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森林资源规划的目的是设计在一段时间内和在一定空间中的积极干预,通过权衡具有不同社会功能的森林价值,使得在某一特定区域的特定功能价值最大化。文中在查阅国内外森林资源规划研究的基础上,系统分析了国内外森林资源规划系统及模拟核心内容。森林资源规划系统越来越受到国内外专业森林经营管理机构的青睐,专业化森林规划软件在推动森林生态服务价值模型建立、林分空间优化、复杂约束条件和目标分析中起到了积极的作用。在全球气候变化大背景下,未来农田与森林将被作为一个有机整体,开发多尺度、多数据复合的森林规划平台。  相似文献   

林业分类经营是根纫林种面积比倒及目标任务把森林经营单位分为商品林业经营单位和公益林业经营单位,对前者实行企业经营管理,后者实行事业管理。对其存在的权属问题,集体和个体林区.比被可行的解决办法是建立联营林场。森林分类经营是根据森林功能和经营目的不同,把森林分为一经林种、二级林种和三级材种。依其森林生态环境条件、树种生物生态学特性、培育类型、目的及其培育技术措施的差异组织经营类型。其经营类型技术措施体系包括立地类型、营造林技术措施及目标规划。  相似文献   

对林业分类经营与森林分类经营的见解   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
林业分类经营是根据林种面积比例及目标任务把森林经营单位分为商品林业经营单位和公益林业经营单位,对前者实行企业经营管理,后者实行事业管理,对其存在的权属问题,集体和个体林区,比较可行的解决办法是建立联营林场,森林分类经营是根据森林功能和经营目的不同,把森林分为一级林种,二级林种和三级树种,依其森林生态环境条件,树种生物生态特性,培育类型,目的及培育技术措施的差异组织经营类型,其经营类型技术措施体系包括立地类型,营造林技术措施及目标规划。  相似文献   

科学编制县级森林经营规划,为森林可持续经营提供依据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在总结邵武市森林经营管理的基础上,从总体思路、规划目标、应把握原则、主要内容、规划组织、规划成果等方面提出编制县级森林经营规划的新思路和新方法,同时结合新形势、新要求,确定森林可持续经营的目标和经营措施,以编制好新一轮森林经理期的县级森林经营规划。  相似文献   

为探究县域森林景观恢复机制,确定优先恢复区域与适宜恢复措施,以秭归县为研究对象,采用物元模型与多目标灰色局势决策模型,分别从景观和立地尺度开展森林景观恢复土地适宜性评价研究。在景观尺度,构建评价指标体系,确定森林景观恢复的优先恢复地块,制定重点恢复策略;在立地尺度,构建以提升区域水源涵养功能、生物量、生产力为核心的恢复措施,以实现生态系统服务在一定时空范围内达到最优配置。结果表明,秭归县适宜森林景观恢复地块总面积18 674.06 hm2。在3 643.74 hm2适宜新造林地块中,41.74%适宜恢复为针叶林,29.93%适宜恢复为针阔混交林,24.53%适宜恢复为阔叶林,3.80%适宜恢复为灌木林。15 030.32 hm2地块适宜提升森林质量,根据其林地类型,提出补植补造、促进林下植被生长、被动恢复、森林经营管理、单一树种改造、栽植混交林、封山育林等具体干预措施及其组合。物元模型与多目标灰色局势决策模型定量评估,结合研究区域土地利用现状、森林资源普查数据等基础数据,可有效确定优先恢复地块和恢复策略,为县域森林景观恢...  相似文献   

我国面向森林资源管理的监测体系创新研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从森林资源的宏观规划管理(国家空间植被生态安全规划)、中观格局管理(区域空间植被协同管理)和微观结构经营管理(小班或地块精准经营)3个尺度对我国森林资源的空间分布、经营状况及管理问题进行探讨。以北京林业大学精准林业北京市重点实验室新一代信息化智能化森林资源监测体系(无人机协同森林资源精准经营管理系统、电动生长锥年轮自动识别系统、手持式测树超站仪及小班森林精准经营管理平台等)为基础,围绕我国森林资源现存问题和现代化调查、监测、经营管理等需求,创建天地立体化森林管理应用系统和装备,解决了森林精准经营中的一些难题。实践应用证明了新一代监测体系的实用性和有效性,同时为森林资源管理部门和林业工作者提供了全新的经营模式、解决方案和信息化管理系统平台。  相似文献   

厦门城市森林经营方案编制几个问题的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
就厦门市城市森林经营方案的目标与任务、城市森林经营类型的划分、规划与布局、城市森林的培育、保护利用措施等若干问题展开探讨,旨在提高城市森林经营方案编制水平,为全省林业建设服务。  相似文献   

森林生长收获模型发展中存在的问题及相关建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林生长收获模型能比较准确地预估森林的生长速度并反映林木各个器官(枝、叶、根、干等)之间生物量的关系, 是掌握林分结构及生长动态变化规律的有效途径, 在林分生长量和收获量预估、生物量与碳储量计算、森林生态系统内部结构分析、森林多功能监测与评价等方面均具有广泛应用。文中简述森林生长收获模型的发展现状, 分析其发展中存在的主要问题, 并针对这些问题提出了发展森林生长收获模型的有关建议, 以期为相关研究提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

建立森林经营规划与森林经营方案编制体系的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
森林经营是森林质量精准提升的关键途径,编制森林经营规划与森林经营方案是森林质量精准提升的具体行动,科学合理编制规划与方案对森林质量精准提升具有十分重要的意义。阐述了森林经营规划和森林经营方案的内涵、作用、联系与区别,以及编制中存在的问题,指出森林经营类型和森林作业法是规划与方案编制的核心要点,省县级森林经营规划应制定科学合理的森林经营类型和与之相对应的森林作业法,森林经营方案应依据县级森林经营规划组织落实适宜森林经营主体的森林经营类型和森林作业法。通过建立系统的森林经营规划与森林经营方案编制体系,实现森林质量全面持续精准提升。  相似文献   

林业工作者通过建立生长模型来研究、理解和展示林分的生长过程并制定经营决策,特定的计算机工具经常用来实现这些模型。CAPSIS是一个致力于建立森林生长模型并能充分整合各种模型的通用共享森林建模平台,可提供森林经营管理的工具设计和比较不同的森林经营方案。笔者对CAPSIS森林生长经营模拟平台及其在林业上的应用进行了介绍,并讨论了建模者和林业工作者利用这一共享森林建模平台进行森林生长研究、经营管理决策等的优势。  相似文献   

The study presents four ways to formulate a landscape level forest planning model for group planning using a heuristic optimization method called ‘HERO’. The HERO method is composed of two primary steps: first, forest management goals are defined; then a management plan is sought to fulfill the defined goals. The planning models consider the landscape (whole area) and forest holdings as separate hierarchical levels. Within the planning models, each participant's forest management goals are defined using additive priority functions consisting of weighted sub-utility and/or achievement functions. Maximizing the achievement function minimizes the deviation from the target value for the corresponding goal variable. (i) The integrated top-down model uses achievement functions on the landscape level and sub-utility functions on the individual holding level; while (ii) the integrated bottom-up model uses achievement functions on the holding level and sub-utility functions on the landscape level. (iii) The integrated utility maximization model consists of weighted sub-utility functions on both the landscape and the individual holding levels and (iv) the integrated regret minimization model uses achievement functions on both levels. The use of different priority models was illustrated in a case study, which consisted of four neighboring private land holdings. In general, the priority models worked in a logical way. Large deviations from the targets could be prevented by using achievement functions in the overall priority models. On the other hand, the differences between the models were not very large, and the results of only one case cannot be generalized. It seems that all the alternative priority models might have use in different planning situations. However, interactive use of the models should be preferred.  相似文献   

日本国立公园发展、体系与特点   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
截至2010年日本国立公园与国定公园(准国立公园)共有85处, 占日本国土面积9.1%。国立公园保护着日本最重要的自然风景资源, 也是最重要的度假休闲地。了解日本国立公园管理体系对建设我国森林公园具有启示意义。文中梳理了日本国立公园产生、发展的脉络, 以及国立公园和国定公园的基本状况; 概述了国立公园的规划体系、管理体系和保护分区, 并指出日本国立公园的基本特点是风景资源复杂多样、内部土地权属复杂、地域制自然公园管理制度和保护体系的基础在于多方协作; 提出借鉴日本国立公园的经验, 我国森林公园建设应建立协作体制, 进一步完善规划体系, 在市域绿地系统规划中统筹考虑功能与布局。  相似文献   

国土空间规划要求对全域全要素资源进行统筹规划。景观风貌是跨越行政边界的各要素资源的综合表征。对景观风貌进行评估能够为国土空间景观风貌规划管控提供依据,为各类规划管控提供景观风貌参照标准,实现国土空间全域全要素资源禀赋的原真性保护。文章通过对英国景观保护观念、保护方法和对象及管理组织和管控模式的发展转变历程进行总结,对其景观特征评估体系要点进行解读,提出在国土空间规划的背景下,我国进行景观风貌规划管控的构想:完善规划评估导向和原则,搭建规划评估流程,划分规划管控层级与重点,构建统筹管理、区域协同、多方参与的管控体系。景观风貌规划管控体系的构建可为国土空间规划体系的建立提供有力支撑。  相似文献   

To implement effective climate change mitigation and carbon sequestration activities in the southern US, nonindustrial private forest landowner (NIPF) participation is necessary because of the significant area of forest land under their ownership. For policy implementation to involve this major ownership group in climate change mitigation activities in this region, it is important to understand their forest management motivations and understanding toward carbon sequestration. This study develops a regional typology of NIPF landowners based on reasons for owning forest land in the southern US. The specific goals were to: (1) segment NIPF landowners into smaller homogeneous groups based on reasons for owning forest land; (2) identify landownership characteristics and forest management behavior by ownership groups; and (3) assess their climate change beliefs and understanding of forest carbon sequestration by ownership groups. A principal component-cluster analysis of 735 responses to a mail questionnaire distributed to NIPF landowners in the southern US revealed three groups, which were named amenity, multi-objective, and timber-oriented landowners. The amenity group included 21% of the landowners, while the timber and multi-objective groups included 40% and 39% of the landowners, respectively. These landowner groups varied in terms of owner characteristics, forest species type and management behavior, climate change beliefs and understanding of carbon sequestration. The amenity and multi-objective owners tend to have more positive belief toward climate change than the timber group, but more landowners in each group indicated having poor understanding of forest carbon sequestration. The study fills a knowledge gap in research efforts by developing a regional typology of NIPF landowners and linking it with their forestry resources and management strategies along with their climate change beliefs and understanding of forest carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean basin is a fire-prone area and is expected to continue being so according to projected climate and socioeconomic changes. Sustainable exploitation of forest biomass could have a positive effect on wildfire hazard mitigation. A modelling approach was used to compare how four different Scenarios for biomass collection for energy use affect fire behaviour and potential burnt area at landscape level under extreme meteorological conditions in a typical Mediterranean Massif. A case study of Pinus halepensis stands in Valencia (Eastern Spain) was conducted. The FARSITE simulator was used to evaluate the burnt area and fire behaviour parameters. Simulations predicted a significant increase in the burnt area and the values of most fire behaviour parameters in a Scenario of rural abandonment, relative to the current situation. Biomass management through thinning reduced canopy bulk density; however, no differences in the values of the main fire behaviour parameters were detected. Thinning and understory clearing, including biomass collection in large shrub fuel model areas, significantly reduces fire hazard. Forest biomass sustainable harvesting for energy is expected to reduce fire hazard if management includes intense modification of fuel models, comprising management of shrub biomass at the landscape level. Strong modification of forest fuel models requires intensive silvicultural treatments. Therefore, forest biomass collection for energy in the Mediterranean basin reduces fire hazard only if both tree and shrub strata are managed at landscape level.  相似文献   

新疆阿勒泰林场林地保护与利用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新疆阿勒泰林场林地保护与利用存在着地域性分布明显,树种单一,稳定性差,林牧矛盾突出、林地管理缺乏规范等问题。提出实行用途管理,进行森林保有量规划,根据生态脆弱性、生态区位重要性以及林地生产力等指标对林地资源进行系统评价和定级结果:特殊保护(Ⅰ级保护)面积占林地面积的41.2%、严格保护(Ⅱ级保护)面积占27.3%、重点保护(Ⅲ级保护)面积占31.5%、一般保护面积(Ⅳ级保护)为零。根据以往各类规划中的定位,将林场划分为"禁止开发区"和"限制开发区"2个生态功能区。  相似文献   

景观生态学与森林景观生态规划初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着景观生态学的发展,结合景观规划的概念,对森林景观进行景观生态规划,可以协调森林在生态、社会、经济方面的功能.同时森林景观生态规划使得森林经营和资源管理活动不再局限于某一尺度上的决策,而是在景观、区域尺度上的进行综合分析.应用地理信息系统的原理以及相关软件可以为森林景观生态规划的实施提供技术支持.  相似文献   

全球人工林环境管理策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球人工林为木材生产和缓解贫困做出了重要贡献, 在减缓和适应气候变化中起到了非常重要的作用。文中在介绍全球人工林资源的基础上, 分析了人工林对生物多样性、水分循环、养分循环和碳循环的影响和相互作用机制, 提出了人工林环境管理策略, 即建立人工林多功能经营制度、通过森林认证助推人工林可持续经营、充分利用REDD+机制提高人工林固碳效应的政策推动策略, 加强生物多样性保护、降低人工林对水循环负面影响、提高人工林的养分循环、促进人工林生态系统碳循环的生态系统完整性策略, 以及保育高保护价值区域策略和鼓励利益相关者参与人工林规划与管理策略。  相似文献   

Forestry has transformed the tree species composition and structure of Swedish forests. The fragmented ownership pattern in areas with non-industrial private forest ownership (NIPF), in combination with these forestry practices, have created fragmented forests with relatively low proportions of habitat types important to many species. Ecological landscape planning has been suggested and tested as a mean for integrating nature conservation and timber production in Sweden. However, ecological landscape planning concepts have been developed for areas with homogenous ownership patterns and not for areas with fragmented ownership. In this study, stands that are voluntarily set aside by individual forest owners were examined in terms of nature conservation value, and compared to randomly selected stands obtained by Monte Carlo simulation. In order to obtain rather detailed data about the set-aside stands, semi-standardized interviews were carried out directly with forest owners in three landscape areas dominated by NIPF. The interviews showed that 26 out of 29 forest owners could locate some stands where they did not have high requirements for timber yield. These stands had higher than average local and spatial nature conservation value as a result of stand structure, composition and location in the landscape. The stands did not have a random location or size, being found closer to key habitats as well as forming equally large or larger patches than other stands. These stands are suggested to form a basis for ecological landscape planning as forest owners seem to have some kind of ‘common view’ of which stands to set aside. This common view could be used to coordinate the contribution made by individual forest owners to nature conservation in areas with fragmented ownership patterns.  相似文献   

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