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High energy direct-current shocks delivered via an electrode catheter have been used to ablate the atrioventricular junction since 1981.1 This technique has also been adapted for ablation of other cardiac tissues including the atrium, posterior interatrial septum and ventricular myocardium. The limitations of this technique include inadequate control of the energy source, poor understanding of the mechanisms of myocardial injury, and untoward complications possibly related to barotraumatic injury. Radiofrequency energy has been shown to create ablative injury when delivered lo the myocardium via standard electrode catheters. This report will review our experience with radiofrequency catheter ablation of the canine myocardium with specific emphasis on the biophysical aspects of lesion formation.  相似文献   

Epicardial radiofrequency catheter ablation of the atria in the open-chest dog has been shown to reduce inducibility of atrial fibrillation. Video-assisted endoscopic techniques decrease the operative trauma in adult thoracic surgery. We report our results of video-assisted thoracoscopic radiofrequency catheter ablation of the atria for the prevention of atrial fibrillation induction in canines. In 12 consecutive anesthetized dogs, induction of sustained atrial fibrillation was reproducibly obtained by burst pacing and cervical vagal stimulation. In six dogs, biatrial ablation was performed through right and left minithoracotomies and guided by video-assisted endoscopic techniques. The remaining six dogs underwent a video-guided left atrial procedure. Long continuous and transmural lesions were produced using epicardial temperature controlled radiofrequency energy delivered according to a simplified maze approach. Transmural lesions were demonstrated at the end of the study by examination of the heart. Sustained atrial fibrillation was still inducible after the right atrial ablation but sustained atrial fibrillation could not be induced following left atrial ablation. In acute canine studies: (1) epicardial radiofrequency catheter ablation of the atria is feasible using video-assisted endoscopic techniques; (2) ablation extended or confined to the left atrium appears to be effective in preventing the inducibility of sustained vagal atrial fibrillation; and (3) ablation of the right atrium alone had no antiarrhythmic effect .  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the effect of the convective cooling of the tip of the ablation electrode during temperature controlled radiofrequency ablation. In vivo two different application sites in the left ventricle of anaesthetised pigs were ablated and in vitro ablation was performed during two different flow-velocities in a tissue bath, while electrode contact pressure and position were unchanged. Target temperature was 80 °C. Obtained tip temperature, power consumption and lesion dimensions were measured. In vivo lesion volume, depth and width were found significantly larger for septal applications than apical applications (p<0.01) and more power was used (p<0.001). Obtained tip temperature was significantly lower in the septal applications (p<0.001). In vitro increased convective cooling by induction of flow yielded larger lesion volume, depth and width (p<0.01), and had higher power consumptions (p<0.01). Obtained tip temperature did not differ significantly. For the given chosen target temperature power consumption was positively related to lesion volume (r= 0.66 in vivo and 0.65 in vitro), whereas obtained tip temperature was not (r = - 0.49 in vivo and - 0.61 in vitro). We conclude that during temperature controlled radiofrequency ablation lesion size differs for septal and apical left ventricular applications. Differences in convective cooling might play an important role in this respect. This is supported by our in vitro experiments, where increased convective cooling by induction of a flow around the electrode tip increases lesion dimensions and power consumptions. Furthermore we conclude that for the given target temperature the power consumption is positively correlated with lesion volume (p<0.001), whereas the obtained tip temperature is not.  相似文献   

Recently, radiofrequency (RF) energy has been used as an alternative energy source to direct-current (DC) electricity for catheter ablation of recurrent tachyarrhythmias. Since delivered energy is inversely related to impedance, factors that cause impedance rise during catheter ablation impede the ability to ablate tissue. To elucidate some of the factors responsible for impedance rise during RF (750 kHz) catheter ablation using a constant voltage RF generator, the effects of the following variables on impedance were studied in an in vitro bovine heart model: power setting (10-70 W), pulse duration (10-60 sec), catheter contact pressure (5-120 gm), repeated applications (2-4), and immersion media (saline vs citrated blood). Baseline impedance in blood was twice that of saline (190 vs 80 ohm) and rises in impedances occurred more rapidly in blood for the same energy settings. Increased power settings (greater than or equal to 30 W) and pulse duration (greater than or equal to 30 sec at 20 W) were associated with impedance rises in blood medium. Typically, impedance rises in blood were associated with blood coagulum on the catheter electrodes. Impedance rises in both saline and blood media were also associated with tissue charring and endocardial surface disruption. Once a rise in impedance occurred at the ablation site, repeated applications to the same site resulted in a more rapid rise in impedance. Catheter contact pressure of 80 gm or more also resulted in rapid impedance rise. These data suggest that factors other than set power and duration may also contribute to impedance rises during RF ablation. These findings may have important clinical implications in performing catheter ablation with RF energy.  相似文献   

Two cases are presented where ablation of severely symptomatic ventricular arrhythmias not responding to medical therapy was accomplished with radiofrequency current application. After a routine programmed stimulation protocol, a quadripolar ablation catheter with a 4-mm tip was advanced percutaneously into the left ventricle in one case and into the right ventricle in the second case; and after precise pace mapping, the arrhythmogenic focus was successfully ablated using radiofrequency current. The postablation ambulatory recording revealed virtual eradication of ventricular ectopy in both cases. In conclusion, in severely symptomatic cases of "benign" ventricular arrhythmias, radiofrequency ablation offers an effective therapeutic alternative.  相似文献   

Radiofrequency (RFJ ablation of the His bundle was attempted in 30 consecutive patients with atrial flutter or fibrillation. A 7 French quadripolar catheter with a 4-mm distal electrode was advanced from the right femoral vein (21 patients), or subclavian vein (two patients) and positioned across the tricuspid valve. Adequate His-bundle potentials were obtained in all patients. However, in six patients atrioventricular (AV) block could not be obtained after multiple (mean = 8) applications of RF energy from the conventional right-sided approach. In these patients the same catheter was advanced to record a His potential through a retrograde arterial approach. AV block was created in all patients with one to three applications of RF energy. The duration of the procedure was 22 to 90 minutes for the right-sided approach and 5 to 10 for the left-sided approach (P < 0.005). Subsequently, in seven patients a left-sided approach was used first. One to six applications of RF energy were required to create AV block. The radiation exposure time was 3 to 20 minutes. No complications occurred. Conclusions: RF ablation of the His bundle seems easier using a left-sided than a right-sided approach, reduces procedure and radiation time, and avoids recovery of conduction. These data suggest that a left-sided approach, in spite of requiring arterial catheterization, may be preferable to a right-sided approach.  相似文献   

Thrombus Formation at the Site of Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 55-year-old woman with a history of resected atrial myxoma with residual patched atrial septal defect (ASD) underwent a successful radiofrequency (RF) ablation of reentry atrial tachycardia. She presented with progressive dyspnea 5 days later. Transesophageal echocardiography revealed a 1-cm right atrial mass attached to the intra atrial septum at the ablation site. Repeat study after anticoagulation for 5 weeks showed complete resolution of the thrombus. Thrombus formation at the site of RF ablation is a potential complication that may require aggressive anticoagulation. Patients with patched ASD might be at higher risk.  相似文献   

The physiology of the escape rhythm (ER) and its response to pharmacological modulation under varying autonomic conditions were studied in 48 patients undergoing radiofrequency ablation of the atrioventricular junction (AVJ) for refractory atrial fibrillation. The QRS morphology and cycle length (CL) of the baseline ER were measured 15 minutes postablation. The CL of the ER was measured in response to doses of isoproterenol, atropine, adenosine, lidocaine, and verapamil. The ER QRS was narrow (QRS < 120 ms) in 20 patients and wide (QRS > 120 ms) in 28 patients. Of the 28 patients with wide QRS ER, 11 patients had a new bundle branch block (8 patients new right bundle branch block [RBBB] and 2 patients new left bundle branch block [LBBB]). The ERCL was similar in both narrow and wide ERs (1,593 ± 376 ms and 1,516 ± 296 ms, P = 0.44). In 23 patients receiving isoproterenol infusion, the ER CL decreased with increasing doses from 1 mcg/min to 2 mcg/min (1,378 ± 200 to 1,240 ± 229 ms, P < 0.001), but did not decrease further at 3 mcg/min [1,201 ±192 ms, P = 0.48 vs 2 mg/min). Seven patients received 0.02 mg/kg of atropine, and ER decreased significantly (1,572 ± 408 ms to 1,319 ± 333 ms, P = 0.028). In 30 patients who received intravenous boluses of adenosine (6–18 mg), the ER did not change significantly. In 28 patients who received 150 mg of lidocaine, the ER increased from 1,462 ± 286 ms to 1,715 ± 467 ms (P < 0.001), and one patient developed transient asystole. Nineteen patients received 7.5 mg of verapamil, and the ER did not change (1,488 ± 313 ms to 1,513 ± 666 ms, P = 0.80). There was no significant difference in response to isoproterenol, adenosine, lidocaine, or verapamil between the patients with wide and narrow QRS ERs. We conclude that patients may have stable ERs immediately following AVJ ablation even when a wide complex ER results. The ER is responsive to sympathetic stimulation and vagal blockade. The ER is prolonged after lidocaine but not after verapamil, suggesting response to sodium but not to calcium channel blockade. These data are consistent with an ER originating in the distal compact AV node or proximal His bundle.  相似文献   

This report describes a two phase radiofrequency (TPRF) energy source producing two radiofrequency sinusoidal voltages of similar frequency but different phase angles between three points of wire. When delivered through an orthogonal electrode catheter array (OECA) TPRF energy produces a square-shaped lesion of the area covered by the five electrodes (0.8 cm2). The purposes of the study were: to create square-shaped lesions using TPRF energy; to compare the size of lesions created by single phase radiofrequency (SPRF) to that of TPRF energy; and to study the depth of such lesions and to create lesions of desired size by adjacent placement of the OECA using TPRF energy. Ablations were created in nine isolated bovine hearts using three power settings (10, 20, and 40 watts) and three pulse durations (5, 10, and 20 seconds). Pathological examination was performed to document the length, width, depth, and the microscopic changes of ablations. TPRF energy increases the size of lesion (P less than 0.001) and utilizes less power (P less than 0.008) at the same power setting and pulse duration compared to SPRF energy. This is possibly related to earlier rise in impedance with TPRF compared to SPRF ablations. The largest lesion for both SPRF (0.51 +/- 0.08 cm2) and TPRF (1.03 +/- 0.18 cm2) ablations were observed at 20 watts for 20 seconds. By adjacent placement of the OECA and TPRF energy desired size (6 cm2) lesions were created. There was no significant difference between the depth of SPRF versus TPRF ablations at comparable power setting and pulse duration. Pathological examination revealed the shape of lesions were elliptical or cross-shaped for SPRF and square for TPRF ablations. Microscopic examination revealed coagulation necrosis, edema, and few necrotic cardiac muscle strands. Conclusions: TPRF energy can cause 1.2 cm2 lesions. TPRF compared to SPRF energy causes larger lesions but depth of lesions are not different than SPRF energy at the same power setting and pulse duration. By adjacent placement of OECA and TPRF energy desired size lesion can be created (6 cm2).  相似文献   

Transcatheter ablation of the sinoatrial node with radiofrequency energy (0.6 MHZ, 2.5-5 watts) was performed in 10 dogs under fluoroscopic monitoring and autonomic blockade. Sinus function was previously studied in terms of cycle length, recovery time and atrial activation pattern by catheter mapping. Several discharges (8-22) were applied for variable periods of time (maximum 1 minute). Sinus tachycardia and/or sinus arrest during ablation confirmed correct catheter position. Sinus rhythm was abolished in eight dogs. The ectopic rhythm was atrial in six and AV nodal in two dogs. Ectopic atrial cycle length and recovery time were longer than the baseline sinus values: 724 +/- 321 versus 509 +/- 147, P less than 0.05; 1103 +/- 775 versus 618 +/- 151, P less than 0.05 (values in msec). The study was repeated 10-14 days later in six dogs; three maintained the same atrial rhythm, one persisted in sinus rhythm, and one dog changed from atrial to sinus rhythm, whereas another changed from sinus to atrial rhythm. Gross findings revealed transmural lesions in all dogs, without perforation. Histology in chronic dogs showed sinus cell necrosis and its replacement by granulation tissue. In conclusion: sinus function may be abolished by closed chest radiofrequency ablation.  相似文献   

Predictors of successful elimination of sinoatrial tachycardia (SAT) using radiofrequency current (RFC) were investigated in this report. Within 1991–1996 fourteen patients with SA T were subjected to electrophysiological study and radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA). Ten patients had sinoatrial reentrant tachycardia (SART). and four patients had chronic non-paroxysmal sinoatrial tachycardia (CNPSAT). The RFC (15–30 W, duration 10–30 sec) were applied during tachycardia in case of CNPSAT, and during sinus rhythm (SR) in case of SART. In 3 patients with SART RFC were delivered during tachycardia due to failing of RFC application, delivered during SR. During successful RFC attempts were noted: I). In case of SART-transient development (3–6 sec) of SART (if RFC was delivered during SR), and acceleration of tachycardia rate with following termination of tachycardia (if application ofRFC was performed during tachycardia) 2). In case of CNPSAT-transient development (4–7 sec) of low right atrial (3 patients) or junctional (I patient) rhythm with rapid conversion to SR. All 14 /jatients have been free of tachycardia and have normal sinus node function during follow-up of 8–60 months. We conclude that predictors of successful elimination of SAT are: 1). In case of SART-acceleration of tachycardia rate before termination during RFC application (delivered during tachycardia), and transient development of SART during RFC application (delivered during SR): 2). In case of CNPSAT-transient development of low right atrial or junction rhythm (during application of RFC) with rapid conversion to SR.  相似文献   

Temperature monitoring during RF ablation has been proposed as a means of controlling the creation of the lesion. However, in vivo studies have shown poor correlation between lesion size and catheter tip temperature. Thus, we hypothesized a difference between catheter tip and tissue temperatures during RF catheter ablation, and that this difference may depend on flow passing the ablation site, tip electrode length, and catheter-tissue orientation. In vitro studies were performed using four different ablation catheters (tip electrode length: 2, 4. or 6 mm) with a thermistor or a thermocouple as temperature sensor. Set temperature was 70°C and pulse duration was 30 seconds. Pieces of porcine left ventricle were immersed in a bath of isotonic saline-dextrose solution at 37°C. The ablation catheters were positioned perpendicularly, obliquely, or parallel to the endocardium. A temperature sensor was inserted from the epicardial side and positioned 1 mm beneath the catheter-tissue interface. Experiments were made with a flow of 200 mL/min passing the ablation site or with no flow. The catheter tip and tissue temperatures differed significantly (P < 0.0001) during ablation. This difference increased with time, with flow passing the ablation site, with the length of the tip electrode, and when the catheter was positioned perpendicularly or obliquely to the endocardium as compared to the parallel catheter-tissue orientation (P < 0.05), In conclusion, the tissue temperature may far exceed the catheter tip temperature, and intramyocardial superheating resulting in steam formation and popping may occur despite a relatively low catheter tip temperature. (PACE 1997; 20[Pt. I]:1252-1260)  相似文献   

Transcatheter radiofrequency ablation of the arrhythmia focus was attempted in a 68-year-old patient with recurrent ventricular tachycardia, both spontaneous and inducible by programmed ventricular stimulation despite treatment with multiple antiarrhythmic drugs. The procedure was performed under local anesthetic without complication. The arrhythmia was not inducible immediately following ablation or 5 days later, and during 5 months follow-up there has been no spontaneous recurrence.  相似文献   

Two patients who underwent attempted radiofrequency catheter ablation of an atrioventhcular accessory pathway experienced delayed abolition of pathway conduction. During the procedures there was transient block in the accessory pathway following multiple ablotion attempts at closely spaced sites. Both patients showed evidence of preexcitation at the conclusion of the ablation session but neither showed evidence of accessory pathway conduction during a second electrophysiological study. These observations demonstrate that in patients in whom transient block of the accessory pathway is produced, continued evolution of radiofrequency energy lesions may result in the eventual success of an initially unsuccessful ablation session.  相似文献   

During radiofrequency catheter ablation, steady-state electrode-tissue interface temperatures are reached within 5 seconds. Within the myocardium, however, a much slower temperature rise has been observed in vitro with stabilization after approximately 2 minutes. This discrepancy suggests that tissue temperature rise time depends on distance from the ablation electrode and, thus, that temperature rise measured at the electrode-tissue interface does not correspond with temperature rise within the myocardium. In five beagles, closed-chest radiofrequency catheter ablation was performed in the vicinity of intramural thermocouples. Sequences of 60 seconds, 10- and 25-watt pulses were delivered in the unipolar mode via the 4-mm distal electrode of a 7 French steerable catheter. At all distances > 3 mm from the ablation electrode, the rate of myocardial temperature rise was low: relative rise after 5, 10, 20, and 30 seconds was 22%, 32%, 48%, and 63% of that achieved at 60 seconds, and even then steady-state temperatures had not yet been reached. Temperature rise was faster at sites closer to the ablation electrode. There was no difference in rate of rise between first and second pulses at the same site. A 6% higher myocardial temperature was reached with a second identical pulse at the same site. Tissue temperatures achieved with 25 watts were 2.4 times higher than with a preceding 10-watt pulse at the same ablation site.  相似文献   

Radiofrequency ablation of the atrioventricular conduction system was attempted in a 63-year-old man with drug refractory atrial fibrillation. A total of 5 radiofrequency pulses (750 kHz, power setting: 25-50 W, pulse duration: 9-20 sec) were delivered in a unipolar fashion via the distal electrode of a 7 Fr bipolar electrode catheter without induction of permanent AV block. No direct measurements of current (I) and voltage (U) were made. During the fifth pulse catheter disruption occurred at the interface of the shaft and the proximal electrode. Inspection of the catheter shaft revealed carbonized insulation material indicating overheating of the catheter tip. Overheating was presumably due to an impedance rise with unrecognized clot formation on the distal electrode. This led to progressive melting of insulation material during repeated radiofrequency applications and short circuiting of current flow to the proximal ring electrode that resulted in catheter disruption. This case report is the first to describe a serious complication of radiofrequency ablation. The complication might have been prevented by measurements of U and I, reflecting changes in impedance or by measurements of catheter tip temperature (T). It is concluded that measurements of U, I, and/or T are necessary to control the coagulation process thereby reducing the risk of serious complications during transcatheter radiofrequency ablation.  相似文献   

Skin burns are a rare complication associated with radiofrequency catheter ablation of cardiac arrhythmias. Burns related to the indifferent electrode patch may be severe and result in significant comorbidity. We describe our experience of skin burns and discuss potential predisposing and possible causative factors.  相似文献   

Pacemaker Function During Radiofrequency Ablation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
There are increasing numbers of radiofrequency current ablation procedures being reported. Selected patients have antitachycardia or antibradycardia pacemakers. The pacemaker behavior during and after ablation procedures differs widely. We report on the pacemaker reaction of 25 patients with 13 different devices, most with unipolar electrodes. Sensing failures were observed in 8 (32.0%) and pacing failures in 4 (16.0%) patients. Prolonged pauses and induction of tachyarrhythmias were observed. No pacemaker damage was seen although it is reported by other investigators. We recommend deactivation of implanted generators and an external bipolar pacing electrode. Manufacturers should focus their attention on this problem and protect the generators and their functions for 500 kHz radiofrequency current.  相似文献   

陈秒  江涛  曾玲 《华西医学》2012,(8):1237-1239
目的探讨全胸腔镜下Box Lesion双极射频消融术治疗单纯性房颤的围手术期护理方法与要点。方法对2011年5月-2011年9月拟行全胸腔镜下Box Lesion双极射频消融(双侧肺静脉+左心房后壁隔离)治疗的6例心房纤颤患者,术前做好心理疏通及各项手术准备;术后采取各项对症措施加强呼吸道、心律、引流、疼痛等监测与护理。结果 6例患者均在术后即刻转复为窦性心律,无死亡,无并发症发生,术后7 d均顺利出院。出院后4周复查均为窦性心律。结论全胸腔镜下行Box-lesion双极射频房颤术是治疗单纯性房颤的有效手段,严密的观察及精心护理是手术顺利施行和疾患治愈的重要因素。  相似文献   

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