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The 243 coupling constants of eight N-R-pyrazoles [R=H, CH3, C6H5, COCH3, NH2, NO2, SO2CF3, Si(CH3)3] have been calculated and compared with 131 experimental values. The agreement is good and can be used to estimate new couplings. The whole collection has been statistically analyzed.  相似文献   

Oxovanadium(IV)-Schiff-base complexes, [VOL2] {L?=?N,N′-bis-(4-X-amino phenyl (4′-n-alkoxy)-salicylaldiminato), n?=?10, 18; X?=?Cl, NO2}, have been synthesized from the interaction of vanadyl (VO2+) and the bidentate [N,O] donor in methanol/ethanol. The compounds were characterized by FT–IR, 1H- and 13C-NMR, FAB-mass spectra, elemental analyses, and solution electrical conductivity. Mesomorphic behavior of the ligands and their vanadyl complexes were probed by polarizing optical microscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. The compounds are thermally stable and exhibit enantiotropic smectic A mesomorphism over the temperature range of 57–231°C. The mesophase–isotropic transition temperatures for the complexes are much higher than the ligands. Melting and clearing points of the compounds did not show any definitive trend with regards to alkoxy chain length or electronegative substituent. Variable temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements of the vanadyl complexes clearly show the absence of exchange interactions among the vanadyl spin centers. Non-electrolytic natures of the complexes were shown by conductometric measurements. A ν(V=O) of ~970?cm?1 corroborated the absence of any V=O?···?V=O interactions. Density functional theory study carried out using DMol3 at BLYP/DNP level to determine the energy-optimized structure revealed a distorted square pyramidal geometry for the vanadyl complexes.  相似文献   

According to the density functional theory calculations, the X···H···N (X?N, O) intramolecular bifurcated (three‐centered) hydrogen bond with one hydrogen donor and two hydrogen acceptors causes a significant decrease of the 1hJ(N,H) and 2hJ(N,N) coupling constants across the N? H···N hydrogen bond and an increase of the 1J(N,H) coupling constant across the N? H covalent bond in the 2,5‐disubsituted pyrroles. This occurs due to a weakening of the N? H···N hydrogen bridge resulting in a lengthening of the N···H distance and a decrease of the hydrogen bond angle at the bifurcated hydrogen bond formation. The gauge‐independent atomic orbital calculations of the shielding constants suggest that a weakening of the N? H···N hydrogen bridge in case of the three‐centered hydrogen bond yields a shielding of the bridge proton and deshielding of the acceptor nitrogen atom. The atoms‐in‐molecules analysis shows that an attenuation of the 1hJ(N,H) and 2hJ(N,N) couplings in the compounds with bifurcated hydrogen bond is connected with a decrease of the electron density ρH···N at the hydrogen bond critical point and Laplacian of this electron density ?2ρH···N. The natural bond orbital analysis suggests that the additional N? H···X interaction partly inhibits the charge transfer from the nitrogen lone pair to the σ*N? H antibonding orbital across hydrogen bond weakening of the 1hJ(N,H) and 2hJ(N,N) trans‐hydrogen bond couplings through Fermi‐contact mechanism. An increase of the nitrogen s‐character percentage of the N? H bond in consequence of the bifurcated hydrogen bonding leads to an increase of the 1J(N,H) coupling constant across the N? H covalent bond and deshielding of the hydrogen donor nitrogen atom. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

1-Cyclohepta-2,4,6-trienyl-selanes Se(C(7)H(7))(2) (2c), R--Se--C(7)H(7) with R = Bu, (t)Bu, Ph, 4-F--C(6)H(4) (12a,b,c,d) were prepared by the reaction of the corresponding silanes, Si(SeMe(3))(2) and R--Se--SiMe(3), respectively, with tropylium bromide C(7)H(7)Br. In spite of the low stability of the selanes even in dilute solutions and at low temperature, they could be characterised by their (1)H, (13)C and (77)Se NMR parameters. Coupling constants (1)J((77)Se,(13)C) were measured and calculated by DFT methods at the B3LYP/6-311+G(d,p) level of theory. The comparison of experimental and calculated coupling constants (1)J((77)Se,(13)C) included numerous selenium carbon compounds with largely different Se--C bonds, revealing a satisfactory agreement. Both the spin-dipole (SD) and the paramagnetic spin-orbital (PSO) terms contributed significantly to the spin-spin coupling interaction, in addition to the Fermi contact (FC) term.  相似文献   

A theoretical study of geminal and vicinal 77Se‐1 H coupling constants in the benchmark dimethyl and diethyl selenides has been performed at the SOPPA level followed by the NJC analysis within the NBO approach to reveal their stereochemical behavior in respect with the three main structural factors, namely, (i) the dihedral angle dependences, (ii) the bond angle dependences and (iii) the lone pair effects. It has been demonstrated that both geminal and vicinal couplings provide a unique stereospecificity in respect with the orientational lone pair effect together with the geometry of a coupling pathway, which is of prime importance for the stereochemical studies of organoselenium compounds. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two series of zinc(II) complexes of two Schiff bases (H2L1 and H2L2) formulated as [Zn(HL1/HL2)]ClO4 (1a and 1b) and [Zn(L1/L2)] (2a and 2b), where H2L1 = 1,8-bis(salicylideneamino)-3,6-dithiaoctane and H2L2 = 1,9-bis(salicylideneamino)-3,7-dithianonane, have been prepared and isolated in pure form by changing the chemical environment. Elemental, spectral, and other physicochemical results characterize the complexes. A single crystal X-ray diffraction study confirms the structure of [Zn(HL1)]ClO4 (1a). In 1a, zinc(II) has a distorted octahedral environment with a ZnO2N2S2 chromophore.  相似文献   

3J(C,H) coupling constants via a sulfur atom in two series of compounds, both including a sulfide, a sulfoxide and a sulfone, were detected experimentally and calculated by quantum mechanical methods. In the first series (1-3) the coupling between a hydrogen, bonded to an sp3 carbon, and an sp2 carbon is treated; the second series (4-6) deals with the coupling between a hydrogen, bonded to an sp3 carbon, and an sp3 carbon. Different pulse sequences (broadband HMBC, SelJres, 1D HSQMBC, J-HMBC-2, selective J-resolved long-range experiment and IMPEACH-MBC) proved to be useful in determining the long-range 3J(C,H) coupling constants. However, the dynamic behaviour of two of the compounds (4 and 6) led to weighted averages of the two coupling constants expected (concerning equatorial and axial positions of the corresponding hydrogens). DFT calculations proved to be useful to calculate not only the 3J(C,H) coupling constants but also the different contributions of FC, PSO, DSO and SD terms; the calculation of the Fermi contact term (FC) was found to be sufficient for the correct estimation of 3J(C,H) coupling constants.  相似文献   

In the course of the basic hydrolysis of four eremophilane esters isolated from Robinsonecio gerberifolius, some rearrangements, eliminations, and additions occurred. Five compounds were obtained, three of them not previously described. Additionally, a new sesquiterpene was produced by autooxidation of compound 1. The (1)H and (13)C NMR spectra of these compounds were completely assigned by utilization of HMQC, HMBC, COSY, DEPT, and NOESY techniques. The long-range coupling constants of the peroxide 10 are reported, and all its coupling constants (2)J(H, H), (3)J(H, H), and (4)J(H, H) are calculated at the B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) level of theory. Their magnitude is explained in terms of electronic delocalization and the additivity of stereoelectronic effects.  相似文献   

Non‐selective and selective versions of several proton‐detected 1D NMR experiments to be applied to 15N are proposed. Clean, artifact‐free 1D spectra are easily obtained by the effective coherence selection by pulsed‐field gradients and the attainable sensitivity is maximized using modern pulse schemes. Despite the low sensitivity inherent to 15N NMR spectroscopy, the successful application of these experiments is demonstrated for resonance assignments and accurate measurement of both one‐bond and long‐range proton–nitrogen coupling constants on a model tripeptide at natural abundance. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The serendipitous isolation of an unusual protonated bis(oxazoline) prompted us to discuss the role of H+ on the kinetics and thermodynamics of the equilibrium between its ketimine and enamine forms. X-ray diffraction analysis revealed that the protonated bis(oxazoline) is in the Z-enamine form, the unipositive charge is counterbalanced by [(FeCl3)2O]2− and [FeCl4] anions. DFT calculation at the BP86/TZVP level showed that relative stability of enamine tautomer versus ketimine tautomer increases with the protonation of the nitrogen atom of the oxazolidine ring. At the same time, the barrier energy of tautomerism decreases.  相似文献   

(n)J(Se,Se) (n=1-4) nuclear couplings between Se atoms were analyzed by using molecular orbital (MO) theory as the first step to investigating the nature of bonded and nonbonded (n)J(Se,Se) interactions between Se atoms. The values were calculated by employing Slater-type triple xi basis sets at the DFT level, which were applied to structures optimized with the Gaussian 03 program. The contribution from each occupied MO (psi(i)) and psi(i)-->psi(a) (psi(a)=unoccupied MO) transition was evaluated separately. 1J(Se,Se) was calculated for the MeSeSeMe model compound, which showed a typical dependence on the torsion angle (phi(C(Me)SeSeC(Me))). This dependence explains the small values (< or =64 Hz) of 1Jobsd(Se,Se) observed for RSeSeR' and large values (330-380 Hz) of 1Jobsd(Se,Se) observed for 4-substituted naphtho[1,8-c,d]-1,2-diselenoles, which correspond to synperiplanar diselenides. The HOMO-->LUMO and HOMO-1-->LUMO transitions contribute the most to 1J(Se,Se) at phi=0 and 180 degrees to give large values of 1J(Se,Se), whereas various transitions contribute and cancel each other out at phi=90 degrees to give small values of 1J(Se,Se). Large 4Jobsd(Se,Se) values were also observed in the nonbonded Se...Se, Se...Se=O, and O=Se...Se=O interactions at naphthalene 1,8-positions. The Fermi contact (FC) term contributes significantly to 4J(Se,Se), whereas the paramagnetic spin-orbit (PSO) term contributes significantly to 1J(Se,Se). 2J(Se,Se) and 3J(Se,Se) were analyzed in a similar manner and a torsional angular dependence was confirmed for 3J(Se,Se). Depending on the structure, the main contribution to (n)J(Se,Se) (n=2, 3) is from the FC term, with a lesser contribution from the PSO term. Analysis of each transition enabled us to identify and clearly visualize the origin and mechanism of the couplings.  相似文献   

Reaction mechanisms between MH (M=B, Al) and the H2S molecule have been theoretically studied. The G3 ab initio and DFT calculations demonstrate that only one stable addition complex (HM:SH2, M=B, Al) can be formed, and that, starting from the addition complex (HM:SH2) two parallel reaction channels have been found: one is an addition reaction to give H2MSH via the three‐membered ring transition state (TS), and the other is a dehydrogenation reaction to give MSH+H2 via the four‐membered ring TS. Thermodynamics and Eyring transition state theory (TST) with the Wigner correction are also used to compute the thermodynamic functions, the equilibrium constants, A factors, and the rate constants of these reaction channels at 300–1500 K. The calculated results predict that the product H2BSH in the system of BH+H2S and the product AlSH+H2 in the system of AlH+H2S will be mainly observed. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Int J Quantum Chem, 2001  相似文献   

The synthesis and X-ray structural characterisation of a new Cu(II) complex, [Cu(L1)Cl](ClO4)·CH3OH (1) [L1 = N,N′-bis((pyridine-2-yl)phenylidene)-1,3-diaminopropan-2-ol], has been described in this work. The structural study reveals that the Cu(II) centre in 1 has a square pyramidal geometry with a trigonality index τ = 0.43, being coordinated by the organic ligand and a chloro group. The interaction of complex 1 and another complex previously reported by our group, [Cu(L2)](ClO4)2 (2) [L2 = N-(1-pyridin-2-yl-phenylidene)-N′-[2-({2-[(1-pyridin-2-ylphenylidene)amino]ethyl}amino)ethyl]ethane-1,2diamine], with calf thymus DNA (CT-DNA) has been investigated using absorption and emission spectral studies. The binding constant (Kb) and the linear Stern-Volmer quenching constant (Ksv) have been determined.  相似文献   

Seventy-three unique spin-spin coupling constants have been analyzed for the ten species in the two series X(CH3)nH(4-n), where the central atom X is 13C or 15N+. Thirty-seven experimental values have been obtained from the literature, and several new coupling constants have been measured for the methyl-substituted ammonium ions. Both DFT with the B3LYP functional and ab initio EOM-CCSD calculations have been carried out on these same systems. Coupling constants computed by these two methods are in agreement with experimental values. Some problems related to coupling constants for the cationic ammonium systems have been resolved when these were recomputed at EOM-CCSD for complexes in which NH4+ is hydrogen-bonded to H2O molecules.  相似文献   

We measured the 1H, 13 C and 15 N chemical shifts for a series of purine derivatives bearing a norbornane substituent in position 9 and various substituents in position 6. The experimental data were complemented with density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The comparison of the calculated and experimental chemical shifts provided us with information about the tautomer and conformational equilibria of the studied compounds. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Schiff bases of 1′-hydroxy-2′-acetonaphthone (HAN) containing chalcogen functionalities, 1-HO-C10H6-2-CH3)CN-(CH2)nEC6H4-4-R (R = H or OMe; n = 2 or 3; E = S (L1-L2), Se (L3-L4) or Te (L5-L6)) have been synthesized in yield 90-95%. They show characteristic 1H, 13C{1H} 77Se{1H} and 125Te{1H} (in case of selenated and tellurated species, respectively) NMR spectra. Their complexation with Pd(II), Pt(II), Hg(II) and (p-cymene)Ru(II) has been explored. The single-crystal structures of ligands L1, L3 and L6 and complexes of Pd(II) with L1, L2, L3 and L5 have been determined. The geometry of Pd is close to square planar in all the complexes and the ligands coordinate in a uni-negative tridentate mode. The Pd-N bond lengths are in the range 1.996(7)-2.019(5) ?. The Pd-Se bond distance is 2.3600(5) ? whereas Pd-Te is 2.5025(7) ?. The Pd(II) complexes of L1-L5 have been found promising as homogeneous catalyst for Heck and Suzuki reactions. The yields obtained were up to 85%.  相似文献   

According to the (1)H, (13)C and (15)N NMR spectroscopic data and DFT calculations, bifurcated N--H...N and N--H...O intramolecular hydrogen bond is shown to be present in 2-trifluoroacetyl-5-(2'-pyridyl)-pyrrole. This bifurcated hydrogen bond causes an increase in the absolute size of the (1)J(N,H) coupling constant by about 6 Hz, and the deshielding of the bridge proton by 2 ppm. DFT calculations show that the influence of the N--H...N and N--H...O intramolecular hydrogen bonds on the (1)J(N,H) coupling and proton shielding is almost additive, although the components of the bifurcated hydrogen bond slightly weaken each other. In 2-trifluoroacetyl-5-(2'-pyridyl)-pyrrole, the coupling constants involving the fluorine and the N--H covalent bond nuclei depend dramatically on the spatial position of the pyridine ring. The pyridine ring rotation operates as a quantum switch controlling the spin information transfer between the (19)F and (15)N nuclei, as well as the proton.  相似文献   

借助密度泛函理论,用B3LYP和BP86方法,对一系列潜在的新型高能密度材料分子H2N5MN5H2(M=Be,Mg,Ca,Zn,和Cd)进行了理论预测研究.结果表明,这些材料分子都非常稳定,不容易分解,其中H2N5BeN5H2最稳定.金属离子的配位作用对化合物的稳定起了重要作用.配体H2N5也因从金属M获得一个电子变成H2N5-离子而变得更稳定.  相似文献   

Five new thiophenoxyketinimines have been synthesized. 1H and 13C NMR spectra as well as deuterium isotope effects on 13C chemical shifts are determined, and spectra are assigned. DFT and MP2 calculations of both structures, chemical shifts, and isotope effects on chemical shifts are done. The combined analysis reveals that the compounds are primarily on a zwitterionic form with an NH+ and a S group and with a little of the neutral form mixed in. Very strong intramolecular hydrogen bonding is found and very high NH chemical shifts are observed. The theoretical calculations show that calculations at the MP2 level are best to obtain correct “C═S” chemical shifts.  相似文献   

EPR study has shown that the anticancer agent vanadocene dichloride (Cp2VCl2) interacts with carbonate contained in physiological solutions. Chelate complex Cp2VO2CO (|A(iso)(51V)| = 175.1 MHz, g(iso) = 1.9861) is the only paramagnetic species formed in the range about the physiological pH (5.5-11.0). The super-hyperfine coupling (|a(iso)(13C)| = 24.1 MHz) was evidenced at measurements using 13C labelled carbonate. The structure of carbonate complex was validated by comparison of observed and theoretical calculated HFC tensors (at the density functional level of theory).  相似文献   

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