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为深入了解中山市挥发性有机物(VOCs)来源及对臭氧的影响,基于2021年1—12月VOCs在线监测数据,对大气VOCs体积分数、组分特征、臭氧生成潜势(OFP)和来源情况进行了研究。结果表明:中山市大气VOCs体积分数日均值为2.61×10-9~1.14×10-7,年均值为2.18×10-8,其中,烷烃是占比最大的组分,占60.0%,其次是芳香烃和烯烃,分别占25.9%和9.3%。除乙烯外,臭氧污染日前十物种体积分数较非污染日上升6%~49%。中山市OFP平均值为228.43μg/m3,其中,芳香烃和烯烃是贡献率较高的组分,间/对二甲苯、甲苯、邻二甲苯和异戊二烯等是关键活性物种。VOCs主要来源有机动车排放源、油气挥发源、工业源、燃烧源、溶剂使用源、天然源。溶剂使用源和工业源是OFP贡献率最高的污染源,贡献率分别为25.5%和24.0%,燃烧源、油气挥发源、天然源和机动车排放源贡献率分别为14.1%、13.3%、11.6%和11.5%。  相似文献   

鞍山市大气中挥发性有机物的污染特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对鞍山市不同功能区(工业区、工业区附近、居住区和对照区)的大气进行分季节(夏、冬季)采样,分析该市大气中挥发性有机物(VOCs)的污染水平和季节变化特征.结果表明,夏、冬季的大气中的VOCs浓度变化差异显著,总体来说夏季大气中的VOCs浓度高于冬季;夏季大气中苯系物、挥发性卤代烃浓度分别是冬季的1.1~2.7、1.4~...  相似文献   

采用大气挥发性有机物(VOCs)在线监测系统对成都市冬季重污染过程的VOCs进行了连续在线观测,用正交矩阵因子分解(PMF)模型开展了VOCs源解析工作,并对重污染成因进行了分析。结果表明:观测期间成都市总VOCs(TVOCs)体积分数为21.83×10~(-9)~183.59×10~(-9),平均值为54.17×10~(-9),TVOCs中烷烃浓度最高,其次为炔烃、烯烃、芳香烃和卤代烃;成都市主要VOCs污染源为机动车排放源、液化石油气燃烧排放源、工业源、生物质燃烧源和溶剂使用源,贡献率分别为34.15%、21.57%、19.08%、15.19%、10.02%;边界层压缩和静风条件可能是导致VOCs和PM2.5浓度增加的主要原因。  相似文献   

利用沈阳市某工业园区大气监测数据,依据等效丙烯浓度(PEC)和臭氧生成潜势(OFP)法识别园区挥发性有机物(VOCs)活性物种,基于主成分分析(PCA)法和正定矩阵因子分析(PMF)模型进行VOCs来源解析.结果表明:芳香烃、烯烃和C5烷烃为园区活性较强的组分;PCA法和PMF模型的VOCs来源解析结果基本一致,园区V...  相似文献   

于2020年秋季对台州不同功能区大气中挥发性有机物(VOCs)进行在线监测,分析了VOCs浓度水平和组成特征;利用O3生成潜势(OFP)评估了VOCs对O3污染的影响;运用正定矩阵因子分解模型(PMF)解析VOCs的主要来源。结果表明,台州5个监测站点总挥发性有机物(TVOC)体积分数日均值在30.0×10-9~52.9×10-9,均以烷烃和含氧挥发性有机物(OVOCs)为主;VOCs来源主要包括机动车尾气源、工业排放源、燃烧源、油品挥发源、溶剂使用源和植物源,其对VOCs的贡献率分别为27.42%、19.37%、17.36%、17.25%、11.18%、7.41%,其中城区和郊区机动车尾气源的贡献最大,而工业园区则是工业排放源贡献最大;对OFP贡献最大的源类是溶剂使用源(贡献率31.12%),其次是工业排放源、机动车尾气源、油品挥发源、燃烧源,贡献率分别为20.69%、16.37%、15.70%、10.99%,植物源对OFP贡献率最低,仅为5.13%。台州城区和郊区需重点关注溶剂使用源管控,工业园...  相似文献   

于2014年7月8日至8月13日在成都市城区和工业区选取两个点位开展挥发性有机物(VOCs)样品采集工作,分析结果显示,成都市夏季城区大气中VOCs质量浓度在34.1~458.8μg/m3,平均值为(137.3±91.8)μg/m3;工业区大气中VOCs质量浓度在26.7~474.9μg/m3,平均值为(135.9±103.5)μg/m3。早高峰时段(7:00~10:00)两个点位VOCs的浓度水平均高于其他时段,说明VOCs浓度受机动车排放的影响较为明显。用·OH消耗速率和臭氧生成潜势评估VOCs大气化学反应活性,结果显示,芳香烃和烯烃是影响大气化学反应活性的关键组分。城区和工业区的二次有机气溶胶(SOA)的生成潜势分别为4.859、4.559μg/m3,芳香烃不仅是臭氧生成潜势的关键活性组分,同时也是SOA的重要前体物。  相似文献   

为查清泰安城区地下水有机污染现状,对《地下水质量标准》(GB/T 14848—2017)中规定的26项挥发性和半挥发性有机物组分进行检测,并利用健康风险评价模型对饮水摄入、皮肤接触、洗浴呼吸吸入3种暴露途径产生的非致癌风险和致癌风险进行评价。研究结果表明:地下水样品中挥发性和半挥发性有机物检出率为35.34%,15项被检出的组分中,1,1,2-三氯乙烷检出率最高,为16.38%,其次为四氯乙烯(12.07%)和三氯乙烯(6.90%)。与GB/T 14848—2017的Ⅲ类水标准限值相比,挥发性和半挥发性有机物总超标率为5.17%,出现超标的组分为1,1,2-三氯乙烷、三氯乙烯、苯并(a)芘,最大检出质量浓度分别为26.90、149.00、0.024μg/L,为标准值的5.38、2.13、2.40倍,表明研究区地下水已受到一定程度的有机污染。挥发性和半挥发性有机物非致癌风险指数介于1.52×10-6~1.48,均值为4.33×10-2,超限率仅为0.86%,非致癌风险较低,对人体的健康危害程度小;致癌风险值介于2.04×10-9  相似文献   

为了解杭州市挥发性有机物(VOCs)的污染特征及其对臭氧生成的影响,利用2020年9月至2021年8月的VOCs在线监测数据,全面分析了杭州市VOCs污染特征,并利用正定矩阵因子分析(PMF)和排放清单对VOCs进行来源解析,分析不同组分的臭氧生成能力。结果显示,杭州市VOCs逐月变化呈现“冬高夏低”的特征,烷烃在总VOCs中的占比最高。根据PMF解析,对杭州市VOCs浓度贡献最大的为机动车尾气排放源和溶剂使用排放源。排放清单中,溶剂使用排放源和工业排放源为贡献最大的来源。与排放清单结果相比,PMF结果中机动车尾气排放源和汽油挥发排放源贡献率偏高,与监测点位于城区环境、距离工业园区较远有关,因此VOCs污染防控应针对不同区域精准施策。从各组分对臭氧生成潜势的贡献来看,烯烃和芳香烃是贡献最大的组分。  相似文献   

为更好地管控和治理绍兴市柯桥区工业园区的挥发性有机物(VOCs),利用柯桥区现有的两工业园区VOCs监测站点(园区1站、园区2站)2019年3月至2020年2月的监测数据分析柯桥区工业园区VOCs污染特征并进行溯源.结果表明:园区1站每月VOCs质量浓度平均值为125μg/m3,园区2站为137μg/m3,都呈现出3月...  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) commonly detected in urban waters across the United States include gasoline-related compounds (e.g. toluene, xylene) and chlorinated compounds (e.g. chloroform, tetrachloroethane [PCE], trichloroethene [TCE]). Statistical analysis of observational data and results of modeling the partitioning of VOCs between air and water suggest that urban land surfaces are the primary nonpoint source of most VOCs. Urban air is a secondary nonpoint source, but could be an important source of the gasoline oxygenate methyl-tert butyl ether (MTBE). Surface waters in urban areas would most effectively be protected by controlling land-surface sources.  相似文献   

This study examines the characteristics of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and their major emission sources at the Bulgwang site in Seoul, Korea. The annual levels of VOCs (96.2–121.1 ppb C) have shown a decreasing trend from 2004 to 2008. The most abundant component in Seoul was toluene, which accounted for over 23.5 % of the total VOCs on the parts per billion on a carbon basis, and the portions of alkanes with two to six carbons constituted the largest major lumped group, ranging from 40.1 to 48.4 % (45.3?±?3.7 %) of the total VOCs. Major components of the solvent (toluene, m/p-xylene, o-xylene, and ethylbenzene) showed high in daytime and summer and low in nighttime and winter due mainly to the variation of the ambient temperature. The species mostly emitted from gasoline vapor (i/n-butane, i/n-pentane, n-hexane, and 2-methylpentane) and vehicular exhaust (ethylene, acetylene, and benzene) showed bimodal peaks in the diurnal variation around the commuting hours because of the high traffic volume. For the 14 out of 15 highest concentration species, the weekend effect was only evident on Sundays because of the stepwise implementation of the 5-day work-week system. Principal components analysis (PCA) was applied in order to identify the sources of the 15 highest concentration VOCs and, as a result, three principal components such as gasoline vapor (48.9 %), vehicular exhaust (17.9 %), and evaporation of solvents (9.8 %) were obtained to explain a total of 76.6 % of the data variance. Most influential contributing sources at the sampling site were traffic-related ones although the use of solvent was the dominant emission source based on the official emission inventory.  相似文献   

There are a number of difficulties associated with the quantitative analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in atmospheric particles. Therefore, majority of the previous studies on VOCs associated with particles have been qualitative. Air samples were collected in Izmir, Turkey to determine ambient particle and gas phase concentrations of several aromatic, oxygenated and halogenated VOCs. Samples were quantitatively analyzed using thermal desorption–gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Gas-phase concentrations ranged between 0.02 (bromoform) and 4.65 μg m−3 (toluene) and were similar to those previously measured at the same site. Particle-phase concentrations ranged from 1 (1,3-dichlorobenzene) to 933 pg m−3 (butanol). VOCs were mostly found in gas-phase (99.9±0.25%). However, the particulate VOCs had comparable concentrations to those reported previously for semivolatile organic compounds. The distribution of particle-phase VOCs between fine (dp<2.5 μm) and coarse (2.5 μm<dp<10 μm) fractions was also investigated. It was found that VOCs were mostly associated with fine particles.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influences of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emissions on hazardousness and photochemical reactivity and to propose efficient VOCs abatement strategies.  相似文献   

More than half of the world's population lives in cities, and their populations are rapidly increasing. Information on vertical and diurnal characterizations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in urban areas with heavy ambient air pollution can help further understand the impact of ambient VOCs on the local urban environment. This study characterized vertical and diurnal variations in VOCs at 2, 13, 32, 58, and 111 m during four daily time periods (7:00 to 9:00 a.m., 12:00 to 2:00 p.m., 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., and 11:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.) at the upwind of a high-rise building in downtown, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. The study used gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to analyze air samples collected by silica-coated canisters. The vertical distributions of ambient VOC profiles showed that VOCs tended to decrease at greater heights. However, VOC levels were found to be higher at 13 m than at ground level at midnight from 11:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. and higher at 32 than 13 m between 7:00 and 9:00 a.m. These observations suggest that vertical dispersion and dilution of airborne pollutants could be jointly affected by local meteorological conditions and the proximity of pollution sources. The maximum concentration of VOCs was recorded during the morning rush hours from 7:00 to 9:00 a.m., followed by rush hours from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., hours from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m., and hours from 11:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m., indicating that the most VOC compounds in urban air originate from traffic and transportation emissions. The benzene-toluene-ethyl benzene-xylene (BTEX) source analysis shows that BTEX at all heights were mostly associated with vehicle transportation activities on the ground.  相似文献   

Although widely used in air quality regulatory frameworks, the term “volatile organic compound” (VOC) is poorly defined. Numerous standardized tests are currently used in regulations to determine VOC content (and thus volatility), but in many cases the tests do not agree with each other, nor do they always accurately represent actual evaporation rates under ambient conditions. The parameters (time, temperature, reference material, column polarity, etc.) used in the definitions and the associated test methods were created without a significant evaluation of volatilization characteristics in real world settings. Not only do these differences lead to varying VOC content results, but occasionally they conflict with one another. An ambient evaporation study of selected compounds and a few formulated products was conducted and the results were compared to several current VOC test methodologies: SCAQMD Method 313 (M313), ASTM Standard Test Method E 1868-10 (E1868), and U.S. EPA Reference Method 24 (M24). The ambient evaporation study showed a definite distinction between nonvolatile, semivolatile, and volatile compounds. Some low vapor pressure (LVP) solvents, currently considered exempt as VOCs by some methods, volatilize at ambient conditions nearly as rapidly as the traditional high-volatility solvents they are meant to replace. Conversely, bio-based and heavy hydrocarbons did not readily volatilize, though they often are calculated as VOCs in some traditional test methods. The study suggests that regulatory standards should be reevaluated to more accurately reflect real-world emission from the use of VOC containing products.
Implications:The definition of VOC in current test methods may lead to regulations that exclude otherwise viable alternatives or allow substitutions of chemicals that may limit the environmental benefits sought in the regulation. A study was conducted to examine volatility of several compounds and a few formulated products under several current VOC test methodologies and ambient evaporation. This paper provides ample evidence to warrant a reevaluation of regulatory standards and provides a framework for progressive developments based on reasonable and scientifically justifiable definitions of VOCs.  相似文献   

上海市机动车尾气VOCs组成及其化学反应活性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用钢罐采样-气相色谱/质谱法,采集并分析了上海市主要交通干道和隧道废气样品中挥发性有机物(VOCs)的污染水平。分析结果表明,交通干道和隧道废气样品的总挥发性有机污染物(TVOC)质量浓度分别为(227.1±40.9)、(2209.9±1228.0)μg/m3;隧道废气样品中的TVOC浓度是交通干道平均浓度的4.3~15.2倍;交通干道废气样品中VOCs主要组分与隧道废气样品中VOCs主要组分非常类似,说明交通干道废气样品中VOCs主要来源于机动车尾气排放。交通干道废气样品中TVOC的.OH消耗速率为(17.21±4.49)s-1,延安东路隧道和打浦路隧道废气样品中TVOC的.OH消耗速率分别为(300.37±120.78)、(138.09±25.30)s-1,烯烃对TVOC的.OH消耗速率贡献最大,其对废气化学反应活性贡献率在70%以上。交通干道和隧道废气样品中关键活性组分是C2~C5的烯烃组分,这些组分也是机动车尾气中的特征污染物,因此可以判断机动车尾气是上海市大气化学反应活性的最大贡献者。  相似文献   

家具涂料的挥发性有机物排放特征及致癌风险估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用顶空实验装置采集家具涂料挥发蒸汽,通过不锈钢采样罐-气相色谱(GC)/质谱(MS)分析系统测量了溶剂型和水型涂料的挥发性有机物(VOCs)排放特征。结果表明,溶剂型涂料排放的总VOCs平均质量浓度为7.6mg/m3,远高于水型涂料的2.6mg/m3。溶剂型和水型涂料排放的VOCs主要以芳香烃和烷烃为主。溶剂型涂料和水型涂料排放的特征VOCs组分为甲苯、2-甲基戊烷、苯、正辛烷,分别占两种涂料总VOCs排放的41.8%(质量分数,下同)和31.2%、21.2%和9.6%、6.5%和5.6%、6.0%和4.8%。溶剂型涂料排放VOCs的臭氧生成潜势(OFP)和二次气溶胶生成潜势(SOAP)明显高于水型涂料,OFP和SOAP的主要贡献组分均为芳香烃物质。溶剂型涂料排放的苯的长期致癌风险是水型涂料的2.6~4.6倍,均远远高于可接受的暴露风险值1×10-6。  相似文献   

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