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Considering the modeling uncertainties and external disturbance, a kind of sliding mode robust H∞fault-tolerant control method for time delay system with actuator fault is proposed. The upper-bound of the uncertainties is considered as a known constant, while the upper-bound of the actuator fault is unknown. A sufficient condition for the existence of an integral sliding mode dynamics is given in terms of linear matrix inequality(LMI). A novel adaptive law is given to estimate the unknown upper-bound of faults. On this basis, a type of sliding mode robust H∞fault-tolerant control law is designed to guarantee the asymptotic stability and the H_∞ performance index of the system. Finally, the simulation on quad-rotor semi-physical platform demonstrates the reliability and validity of the method.  相似文献   

In this paper, an approach for designing robust fault detection filter (RFDF) of networked control systems (NCSs) with unknown inputs is studied. The design aims at implementing the optimal trade-off between robustness of unknown inputs (including the item produced by networked-induced delay) and sensitivity of fault. The key design issue is to introduce an optimal fault detection filter based on NCSs with the control law compensation as the reference residual model of NCSs and to formulate the RFDF design as a model-matching problem. By applying H optimization technique, linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach is given to solve the model-matching problem. The validity of the proposed approach is shown by a numerical example.   相似文献   

不确定时滞系统的PD型迭代学习控制算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对不确定时滞系统,在网络时滞范围已知情况下,采用改进PD型迭代学习控制算法补偿网络时滞.在初态是严格重复时,给出这类系统的极限轨迹和迭代输出收敛于该极限轨迹的充分条件.并与P型迭代学习控制算法进行比较.仿真结果表明改进后的PD型迭代学习控制算法能够有效地补偿此类时滞.当网络时滞范围变窄时,能够更加精确跟踪极限轨迹.在相同迭代次数情况下,PD型迭代学习控制算法比P型迭代学习控制算法能更快收敛于极限轨迹.  相似文献   

A distributed model predictive control(MPC) scheme with one-step delay communication is proposed for on-line optimization and control of large-scale systems in this paper. Cooperation between subsystems is achieved by exchanging information with neighbor-to-neighbor communication and by optimizing the local problem with the improved performance index in the neighborhood. A distributed MPC algorithm with one-step delay communication is developed for the situation that there is a one-step delay in the information available from its neighbors when a subsystem solves the local optimization problem. The nominal stability is employed for the whole system under the distributed MPC algorithm without the inequality constraints. Finally, the case study of the reactor-storage-separator(RSS) system is illustrated to test the practicality of the presented control algorithm.  相似文献   

In this paper an adaptive iterative learning control scheme is presented for the output tracking of a class of nonlinear systems. An observer is designed to estimate the tracking errors. A mixed time domain and s-domain representation is constructed to derive an error model with relative degree one for our purpose. And time-varying radial basis function neural network is employed to deal with system uncertainty. A new signal is constructed by using a first-order filter, which removes the requirement of strict positive real (SPR) condition and identical initial condition of iterative learning control. Based on property of hyperbolic tangent function, the system tracing error is proved to converge to the origin as the iteration tends to infinity by constructing Lyapunov-like composite energy function, while keeping all the closed-loop signals bounded. Finally, a simulation example is presented to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

针对含输入时延与通信时延的车辆队列PID控制系统,分析了其内部稳定性和队列稳定性,研究了内部稳定的充要条件,求解了完整、精确的时延边界;在内部稳定性分析中,考虑输入时延与通信时延影响下车辆队列PID控制系统为中立型双时延系统的特点,结合Rekasius代换和劳斯表,提出了关于中立算子的系统强稳定充要条件;在此基础上,为了便于PID参数的快速选取,推导了一种形式更为简练的系统强稳定充分条件;在强稳定条件下,基于特征根聚类法求解了系统完整、精确的时延边界;针对具有奇数辆跟随车的车辆队列,推导了无关车辆队列规模的输入时延上界;在队列稳定性分析中,为了保证干扰和误差沿车辆队列向后传播不发散,分析了车间误差传递函数,给出了双时延影响下队列稳定的充分条件。仿真结果表明:在含输入时延与通信时延的分布式PID控制器作用下,车辆队列控制系统可同时保证内部稳定和队列稳定;车间状态误差可在15 s内快速减小并趋近于零;在所有车辆恒速行驶时,车间保持50 m期望安全距离;在领航车以0.5 m·s-2加速和0.8 m·s-2减速时,跟随车的速度和加速度随领航车变化,并在领航车速度稳定时一致;车辆队列在不同行驶工况下,由领航车加、减速引起的车间位置误差小于0.2 m,且沿车辆队列向后传播不发散。  相似文献   

利用多体动力学技术和联合仿真的方法及半主动开关控制和改进型开关控制中的时滞,对车辆动力学性能的影响进行了仿真分析.结果表明:无时滞理想状态下,半主动控制对车辆横向动力学性能的控制效果明显,且运行速度越高控制效果越好;时滞对车辆横向动力学性能的影响较大,但并非随着时滞的增大而逐渐恶化,而是呈波浪形起伏,当时滞处于100~200 ms和400~500ms范围时,半主动控制效果最差,甚至失效;考虑时滞后,开关控制效果优于其改进型,这与没有考虑时滞因素时结论相反,证实了时滞分析的必要.  相似文献   

对具有输入时滞的二轮自平衡车系统, 设计了一种自适应滑模控制算法; 采用拉格朗日函数建立二轮自平衡车系统的动力学数学模型, 并在系统模型中考虑实际中存在输入时滞, 以及在处理输入时滞时所引入的未知扰动; 对变换后的输入矩阵做奇异值分解, 进一步设计了对扰动参数具有自适应估计能力的自适应滑模控制器; 基于Lyapunov稳定性理论, 保证了闭环系统鲁棒渐近稳定; 试验采用陀螺仪MPU-6050以及加速度传感器构成小车姿态检测装置。分析结果表明: 当控制参数较小时, 系统的超调量较小, 然而系统的调节时间较长; 当控制参数较大时, 系统产生了较明显的超调量, 然而系统的调节时间缩短了; 当外加扰动较小时, 车体速度变化小于0.08 m·s-1, 倾角角速度变化小于0.6°·s-1; 当外加扰动较大时, 车体速度变化小于0.10 m·s-1, 倾角角速度变化小于0.8°·s-1; 初始倾角为5°时, 车体速度保持在0.005 m·s-1范围内, 倾角角速度保持在0.022°·s-1范围内; 初始倾角为10°时, 车体速度保持在0.007 m·s-1范围内, 倾角角速度保持在0.031°·s-1范围内。可见, 自适应滑模控制算法能在引入适量干扰和不同初始车体倾角的情况下, 使小车自主调整并迅速恢复稳定状态。  相似文献   

以自适应公交信号优先控制交叉口为研究对象,提出了全新自适应公交信号优先控制交叉口车辆平均延误计算模型。并运用仿真测试平台,对该信号控制交叉口车辆平均延误进行了仿真分析。仿真结果表明:较常规信号控制方法,自适应公交信号优先配时虽然有助于减少公交行车延误,但是对道路交通系统中的其他车辆通行会造成很大的干扰,对整个交叉口通行能力的影响不一定是正面的。车辆平均延误分析对公交优先策略的具体实行方式、城市交叉口信号控制算法优化及其服务水平的提升具有良好的指导作用和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

船舶航向非线性系统的输出反馈鲁棒控制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
考虑船舶航向控制系统模型中存在非线性, 假设模型参数和外界干扰有界的情况下, 首先利用Lyapunov稳定性理论, 提出了一种状态反馈鲁棒控制新算法的自动舵设计, 进而考虑到实际船舶上, 在进行航向控制时, 并不是所有船舶运动状态都是可测的, 仅有航向是可测的, 采用一种高增益状态观测器对状态进行重构, 提出了输出反馈鲁棒控制自动舵设计。以大连海事大学远洋实习船“育龙轮”为例, 进行了输出反馈鲁棒控制自动舵设计, 并利用Matlab工具箱进行了仿真研究, 结果证明该算法是十分有效的  相似文献   

公路工程施工主要包括质量、进度、费用三大控制目标,工程质量是公路建设的关键,而搞好质量控制离不开科学的管理和试验手段,近年来检测实践表明:“用数据说话、以理服人”是检测工作的一条基本原则,借助试验手段是实现施工质量有效途径之一。但从近年来的试验检测现状来看,仍差强人意,试验检测仍存在一些亟待解决的问题。从试验检测影响工程质量的角度笔者认为应该从以下几个方面入手。  相似文献   

介绍了在受水准仪仪器等级限制的情况下,要得到较精确的测量结果可采取的几种测量方法,如等测距法,平行线行进法、测点导线与等高线垂直的测法等。  相似文献   

悬臂浇注施工斜拉桥的误差控制方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在预应力混凝土(PC)斜拉桥悬臂施工中,为了减小索力及线形误差,分析了误差原因及其控制现状,提出了模型误差及悬浇效应误差的控制方法。结合三维实体等参元和板壳单元的优点,构造了适用于复杂桥梁结构空间分析的实体退化单元,建立了离散钢筋模型。根据挂篮牵索锚固点处的变形协调条件,推导出牵索索力随混凝土浇筑的增量计算公式,建立了悬浇过程中各工况下挂篮前端标高控制的计算公式。应用结果表明:在悬浇施工过程,牵索索力控制精度达到了3%,成桥索力控制精度达到5%,悬臂端标高误差控制在1 cm内,因此,提出的控制方法可实现PC斜拉桥悬浇过程各工况下索力及线形的准确预测。  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on the Hopf bifurcation control of a small-world network model with time-delay. With emphasis on the relationship between the Hopf bifurcation and the time-delay, we investigate the effect of time-delay by choosing it as the bifurcation parameter. By using tools from control and bifurcation theory, it is proved that there exists a critical value of time-delay for the stability of the model. When the time-delay passes through the critical value, the model loses its stability and a Hopf bifurcation occurs. To enhance the stability of the model, we propose an improved hybrid control strategy in which state feedback and parameter perturbation are used. Through linear stability analysis, we show that by adjusting the control parameter properly, the onset of Hopf bifurcation of the controlled model can be delayed or eliminated without changing the equilibrium point of the model. Finally, numerical simulations are given to verify the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

Due to actuator time delay existing in an adaptive control of the active balancing system for a fastspeed-varying Jeffcott rotor, if an unsynchronized control force (correction imbalance) is applied to the system,it may lead to degradation in control efficiency and instability of the control system. In order to avoid theseshortcomings, a simple adaptive controller was designed for a strictly positive real rotor system with actuatortime delay, then a Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional was constructed after an appropriate transform of this sys-tem model, the stability conditions of this adaptive control system with actuator time delay were derived. Afteradding a filter function, the active balancing system for the fast speed-varying Jeffcott rotor with actuator timedelay can easily be converted to a strictly positive real system, and thus it can use the above adaptive controllersatisfying the stability conditions. Finally, numerical simulations show that the adaptive controller proposedworks very well to perform the active balancing for the fast speed-varying Jeffcott rotor with actuator timedelay.  相似文献   

为了检测Q学习算法在信号控制方案中的效果,在Webster配时法的基础上,建立了适应交通信号控制及以车均延误最小为目标的奖惩函数,并详细说明了Q学习独立交叉口信号控制的原理和应用过程.通过流量波动大和小两个算例,验证了Q学习控制优于定时控制.  相似文献   

The lathes are basic machine tools for manufacturing cylindrical parts. In recent years, the DLseries computer numerical control(CNC) heavy-duty horizontal lathes(HDHLs) have been widely used in the transportation, energy and aviation industries. High availability of the CNC heavy-duty lathes is demanded to guarantee the efficiency and benefit of these manufacturing industries. As one of the key subsystems of the HDHLs, the feeding control system is studied in this paper on reliability modeling and reliability analysis. The fault tree analysis(FTA) method is used for reliability modelling of the feeding control system. Considering the multiple common cause failure groups(CCFGs) existing in the system, a modified beta factor parametric model is introduced to model the common cause failure(CCF) in system. The reliability of feeding control system is then obtained and the effect of CCF on the reliability of the whole system is studied as well.  相似文献   

为确保通信延时条件下协同式自适应巡航控制(CACC)系统的弦稳定性,利用模型预测控制(MPC)和长短期记忆(LSTM)预测方法,研究CACC系统中车辆协同控制下的通信延时补偿方法;基于车辆队列四元素架构理论,构建了包括车辆动力学模型、间距策略、网络拓扑和MPC纵向控制器的系统模型,并综合考虑2范数和无穷范数弦稳定性条件,提出了CACC车辆队列混合范数弦稳定性量化指标,最终形成协同式车辆队列建模与评价体系;设计了一种利用前车加速度轨迹(PVAT)作为开环优化参考轨迹的MPC方法,即MPC-PVAT,通过综合考虑队列的跟驰、安全、通行效率和燃油消耗等性能指标,使目标函数趋于最小代价,从而得到当前时刻的最优控制量,并利用庞特里亚金最大值原理对所设计的优化问题进行快速求解;在MPC-PVAT基础上,提出一种基于长短期记忆(LSTM)网络的通信延时补偿方法,即MPC-LSTM,将跟驰车辆的传感器信息输入LSTM网络来预测其前车的运动状态,从而缓解短暂通信延时对车辆队列稳定性的影响。仿真测试结果表明:MPC-LSTM可容忍的通信延时上界大于1.5 s,比MPC-PVAT提升了0.8 s,比线性控制器提升了1.1 s;在基于实车数据测试中,当通信延时增加到1.2 s时,MPC-LSTM的弦稳定性指标相比MPC-PVAT提升了20.33%,与线性控制器相比稳定性提升了39.35%。可见,在通信延时较大的情况下,MPC-LSTM对通信延时具有很好的容忍性,从而有效地保证了CACC车辆队列的弦稳定性。  相似文献   

张霆军 《交通科技与经济》2006,8(4):119-120,126
介绍了网络审计的构成,提出了网络审计中存在的问题,并对促进网络审计的发展提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

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