:当辅助电弧中不引入O2时,熔池的表面张力温度系数为负值;当辅助电弧中O2引入量为1.0 L/min和1.5 L/min时,熔池的表面张力温度系数为正值;当辅助电弧中O2引入量达到2.0 L/min时,熔池的表面张力温度系数再次变为负值。经过分析测试骤冷熔池中的O元素分布,认为O元素在熔池表面的富集导致熔池表面张力的减小和熔池表面张力温度系数的改变。  相似文献   

本文理论分析了表面张力的形成原理,通过对比不同起泡剂表面张力变化情况,找出表面张力的变化规律,筛选出合理泡沫体系,进行填砂管实验,观察其各参数的变化规律。研究结果表明,表面张力值较低的泡沫体系发泡能力、压,力变化、含气饱和度、存气率和气窜时间要好于表面张力值较高的泡沫体系。通过对表面张力的研究,确定表面张力值的最佳范围,对泡沫复合驱配方的确定及现场试验具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出浮计法是一种常用的液体密度测量方法,具有结构简单、量程较宽、直接读数、使用方便等特点。但是在使用浮计法时,表面张力往往会给测量结果带来较大误差,为此必须采取正确的处理方法才能保证测量结果的准确度。我们根据理论研究与实际工作经验,总结了一套行之有效的解决表面张力对浮计法测量液体密度影响的方法。二、表面张力的形成及其对淹作密度测量的影响表面张力是使液面缩小的一种力,其作用方向与液面相切,且与边界相垂直。当将细管插入液体中时,由于液体表面具有收缩趋势,在表面张力的作用下表面向上收缩成平面…  相似文献   

添加剂对硝酸铵饱和溶液表面张力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
添加剂对硝酸铵(AN)防潮、防结块的作用与其饱和溶液的性质有着密切的关系。文中选用了一些表面活性剂和高分子化合物对添加剂单一组分和复合组分在AN饱和溶液中的表面张力进行了实验,结果证明含有添加剂的AN饱和溶液表面张力与添加剂的作用具有良好的一致性。  相似文献   

液态锂锡合金是很有前景的能源堆液态包层氚增殖剂材料.为了对液态锂锡合金的设计、制备、纯化与输运技术提供理论支持,从表面张力基于波动性理论的方程出发,采用Gibbs方法初步建立了液态锂锡合金的表面张力方程,并开展了影响表面张力因素的计算.结果表明,液态锂锡的表面张力随合金温度的升高而降低;在稀溶液中添加表面张力较高的溶质Sn对合金的表面张力影响有限;可采用最大气泡压力方法测量液态锂锡的表面张力.  相似文献   

肥皂泡的形成与液体表面张力密切相关,而液体表面张力又与溶液的性质紧密联系。通过正交试验设计法配制不同配比溶液,利用力敏传感器法测量各自的表面张力系数大小,并测量用不同溶液吹出的肥皂泡直径大小。实验结果表明,液体表面张力最大时,存在一个最佳的浓度配比方案:而液体表面张力的大小和肥皂泡的直径大小之间并不存在线性关系。  相似文献   

液体静力称量法是固体密度测量最常用也是测量准确度较高的一种方法。基于阿基米德原理,研究了表面张力对固体密度测量结果的影响。实验选取纯水和纯酒精2种液体作为工作介质,采用一套高准确度液体静力称量装置测量同一固体样品的密度值。实验结果表明,在表面张力小的液体(纯酒精)中固体样品密度测量结果的分散性明显优于在表面张力大的液体(纯水)中固体样品密度测量结果的分散性,为今后提高固体密度测量准确度提供参考方向。  相似文献   

VMCPP薄膜表面张力影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张和平 《塑料包装》2008,18(4):28-33
通过对真空镀铝流延聚丙烯薄膜(VMCPP)试样表面张力跟踪检测,实验探讨了流延CPP薄膜的原料树脂选用、电晕处理;等离子处理、真空镀铝、镀铝后的VMCPP薄膜的包装以及存储环境对VMCPP薄膜表面张力的影响规律。研究结果表明,选用合适的原料树脂、适当的流延和镀铝工艺以及低温存储和运输环境都会有助于VMCPP薄膜表面张力值的保持。  相似文献   

表面张力和凝胶时间对膜结构的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
研究了表面张力和凝胶时间对膜结构的影响。结果表明,表面张力对膜皮层结构有影响,凝胶时间则对整个膜结构都有影响。组分透过膜的阻力是由膜材料与组分间的诸如氢键、静电、极性、非极性等各种作用力形成势能场及形状阻力,动力则是待透组分的热运动,因此,膜的单孔分离系数随孔径的增大存在一极大值,单孔通量则随孔径的增大而增大。  相似文献   

杨佳玲 《影像技术》1998,(4):19-19,45
平衡法测定的是静止表面的表面张力,但若两相界不断更新,则溶质面表面的扩散和吸附未必能达到平衡本文介绍的动态表面张力的测定试验,就是基於测定到达平衡表面张力的时间。  相似文献   

Liquid/vapor interfacial surface tensions of succinonitrile, NC(CH2)2CN, were measured using noninvasive surface light scattering (SLS) spectroscopy. Succinonitrile (SCN) has been and is being used extensively in materials science and fluid physics research, for example, in several theoretical and numerical studies of dendritic growth. It is an established model material with several essential physical properties accurately known with the exception of the liquid/vapor surface tension, 1v, at various temperatures. Using the SLS spectrometer, we have experimentally determined the liquid/vapor surface tension of SCN in the temperature range from just above its melting point (58.1°C) to 118°C using this noninvasive method. Previous measurements of SCN surface tension are extremely limited. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first to measure the surface tension of succinonitrile noninvasively at melt and elevated temperatures. The SLS spectroscopy is relatively new and unique. This technique has several advantages over classical methods: it is noninvasive, has a good accuracy, and can be used to measure the surface tension and viscosity simultaneously, although the viscosity results are not discussed here. The accuracy of values obtained from this technique on some standard liquids is better than 2% for the surface tension and about 10 to 15% for viscosity. Our measurements gave 1v=42.28–0.0629T±0.2 (mN·m-1), with T in °C, and the viscosity at 60°C is 2.68±0.3 cp for pure SCN.  相似文献   

针对现有的测定液体表面张力系数的方法存在设备昂贵、测定结果容易受各种因素干扰而测试精度不足等问题,提出了一种使用不等内径U型管,采用局部力平衡方法结合拉普拉斯方程,以及MATLAB图像处理和LabVIEW虚拟仪器系统,测定液体表面张力系数的方法。与现有的测定液体表面张力系数的拉脱法相比,该方法具有测试精度高、样品需要量少、测试成本低等特点。  相似文献   

Experimental surface tensions for mixtures containing tetrahydrofuran or tetrahydropyran and 1-chlorobutane, 2-chlorobutane, 1-chloro-2-methylpropane, or 2-chloro-2-methylpropane, measured with a drop volume tensiometer, are reported at temperatures of 298.15 and 313.15 K. Taking into account the Li-model for the surface tension, the variation of the interaction energy parameters with surface area is estimated.  相似文献   

从实测大生产物料的动态表面张力和静态表面张力数据,用表面活性剂在涂布液的扩散和在新表面吸附过程,分析涂布过程出现的余布弊病,并提出解决的办法。  相似文献   

New data for the surface tension of liquid alumina from 2300 to 3200 K are reported. Aerodynamic levitation of CO2 laser-heated liquid drops allowed contactless measurement of vibration frequencies directly related to surface tension. Consistent data were obtained on drops of different mass ranging from 20 to 160 mg. It was also shown that the oxydo-reducing character of the atmosphere does not modify the results within experimental uncertainty.  相似文献   

It is demonstrated that dynamic light scattering (DLS) on a horizontal gas– liquid interface can be used for the reliable determination of surface tension and liquid kinematic viscosity. In contrast to the more usual approaches of surface light scattering (SLS) spectroscopy, a setup is used and described here which makes it possible to measure the capillary wave propagation characteristics in the forward scattering direction at variable wave numbers. The experiments in this work rely on a heterodyne detection scheme and signal analysis by photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS). Surface tension and liquid viscosity data of the important and, thus, well-documented reference fluid toluene have been measured under saturation conditions over a wide temperature range, from 263 to 383 K. These data demonstrate the excellent performance of the surface light scattering technique. The achievable accuracy of this technique is discussed in detail for both properties in connection with reference values available in the literature.  相似文献   

Using a surface light scattering spectroscopic technique, the surface tension and viscosity of pure succinonitrile (SCN) and SCN–acetone alloys at 0.86, 1.69, and 2.25 mol% have been determined. The surface light scattering technique, and the procedures used for making the alloys and measuring their concentrations, are presented. Analysis indicates our interfacial surface tension and viscosity measurements have an uncertainty of ±2% and ±10%, respectively. The surface tension and viscosity were measured at various temperatures yielding relations among surface tension, viscosity, temperature, and concentration in SCN–acetone alloys.  相似文献   

The surface tensions of liquid metals, Zr, Ni, Ti, Mo, and Nb, have been measured at their melting points using the quasi-containerless pendant drop method. This method involves melting the end of a high-purity metal rod by bombardment with an electron beam to form a pendant drop under ultrahigh-vacuum conditions to minimize surface contamination. The magnified image of the drop is captured from a high-resolution CCD camera and digitized using a frame-grabber. The digital image is analyzed by reading the pixel intensities from a graphics file. The edge coordinates of the drop along rows and columns of pixels are searched by a computer program and stored in an array. An optimized theoretical drop shape is computed from the edge coordinates by solving the Young–Laplace differential equation to deduce the surface tension. The measured surface tensions are compared with available experimental results and theoretical calculations.  相似文献   

The use of scaling principles for the prediction of surface tension was studied. The temperature dependences of the capillary constant, density difference on the saturation line, and surface tension were investigated. New relations containing only a few constants were proposed, which made it possible to calculate the capillary constant and surface tension. On the basis of theoretical and experimental studies, equations have been determined for the calculation of the surface tension of poorly studied refrigerants over wide regions of the state parameters. Relations are also proposed that may be used for calculating the surface tension of binary mixtures at specified compositions of the liquid phase. An equation of the surface tension for reduced isotherms was proposed. Results of investigations of the surface tension of binary mixtures, R116/23, R22/14, R134a/152a, and R22/142b, are presented.  相似文献   

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