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急慢性肝损伤、肝硬化和肝癌等肝脏疾病是严重影响人类健康的重大疾病。肝脏是人体内最大的消化腺,是体内新陈代谢的中心站,也是肠道内容物及细菌代谢产物进入体内循环的必经之路。虽然由肠道吸收的很多细菌代谢产物对肝脏有伤害作用,然而越来越多的研究表明细菌产生的维生素K2对于肝脏具有保护作用。本文综述近几年来维生素K2在肝癌、肝硬化、肝再生等方面的研究进展,简要总结了维生素K2可能的作用机制,使我们看到了维生素K2防治肝脏疾病的潜力。  相似文献   

近年研究发现维生素K2(VK2)对肝癌具有抑制作用,但目前VK2的抗肝癌的机理尚不明确。VK2对人肝癌细胞株HepG-2细胞增殖的抑制作用及其机制。具体做法如下:体外培养肝癌HepG-2细胞,分别用不同浓度的VK2(0、5、10、20和40μmol/L)处理培养1~3d,采用台盼蓝拒染法测定各时期的各组细胞的活力;收集20μmol/LVK,作用24h和48h后的HepG-2细胞和对照细胞,抽提DNA电泳检测;收集20μmol/LVK,作用48h后的HepG-2细胞和对照细胞,抽提总RNA,半定量RT—PCR检测抗凋亡基因survivin、bcl-2和促凋亡基因bax的mRNA表达水平。各VK2处理组的活细胞数明显低于对照组(P〈0.05);经VK2处理的细胞其DNA电泳结果呈明显的梯状条带;与对照组相比,VK2处理组细胞的抗凋亡基因survivin和bcl-2的RT—PCR产物电泳的目的条带相对灰度值(目的基因灰度/GAPDH灰度)明显减少(P〈0.05),而促凋亡基因bax则无明显变化(P〉0.05)。VK2通过下调抗凋亡基因survivin和bel-2/bax的桌浊水平诱导肝痛HenG-2细胞凋亡。  相似文献   




选取SPF级实验用6~8周龄SD雄性大鼠30只, 体质量200~220 g, 随机分为5组(每组6只): 空白组、肝损伤模型组、模型+溶剂组、模型+水飞蓟素组和模型+维生素K2组。空白组不做额外处理, 其余各组均予四氯化碳染毒, 溶剂组给予与维生素K2组相同体积的大豆油, 水飞蓟素组添加水飞蓟素100 mg/100 g体质量, 维生素K2组用维生素K2每日灌胃(给药剂量为2 μg/100 g体质量)。1周后观察大鼠体征和肝脏外观、肝脏炎症及微肉芽肿、肝细胞空泡化结构, 检测血液AST、ALT、MDA、SOD、TNF-α和IL-6含量。


与肝损伤模型组大鼠比, 模型+维生素K2组肝脏指数下降(t=3.250 0, P=0.031 4)。HE染色结果显示, 与肝损伤模型组大鼠比, 模型+维生素K2组空泡化程度明显降低, 损伤较为弥散。与肝损伤模型组大鼠比, 模型+维生素K2组肝功、氧化应激指标及相关炎症因子水平降低[AST(t=4.283 0, P=0.012 8)、ALT(t=2.582 0, P=0.041 6)、MDA(t=7.028 0, P=0.005 9)、SOD(t=3.384 0, P=0.011 7)、TNF-α(t=3.459 0, P=0.013 5)、IL-6(t=2.422 0, P=0.041 8)]。


维生素K2可减轻大鼠急性肝损伤程度, 其作用可通过改善抗氧化酶体系、抑制氧化应激反应及降低炎性因子水平而实现。


维生素C和K3的抗癌作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

β-抑制蛋白2(β-arrestin2)是一类具有多种生物学功能的细胞内蛋白质,不仅能够通过与G蛋白竞争性结合G蛋白偶联受体(G protein-coupled receptor,GPCR)从而负性调控GPCR信号通路,还可通过G蛋白非依赖性途径参与调节多种信号转导通路,对心血管系统的稳定至关重要。此外,β-arrestin2异常的表达与高血压、心力衰竭、心肌缺血再灌注损伤、心室重塑、动脉粥样硬化以及动脉瘤等多种疾病密切相关。因此,本文就β-arrestin2在心血管疾病领域的研究进展进行综述,阐述β-arrestin2结构、功能及其在炎症反应、细胞代谢中的作用和相关分子机制,以期为心血管疾病诊治提供新的思路。  相似文献   

阐述了用经过物理和化学诱变后,筛选得到的纳豆芽孢杆菌发酵生产维生素K2的方法,VK2的生物合成途径以及分子生物学机制,并简要介绍了VK2的临床应用。为进一步研究与开发VK2提供理论依据。  相似文献   

维生素K2(VK2)是一类具有甲基萘醌结构的脂溶性维生素,越来越多的研究表明VK2具有多重生理功能,在抗骨质疏松、抑制血管钙化、糖尿病、肿瘤、肝病、慢性肾病、免疫性疾病、神经系统疾病和肥胖等多种疾病中发挥着重要作用。为了更好地指导人们合理地补充VK2,迫切需要建立简单、可行、准确度和特异性高的VK2测定方法,确定其正常值范围。本文回顾近年来VK2的临床检测及其评价方法,对VK2的体内血药浓度检测、血液标志物检测等进行概述总结,为临床上VK2的合理应用提供依据。  相似文献   

线粒体融合蛋白2与心血管疾病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yu HY  Guo YH  Gao W 《生理科学进展》2010,41(1):11-16
线粒体融合蛋白2(mitofusin2,Mfn2)不仅是一种不可或缺的调控线粒体形态和功能的动力素(dynamin)相关蛋白,还是一个重要的细胞内信号分子,参与调控细胞增殖、分化、凋亡等生命过程。Mfn2与高血压、冠状动脉腔内成形术后再狭窄、动脉粥样硬化、心肌肥厚、心肌氧化损伤等多种心血管疾病的病理生理过程密切相关,并通过调节物质代谢影响糖尿病和胰岛素抵抗等的发病。此外,Mfn2还可能是心血管疾病的一个重要的分子标志和治疗靶分子。  相似文献   

目的:测定29种市售大豆油中维生素K1含量,分析比较不同原料、工艺及等级大豆油之间维生素K1含量的异同。方法:采用SPE硅胶柱萃取油脂中维生素K1,用高效液相色谱-紫外检测法测定每种样品中维生素K1含量。结果:大豆油中维生素K1含量范围由未检出至215μg/100g,其中三级大豆油维生素K1平均含量为145.94±36.05μg/100g、一级大豆油维生素K1平均含量为126.69±24.44μg/100g,三级显著高于一级(P=0.019)。原料为转基因大豆与非转基因大豆、生产工艺为浸出法和压榨法间大豆油中维生素K1含量差异无统计学意义。结论:深色的三级大豆油中维生素K1含量丰富。  相似文献   

Vitamin K carboxylase (VKC) is believed to convert vitamin K, in the vitamin K cycle, to an alkoxide-epoxide form which then reacts with CO2 and glutamate to generate γ-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla). Subsequently, vitamin K epoxide reductase (VKOR) is thought to convert the alkoxide-epoxide to a hydroquinone form. By recycling vitamin K, the two integral-membrane proteins, VKC and VKOR, maintain vitamin K levels and sustain the blood coagulation cascade. Unfortunately, NMR or X-ray crystal structures of the two proteins have not been characterized. Thus, our understanding of the vitamin K cycle is only partial at the molecular level. In this study, based on prior biochemical experiments on VKC and VKOR, we propose a hetero-dimeric form of VKC and VKOR that may explain the efficient oxidation and reduction of vitamin K during the vitamin K cycle.  相似文献   

近年来,越来越多的研究表明肠道菌群在心血管疾病、2型糖尿病、肥胖等疾病的发病过程中起着主要作用,肠道菌群组成改变以及肠道菌群代谢物水平改变是导致疾病发生发展的重要因素,人们对肠道菌群与宿主之间的相互作用产生极大兴趣。本文系统总结了肠道菌群组成结构改变及肠道菌群代谢物改变与动脉粥样硬化、高血压、心肌梗死、心力衰竭等心血管疾病的相关性,阐明了肠道菌群可能是促进心血管疾病发病的原因之一。因此,通过改变饮食结构和使用抗生素、益生菌制剂及肠道菌群代谢物氧化三甲胺(TMAO)小分子抑制剂,来调控肠道菌群组成及代谢物水平有望作为心血管疾病治疗的新靶点。  相似文献   

段金楠  蔡群  王浩  盛吉芳 《中国微生态学杂志》2021,33(5):614-617, 封三
维生素D是一种人体必需的脂溶性维生素,其除了可调节钙磷代谢,参与骨骼生长外,还可通过调节免疫细胞增殖分化和抗炎抗纤维化等参与多种免疫性疾病的发生发展。自身免疫性肝病(autoimmune liver disease,AILD)是由自身免疫反应引起的一组肝脏炎症性病变,有研究发现维生素D与AILD存在相关性,AILD患者血清中维生素D水平普遍降低,补充血清维生素D可降低肝损伤和肝纤维化程度。因此,探究维生素D在AILD发生发展中的作用具有一定的临床价值。本文对维生素D在AILD中的研究进展作一阐述。  相似文献   

目的:探讨硝苯吡啶与维生素K3对输尿管动作电位和尿流量的影响。方法:采用在体电活动记录观察实验前后输尿管平滑肌动作电位变化及尿流量变化。结果:硝苯吡啶与维生素K3均能显著降低输尿管电活动的频率,而对尿量的影响两药则有相反作用,维生素K3可使尿流量增加,而硝苯吡啶使尿流量减少。结论:硝苯吡啶与维生素K3对免输尿管平滑肌有明显的舒张作用.而这些有助于输尿管结石的排出。  相似文献   

The primary objective of this review is to propose an approach for the biosynthesis of phylloquinone (vitamin K1) based upon its known sources, its role in photosynthesis and its biosynthetic pathway. The chemistry, health benefits, market, and industrial production of vitamin K are also summarized. Vitamin K compounds (K vitamers) are required for the normal function of at least 15 proteins involved in diverse physiological processes such as coagulation, tissue mineralization, inflammation, and neuroprotection. Vitamin K is essential for the prevention of Vitamin K Deficiency Bleeding (VKDB), especially in neonates. Increased vitamin K intake may also reduce the severity and/or risk of bone fracture, arterial calcification, inflammatory diseases, and cognitive decline. Consumers are increasingly favoring natural food and therapeutic products. However, the bulk of vitamin K products employed for both human and animal use are chemically synthesized. Biosynthesis of the menaquinones (vitamin K2) has been extensively researched. However, published research on the biotechnological production of phylloquinone is restricted to a handful of available articles and patents. We have found that microalgae are more suitable than plant cell cultures for the biosynthesis of phylloquinone. Many algae are richer in vitamin K1 than terrestrial plants, and algal cells are easier to manipulate. Vitamin K1 can be efficiently recovered from the biomass using supercritical carbon dioxide extraction.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated 1) whether the administration of phenytoin induced bone loss; and 2) whether menatetrenone could prevent bone loss induced by phenytoin. For this purpose, we previously developed a procedure to measure the bone mineral density using a conventional X-ray absorptiometry method. A long-termed administration of phenytoin (20 mg/kg per day for 5 weeks) produced bone loss in the tibiae of growing rats. The values of bone mineral density (BMD) were significantly decreased in the tibial diaphysis and metaphysis in the phenytoin-treated group. In this period, we measured the serum level of vitamin K-dependent protein, osteocalcin, a marker of bone formation. The serum level of osteocalcin showed a decrease in the phenytoin-treated group compared with the vehicle-treated group. Combined administration of menatetrenone (30 mg/kg in diet per day) with phenytoin for 5 weeks prevented the reduction of BMD, and the level of osteocalcin was slightly increased. Thus, it is suggested that long-termed phenytoin exposure may inhibit bone formation concomitantly with insufficient vitamin K, which, at least in part, contributed to bone loss in rats. Finally, these findings implicated the therapeutic usefulness of menatetrenone on a moderate degree of bone abnormality such as drug-induced osteopenia.  相似文献   

VEGF and therapeutic opportunities in cardiovascular diseases   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In the past ten years, alternative revascularization strategies have come from bench to bedside focusing on the growth of new vessels to replace the old. Hypoxia and vascular endothelial growth factor may induce capillary growth; however, atherosclerosis affects large conductance vessels, which can only be replaced by functional collateral arteries.  相似文献   

LIM domain-containing proteins mediate protein–protein interactions and play regulatory roles in various physiopathological processes. The mRNA of Crip2, a LIM-only gene, has been detected abundantly in developing and adult hearts but its cell-type specific expression profile has not been well characterized. In this study, we showed that Crip2 is highly expressed in the myocardium, moderately expressed in the endocardium and absent from the epicardium of the developing mouse heart. Interestingly, Crip2 expression is present in the endocardial cells that line both endocardial cushions, whereas it is markedly reduced in the cushion mesenchymes during valve leaflet formation. In the developing vascular system, Crip2 is detected in the endothelial cells of both blood and lymphatic vessels. Consistent with the expression pattern observed in embryos, Crip2 is also highly expressed in the myocardium, endocardium and coronary vascular endothelial cells of the adult heart. In the cardiomyocytes, Crip2 is colocalized with cardiac troponin T in the thin-filaments of sarcomeres. Nonetheless, experimental studies revealed that the expression level of Crip2 is not altered in the isoproterenol (ISO) induced hypertrophic heart. Moreover, Crip2 is detected in endothelial cells of the neovasculature during wound healing and tumor growth. The persistence of Crip2 expression in cardiovascular tissues implies that Crip2 might exert an important impact on the cardiovascular development, maintenance and homeostasis.  相似文献   

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