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Petit 《地学学报》1998,10(3):160-169
To better understand how active deformation localizes within a continental plate in response to extensional and transtensional tectonics, a combined analysis of high-quality gravity (Bouguer anomaly) and seismicity data is presented consisting of about 35000 earthquakes recorded in the Baikal Rift Zone. This approach allows imaging of deformation patterns from the surface down to the Moho. A comparison is made with heat flow variations in order to assess the importance of lithospheric rheology in the style of extensional deformation. Three different rift sectors can be identified. The southwestern rift sector is characterized by strong gravity and topography contrasts marked by two major crustal faults and diffuse seismicity. Heat flow shows locally elevated values, correlated with recent volcanism and negative seismic P-velocity anomalies. Based on earthquake fault plane solutions and on previous stress field inversions, it is proposed that strain decoupling may occur in this area in response to wrench-compressional stress regime imposed by the India–Asia collision. The central sector is characterized by two major seismic belts; the southernmost one corresponds to a single, steeply dipping fault accommodating oblique extension; in the centre of lake Baikal, a second seismic belt is associated with several dip-slip faults and subcrustal thinning at the rift axis in response to orthogonal extension. The northern rift sector is characterized by a wide, low Bouguer anomaly which corresponds to a broad, high topographic dome and seismic belts and swarms. This topography can be explained by lithospheric buoyancy forces possibly linked to anomalous upper mantle. At a more detailed scale, no clear correlation appears between the surficial fault pattern and the gravity signal. As in other continental rifts, it appears that the lithospheric rheology influences extensional basins morphology. However, in the Baikal rift, the inherited structural fabric combined with stress field variations results in oblique rifting tectonics which seem to control the geometry of southern and northeastern rift basins.  相似文献   

The Abu-Dabbab area is characterized by high seismicity and complex tectonic setting; for these facts, a local geodetic network consisting of 11 geodetic benchmarks has been established. The crustal deformation data in this area are collected using the GPS techniques. Five campaigns of GPS measurements have been collected, processed, and adjusted to get the more accurate positions of the GPS stations. The horizontal velocity vectors, the dilatational, the maximum shear strains, and the principal strain rates were estimated. The horizontal velocity varies in average between 3 and 6 mm per year across the network. The results of the deformation analysis indicate a significant contraction and extension across the southern central part of the study area which is characterized by high seismic activity represented by the clustering shape of the microearthquakes that trending ENE. The north and northeastern parts are characterized by small strain rates. This study is an attempt to provide valuable information about the present state of the crustal deformation and its relationship to seismic activity and tectonic setting at the Abu-Dabbab area. The present study is the first work demonstrating crustal deformation monitoring at the Abu-Dabbab area. The time interval is relatively short. Actually, these results are preliminary results. So, the continuity of GPS measurements is needed for providing more information about the recent crustal deformation in that area.  相似文献   

张鐘月  万波  彭虎  田德欣 《世界地质》2020,39(1):176-184
浑河断裂是辽宁省内一条重要的北东向地震构造带,断裂两侧的地球物理重磁场存在差异。通过浑河断裂的区域重力场与磁场研究,认为浑河断裂既控制了深、浅部岩石地层的发育,同时浑河断裂的重力场、磁场分布随着深、浅部地层岩性发育的差异而有所变化。浑河断裂的重力场和磁场梯度带主要位于抚顺以西至沈阳一带,浑河断裂历史以来有记录的最大破坏性地震位于重力梯度变化较大的沈阳段。综合浑河断裂地球物理场特征及区域地质资料,浑河断裂虽然活动性一般,但抚顺地区的采煤活动对断裂的活动性有一定影响。近些年抚顺地区频发的沉降、滑坡和地裂缝等地质灾害应当引起对浑河断裂活动性研究的重视。  相似文献   

In the present study, the Bouguer, aeromagnetic, and seismological data analysis for Nile Delta including the Greater Cairo region and its surroundings was used to examine and trace the tectonic framework for some deep-seated faults (mostly normal faults with a small strike–slip component) and their orientation, on which most earthquakes have occurred. The new tilt derivative (TDR) geophysical map and Euler deconvolution presented here can be used to trace the structural relationships and their depth investigations across the entire region. Generally, most of the Euler deconvolution results especially from the gravity map were well coincided with the location of contacts derived by TDR particularly NNW to NS, EW, and NE trended structures. The depths to the gravity or magnetic sources, and the locations of the contacts of density contrast were estimated. Results of the Euler deconvolution method suggested that, in the southeastern part of the area, the basement could be observed to be shallow and has become deeper beneath the northern part. Furthermore, the resulting structural map of this study is well correlated with previous geological and seismological data analyses. At least two sets of predominant faults are suspected, faults with a NNW strike (Clysmic trend) which are particularly felt in the southern portion of the Delta, and some of them give it the shape of a “graben like structure.” Another parallel set of faults, having NE–SW strike (Pelusium trend), was also obvious in the southern part between Cairo and Suez cities (at Abu Zabal area). The evaluated trending faults (NNW–SSE or NE–SW) are intersecting with predominant major WNW–ESE to E–W (Tethys trend) striking faults. These intersections may generate more additional seismic pulses and consequently increase the seismic activity for these structures. However, minor NW (Najd Fault System) is obvious in the TDR magnetic map, whereas less attendance NS (East African trend) structural trends are evident in the TDR gravity map. Moreover, it could be said that the southeastern portion of the Nile Delta (especially the eastern portion of Greater Cairo) is affected by highly tectonic fault systems. Finally, a new tectonic map was also evaluated from the resulting structural map, which helps to quantify different structural patterns (faults and/or contacts), and their relations with the regional tectonic trends are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study aims mainly to delineate and outline the regional subsurface structural and tectonic framework of the buried basement rocks of Abu El Gharadig Basin, Northern Western Desert, Egypt. The potential field data (Bouguer gravity and total intensity aeromagnetic maps) carried out in the Abu El Gharadig Basin had been analyzed together with other geophysical and geological studies. The execution of this study is initiated by transformation of the total intensity aeromagnetic data to the reduced to pole (RTP) magnetic map. This is followed by applying several transformation techniques and various filtering processes through qualitative and quantitative analyses on both of the gravity and magnetic data. These techniques include the qualitative interpretation of gravity, total intensity magnetic and RTP magnetic maps. Regional–residual separation is carried out using the power spectrum. Also, the analytic signal and second vertical derivative techniques are applied to delineate the hidden anomalies. Aeromagnetic anomalies in the area reflect significant features on the basement tectonics, on the deep-seated structures and on the shallow-seated ones. Major faults and intrusions in the area are indicated to be mainly along the NE–SW, NW–SE, ENE–WSW and E–W directions. The Bouguer gravity map indicates major basement fracturing, as well as variations in the sedimentary basins and ridges and subsequent tectonic disturbances. The most obvious anomalous trends on the gravity map, based on their frequencies and amplitudes, are along the NE–SW, ENE–WSW, E–W and NW–SE trends. The main of Abu EL Gharadig Basin depositional center does not show sharp variations, because of the homogeneity of the marine rocks and the great basement depths.  相似文献   

Holocene right-slip along the central segment of the Panamint Valley totals 20 m and dip-slip is somewhat less. The most recent offset, about 2 m right-slip, probably occurred at least several hundred years ago. If a comparable amount of slip occurred during earlier earthquakes, mean seismic recurrence intervals would have been about 700–2500 years during the Holocene.  相似文献   

In this work, we present a reconnaissance study to elucidate and delineate subsurface fault structures for an active tectonics area that lies between Cairo and El Fayoum provinces and consider major sources of seismicity in Egypt. Well logging, aeromagnetic, land magnetic, and magnetotelluric data have been used. The well-logging data were used for several drilled wells along W–E direction. The magnetic data were analyzed using trend analysis, 3D magnetic modeling, and Werner deconvolution techniques. The magnetotelluric data were interpreted using 2D (TM–TE) modeling techniques. The results show that there are eight major fault structures having E–W, N–S, and NW–SE directions. These faults extend downward for about 20 km at the Dahshour and Qatrani areas. The epicenter sources of the earthquakes are clustering around the intersections of these structures. The Kattaniya horst structure has been interpreted as a regional structure that exceeds the limits previously determined by geologists. The depth to this horst reaches about 1.8 km at the NW and more than 4.3 km at the southern parts. The interpreted values of magnetic susceptibility at the horst zone indicate that they are ultrabasic/basic intrusion bodies.  相似文献   

东至断裂带是皖西南一条重要的北北东向断裂带。详细的构造解析表明,该断裂带主要经过3期构造变形,分别是发生在晚侏罗世末—早白垩世初的左行平移断层、早白垩世期间的伸展构造和晚白垩世—新生代的右行平移断层。通过断层擦痕矢量反演和断层叠加改造关系分析,认为东至断裂带及其两侧多期构造变形对应的区域应力场分别为近南北向挤压、北北西—南南东向挤压、北西—南东向伸展和近东西向挤压应力场。东至断裂带的形成和演化与郯庐断裂带相似,主要与华南与华北板块俯冲碰撞、伊泽奈崎板块和古太平洋板块向欧亚板块俯冲碰撞与弧后扩张、及印度板块向北碰撞后产生向东的构造挤出等多构造体制共同作用有关。  相似文献   

《Journal of Structural Geology》1999,21(8-9):1027-1038
Large normal faults are corrugated. Corrugations appear to form from overlapping or en échelon fault arrays by two breakthrough mechanisms: lateral propagation of curved fault-tips and linkage by connecting faults. Both mechanisms include localized fault-parallel extension and eventual abandonment of relay ramps. These breakthrough mechanisms produce distinctive hanging wall and footwall geometries indicative of fault system evolution. From such geometries, we can estimate the positions of tilted relay ramps or ramp segments and ramp internal deformation in incompletely exposed or poorly imaged fault systems. We examine the evolution of normal fault corrugations at Fish Slough (California), Yucca Mountain (Nevada), and Pleasant Valley (Nevada), in the Basin and Range province. We discuss how evolution of the Pleasant Valley and Yucca Mountain systems relates to seismicity. For example, the 1915 Pleasant Valley earthquake produced four en échelon ruptures that appeared as overlapping segments of a single immature fault at depth. At Yucca Mountain, we argue that an en échelon array, which includes the Solitario Canyon and Iron Ridge faults, should be considered a single source, such that western Yucca Mountain could experience up to a Mw 6.9 earthquake compared to Mw 6.6 estimates for the largest individual segment.  相似文献   

秦岭商丹断裂带的构造样式与变形分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
商丹断裂带作为扬子板块与华北板块的缝合带,在秦岭造山带中占据重要的地位。对其进行精细的构造研究,是了解扬子板块与华北板块相互作用过程的关键。研究工作在商丹断裂带东段展开,对该带进行了详细的野外观察、显微构造观察、糜棱岩化过程中温度的估算、有限应变测量、差异应力的计算以及糜棱岩化过程中运动学涡度的计算。变形温压条件指示糜棱岩形成于中-高绿片岩相到低角闪岩相变质条件。差异应力计算结果指示商丹带具备大型构造动力特征。涡度分析表明该断裂带的变形以纯剪切作用占据主导作用,但包含有简单剪切的分量,从而证明了扬子板块与华北板块之间具有以碰撞挤压为主的斜向汇聚方式。  相似文献   

为了探索GPS和跨断层地壳形变数据联合反演效果,本文以鲜水河断裂为研究对象,利用1999~2007期,2009~2013期和2013~2017期中国大陆GPS水平速度场数据,使用贝叶斯反演方法,以跨断层数据为先验条件,估算了川滇菱形块体东边界(主要为鲜水河断裂)的断层运动速率。发现增加跨断层数据后,反演图像的近场和远场速率区别更加显著,不同期次的断层活动速率表现出明显的差异。但是,本方法在震前效果并不明显,尤其是在汶川地震前部分跨断层场地的逆向走滑特征很难表现出来,对于地震预测预报也很难起到优势作用,但从反演效果上来看,可以更直观的反映断层在近场和远场上的速率差异以及地震后断层运动速率的分段特征。最终根据上述研究方法认为鲜水河断裂带在汶川地震后,经过多年的应力调整,目前左旋走滑速率已经基本恢复到震前状态,鲜水河断裂南段持续拉张趋势,川滇菱形块体的顺时针旋转作用持续加强,鲜水河断裂的道孚段和磨西段存均在一定的走滑速率亏损,应注意这两个地区的地震危险性,以及这两个地区地震危险的关联性。  相似文献   

文章统计分析了金川矿区内地层和侵入体中的节理构造,对矿区内的共轭剪节理进行配套、分期,综合区域构造演化史后分析了矿区构造应力场。研究表明,金川矿区从新太古代到古生代至少受到4期古构造应力的作用。第一期构造应力场为NS向的挤压,由阴山陆块与鄂尔多斯陆块碰撞形成华北古陆西部陆块引起。第二期构造应力场为NE-SW向的挤压,与华北克拉通东、西陆块碰撞拼合并参与Columbia超大陆拼合事件有关;其后阿拉善陆块与华南陆块参与Rodinia超大陆拼合事件,应力场持续作用。第三期构造应力场为近NS向的挤压,由祁连洋不断向北俯冲引起。第四期构造应力场为NNE-SSW向的挤压,与祁连造山带发生的强烈造山运动有关。  相似文献   

The aim of the present work is to evaluate the stress direction and the tectonic trends of the study area using magnetic anisotropy and potential field data interpretations (Bouguer and aeromagnetic). The specific objective of the gravity and aeromagnetic interpretation is to establish the trend and depth of the structural configuration of the basement rocks. Horizontal gradient techniques could to delineate directions of deep sources and enabled tracing several faults, lineaments and tectonic boundaries of basement rocks. The trend analysis shows N40°?C50°W, N10°?C20°W and N10°?C20°E which may be related to the Gulf of Suez, Red Sea and Gulf of Aqaba stresses. However, Euler Deconvolution technique was applied using the aeromagnetic data to provide reliable information about penetrated source depth (100 m and ??10.0 km) and trends of the subsurface sources (principally in NW and NE directions). Moreover, representative 72 oriented rock samples have been collected from seven sites in the study area. The rock magnetic properties and magnetic anisotropy analysis have been determined for all the studied samples. The interpretation clearly defined magnetic lineation at all sites and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) parameters. The stress direction of the studied area has been evaluated using magnetic anisotropy and geophysical analysis. Generally the estimated geophysical data analysis (Bouguer and aeromagnetic) are well consistent with the AMS interpretations of this study. The results indicated that the directions of predominant faults and foliations are NW-SE (related to the Gulf of Suez and Red Sea rifting) which indicate that the main stress and tectonic trend is NE-SW, which is more predominant in southern Sinai region. Moreover, it is clear that, the studied area was affected also by less predominant sources trended in NE-SW direction, which related to the tectonic activity of Gulf of Aqaba. The least predominant is north 40°?C50° east that is probably due to the Syrian Arc system. Finally, our results are extremely coincided with the previous stress directions derived from geological, seismological and tectonic analysis in northern Red Sea rift, Gulf of Suez and Sinai regions.  相似文献   

A critical need exists for site-specific hydrogeologic data in order to determine potential hazards of induced seismicity and to manage risk. By 2015, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) had identified 17 locations in the USA that are experiencing an increase in seismicity, which may be potentially induced through industrial subsurface injection. These locations span across seven states, which vary in geological setting, industrial exposure and seismic history. Comparing the research across the 17 locations revealed patterns for addressing induced seismicity concerns, despite the differences between geographical locations. Most induced seismicity studies evaluate geologic structure and seismic data from areas experiencing changes in seismic activity levels, but the inherent triggering mechanism is the transmission of hydraulic pressure pulses. This research conducted a systematic review of whether data are available in these locations to generate accurate hydrogeologic predictions, which could aid in managing seismicity. After analyzing peer-reviewed research within the 17 locations, this research confirms a lack of site-specific hydrogeologic data availability for at-risk areas. Commonly, formation geology data are available for these sites, but hydraulic parameters for the seismically active injection and basement zones are not available to researchers conducting peer-reviewed research. Obtaining hydrogeologic data would lead to better risk management for injection areas and provide additional scientific evidential support for determining a potentially induced seismic area.  相似文献   

The average seismic strain rate is estimated for the seismotectonic zone of the northern/central parts of the Gulf of Suez. The principal strain rate tensor and velocity tensor were derived from a combination of earthquake focal mechanisms data and seismic moment of small-sized earthquakes covering a time span of 13 years (1992–2004). A total of 17 focal mechanism solutions have been used in the calculation of the moment tensor summation. The local magnitudes (MLs) of these events range from 2.8 to 4.7. The analysis indicates that the dominant mode of deformation in the central and northern parts of the Gulf of Suez is extension at a rate of 0.008 mm/year in N28°E direction and a small crustal thinning of 0.0034 mm/year. This low level of strain means that this zone experienced a little seismic deformation. There is also a right lateral shear motion along the ESE–WNW direction. This strain pattern is consistent with the predominant NW–SE normal faulting and ESE–WNW dextral transtensive faults in this zone. Comparing the results obtained from both stress and strain tensors, we find that the orientations of the principal axes of both tensors have the same direction with a small difference between them. Both tensors show a predominantly extensional domain. The nearly good correspondence between principal stress and strain orientations in the area suggests that the tectonic strength is relatively uniform for this crustal volume.  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - A low-to medium-grade metamorphic belt of a volcano-sedimentary succession occurs in the eastern side of South Sinai as a part of the northernmost...  相似文献   

An analysis of the possible relationship between fractal dimensions of the active fault network, spatial distribution of earthquake epicenters, and parameter b in the Gutenberg-Richter law is presented. The quantitative characteristics of self-similarity of the seismic process and the active fault network of seismically active areas of Eurasia are obtained. This self-similarity manifests itself over a range of at least two orders of spatial scales and magnitudes. The obtained estimations of the fractal dimensions of the fault network D f and epicenter field D e are close for all the areas analyzed. It is established that the average value connecting values D and b for all the investigated areas is slightly higher than the theoretical value (2.0) and varies within the range of 1.7–2.4.  相似文献   

The Hammam Faroun has a particular importance due to its geothermal activity which constitutes the main geothermal resource of Egypt. The area is located on the Sinai Peninsula, a subplate bounded by two seismically active structural zones along the Gulf of Suez and Gulf of Aqaba. High-resolution ground-based gravity and magnetic data are available for the entire Hammam Faroun area, acquired as part of a national project to explore for mineral, geothermal, and hydrocarbon resources. Gravity and magnetic data were analyzed using Source Edge Detection and Source Parameter Imaging (SPI) techniques to image subsurface structures. These analyses show that the area is characterized by a set of northwest-striking faults lying parallel to the Gulf of Suez. Orthogonal patterns are also present, possibly related to rifting of the Gulf of Suez. Depth analysis using the SPI method indicates that surface faults extend to 5-km depth. Analysis of potential-field data elucidates the structurally complex subsurface structure of the Hammam Faroun area.  相似文献   

论述了浙江煤山地区NNE向平移-逆冲断裂的几何学、运动学特征,并用方解石e双晶求得平移-逆冲断裂构造岩形成时的差异应力为100~200MFa,变形温度为150~220℃。扬子地块中生代时存在大型陆内造山事件,其动力来源推测为欧亚大陆与太平洋板块碰撞所产生的巨大挤压-剪切应力。  相似文献   

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