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2019 年7 月4—6 日位于美国南加州城市Ridgecrest附近地区,在不足两天的时间内接连发生了一系列地震,其中包括震级达MW6.4 和MW7.1 的强震.震后两天对震中区产生的地表破裂进行了实地地质调查和测量,发现两次地震分别产生了NW方向长度50 km和NE方向长度 10 km的两条破裂带.根据野外调查,N...  相似文献   

前震或广义前震识别的频谱偏移法及其应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在前期研究的基础上,本文提出了一种前震或广义前震识别的频谱偏移法。其判定指标为,正常背景的中等震级地震事件频谱较宽,而具有前震或广义前震性质的中等震级地震具有频带变窄且向低频端偏移集中的特征。究其根源可能与强震前震源区或主震相关区域亚稳态扩展破裂或区域介质破碎损伤、裂隙扩展成核等过程有关。对2010年4月14日青海玉树7.1级、2014年2月12日新疆于田7.3级等地震前震的计算结果显示,2次前震的频谱都发生了偏移,且与非前震性同等震级地震频谱差异明显。  相似文献   

矿震成核过程的公里尺度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
成核过程是地震机理研究的重要部分.通过岩石实验、高温高压和数值模拟认为,地震成核的临界尺度为大地震总破裂长度的十分之一,一般为10~20 km左右;地震成核时间从年到秒、甚至毫秒.本文利用山东省宁阳县华丰煤矿立体台网的岩爆观测,进行了公里尺度的破裂成核过程实验研究.通过对华丰煤矿1995年2月~1996年5月期间的地脉动记录和12000次小震记录资料的分析,计算了它们的地脉动、S波和P波振幅比以及S波波峰的到时差,得到ML=2.9矿震的成核时间为50天,成核临界尺度为5 km.  相似文献   

A remarkable earthquake struck Yutian, China on June 26th, 2020. Here, we use Sentinel-1 images to investigate the deformation induced by this event. We invert the InSAR observations using a two-step approach: a nonlinear inversion to constrain fault geometries with uniform slip based on the rectangular plane dislocation in an elastic half-space, followed by a linear inversion to retrieve the slip distribution on the fault plane. The results show that the maximum LOS displacement is 22.6 ​cm, and the fault accessed to the ruptured characteristics of normal faults with the minor left-lateral strike-slip component. The fault model indicates a 210° strike. The main rupture zone concentrates in the depth of 5–15 ​km, and the fault slip peaks at 0.89 ​m at the depth of 9 ​km. Then, we calculate the variation of the static Coulomb stress based on the optimal fault model, the results suggest that the Coulomb stress of the Altyn Tagh fault and other neighboring faults has increased and more attention should be paid to possible seismic risks.  相似文献   

对阳江6.4级地震晚发余震的ML≥4.O级地震、频度和前兆震群进行了研究.认为该地震余震序列的频度和强度变化与震区周围的较大地震对应较好,其前兆震群和一般小震的前兆震群一样具有前兆意义.它的余震频度、强度和震群活动特征在一定程度上可以显示粤桂琼三省区的地震活动水平并对地震预报有一定的帮助,可作为监视粤桂琼地区地震活动的“窗口”.  相似文献   

We present a high-resolution seismic catalog for the 2021 MS6.4/MW6.1 Yangbi sequence. The catalog has a time range of 2021-05-01 to 2021-05-28, and contains ~8,000 well located events. It captures the features of the whole foreshock sequence and the early aftershocks. We designed a detection strategy incorporating both an artificial intelligent (AI) picker and a matched filter algorithm. Here, we adopt a hybrid AI method incorporating convolutional and recurrent neural network (CNN & RNN) for event detection and phase picking respectively (i.e. CERP), a light-weight AI picker that can be trained with small volume of data. CERP is first trained with detections from a STA/LTA and Kurtosis-based method called PAL, and then construct a rather complete template set of ~4,000 events. Finally, the matched filter algorithm MESS augments the initial detections and measures differential travel times with cross-correlation, which finally results in precise relocation. This process gives 9,026 detections, among which 7,943 events can be well relocated. The catalog shows as expected power-law distribution of frequency magnitude and reveals detailed pattern of seismicity evolution. The main features are: (1) the foreshock sequence images simple fault geometry with consistent strike, but also show a variable event depth along strike; (2) the mainshock ruptures the same fault of the foreshock sequence and activate conjugate faults further to the southeast; (3) complex seismicity are developed in the post-seismic period, indicating complex triggering mechanisms. Thus, our catalog provides a reliable basis for further investigations, such as b-value studies, rupture process, and triggering relations.  相似文献   

Introduction An MS=6.0 earthquake occurred on February 23, 2001 in Yajiang county, Sichuan Province. The earthquake is located on the east of the southeast segment of the Litang-Dewu fault with strike of NW. Before the event, on February 14, an MS=5.0 earthquake took place nearly in the same place. In 1948 an MS=7.3 earthquake occurred on the northwestern segment of the Litang fault. The length of the surface rupture belt caused by the earthquake is 70 km, which extended from Litang to…  相似文献   

2016年1月21日青海门源MS 6.4地震是甘青地区自2013年7月22日甘肃岷县漳县6.6级地震后发生的最大震级地震,其震中距宁夏边界230 km。通过梳理震前宁夏地区地震活动异常和地球物理观测资料异常发现,震前存在测震学异常2项;地球物理观测资料异常6项,其中,形变异常4项,地下流体异常2项。5项异常为中长期异常,2项测震学异常和甘盐池井水温异常为短期异常,无临震异常出现。  相似文献   

Based on the seismic phase reports of the Yangbi area from January 1 to June 25, 2021, and the waveform data of M ≥ 4 earthquakes, we obtained the relocation results and focal mechanism solutions of the MS6.4 Yangbi earthquake sequence using the HypoDD and CAP methods. Based on our results, our main conclusions are as follows: (1) the MS6.4 Yangbi earthquake sequence is a typical foreshock-mainshock-aftershock sequence. The foreshocks of the first two stages have the obvious fronts of migration and their migration rate increased gradually. There was no apparent front of migration during the third stage, and the occurrence of the mainshock was related to stress triggering from a M5.3 foreshock. We tentatively speculate that the rupture pattern of the Yangbi earthquake sequence conforms to the cascading-rupture model; and (2) the main fault of the MS6.4 Yangbi earthquake sequence is a NW-trending right-lateral strike-slip fault. As time progressed, a minor conjugate aftershock belt formed at the northwest end of this fault, and a dendritic branching structure emerged in the southern fault segment, showing a complex seismogenic fault structure. We suggested that the fault of the Yangbi earthquake sequence may be a young sub-fault of the Weixi-Weishan fault.  相似文献   

本文根据2007年6月3日发生的云南省宁洱6.4级地震现场调查结果,简要分析了此次地震记录到的强震加速度记录及其与工程结构震害的关系,简要描述并总结分析了调查获得的各类城市工程结构、非结构附属物及设备等的部分震害状况及原因,并针对性的给出了提高其抗震性能的建议,探讨提出了需要进一步深入研究的问题。  相似文献   

1999年岫岩地震序列研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用相对定位法对1999年11月29日辽宁省岫岩地区5.4级地震序列的前震、主震和余震进行了重新定位。结果是该序列的主震震源位置为40.538°N,123.026°E,深度为6.958km;重新定位的前震震中分布长短轴差别不大,分布在长轴约1.38km,短轴约1.23km,深度为6~11km的震源范围内,其中4级以上前震明显沿NW向分布,主震位于前震震中NW向分布的东南端;重新定位的余震明显沿NW走向分布,长轴约3.26km,短轴约0.79km,深度为5~12km,余震分布范围比前震分布范围大,主要是后期余震活动向SE向发展的结果。分析表明,1999年岫岩地震序列主要沿NW向分布,这个方向与1975年海城地震序列的NW向分布一致,与海城7.3级主震和岫岩5.4级主震震源机制解NW走向节面一致,也与海城 岫岩震区活动构造方向和岫岩主震的等震线长轴方向一致。并认为岫岩5.4级主震可能被前震触发,这为主破裂成核过程提供了一次实例。  相似文献   

2021年5月21日漾濞发生MS 6.4地震,震前地震活动异常明显,中长期阶段云南地区3级地震活动水平较低,滇西北地区出现长达456天的4级地震平静;短临阶段震中区附近出现3—4级地震条带;临震阶段中小地震活动由外围地区开始向震中区迁移,震中区出现直接前震。  相似文献   

毛燕  胡家富 《地震学报》2012,34(3):339-349
根据普洱、 西双版纳地区6个地震观测台站在2008——2009年获取的5级以上的地震资料, 利用接收函数和面波衰减系数, 反演得到了研究区域的S波速度结构和Qβ结构. 基于该结构模型, 采用随机振动理论方法, 预测了2007年宁洱MS6.4地震发生后, 在震中距为10——300 km范围内引起的地面运动, 并借助获取的强震观测记录检验、 评价了该预测结果. 同时, 将地面运动预测结果与利用回归衰减公式计算得到的结果进行对比, 进而讨论该地震动预测方法在地面运动预测中的可行性. 结果表明, 该预测结果与实测结果吻合.   相似文献   

综合运用四川省地震台网与紫坪铺水库地震台网的观测资料,精确地测定了2008年5月12日汶川MW7.9地震的震源位置与发震时刻.指出,对汶川地震这样的大地震精准定位,必须克服或尽量减少远台观测对地震精确定位的局限性、地壳介质模型的不完善性以及识别与检测初至波震相的不一致性等因素的影响.通过分析对比、反复试验,从上述台网中精心选取了方位分布均匀、具有近震源台站约束、直达P波震相确系由初始破裂辐射出的15个地震台的直达P波到时数据,反演得出精确度比区域性地震台网常规测定的精确度高一个数量级的汶川大地震的定位结果,即:发震时刻(北京时间):2008年5月12日14:27:57.59plusmn;0.03 s;震中位置:31.018deg;Nplusmn;0.3 km,103.365deg;Eplusmn;0.3 km;震源深度:15.5 kmplusmn;0.3 km.   相似文献   

基于2009年7月9日姚安6.0级地震发生之前形变观测前兆异常,给出该地震三要素,总结其前兆异常特点,反思运用单台前兆观测资料预报地震过程中存在的问题,为今后的地震预测积累经验.  相似文献   

2021年5月21日漾濞MS 6.4地震发生前3天,云南省地震局向震区派出联合工作组强化震情跟踪工作,笔者分别以震前研判和到地震现场的震后序列跟踪视角进行分析,结果表明:①此次漾濞MS 6.4地震序列为前震—主震—余震型序列,震源浅,为城市直下型地震,余震丰富,震感强烈;②漾濞MS 6.4地震发生在NW向维西—乔后断裂,该断裂2013年以来曾出现3组4、5级震群活动;③无震前宏观异常,在震中100 km范围内,出现3项地球物理异常,其中洱源水温异常较突出;④前震序列b、h值出现异常,b值偏小,h值归一化频度呈非线性增长。
为缓解震中附近地区群众的高度紧张情绪,针对公众关注热点问题,利用荗木清夫公式定量估算余震结束时间,并结合地震现场实际工作,针对地震谣言、地震云、超级月亮等现象,给出相应合理解释。  相似文献   

The source parameters of the Bohai Sea earthquake, July 18, 1969 and Yongshan, Yunnan earthquake, May 11, 1974 were determined by full — wave theory synthetic seismograms of teleseismic P waves. P+pP+sP wereform were calculated with WKBJ approximation and real integral paths. One — dimensional unilateral, finite propagation source was also considered. By trail — and — error in comparing the theoretical seismograms with the observational ones of WWSSN stations, the source parameters were obtained as follow: for Bohai earthquake, φ=195°, δ=85°, λ=65°,M o=0.9×1019Nm,L=59.9km.V R=3.5km/s, ∧ R =160°; for Yongshan earthquake, φ=240°, δ=80°, ∧=150°,M o=1.3×1018Nm,L=48.8km,V R=3km/s, ∧ R =−10°, where φ is strike, δ dip angle, λ slip angle,M o seismic moment,L rupture length,V R rupture propagation speed. As III type fractures the faulting propagated along the fault planes, and ∧ R is the angle from the strike to the propagation direction. Yongshan earthquake showed complexity in its focal process, having four sub—ruptures during the first 60 seconds. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 1–8, 1991.  相似文献   

In this paper changes in focal mechanisms) parameters of wave spectra, and stress drops for the Ms=5.0 forcshock and Ms=6.0 mainshock in February 2001 in Yajiang County, Sichuan, and seismicity in cpiccntral region are studied. Comparison of focal mechanisms for the Yajiang earthquakes with distribution patterns of aftcrshocks, the nodal plane Ⅰ, striking in the direction of NEN, of the Yajiang M=5.0 event is chosen as the faulting plane, the nodal plane Ⅱ, striking in the direction of WNW, of the M=6.0 event as the faulting plane. The strikes of the two faulting planes are nearly perpendicular to each other. The level of stress drops in the cpicentral region before the occurrence of the M=6.0 earthquake increases, which is consistent with increase of seismicity in the epicentral region. The rate decay of the Yajiang earthquake sequence, changes in wave spectra for foreshocks and aftershocks,and focal mechanisms are complex.  相似文献   

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