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在研究思维过程理论和触发思维、继发思维理论的基础上,根据学习者内外部环境的特点,提出以自主学习为主导、研究性为目的、混合型为方式的研究性混合型自主学习过程的模式。该模式描述了整个自主研究过程,并在研究的各阶段应用混合的方式高效的发挥资源的特点,高效的促进思维和研究过程的发展,同时在研究各阶段描述了研究过程中一些必要的操作步骤。  相似文献   

行动学习法:促进教师反思的有效方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行动学习法为教师提供了团队学习的机会,小组成员间的建设性争议能促进教师反思的有效进行.教师的反思分为行动前的反思、行动中的反思和行动后的反思(对行动的反思)三类.行动学习法通过对行动前的反思与行动后的反思的推动,促进教师形成教育智慧,推动行动中反思的进行.在行动学习小组中,"对话"促进了反思,团队反思促进了个人反思.  相似文献   

行动学习是基于小组的问题—研讨—反思—行动的学习方式,是近年来在教师培训中逐渐开始采用的一种教师学习形式。本文在分析行动学习理论内涵的基础之上指出其对英语教师校本培训的意义,并探讨了在英语教师校本培训中如何实施行动学习以及应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

深度学习是一种提高学习能力、实践能力和创新能力为宗旨的学习方式,学习者在理解知识的基础上,建立新旧知识的有机联系,并能够灵活运用所学知识创造性解决实际问题的学习。学习性评价是为了学习的评价,是寻求与解释证据,让学生及其教师以此确定他们当前的学习水平,他们需要追求的学习目的以及如何达到所要追求的学习目标的过程。其主要目的是为了改善表现和促进学习,提高学生的学习能力、实践能力和创新能力,从而指向深度学习。  相似文献   

通过对1100名大学生的问卷调查,构建大学生的认识信念影响学习过程的整体模式,揭示行动控制的中介作用.结果表明:(1)大学生的认识信念对行动控制既存在显著的直接影响,也通过表层动机和深层动机对行动控制产生间接影响;(2)大学生的认识信念对表层策略存在显著的负向影响,对深层策略存在间接的显著的正向影响;(3)大学生的认识信念对表层学习方式有显著的负向影响,对深层学习方式有显著的正向影响,行动控制在认识信念与深层方式之间起着部分中介作用.  相似文献   

Technology has changed the way the world functions on a day-to-day basis, but what about education? Education has been directly affected by the increase of technology in the United States. This change has not been well accepted by some members of the educational community, thus leaving the realm of education behind in the technology era. This article seeks to focus on the benefits of technology in the classroom as well as some of the issues that surround teachers and technology. The article also delves into the future of technology and education and provides some helpful tips for technology use in the classroom.  相似文献   

Developing an Effective Lifelong Learning Inventory: the ELLI Project   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reports the initial results of a study that was designed to develop and test an instrument that could identify the elements of an individual's capacity for lifelong learning. We anticipated that the components of this capacity would include a complex mix of dispositions, lived experiences, social relations, values, attitudes and beliefs and that these various factors would coalesce to shape the nature of an individual's engagement with any particular learning opportunity. The instrument that was developed—the Evaluating Lifelong Learning Inventory—was trialled with pupils across a range of ages and subject to factor analytic study. The data have proved robust over successive factor analytic studies, allowing the identification of seven dimensions of learning power and reliable scales to assess these. These dimensions appear to be capable of differentiating between efficacious, engaged and energized learners and passive, dependent and fragile learners. Whilst further, larger scale field trials will be necessary to confirm these early results, the findings would appear to have significant implications for conventional models of curriculum design and classroom practice.  相似文献   

网络信息化时代,课上低头看手机的学生越来越多,形成了庞大的课上"低头族",严重影响上课质量,迫切需要转变传统教学模式。"行动学习"教学法是缓解"低头族"问题的重要手段,也是大学课程教学的新型模式。本文进行了"行动学习"教学的现实价值分析,提出了大学课程利用行动学习教学法的实施过程,分析了课程教学方法实施的条件保障,这对大学课程教学改革具有重大的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

遵循行动研究的研究范式,本研究对一次教师合作学习的过程进行了描述,并分析其失败的原因.研究者认为,组织者的失策和小组成员合作技能的缺乏是导致这次合作学习失败的主要原因.组织者应科学制定培训的目标结构,并帮助教师建构积极的互赖关系;小组成员应有意识地反思自身的行为,提高合作技能.  相似文献   

基于项目的网络团队学习过程模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
项目是目前开展科学研究和新产品新技术开发的基本活动,而且一个项目需要专业团队的所有成员合作来完成.随着网络技术的发展和网络的普及,网络团队学习已逐渐成为未来网络环境下学习的主流模式之一.在项目实施过程中,通过系统科学的项目管理和学习管理,以项目为学习活动中心来实现网络团队学习不仅能够加速团队学习成果的转化,也会大大提升团队学习的品质.本文在深入分析项目、项目管理、项目团队、网络学习团队及网络团队学习相关概念的基础上,对学习团队和项目团队进行了区分,进一步探讨了项目团队与学习团队之间的关系,提出了以项目过程和项目团队成长过程为基础的基于项目的网络团队学习过程模型,试图为网络学习团队提供一种更有效的学习参考模型.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the development of e-textbooks. We claim that analysis (and design) of e-textbooks requires the development of a specific frame. Digital affordances provide particular opportunities (e.g. in terms of interactions between users) that require specific considerations for their analysis, as teachers and students use them for their individual and collective purposes. In this study, we develop a framework for mathematics e-textbook analysis, based on the notion of “connectivity.” We introduce criteria to assess the different aspects of connectivity and build an analysis grid for e-textbooks. We illustrate the framework proposed by analyzing 2 commonly used French grade 10 mathematics e-textbooks. The results of the analyses show that there are major differences between the 2 e-textbooks in terms of connectivity, which can be related to differences in their design. Beyond these 2 examples, we claim that focusing on connectivity is a useful and relevant way of analyzing e-textbooks, as it can provide a window into issues of interactivity, both practically and cognitively.  相似文献   

"可见的学习"研究发现,反馈是影响学业成就的最有力的因素之一.但反馈的有效性展现出很大的差异,有必要寻找使反馈效用最大化的途径.本文回顾了反馈从行为主义到认知主义、建构主义三种范式的转变,述评了哈蒂的反馈模型,探讨了如何构建更全面的反馈框架,尤其强调了反馈过程产生影响的学习者个人因素和情境因素.在此基础上,文章讨论了将反馈融入课堂教学需要考虑的复杂维度,包括反馈的时机、互动结构及媒介.  相似文献   


Higher education educators commonly understand social identities, including gender, to be fluid and dynamic. Lev's (2004) model of four components of sexual identity is commonly used to demonstrate the fluidity of sex, gender, and sexuality for individuals, but it does little to address the fixedness of those constructs. Through a multipronged intersectional framework and by centering trans* -students, this article proposes a more dynamic model for gender and sexuality.  相似文献   

<正>伴随着发展中国家扩大对全球经济的参与,人力资本就成为提升国家竞争力的关键因素。在许多研究者看来,技能和劳动力开发成为全球价值链升级的至关重要要素,需要动态性提供快速更新和提高劳动力技能的有效方式。高技能人才在发展中国家普遍匮乏,中国也不例外。我们总是在感叹学校教育无法培养  相似文献   

介绍了一个基于社会关系学理论小组活动分组方式,通过该分组方式在一次小组合作任务中的应用,试图证明该分组方式对合作学习有效性的影响。通过抽取实验班和对照班的学生反思日记进行分析与归类,以及对合作任务的成功归因,证明了该分组方式对合作任务的成功起积极促进作用。还就该次活动的成绩对控制组与实验组进行了统计学上的对比,数据显示实验组成绩在统计意义上显著高于控制组,这也证明了该分组方式能间接提高学生学业成绩。最后讨论了研究结果对合作学习教与学的启示与意义。  相似文献   

小学课堂教学中有效实施小组合作学习的行动研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述三位行动研究者在甘肃省会宁县H乡的两所小学对小学课堂教学中如何有效实施小组合作学习所进行的探索。研究加深了研究者对小组合作学习的理解,提高了课堂教学的实效性,增强了一线教师的研究意识与能力。  相似文献   

黄荔梅 《南平师专学报》2006,25(3):114-115,109
教师的素质在很大程度上决定着教育教学的质量。教师素质提高的一个重要途径是教师成为教育教学实践的研究者,其中行动研究是最有效的研究方式之一。  相似文献   

Forensic anthropology is burgeoning but traditionally under the auspices of anthropology departments where the methodology is grounded. Emphasizing the field’s applications justifies its position in criminal justice departments as identification of human skeletal remains serve to uphold the law. As criminal justice programs expand online, online forensic anthropology curriculum must be evaluated. The purpose of this study is to design a forensic anthropology course that meets objectives as equivalently and effectively online as it does face-to-face and test this by comparison of student learning outcomes and satisfaction between the courses. Learning outcomes are measured using mean scores of labs, quizzes, projects, and final grades. Student satisfaction is measured through evaluations. Results demonstrate that objectives are equally achieved and teaching is effective in both cases as student success is as high online as it is on campus. Student perceptions of the courses are also above average in both methods of delivery.  相似文献   

网络有效学习的理论模型构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络远程高等教育的教学质量问题一直是远程教育界所关心的热点问题,而其教学质量的高低归根结底是以学生的学习有效与否.因此,本研究在了解国内外有关网络学习研究现状的基础上,从"有效学习"的视角出发,以有效的网络化社会交互环境为支撑,以网络有效学习循环为核心,从激发学习者心智系统,规划网络有效学习,网络有效学习行动,监察、评价和修订学习行为和策略,学习成果产出,以及对学习成果的有效反馈等六个环节构建了网络有效学习的理论模型.希望该理论模型能为网络化社会交互环境的建设提供一定的理论依据,同时为网络有效学习中各个环节交互有效性的深入探讨提供研究框架.  相似文献   

Assessment at Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) involves asking the right questions and using data to determine what changes should be implemented to enhance student learning. Guided by a 5-stage design, CCBC's assessment program is faculty-driven, risk-free, and externally validated. Curricular and pedagogical changes have resulted in evidence-based learning improvements that benefit everyone.  相似文献   

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