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以实现对空中目标的高分辨成像为目的,文章提出了基于MIMO雷达的技术解决方案.首先分析了MIMO雷达的工作原理和实现形式,而后建立了MIMO雷达成像模型,并推导出MIMO雷达多通道回波与目标空间频谱的对应关系.通过分析目标空间频谱的支撑区分布,论证了MIMO雷达阵列方位向的高分辨成像能力.最后进行了成像仿真实验.结果表明:在同等接收阵列条件下,MIMO阵列与实孔径阵列相比方位分辨率能够得到数倍的提高.  相似文献   

由于临近多静止人体目标之间存在较强的相互干扰,仅利用单通道生物雷达的距离像难以区分多个静止人体目标。为解决上述问题,该文利用超宽带多输入多输出(UWB MIMO)生物雷达获取多静止人体目标的2维高分辨图像,从空间上更好地分隔多静止人体目标,然后基于UWB MIMO图像的慢时间序列对人体生理信号进行增强,有效抑制人体目标间的相互干扰。实测数据结果证明该文所提方法能够获得相互靠近的多静止人体目标的高分辨图像,使后续的多静止人体目标高性能检测与定位成为可能。   相似文献   

多输入多输出(MIMO)霄达足近几年发展起来的一种新慨念雷达体制.为了进一步降低宽带MIMO雷达的阵列规模和硬件复杂度,使MIMO雷达成像技术实用化成为可能,结合改进型后向投影(BP)成像算法,提出了一种非均匀线阵成像系统阵列布阵模型.提出的阵列布阵模型通过成像系统方位向分辨率婴求和目标方位向成像场景大小确定阵元间距,使得系统的阵列规模和硬件复杂度显著降低.同时,时域成像算法的使用避免了频域算法存在的采样定理限制,有效增强了阵列设计的灵活性,并使得成像阵列规模和硬件复杂度得到进一步降低.最后仿真实验验证了该成像系统布阵模型的正确性和有效性.  相似文献   

传统基于压缩感知的MIMO雷达DOA估计算法将非凸非平滑稀疏表示问题近似成凸或平滑函数问题进行求解,稀疏表示模型误差的存在导致DOA估计性能不理想。为此,提出了一种基于迭代近端投影的MIMO雷达多快拍DOA估计方法。该方法首先将高维回波数据转换至低维空间以降低空域维度,并对降维后的数据进行奇异值分解(Singular Value Decomposition,SVD),提取信号子空间以降低时域维度,利用近端函数优化模型来表示MIMO雷达多快拍DOA估计中的非凸非平滑稀疏表示问题,然后采用SCAD(Smoothly Clipped Absolute Deviation Penalty)函数获得近端算子以求解该模型。仿真结果表明,该方法在低快拍和低信噪比下相干信源的DOA估计性能优于现有算法。  相似文献   

针对L型多输入多输出(Multiple-Input Multiple-Output,MIMO)雷达对空中运动目标三维成像天线数目较多问题,提出了发射阵列采用稀疏布阵的L型MIMO雷达三维成像方法。该文首先分析了MIMO雷达发射阵列的稀疏布阵方式,其次结合压缩感知理论具体阐述了基于稀疏阵列的三维成像方法。该方法在大幅减少L型MI-MO雷达发射天线的条件下,实现了对运动目标的单次快拍三维成像,不仅有效避免了目标机动带来的运动补偿难题,同时又降低了系统的硬件复杂度,便于工程应用。最后利用仿真实验验证了本文方法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

针对任意的多输入多输出(multiple-input multiple-output, MIMO)稀疏阵列提出了MIMO单快拍成像模式和相控阵多帧联合成像模式两种三维成像方法,并对两种模式下角度分辨率及信噪比(signal noise ratio, SNR) 进行了对比. MIMO单快拍成像模式角度分辨率等价于收发联合等效阵列;相控阵多帧联合成像模式的方向图等于发射方向图与接收方向图的乘积,同样也能获得收发联合等效阵列的角度分辨率;相控阵多帧联合成像模式与MIMO单快拍成像模式的SNR的比值为发射阵列数量. 讨论了稀疏阵列与均匀满阵之间的区别与联系,稀疏阵列的波束方向图等价于均匀满阵的二维加窗快速傅里叶变换(fast Fourier transform, FFT),加窗使稀疏阵列方向图展宽. MIMO单块拍成像模式适用于对实时性要求高的应用场景,相控阵多帧联合成像模式适用于对SNR要求高的应用场景.  相似文献   

合成孔径雷达(SAR)通过方位向的合成阵列实现方位高分辨,其中合成阵列是由单次快拍内的并行空间采样与多次快拍内的串行空间采样而构成。多输入多输出合成孔径雷达(MIMO-SAR)利用波形分集特性,可在单次快拍内获得大于实际阵元数目的并行空间采样,为阵列模式配置及功能复合提供了便利。针对MIMO-SAR线性合成阵列模式问题,以单次快拍等效阵列为基础,设计了3种脉冲重复频率条件下的阵列模式。进而对比分析了不同阵列模式下最大不模糊距离、测绘带宽度和杂波抑制性能,这为不同应用的MIMO-SAR阵列合成及功能设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

孙浩然  兰天  杨小鹏 《信号处理》2022,38(2):276-284
随着对地下探测场景的不断扩大,传统探地雷达系统收发一体、逐点采集的数据获取方式已无法满足实时性需求.近年来,MIMO雷达实时性的优势不断凸显,因此研究基于MIMO的探地雷达数据处理和成像方法很有必要.本文在传统探地雷达偏移成像方法的基础上,针对MIMO探地雷达的空耦合成像问题,提出了一种基于Kirchhoff的MIMO...  相似文献   

针对多输入多输出逆合成孔径雷达(MIMO-ISAR)成像中空-时阵列非均匀造成的成像数据不均匀,该文基于线阵建立了目标空-时回波信号模型,经过推导,提出一种相同距离单元横向聚焦的成像方法。该方法首先进行距离补偿,将空时分布的距离像对齐至目标初始位置;然后构建相位因子,补偿非关心方向运动引起的相位变化;最后对相同距离单元数据沿横向相干叠加,实现横向聚焦。该算法不受阵列形式的限制,无需数据均匀化处理,而且能够横向定标,仿真验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

屈乐乐  杨永席  杨天虹 《电讯技术》2021,61(12):1534-1539
讨论了基于因式分解的穿墙雷达多输入多输出阵列配置方法,在此基础上提出了基于二维最小相位相干因子(2D Minimum Phase Coherence Factor,2D MPCF)加权的成像方法。2D MPCF综合了相位相干因子和距离向相位相干因子的优点,在方位向和距离向均有良好的栅瓣和旁瓣杂波抑制效果。仿真实验结果验证了所提成像方法不仅可以有效抑制杂波干扰,而且提高了成像结果分辨率。  相似文献   

基于傅里叶变换的传统逆合成孔径雷达(ISAR)成像方法存在数据存储量大、数据采集时间长的问题.压缩感知(CS)理论利用图像的稀疏性,可以利用有限的数据恢复图像,这极大降低了数据采集成本.但对于多维数据,传统压缩感知方法要将多维数据转化成一维向量,这造成了很大存储和计算负担.因此,该文提出一种基于多维度-交替方向乘子法(...  相似文献   

Time reversal explores the rich scattering in a multipath environment to achieve high target detectability. Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar is an emerging active sensing technology that uses diverse waveforms transmitted from widely spaced antennas to achieve increased target sensitivity when compared to standard phased arrays. In this paper, we combine MIMO radar with time reversal to automatically match waveforms to a scattering channel and further improve the performance of radar detection. We establish a radar target model in multipath rich environments and develop likelihood ratio tests for the proposed time-reversal MIMO radar (TR-MIMO). Numerical simulations demonstrate improved target detectability compared with the commonly used statistical MIMO strategy.   相似文献   

王珽  赵拥军  胡涛 《雷达学报》2015,4(2):136-148
MIMO雷达作为一种新体制雷达,具有诸多优点和广泛的应用领域,引起了国内外军事界和学术界的极大关注。空时自适应处理(STAP)主要目的为抑制地杂波,进行地面动目标显示(GMTI)。如今,这项技术又被进一步推广到MIMO雷达系统中,MIMO雷达STAP迅速成为国际雷达界的一个研究热点。该文详细阐述了MIMO- STAP的引入及重要意义,对杂波建模、杂波自由度(DOF)分析、降维(秩)处理、有源干扰与杂波的同时抑制、非均匀杂波环境处理等方面主要研究情况进行综述,并对未来MIMO-STAP技术的发展方向进行了展望。   相似文献   

A low-complexity hardware emulator is proposed for wideband, correlated, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) fading channels. The proposed emulator generates multiple discrete-time channel impulse responses (CIR) at the symbol rate and incorporates three types of correlation functions of the subchannels via Kronecker product: the spatial correlation between transmit or receive elements, temporal correlation due to Doppler shifts, and inter-tap correlation due to multipaths. The Kronecker product is implemented by a novel mixed parallel-serial (mixed P-S) matrix multiplication method to reduce memory storage and to meet the real-time requirement in high data-rate, large MIMO size, or long CIR systems. We present two practical MIMO channel examples implemented on an Altera Stratix III EP3SL150F FPGA DSP development kit: a 2-by-2 MIMO WiMAX channel with a symbol rate of 1.25 million symbols/second and a 2-by-6 MIMO underwater acoustic channel with 100-tap CIR. Both examples meet real-time requirement using only 12–14% of hardware resources of the FPGA.  相似文献   

The Gaussian multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) broadcast channel (BC) is considered. The dirty-paper coding (DPC) rate region is shown to coincide with the capacity region. To that end, a new notion of an enhanced broadcast channel is introduced and is used jointly with the entropy power inequality, to show that a superposition of Gaussian codes is optimal for the degraded vector broadcast channel and that DPC is optimal for the nondegraded case. Furthermore, the capacity region is characterized under a wide range of input constraints, accounting, as special cases, for the total power and the per-antenna power constraints  相似文献   

We analyze the mutual information of some common multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transmission schemes. Whereas most capacity evaluations are done under the assumption of Gaussian transmit symbols, we take into account restrictions on the transmit symbol alphabet and analyze real world signal constellations. Moreover, we include suboptimum detectors which might be applied in practical systems in the capacity evaluation. Furthermore, we consider not only spatially uncorrelated full rank channels but also channel degradations such as spatial correlation and keyhole effects. The results show that in many practical relevant cases, simple space-time block codes are a robust solution which achieves similar, sometimes even better capacities than spatial multiplexing even though they do not exploit all available MIMO dimensions.  相似文献   

The capacity region of a compound multiple-antenna broadcast channel is characterized when the users exhibit a certain degradedness order. The channel under consideration has two users, each user has a finite set of possible realizations. The transmitter transmits two messages, one for each user, in such a manner that regardless of the actual realizations, both users will be able to decode their messages correctly. An alternative view of this channel is that of a broadcast channel with two common messages, each common message is intended to a different set of users. The degradedness order between the two sets of realizations/users is defined through an additional, fictitious, user whose channel is degraded with respect to all realizations/users from one set while all realizations/users from the other set are degraded with respect to him.  相似文献   

运用二维时域有限差分法(2D-FDTD)建立点目标雷达近场成像的全电磁场模拟模型.可以任意设定收发天线(阵)以及目标的位置,对2D点目标双/多站雷达成像进行了模拟.将在合成孔径雷达(SAR)成像算法中得到广泛应用的时域相干法(TDC)、后向投影法(BP)以及地震信号处理中的相移偏移法(PSM)应用于近场成像.对这几种成像算法进行了近场成像,对成像质量及计算量进行了比较和分析.成像结果表明,BP算法和PSM算法用于近场成像时效果是不同的,文中对效果不同的原因进行了分析.  相似文献   


Usage of Internet has increased enormously in this decade due to the pandemic began due to COVID19. Data in the form of Text, Image and Video are communicated across the world through mails, chat applications and meeting applications etc. Such third-party applications are vulnerable while sensitive information such as personal, financial, medical and military communications occurs. Visual Cryptography (VC) is an encryption scheme that protects data in the form of image. In source, VC encrypts the image by dividing into shares and distributes to the receiver side. At the destination, the shares are stacked together physically or digitally to reveal the original data. VC also uses cover images to enhance security. VC supports secret sharing of multiple images. In this research paper, a new Multiple grayscale Secret Image Sharing (MSIS) strategy is proposed for secure transmission of more than one grayscale secret image data to the destination. MSIS uses color cover images to enhance the security. It also minimizes the number of shares and cover images to reduce the complexity.


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