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Blubber samples of 72 minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) were obtained from the northeast Atlantic in July and August 1992, and evaluated for organochlorine contamination. The following organochlorines were determined: the industrial chemicals PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), and the organochlorine pesticides DDTs (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes), HCHs (hexachlorocyclohexaneb), HCB (hexachlorobenzene) and CHLs (chlordanes). The concentrations of SigmaPCB (sum of concentrations of 18 PCB congeners) and SigmaDDT (sum of concentrations of p,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDE, p,p'-DDD, o,p'-DDT and o,p'-DDD) ranged from 0.6-20.8 and 0.5-14.8 microg g(-1) lipid weight, with mean concentrations at 3.8 and 2.5 microg g(-1) lipid weight, respectively. The mean concentrations of HCB, the chlordane metabolites oxychlordane, cis-chlordane and trans-nonachlor, and the HCH isomers (alpha-, beta- and gamma-HCH) were all < 1 microg g(-1) lipid weight. Significantly higher concentrations of the three major pollutants (SigmaPCB, SigmaDDT and SigmaCHL) were found in mature males as compared to mature females and juveniles of both sexes. No such relationship was found for SigmaHCH and HCB. Stomach contents of northeast Atlantic minke whales indicate considerable heterogeneity in the diet when comparing different years, seasons and geographical areas. However, without knowing more about the minke whale migration pattern, or possible geographical segregation with age and sex, the interchemical variation of organochlorines between sampling areas may not reflect true geographical differences.  相似文献   

Regional variation in PCBs and organochlorine (OC) pesticide concentrations was examined using the blubber of 155 minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) sampled in seven regions in the North Atlantic and European Arctic, including western and southeastern Greenland, the Norwegian Sea, the North Sea and the Barents Sea. The levels and relative proportions of OCs were also used to examine the boundaries for North Atlantic minke whale stocks previously defined by the International Whaling Commission (IWC). Concentrations of major OC groups (sigmaPCB, 89.1-22 800 ng/g lipid; sigmaDDT, 65.3-6280 ng/g lipid; sigmaCHL, 33.3-2110 ng/g lipid) generally increased from west to east, while HCH concentrations (sigmaHCH, < 1-497 ng/g lipid) showed the opposite trend. Statistical comparison between six regions using sex-adjusted least squared mean concentrations showed that minke whales from the Barents Sea had significantly higher concentrations of EPCBs than those from the Vestfjorden/Lofoten, the North Sea, and west Svalbard, as well as significantly higher sigmaDDT concentrations compared to west Greenland animals. The differences in concentrations suggest that west and southeast Greenland minkes may represent one group of whales, which are distinct from both the Jan Mayen minkes and those from other IWC defined stocks in northern European waters. Principal components analysis using proportions of 71 PCB congeners and 20 OC pesticides (of total OCs) did not reveal any major differences among groups although minkes from the North Sea were distinguished from those from Greenland waters by higher loadings of more highly chlorinated PCBs and recalcitrant OC pesticides. The general similarity in mean levels of sigmaPCBs, sigmaDDT and sigmaCHL, as well as mean principal components analysis scores, among minkes sampled at Jan Mayen, Svalbard, Vestfjorden/Lofoten, the North Sea and the Barents Sea suggests that the whales are quite mobile and may feed in multiple areas within the northeastern Atlantic.  相似文献   

Persistent organochlorines such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), DDTs, chlordane compounds (CHLs), hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) were determined in the blubber of minke whale and its diet collected from the Antarctic and the North Pacific Oceans. Residue levels of these compounds (except HCB) in minke whale from the Antarctic were apparently lower than those from the North Pacific. This is due to the lower levels of these pollutants in the southern hemisphere than in the northern hemisphere and the specific feeding habit of the minke whale from the Antarctic which feeds on lower trophic organisms, primarily euphausiids. The north-south difference for HCB residue levels was small, reflecting its dispersible nature through long-range atmospheric transport. Compositions of DDT and CHL compounds in minke whale from the Antarctic were similar to those from the North Pacific. However, the composition of HCH isomers was different between the Antarctic and the North Pacific as was observed in their diet, suggesting a larger or on-going usage of lindane in the southern hemisphere countries. In minke whale from the Antarctic, the elevated level of PCBs residues was noted during a period of 1984 to 1993, implying a continuous discharge of PCBs in the southern hemisphere. A similar discharge was also suggested in the North Pacific, while a decreasing contamination by DDTs was apparent.  相似文献   

Concentrations of cadmium, copper and zinc have been analyzed in muscle, liver and kidney tissues of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) from two locations in the North Atlantic, Iceland and Spain. The concentrations of zinc in the muscle and that of cadmium in the liver and the kidney were significantly higher in fin whales from Iceland. Other differences between whales from the two areas concern the dynamics of cadmium in the organism. These findings support the hypothesis that fin whales from the two sites belong to different stocks and that cadmium in the organism can be used as a complementary tool in studies of population identity.  相似文献   

Blubber samples of Indo-Pacific bottlenose (Tursiops aduncus) and spinner (Stenella longirostris) dolphins from Zanzibar, East Africa, were analyzed for a wide range of organohalogen compounds. Methoxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers (MeO-BDEs), presumably biogenic, were found at higher concentrations than anthropogenic organochlorine pesticides (OCPs). Only traces of industrial pollutants, such as polychlorinated biphenyls, were detected. The OCP levels found off Zanzibar were lower than those reported from other regions while MeO-BDE levels were higher. The relative composition of the OCPs indicated recent use of lindane (γ-hexachlorocyclohexane) and aged residues of DDT and technical HCH. Placental transfer was estimated to 2.5% and 0.5% of the total burden of OCPs and MeO-BDEs, respectively. Overall transfer from mother to calf in Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins was estimated to 72% and 85% for the OCPs and MeO-BDEs burdens, respectively. Health effects of MeO-BDEs are not known, but structural similarities with well-known environmental toxins are cause for concern.  相似文献   

Atmospheric sampling of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) was conducted using Semi Permeable Membrane Devices (SPMDs) deployed in the Alps at different altitudinal transects for two consecutive exposure periods of half a year and a third simultaneous year-long period. Along all the altitude profiles, the sequestered amounts of OCPs increased in general with altitude. SPMDs were still working as kinetic samplers after half a year for the majority of the OCPs. However, compounds with the lowest octanol-air partition coefficient (Koa), reached equilibrium within six months. This change in the SPMD uptake was determined for the temperature gradient along the altitude profile influencing Koa, OCPs availability in the gaseous phase, and SPMD performance. In sum, it seems two effects are working in parallel along the altitude profiles: the change in SPMD performance and the different availability of OCPs along the altitudinal transects determined by their compound properties and concentrations in air.  相似文献   


Persistent organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) such as DDT and its metabolites (DDDs and DDEs), chlordane, hexachlorobenzene (HCB), heptachlor and endosulfan were determined in drinking-, ground-, surface- and marine waters from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Percentage recoveries of the OCPs from spiked river water ranged from 71.03 ± 8.15% (dieldrin) to 101.25 ± 2.17% (α-BHC). The levels of OCPs ranged from 5.5 ng/L (2,4-DDD) to 160 ng/L (HCB) in the water samples. Some endocrine disrupting OCPs such as DDT, DDE, heptachlor, endosulfan and chlordane were detected.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and DDT compounds were determined in subcutaneous blubber of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) and striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) from the Mediterranean Sea. From 1990 to 1993, 68 fin whale and 89 dolphin blubber biopsies were analysed. The whales were sampled while passing through the Ligurian Sea, whereas the dolphins were collected in different areas of the Mediterranean: the Ligurian, Tyrrhenian and Ionian Seas. Total PCBs and DDTs were 5.5-7.1 ppm and 4.2-9.5 ppm, respectively, in the whales and 15.5-86.0 ppm and 15.6-63.5 ppm, respectively, in the dolphins. Thirty PCB congeners were identified for each sample, IUPAC numbers 153, 138, 187, 180 and 170 being the most abundant, totalling an average of 55% of total PCBs in the whale and 60% in the dolphin. The large differences in accumulation are related to position in the food chain. In striped dolphins significant differences were found in relation to sampling site, and in fin whales in relation to sex.  相似文献   

Akshayya Shete  V.R. Gunale  G.G. Pandit   《Chemosphere》2009,76(11):1483-1485
This paper examines the concentration levels of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) such as hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) (α, β and γ), Aldrin, Endosulfan (α, β), DDE, DDD, and DDT in the leaf, root and sediment part of Avicennia marina, a dominantly distributed mangrove species in Mumbai. The overall pattern of accumulation of OCPs was observed as ∑HCH > ∑DDT > ∑Endosulfan > Aldrin. The occurrence of αHCH was found to be frequent in all the samples. The leaf and root samples showed better uptake of organochlorine pesticides whereas lower concentration levels of OCPs was observed in case of sediment samples. The mean concentration of OCPs was observed highest in case of root samples. This study indicated towards the capability of A. marina in bioaccumulation of the OCPs. The present data will serve as the baseline against which future study of OCPs uptake in the mangrove plant species may be assessed.  相似文献   

Santhi VA  Hairin T  Mustafa AM 《Chemosphere》2012,86(10):1066-1071
A study to assess the level of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and bisphenol A (BPA) in edible marine biota collected from coastal waters of Malaysia was conducted using GC-MS and SPE extraction. An analytical method was developed and validated to measure the level of 15 OCPs and BPA simultaneously from five selected marine species. It was observed that some samples had low levels of p,p′-DDE, p,p′-DDT and p,p′- DDD ranging from 0.50 ng g−1 to 22.49 ng g−1 dry weight (d.w) but significantly elevated level of endosulfan I was detected in a stingray sample at 2880 ng g−1 d.w. BPA was detected in 31 out of 57 samples with concentration ranging from below quantification level (LOQ: 3 ng g−1) to 729 ng g−1 d.w. The presence of OCPs is most likely from past use although there is also indication of illegal use in recent times. The study also reveals that BPA is more widely distributed in coastal species caught off the coast of the most developed state. The potential health risk from dietary intakes of OCPs and BPA from the analysed fish species was negligible.  相似文献   

Atuma SS  Bergh A  Nilsson I  Aune M 《Chemosphere》2000,41(4):517-520
Three toxaphene congeners have been determined in salmon from the Swedish coastal environment using both supercritical fluid (SFE) and the traditional liquid/liquid extractions. The levels obtained using a modifier-free SFE technique, followed by group separation on a silica gel column, were by far much lower than concentrations obtained by SFE with a modifier or liquid/liquid extraction. The mean concentrations on fresh weight basis using a liquid/liquid extraction technique were 5.87, 8.70 and 1.59 microg/kg for CHBs 26, 50 and 62, respectively. There was a plausible relationship between the various fishing sites and the toxaphene levels.  相似文献   

Uptake of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls from soil and air into radishes was measured at a heavily contaminated field site. The highest contaminant concentrations were found for DDT and its metabolites, and for β-hexachlorocyclohexane. Bioconcentration factor (BCF, defined as a ratio between the contaminant concentration in the plant tissue and concentration in soil) was determined for roots, edible bulbs and shoots. Root BCF values were constant and not correlated to log KOW. A negative correlation between BCF and log KOW was found for edible bulbs. Shoot BCF values were rather constant and varied between 0.01 and 0.22. Resuspended soil particles may facilitate the transport of chemicals from soil to shoots. Elevated POP concentrations found in shoots of radishes grown in the control plot support the hypothesis that the uptake from air was more significant for shoots than the one from soil. The uptake of POPs from air was within the range of theoretical values predicted from log KOA.  相似文献   

Xu R  Wu J  Liu Y  Zhao R  Chen B  Yang M  Chen J 《Chemosphere》2011,84(7):908-912
The Quick Easy Cheap Effective Rugged and Safe multiresidue method (QuEChERS) has been validated for the extraction of 15 organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in completely different matrices of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The method employed a rapid, simple and cost-effective procedure. The spiking levels for the recovery experiments were 0.1, 0.5 and 2.0 mg kg−1. Mean recoveries mostly ranged between 76.0% and 114.0% (96.0% on average), and relative standard deviations (RSD) were generally below 10% (4.72% on average). Based on these results, the methodology has been proven to be highly efficient and robust and thus suitable for monitoring the MRL compliance of a wide range of commodity. The contamination status of 15 OCPs on 80 different TCMs marketed in China, and a total of 400 samples were also performed using a previously validated method. 15 OCPs were benzene hexachloride (BHC, including α-BHC, β-BHC, γ-BHC, δ-BHC), hexachlorobenzene, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, aldrin, p, p′-DDE, p, p′-DDD, o, p′-DDT, p, p′-DDT, mirex, endrin, dieldrin. This study indicates that the proposed method is useful for analyzing OCPs in TCM.  相似文献   

The content of 21 organochlorine pesticides were studied in vegetation samples of a highly contaminated area by isomers of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) located close to a former industrial area in Galicia (NW Spain). Five species of plants were collected at different points of the contaminated area and the different parts of the plants were separated in order to study differences in accumulation capabilities. Samples were extracted employing microwave energy followed by a clean-up step using solid phase extraction and finally determined by GC–ECD. The results obtained show that the most abundant pesticides are HCHs isomers, being the main isomers β-HCH and -HCH in all samples whereas δ-HCH and γ-HCH were at lower levels. Some other pesticides such as p,p′-DDT, p,p′-DDD and p,p′-DDE were also present in much lower amount in some of the samples. Several degradation products of HCH were also identified in some samples by GC–MS.  相似文献   

Six years (1998–2003) of measurements of ambient air concentrations of total suspended particulate (TSP) measured at a rural background monitoring station in Tenerife (Canary Islands), the El Río station (ER, 28°08′35″N, 16°39′20″W, 500 m a.s.l.) were studied. African dust outbreaks were objectively identified using a new quantitative tool, called the African Index. This index indicates the percentage of time that an air mass remained over an African region at one of three possible height intervals of the lower troposphere. After identifying these episodes, a study of the background TSP levels at the ER station and of direct and indirect (those which cause vertical deposition of dust) African air mass intrusion impacts was performed. Taking into account both direct and indirect episodes, a total of 322 days of African dust intrusion were objectively identified (a mean of 54 episodes per year) in the period 1998–2003, some of them caused by “transition episodes” or “return African air masses”. A subjective method confirmed that 256 of these days were caused by direct impacts of African dust on the ER station. A mean TSP value of 21.6 μg m−3 was found at the station during this period. All the episodes occurred when the TSP concentration was >28.5 μg m−3. The TSP background (14 μg m−3) can be assumed to be representative of the MBL of the Eastern North Atlantic subtropical region. The highest number of dust gravitational settlement (or indirect) episodes occurs in summer, but the highest contribution of these episodes to the TSP levels is in March with a monthly mean TSP contribution of up to 30.5 μg m−3.  相似文献   

The population of the Spanish archipelago of the Canary Islands has been studied in depth regarding its levels of contamination by organochlorine pesticides (OCs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Foodstuffs of animal origin, such as milk, are prominent contributors to the body burden of these contaminants. As this population presents one of the highest milk-intake in Spain and Europe, we evaluated the level of OCs and PCBs in 26 commercially available brands of milk (16 conventional and 10 organic brands) present in the market of these Islands, in order to estimate the relevance of milk as a source of these chemicals for the Canary population. Our findings showed that hexachlorobenzene, trans-chlordane, and PCB153 were present in almost all the samples with independence of the type of milk. For both types of milks, the concentration of OCs was very low, showing organic milks lower levels than conventional ones. As a consequence, the estimated daily intake for OCs was lower than the tolerable daily intake (TDI) established by International Agencies. The levels of PCBs in milk were also found to be very low, but, in this case, the situation was the opposite: there were higher levels of PCBs in organic than in conventional brands of milk. Unexpectedly, levels of dioxin-like PCBs (DL-PCBs) reached values higher than 25 pg WHO-TEQ g−1 fat in percentile 75 for both types of milk indicating the existence of a number of brands of milk highly contaminated by these toxicants. Consequently, the population who consume the most contaminated milk brands could have estimated daily intakes well above the recommended TDI (2 pg WHO-TEQ kg−1 b.w. d−1) established by European Union Authorities. These results are of concern if we consider the well known adverse health effects exerted by dioxin-like compounds.  相似文献   

Thirty persistent organohalogen compounds including organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were determined in breast milk samples (n = 36) of primipara and multipara mothers from Bizerte in 2010. The analytical procedure involved the application of liquid-liquid extraction and gas chromatography with electron capture detector (GC-ECD) or mass spectrometry detector (GC-MS) for identification and quantification. Organohalogen compounds were found in all the analyzed samples, with predominance of p,p′-DDE, p,p′-DDT, p,p′-DDD, HCB and PCBs. The mean concentration of ∑DDTs in breast milk was 1163.9 ng g−1 lipid wt. The ratio of p,p′-DDE/p,p′-DDT was low, suggesting that there is fresh intake of commercial DDT products in Bizerte. The mean levels of HCB and PCB were 286.8 and 331.2 ng g−1 lipid wt respectively. These results were compared with the levels obtained in a previous study carried out in the same area in 2003. A general decrease of ∑DDTs levels and an increase of PCB levels were observed. Among the 10 PBDE congeners evaluated, BDE-28, BDE-47, BDE-99, BDE-66, BDE-138, BDE-100, BDE-154, BDE-153, and BDE-183 were detected in the analyzed samples at different frequency. The total PBDE concentrations ranged from 2.5 to 22.6 ng g−1 lipid wt in the samples, with a mean and median value of 10.7 and 9.8 ng g−1 lipid wt respectively. To our knowledge, this is the first data of PBDEs in Tunisian human milk. The present study shows that age and parity are factors influencing the levels of some organohalogen compounds in human milk.  相似文献   

Harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) and harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) were found to differ in the ability to metabolize polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). Biomagnification factors (BMFs), calculated between both predators and their prey (sole - Solea solea and whiting - Merlangius merlangus), had a large range of variation (between 0.5 and 91 for PCBs and between 0.6 and 53 for PBDEs). For the higher chlorinated PCBs and the highest brominated PBDEs, the BMF values in adult males were significantly higher than in the juvenile individuals of both species. BMF values of hexa- to octa-PCBs were the highest, suggesting reduced ability to degrade these congeners. Harbour porpoises had higher BMFs for lower chlorinated PCBs and for all PBDEs compared to harbour seals. Other factors, which may influence biomagnification, such as the octanol-water partition coefficients and the trophic level position measured through stable isotope (δ15N) analysis, were found to be of lesser importance to predict biomagnification in the studied food chain.  相似文献   

Fifty fish samples were collected from the Pearl River estuary (PRE) and Daya Bay, South China and were analyzed for DDTs, HCHs, chlordanes and polybrominated biphenyl ethers (PBDEs). Except the high concentrations of DDT observed in fishes, the concentrations of HCHs, chlordanes and PBDEs were low when compared to other regions. BDE-47 was the predominant PBDE congener and the BDE-209 concentrations were relatively low, despite its high concentration in surface sediments. The absence of significant increase of DDT, HCH, chlordane and PBDE concentrations towards higher delta15N values, as well as the lack of a significant correlation (p<0.1) between log concentrations (lipid normalized) and delta15N, may indicate a weak biomagnification of these chemicals in the food webs. Good agreement was observed between their concentrations and lipid contents of the organisms. Bioconcentration was suggested to be responsible for the accumulation of OCPs and PBDEs in the lower trophic organisms in the studied subtropical waters.  相似文献   

Soil and atmospheric concentrations, dry deposition and soil-air gas exchange of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) were investigated at an industrial site in Aliaga, Izmir, Turkey. Current-use pesticides, endosulfan and chlorpyrifos, had the highest atmospheric levels in summer and winter. Summertime total (gas + particle) OCP concentrations in air were higher, probably due to increased volatilization at higher temperatures and seasonal local/regional applications of current-use pesticides. Particle deposition fluxes were generally higher in summer than in winter. Overall average dry particle deposition velocity for all the OCPs was 4.9 ± 4.1 cm s−1 (average ± SD). ΣDDXs (sum of p,p′-DDT, p,p′-DDD, and p,p′-DDE) were the most abundant OCPs in Aliaga soils (= 48), probably due to their heavy historical use and persistence. Calculated fugacity ratios and average net gas fluxes across the soil-air interface indicated volatilization for α-CHL, γ-CHL, heptachlorepoxide, cis-nonachlor, trans-nonachlor, and p,p′-DDT in summer, and for α-CHL, γ-CHL, trans-nonachlor, endosulfan sulfate, and p,p′-DDT in winter. For the remaining OCPs, soil acted as a sink during both seasons. Comparison of the determined fluxes showed that dry particle, gas-phase, and wet deposition are significant OCP input mechanisms to the soil in the study area.  相似文献   

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