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农村生活垃圾的集中化、科学化处理对改善农村居民生活环境和农业生产环境具有重要意义。而农户对农村生活垃圾处理的支付意愿对农村生活环境的改善具有关键性作用。采用条件价值评估法(CVM)分析了三峡库区农户对处理生活垃圾的支付意愿及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)农户对农村生活垃圾处理的平均支付意愿为48元/a;(2)户主年龄、文化程度以及对环境是否关心对当地农户处理生活垃圾的支付意愿有极显著影响。户主年龄和文化程度对生活垃圾处理的支付意愿的影响为正,说明农户年龄越大、文化程度越高,对生活垃圾处理的支付意愿就越强烈。农户对环境的关心程度为正,表示农户越关心环境,对生活垃圾处理的支付意愿就越强烈。最后,提出相关建议:制定政策时要充分考虑农户的个体特征和自身利益;加强教育,提高农户的文化水平;加强环境保护宣传,提高农户的环境认知和环保意识。  相似文献   

环境绩效审计的作用之一就是检查投入到环境治理上的资金到底发挥了多大的效益。本研究以五里湖综合整治工程效益审计案例为基础,提出环境效益评估的程序,将条件评估法应用于水污染治理工程项目审计案例中,分析了无锡市居民为改善水环境质量和对周边房产的支付意愿,并计算出五里湖水环境改善的效益和周边房产的增值效益。结果表明,综合整治工程实施后会带来可观的经济效益。最后,对条件评估法在政府环境绩效审计中应用存在的问题进行了讨论,以期为政府环境审计提供技术支持。  相似文献   

采用了多种培养基 ,对广泛收集的菌种、相关土样进行分离、筛选 ,得到了 8株有效微生物 ,其产生的蛋白酶、脂肪酶、淀粉酶和纤维素酶等酶系可使大分子物质分解成低分子物质 ,微生物摄取这些低分子物质后 ,将其转变成二氧化碳、水和少量氨气并释放能量 ,剩余的少量固体残渣可作为生物肥料。采用以上 8种微生物制成的有机生活垃圾处理剂 ,如配合一定的处理工艺和设备 ,可对日常有机生活垃圾进行减量化和资源化处理。  相似文献   

研究采用BP、RBF和自适应神经模糊推理系统(ANFIS)对生活垃圾可燃成分的热值进行预测。结果表明,BP神经网络模型的预测准确率为93.36%,RBF模型为96.87%,ANFIS模型为91.06%,3种模型均可用于可燃成分热值预测,但RBF模型的预测准确率相对较高,更适用于可燃垃圾的热值预测。  相似文献   

利用被称为战略与策略实验室的系统动力学方法,建立了城市生活垃圾问题的系统动力学研究模型;以北京市为实例,探讨了垃圾排放及污染随人口和经济发展的变化,以及污染和占地损失、绿色GDP核算、居民家庭、企事业单位生活垃圾与建筑垃圾组合收费方案等问题.  相似文献   

以长三角生态绿色一体化发展示范区的先行启动区为例,以家庭为单位进行入户调查,运用主成分分析法,探索居民参与垃圾分类的意愿及其影响因素的区域差异.结果表明:上海青浦区居民对垃圾分类的满意度、参与意愿和环境意识显著高于浙江嘉善和江苏吴江两地.总体而言,居民生活垃圾分类意愿主要受年龄、便利性认知、社区垃圾管理满意度和奖惩机制...  相似文献   

滚筒筛筛分生活垃圾的理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滚筒筛是生活垃圾分选中常用的工具,但筛分理论目前还不够清楚,导致滚筒筛的设计多依靠经验进行。从生活垃圾在滚筒筛内的受力分析着手,考虑了物料与滚筒筛筛壁间的摩擦力,其为一有限值,推导出物料的提升角与滚筒筛转速的关系,且物料提升角的大小取决于物料静摩擦角的大小;认为无论滚筒筛的转速多大,物料的最大提升角都是固定不变的。经过一系列分析得出与已有的垃圾滚筒筛理论不同的结论:滚筒筛是否存在临界转速,取决于被筛分的物料:物料的静摩擦角≥90°,滚筒筛存在临界转速;否则,滚筒筛不存在临界转速。这一结论对滚筒筛的设计具有理论上的指导意义。  相似文献   

常温厌氧消化技术处理城市生活有机垃圾的中试研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对分类收集的城市生活有机垃圾采用专门设计的兼氧沤解预液化—常温厌氧消化的工艺技术进行处理。试验结果显示 ,兼氧沤解对生活有机垃圾的预液具有较好的效果 ,液化率达 80 %以上 ,可以满足反应器对生活有机垃圾预处理的要求  相似文献   

中国城市生活垃圾分类收集的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在分析国内城市生活垃圾的组成、收集现状和存在问题的基础上,结合国外城市生活垃圾分类收集的经验,提出了促进本国城市生活垃圾分类收集的对策。  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾降解率分析研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对城市生活垃圾降解率研究不足的现状,结合室内物理模拟实验,对垃圾温度和垃圾降解率的变化规律进行分析研究。研究结果表明,填埋初期垃圾填埋体温度升高较快,服从三次曲线变化规律;温度对垃圾降解率有重要的影响,单一温度下垃圾降解率随时间变化近似符合微生物生长曲线;不同温度下,温度高,垃圾降解率快,试验证明41.00、45.00℃垃圾降解率最快,垃圾降解率相差不大,可以认为温度高于41.00℃时垃圾降解率可以按照41.00℃时垃圾降解率计算。  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation is to evaluate the current status and to identify the problems of municipal solid waste (MSW) management in China to determine appropriate remedial strategies. This is the second of two papers proposed on this topic. Major problems or difficulties identified in MSW management in China include MSW land, air, and water pollution, commingled collection, poor administration, shortage of funds, lack of facilities, and problems of training and public awareness. In order to solve these problems and to improve MSW management in China, remedial strategies in three areas are recommended: institutional reform, technology development, and legislation and administrative improvement. The primary principle involved in institutional reform is unifying legislative responsibilities into one body and developing a market mechanism for handling MSW. Composting, landfills, and incineration should be equally developed in accordance with China's needs. The feasibility of developing technology to handle MSW in China is discussed. Also recommended is the establishment of sound regulatory systems, including a service fee system, a source separation system, and a training program. China is presently undergoing economic and institutional reform at the national and local levels. Results of this study will provide useful information on MSW management in China.  相似文献   

为实现城市生活垃圾减量化、无害化和资源化,采用热重分析天平和实验室固定床热解反应器进行城市生活垃圾(MSW)与园林废弃物共热解实验,研究了不同热解终温、松树枝和柳树枝添加比例对热解产物产率影响,并利用气质联用色谱分析仪(GC-MS)对热解油进行表征分析。实验结果表明:MSW、松树枝和柳树枝的热解过程均可以分为3个阶段,主要包括脱水、热解、炭化;MSW、松树枝和柳树枝单独热解时最大失重速率分别出现在321.48、358.23和377.83℃;MSW与松树枝共热解DTG曲线在热解反应第2阶段有2个析出峰,分别在342.32℃和471.48℃,比MSW单独热解时,失重率增加了7.29%。当城市生活垃圾与松树枝、柳树枝的添加量分别为3:1时,热解液体产物产率明显升高,热解油中醇类、羧酸类、醛类等含氧有机物的含量降低,热值增加,热解油中氧含量降低,且松树枝对共热解焦油的脱氧效果更为显著,热解油品质得到提升。  相似文献   

对市政污泥与生活垃圾混烧进行了验证研究。结果表明,与生活垃圾单独焚烧相比,污泥与生活垃圾混烧后烟气中NOx、CO和HCl的浓度没有出现明显变化,而SO2浓度出现了下降(从82~93 mg/m3下降至41~70 mg/m3);Hg、Pb、Sn、Cr和Zn的浓度均表现为不同程度的上升,但仍然符合GB18485;二恶英从0.0087 ng TEQ/m3降至0.0047 ng TEQ/m3。掺烧半干污泥比例为10%、12%和15%时,吨物质的发电量分别为311.8 kWh/t、306.7 kWh/t和296.1 kWh/t。混烧污泥在一定程度上降低了系统的发电量,因此建议混烧污泥的比例不应大于15%。测算的污泥混烧成本约209元/t(80%含水率)。  相似文献   

Paoletti F  Sirini P  Seifert H  Vehlow J 《Chemosphere》2001,42(5-7):533-543
The average antimony concentration in municipal solid waste is estimated to be about 10-60 ppm. Thermodynamical models predict a volatile behavior for antimony compounds, yet literature mass balances show that about 50% of the antimony input remains in the grate ashes. This fact can be explained by the formation of thermally stable antimonates in the fuel bed due to interactions with alkali or earth-alkali metals. Thermogravimetric experiments revealed an increased thermal stability for antimony oxide in presence of oxygen and calcium oxide. Spiking experiments on the test incinerator TAMARA showed that chlorination processes have a strong effect on antimony volatilization whereas high fuel-bed temperatures and addition of antimony oxide only have a moderate effect. In the grate ashes, antimony shows a pH-depending leaching property, which is typical for anionic species. This fact supports the thesis that antimony is present in the grate ashes in an anionic speciation.  相似文献   

对市政污泥与生活垃圾混烧进行了验证研究。结果表明,与生活垃圾单独焚烧相比,污泥与生活垃圾混烧后烟气中NOx、CO和HCl的浓度没有出现明显变化,而SO2浓度出现了下降(从82~93mg/m3下降至41~70mg/m3);Hg、Pb、Sn、Cr和Zn的浓度均表现为不同程度的上升,但仍然符合GB[g485;二恶英从0.0087μgTEQ/m3降至O.0047μgTEQ/m3。掺烧半干污泥比例为10%、12%和15%时,吨物质的发电量分别为311.8kWh/t、306.7kWh/t和296.1kwh/t。混烧污泥在一定程度上降低了系统的发电量,因此建议混烧污泥的比例不应大于15%。测算的污泥混烧成本约209元/t(80%含水率)。  相似文献   

垃圾土持水率是估算填埋场淋沥液高度和分析填埋体稳定性的重要参数。通过对高压固结仪的改造,研制垃圾土持水率的室内实验仪器,并在该仪器上对取自我国南方某填埋场3个不同深度的大直径垃圾土试样进行各级荷载下的持水率实验。研究结果表明,随填埋深度增大,垃圾年份增加,垃圾土可降解度降低,腐殖质含量增大,垃圾土的持水率减小;随上覆压力增大,干重和湿重持水率减小,当上覆压力增大到一定程度,减小趋势变缓;随上覆压力的增大,体积持水率一般呈减小的趋势,但对于疏松垃圾土,在较小的压力下,体积持水率有增大的趋势,当压力增大到一定程度,则随压力的增大而减小;随干密度的增大,垃圾土干重和湿重持水率均减小。提出的垃圾土持水率的室内实验方法和研制的仪器合理可行。  相似文献   

Privatization of municipal solid waste (MSW) collection can improve service quality and reduce cost. To reduce the risk of an incapable company serving an entire collection area and to establish a competitive market, a large collection area should be divided into two or more subregions, with each subregion served by a different company. The MSW subregion districting is generally done manually, based on the planner's intuition. Major drawbacks of a manual approach include the creation of a districting plan with poor road network integrity for which it is difficult to design an efficient collection route. The other drawbacks are difficulty in finding the optimal districting plan and the lack of a way to consistently measure the differences among subregions to avoid unfair competition. To determine an MSW collection subregion districting plan, this study presents a mixed-integer optimization model that incorporates factors such as compactness, road network integrity, collection cost, and regional proximity. Two cases are presented to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed model. In both cases, districting plans with good road network integrity and regional proximity have been generated successfully.  相似文献   

Synthetic fuel is prepared to imitate municipal solid waste (MSW) in experimental studies of incineration processes. The fuel is composed based on the Environmental Protection Agency reports on the materials contained in MSW. Uniform synthetic fuel pellets are prepared using available and inexpensive components including newsprint, hardwood mulch, low density polyethylene, iron, animal feed, sand, and water to imitate paperbound, wood, yard trimming, plastic, metal, food wastes, and other materials in MSW. The synthetic fuel preparation procedure enables one to reproduce and modify the fuel for a wide range of experiments in which the mechanisms of waste incineration are addressed. The fuel is characterized using standard ASTM tests and it is shown that its parameters, such as combustion enthalpy, density, as well as moisture, ash and fixed carbon contents are adequate for the representation of municipal solid waste. In addition, chlorine, nitrogen, and sulfur contents of the fuel are shown to be similar to those of MSW. Experiments are conducted in which the synthetic fuel is used for operation of a pilot-scale incinerator research facility. Steady-state temperature operation regimes are achieved and reproduced in these experiments. Thermodynamic equilibrium flame conditions are computed using an isentropic one-dimensional equilibrium code for a wide range of fuel/air ratios. The molecular species used to represent the fuel composition included cellulose, water, iron, polyethylene, methanamine, and silica. The predicted concentrations of carbon monoxide, nitric oxides, and oxygen in the combustion products are compared with the respective experimental concentrations in the pilot-scale incinerator exhaust.  相似文献   

上海南京深圳城市垃圾及处置的比较研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
介绍了上海、南京与深圳人口城市化的特点、城市垃圾的来源及产生量.揭示了垃圾成分的动态变化及有机发酵类废弃物增长较快及"白色污染"加剧的趋势,并提出对策.  相似文献   

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