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HT-7超导托卡马克是我国正在运行中的中型准稳态磁约束聚变实验研究装置,运行时产生一个复杂的瞬发混合辐射场。本文介绍了该装置上中子辐射剂量率的测量方法以及在欧姆、波辅助加热、长脉冲等放电模式下的剂量率特点,并且给出了X与7射线的总辐射剂量测量方法和分析结果。在严格遵守安全操作规程的前提下,目前的等离子体物理实验对人员产生的总辐射剂量低于国家辐射安全标准的规定。  相似文献   

离子回旋波加热是EAST装置最重要的辅助加热方法,在实验中获得了明显的加热效果。射频功率源与天线负载之间阻抗匹配才能保证最大的加热功率输出。在射频加热实验中,等离子体参数的改变将会引起天线负载阻抗的快速变化,为应对这一情况研制出了快速阻抗匹配系统。本文采用解析法和计算机仿真相结合的分析方式,研制了该阻抗匹配系统的铁氧体匹配支节,并对其性能进行了测试。测试结果表明,快速阻抗匹配系统的时间响应速度明显优于传统匹配方式的,可作为实时匹配的候选者。  相似文献   

利用解析方法对EAST大功率中性束注入器充氢运行时实验大厅内6个关键点的辐射剂量进行了理论计算,并利用光致光剂量计(OSL)对这些位置点进行了辐射剂量测量。理论计算和OSL测量结果表明:理论计算结果与实验测量结果具有一定吻合度。同时还表明:EAST中性束注入器现有的防护装置满足实验运行时辐射防护要求。  相似文献   

枯草芽孢杆菌淀粉酶高产菌株的辐射诱变研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用了不同总辐照剂量和剂量率的γ射线以及快中子一次、二次辐照枯草芽孢杆菌,采用平板透明圈方法,以菌落直径、透明圈直径、透明圈直径与菌落直径之比(HC值)为指标,研究γ和快中子辐照对枯草芽孢杆菌产淀粉酶的辐射诱变效应,同时筛选高产淀粉酶的变异株.结果表明:(1)快中子和γ射线都能有效诱导枯草芽孢杆菌高产淀粉酶;(2)采用不同总辐照剂量和剂量率的γ射线和快中子一次辐照后,菌落平均直径均比对照小,且随着γ射线辐照剂量的增大,菌落平均直径有变小的趋势;(3)采用快中子二次辐照后,菌落平均直径、菌落最大直径、透明圈平均直径、透明圈最大直径以及HC最大值都远远高于原菌落值;(4)重复筛选出三株高产淀粉酶菌株,它们的菌落直径最大为8.32mm,透明圈直径最大为22.38mm,透明圈与菌落直径之比最大达到5.39.且有两株在传至15代都能稳定高产淀粉酶.  相似文献   

装饰建筑材料辐射剂量模式的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于缺乏专用于建筑材料的剂量模式,目前国际上普遍采用室外土壤的剂量模式来计算建材的辐射剂量。本论文用Monte Carlo方法得到几类装饰材料的辐射剂量模式。由该模式计算出的空气吸收剂量率与实测数据一致。而用土壤的剂量模式算出的空气吸收剂量率与实测数据相差很远。因此,建筑装饰材料不能近似采用室外土壤的辐射剂量计算模式。  相似文献   

采用60 Coγ射线辐射降解苯酚,通过分析辐照前后苯酚去除率与化学需氧量(COD)的变化,研究了苯酚浓度、氨氮质量浓度、吸收剂量、初始pH值和自由基清除剂对苯酚的辐射降解效果的影响。结果表明:γ辐射技术能有效降解高浓度氨氮环境中的苯酚,苯酚及其COD去除率随着吸收剂量的增加而增大,苯酚的辐射降解符合准一级动力学方程;吸收剂量相同时,苯酚初始浓度越高,苯酚去除率越低;氨氮质量浓度对γ辐射去除水溶液中苯酚未见显著影响,辐照前后氨氮质量浓度变化不大;弱酸性条件更利于溶液中苯酚的去除;苯酚的辐射降解机理以·OH氧化为主。  相似文献   

采用氘、氚燃料的核聚变反应会产生大量的中子、γ射线及活化产物等,对人员和环境的辐射安全产生影响。为了减小电离辐射带来的影响,需要准确掌握聚变装置核辐射场强度的时间与空间分布信息。世界上已建设的磁约束聚变装置,均根据其自身运行工况特点,建立了完整的核辐射监测系统来应对电离辐射带来的潜在影响。通过对磁约束聚变装置运行及维护期间辐射剂量的监测,获得实验场所与外围环境的电离辐射和放射性核素数据,为辐射安全防护管理提供数据支撑。基于对国内外磁约束聚变装置辐射监测系统的调研,本文归纳了此类装置主要的电离辐射源项及监测系统架构,进而介绍了磁约束聚变中子与γ辐射剂量的测量方法及常用探测器。最后综述了国内外核聚变装置辐射监测系统的研究状况,展望了未来核辐射监测系统的发展趋势与目标。  相似文献   

任俊杰  严荣良  张力 《核技术》1999,22(9):563-567
对电子,低能γ射线和X射线穿透几种不同厚度的Fe,Cu和Ta薄膜时所产生的次级电子及次级X射线进行了实验测量,并对影响次级电子和次级X射线强度的因素进行了分析。  相似文献   

γ射线对木质素的辐射效应研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用γ射线具有低能耗、洁净、环保等优点,对木质素进行辐射处理,并对辐射后的木质素的分子量及分子量分布和主要结构基团进行分析.实验结果表明,木质素经过γ射线照射后,分子量及分子量分布增大,辐射效应主要以辐射交联为主.辐射前后的木质素的红外光谱相似,表明辐射并没有改变木质素的主要结构基团,并且木质素中的羟基不仅数量增多而且能更稳定存在.由13C-NMR图谱解析可知,碱木质素经过γ射线照射后,主要结构并没有受到破坏.  相似文献   

利用等离子体输运分析程序TRANSP和粒子导心轨道模拟程序ORBIT,结合聚变中子和等离子体储能诊断数据,对EAST(Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak)托卡马克中性束注入加热时不同等离子体电流和纵场强度下的快离子输运行为进行了研究。实验和模拟结果表明:中性束反向束注入时的快离子初始轨道损失功率大于中性束同向束;中性束4条束线产生快离子初始轨道损失区域主要集中在装置中平面以下第一壁以及偏滤器区域;在EAST目前的运行参数范围内,提高等离子体电流和纵场强度,可以使等离子体中快离子的漂移轨道宽度和拉莫尔回旋半径缩小,更有利于快离子的约束,从而提高中性束的加热效率,增加聚变中子产额和等离子体储能。  相似文献   

EAST(Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak)现阶段D-D运行产生2.45 Me V聚变中子及次级核反应γ射线,为了解EAST运行期间辐射场的分布及强度,确保运行期间人员及环境的核辐射安全。针对EAST运行期间装置大厅内部存在较强的中子、伽马瞬变辐射场的特征,结合环境低本底辐射监测的需要,采用宽动态范围、快时间响应的场所辐射监测探测器,与高灵敏度、稳定性好的环境辐射监测探测器相结合的方式,围绕EAST装置布置13个辐射监测点,每点分别安装一台中子、伽马监测器。采用自行编写的Lab VIEW辐射监测软件进行数据采集,组建了一套EAST托卡马克装置的中子、伽马辐射剂量监测系统。该系统在2015年春季EAST实验中连续稳定运行了三个月,可靠性较高,获取了大量实验数据。监测系统满足EAST核辐射监测的要求,同时为后续开展聚变堆辐射安全与防护研究提供实验平台。  相似文献   

《Annals of the ICRP》1985,15(2):18-20

Type 316 stainless steel tubing specimens comparable to LMFBR cladding were burst tested with relatively constant internal pressure in the 219–836 psi range and with increasing temperature. Continuous measurements of diameter change, temperature, and pressure were recorded as the samples were heated to temperatures near the melting point at rates from 10–1800°F/sec. The effects of varying initial wall thickness, cold work level, length, and thermal experience were explored. Ductile failures were observed at 10°F/sec, and stable strains at time of failure were greater than those reported by HEDL. At 200°F/sec the initially 20% cold-worked, 15-mil wall tubing produced brittle failures; while initially 40% cold worked, 10-mil wall samples displayed a mixture of ductile and brittle features. At 1000°F/sec the behavior of the latter material was prodominately brittle, although stable strains as large as 6% were observed. Failure temperatures were generally above 2000°F. When substantial ductility was displayed, an exponentially increasing stable strain was recorded as temperature and time progressed: from such curves temperatures corresponding to 1% strain were derived. Factors controlling the mechanical response appear to be separable by analysis based on the recorded data and the variety of materials and conditions of the tests.  相似文献   

In this work,we investigated the discharge characteristics and heating mechanisms of argon helicon plasma in different wave coupled modes with and without blue core.Spatially resolved spectroscopy and emission intensity of argon atom and ion lines were measured via local optical emission spectroscopy,and electron density was measured experimentally by an RFcompensated Langmuir probe.The relation between the emission intensity and the electron density was obtained and the wavenumbers of helicon a...  相似文献   

The capability of off-axis neutral beam heating and current drive has been investigated with NUBEAM for Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST). Three different approaches to realize off-axis Neutral Beam Injection (NBI) have been studied. Simulation results for on- and off-axis NBI are reported. The effects of the alignment of NBI relative to the magnetic field pitch on off-axis neutral beam heating and current drive are observed and discussed qualitatively. By comparing the numerical results, a most favorable off-axis NBI configuration is recommended. The capability to control sawtooth is also investigated by comparing locations of the q = 1 rational surface and the peak of the fast ion density profile.  相似文献   

Radio frequency (RF) power in the ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) is one of the primary auxiliary heating techniques for Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST). The ICRF system for EAST has been developed to support long-pulse high-β advanced tokamak fusion physics experiments. The ICRF system is capable of delivering 12 MW 1000-s RF power to the plasma through two antennas. The phasing between current straps of the antennas can be adjusted to optimize the RF power spectrum. The main technical features of the ICRF system are described. Each of the 8 ICRF transmitters has been successfully tested to 1.5 MW for a wide range of frequency (25–70 MHz) on a dummy load. Part of the ICRF system was in operation during the EAST 2012 spring experimental campaign and a maximum power of 800 kW (at 27 MHz) lasting for 30 s has been coupled for long pulse H mode operation.  相似文献   

EAST is the first Tokamak device whose toroidal and poloidal magnet are superconducting. The enormous magnetic field energy stored in the magnet system will transfer into thermal energy and cause the damage of superconducting magnet, if a quench happened. Therefore, reliable quench detection is a key issue for steady-state operation. In addition to electromagnetic noise from poloidal magnet fields and plasma current which will experience fast current ramp rate, radio frequency noise from heating system also have some interference on quench detection system to a certain degree. The most difficult point for quench detection system is required to have more detail evaluation on electromagnetic noise interference.Recently experiments have been carried out successfully in EAST device. The steady-state operation with 1 MA of plasma current and more than 100-s plasma duration has been obtained. In the paper, the electromagnetic noise interference on quench detection system under different discharge conditions are analyzed and relative process methods are also introduced. The technological experience and experimental data are significant for the constructing ITER and similar superconducting device have been mentioned which will supply significant technological experience and experimental data for constructing ITER and similar superconducting device.  相似文献   

Radiation damage to structural material of fusion facilities is of high concern for safety. The superconducting tokamak EAST will conduct D-D plasma experiments with the neutron production of 1015 neutrons per second. To evaluate the material radiation damage a programme system has been devised with the Monte Carlo transport code MCNP-4C, the inventory code FISPACT99, a specific interface, and the fusion evaluated nuclear data library FENDL-2. The key nuclear responses, i.e. fast neutron flux, displacement per atom, and the helium and hydrogen production, are calculated for the structural material SS-316L of the first wall, and the vacuum vessel, using this programme. The results demonstrate that the radiation damage to the structural material is so little that it will not lead to any significant change of material properties according to the reference design. This indicates that there is a large potential space for EAST to test advanced operation regime from the viewpoint of structural material safety.  相似文献   

The 2.45 GHz lower hybrid wave (LHW) antenna is one of the key components for plasma heating and current drive on experimental advanced superconducting tokamak (EAST). In the lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) experiment, the microwave power is delivered to the plasma through the LHW antenna. During a plasma disruption, the eddy currents are induced in the antenna because of plasma current decay. These induced currents interact with the strong static magnetic field to produce forces and torques in the antenna which are one of key factors determining the design of the antenna. Therefore, this paper presents the key results of a transient electromagnetic (EM) analysis of the antenna during disruption events under different plasma configurations. Two plasma centered disruption scenarios are taken into account: exp quench and linear quench. The analysis was performed with MAXWELL, a computer code based on the finite element method. All the results are presented and discussed which will offer guidance for the design and manufacture of the antenna in future.  相似文献   

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