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Land subsidence in China occurs predominantly in 17 provinces (cities) situated in the eastern and middle regions of the country, including Shanghai, Tianjin and Jiangsu, and Hebei provinces. It is primarily caused by groundwater overpumping. One of the areas most severely affected by land subsidence is the Yangtze Delta, most of which consists of Shanghai City, the Su-Xi-Chang area (Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou cities) of Jiangsu Province, and the Hang-Jia-Hu area (Hangzhou, Jiaxing and Huzhou cities) of Zhejiang Province. The excessive exploitation of groundwater forms in a large regional cone of depression and, consequently, land subsidence is also regional, currently centered in the Shanghai and Su-Xi-Chang areas. In 2002, the maximum cumulative subsidence of Shanghai, Su-Xi-Chang and Hang-Jia-Hu were 2.63 m, 2.00 and 1.06 m, respectively. The land subsidence area is continuing to expand throughout the Yangtze Delta. To study the characteristics and the pattern of this land subsidence, the government has implemented a monitoring system involving the placement of 37 groups of extensometers (layers marks) and drilling of more than 1000 observation wells. These provide an invaluable historical record of deformation and pore water pressure and facilitate studies on the special features of soil deformation when the groundwater level changes due to pumping. Several measures have been taken in recent years to control the development of the land subsidence in the different areas; these include groundwater injection, prohibition of pumping deep confined groundwater, and an adjustment of the pumping depth and magnitude of the groundwater withdrawn. At present, although the subsidence area is still increasing slowly, the subsidence rate is controlled.  相似文献   

Geochemical study of the Holocene sediments of the Meghna River Delta, Chandpur, Bangladesh was conducted to investigate the distribution of arsenic and related trace and major elements. The work carried out includes analyses of core sediments and provenance study by rare earth element (REE) analysis. Results showed that the cores pass downward from silty clays and clays into fine to medium sands. The uppermost 3 m of the core sediments are oxidized [average oxidation reduction potential (ORP) + 230 mV], and the ORP values gradually become negative with depths (−45 to −170 mV), indicating anoxic conditions prevail in the Meghna sediments. The REE patterns of all lithotypes in the study areas are similar and are comparable to the average upper continental crust. Arsenic and other trace elements (Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, and Cr) have greater concentrations in the silts and clays compared to those in the sands. Positive correlation between As and Fe was found in the sediments, indicating As may be adsorbed on Fe oxides in aquifer sediments.  相似文献   

长江源区新生代地堑的构造特征与形成机制   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
长江源地区近南北走向的地堑构造是该区现今最为显著的构造现象,也是青藏高原迄今发现的同类构造发育的最北部地区。长江源地区地堑构造包括温泉、常错、当拉错纳玛和沱沱河4个规模较大的近南北向地堑。断层年代学和断陷盆地沉积作用研究结果表明,研究区伸展变形至少自中新世末一上新世初就已开始,对长江源地区现今的地貌格局、水系型式具有显著的制约作用。长江源区主要水系是沿南北走向的地堑构造和正断层侵蚀发育而成的。青藏高原新生代伸展地堑构造是高原经历早期地壳强烈缩短变形之后,在深部动力学机制作用下快速隆升的产物。  相似文献   

珠三角沿海地区土壤硒的来源和富集成因初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文总结了珠三角沿海地区土壤硒含量的分布特征及其与成土母质的关系,探讨了该区域土壤中硒的来源及富集影响因素,提出珠三角地区土壤富硒是亚热带季风性气候湿热条件下花岗岩类强烈化学风化和富集改造的结果,土壤富硒作用的实质是杂质元素从成土母质中大量活化并分离移出,从而使硒元素发生相对富集的过程。本文对珠三角沿海地区土壤硒富集规律的总结显示该地区硒资源具有巨大潜力,具有广阔的开发富硒资源前景。  相似文献   

长江源地区近南北走向的地堑构造是该区现今最为显著的构造现象,也是青藏高原迄今发现的同类构造发育的最北部地区。长江源地区地堑构造包括温泉、常错、当拉错纳玛和沱沱河4个规模较大的近南北向地堑。断层年代学和断陷盆地沉积作用研究结果表明,研究区伸展变形至少自中新世末—上新世初就已开始,对长江源地区现今的地貌格局、水系型式具有显著的制约作用。长江源区主要水系是沿南北走向的地堑构造和正断层侵蚀发育而成的。青藏高原新生代伸展地堑构造是高原经历早期地壳强烈缩短变形之后,在深部动力学机制作用下快速隆升的产物。  相似文献   

长江源区新生代火山岩的年代学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
长江源区的火山岩包含了青藏高原北部新生代火山岩形成及演化的全部信息,其年代学研究对查明青藏高原北部新生代火山活动时空演化具有重要意义。通过K—Ar同位素年代学研究,将长江源区新生代的火山活动划分为3期:第Ⅰ期(40.1-35.1Ma)火山喷发较弱,形成小范围分布的细粒安粗岩和斑状粗面岩;第Ⅱ期(26.5~17.6Ma)火山喷溢最为强烈,形成大面积厚层黑色气孔状安粗岩;第Ⅲ期(5.5-4.61Ma)由潜火山作用形成球粒状、斑状粗面岩岩丘。长江源区3个期次的火山喷发与青藏高原北部火山活动的阶段性相对应。长江源区新生代火山岩的演化特征为:从早到晚,岩石系列由高钾钙碱性系列→钾玄岩系列演化;岩性由安粗岩→粗面岩演化。  相似文献   

In order to find out the distribution characteristics of BTEX in groundwater, which include Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, p-Xylene, m-Xylene, and o-Xylene, 82 groups of groundwater samples and 10 surface water samples collected from Guangzhou in Guangdong during 2005 to 2008 were tested by gas chromatography and mass spectrum(GC/MS). The result showed that the BTEX concentration in groundwater does not exceed the standard. The detection rate of BTEX is 14.63% in groundwater, and the total BTEX concentration is lower than 9.5 μg/L. Of 6 kinds of BTEX, toluene had the highest detection rate(12.20%) and detection value(9.5 μg/L), which was followed by Benzene, with the detection rate of 3.65%, and detection value of 4.9 μg/L respectively; most of samples with BTEX are distributed in Huangpu district, Baiyun district, Huadu district and other industrialized areas; this spatial distribution and urban distribution have obvious consistency. With economic development, plant expansion and population growth led to a large amount of waste water discharge, and infrastructure construction is lagging behind, indicating that rapid urbanization is a major driving force of BTEX in groundwater, and through the analysis of a typical area, it is found that benzene system surface water infiltration was an important source of BTEX in groundwater of Guangzhou.  相似文献   

戴根宝  杨民 《江苏地质》2011,35(1):45-49
长江三角洲地区深基坑降水复杂,且极易引起地面沉降地质灾害问题,传统的基于地下水动力学原理的解析解模型(Theis公式或Dupuit公式)已难以满足降水设计模拟计算的需要,尤其是无法预测降水引起的地面沉降问题,深基坑降水与地面沉降耦合模型将地下水渗流模型和土体应力-应变模型耦合起来,可根据基坑地下水位的控制要求,同时模拟计算出降水井的布局、各井的开采量和地面沉降量。据此确定出的基坑降水方案既能满足地下水位的控制要求,又能对降水引起的地面沉降进行最优化控制。  相似文献   

Groundwater resources have considerable influences on the human population and socioeconomic development of Vietnam and the Mekong River Delta (MRD). This paper presents an overview of the relationship between climate change and groundwater in the MRD, including the challenges, strategies and technical measures. Our results showed that groundwater levels are related to other climate and hydrological variables (i.e., rainfall, river levels, etc.); therefore, the impacts of climate change on the groundwater resources of the Mekong delta are significant, especially on groundwater recharge. Based on the results of this study, it is recommended that groundwater development in the future should focus on reducing groundwater harvesting, enhancing groundwater quantity by establishing artificial works and exploiting surface water. This study suggests that the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model is an effective tool for forecasting groundwater levels in periods of 1 month and 3 months for aquifers in the natural and tidal regime areas of the delta.  相似文献   

全新世气候变化与长江三角洲史前文化兴衰   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
张芸  朱诚 《地质论评》2001,47(5):556-560
来自长江三角洲的薛城遗址和金址三野村遗址的孢粉和植物硅酸体鉴定或地球化学分析结果表明,长江三角洲史前文化的兴衰与全新世气候变化有一定的耦合关系,薛城遗址相当于马家浜文化晚期,它是南京地区发现最早的新石器遗址,新仙女木冰期之后,该区进入明显的持续增温时期,直至全新世高温期,持续较长时期的暖湿气候使该区新石器文化得以发展,金坛三星村新石器遗址相当于马家浜 文化中期至崧泽文化中期,崧泽文化是在暖湿气候条件下出现和繁荣的,但在5500a BP之后,气候极为冷干,加上当时人类活动剧烈,自然植被破坏比较严重,导致崧泽文化发生中断。  相似文献   

The Yangtze River Delta Region is one of the most important economic development areas in China. In the process of its industrialization and urbanization, a great deal of wastewater is poured into rivers, lakes and coasts. Researches on contamination and bioavailability of heavy metals can help us to assess the ecological risks in the aquatic environment of the Yangtze River Delta. The samples were collected from three environmental compartments including the Yangtze River, Taihu Lake, and the south coast of Jiangsu. The concentrations of heavy metals were determined by ICP-MS. Metal speciation was determined by the sequential extraction procedure modified based on Tessier's scheme. Among the seven elements of Cu, Pb, Zn, Cr, Cd, Co, Ni detected, the contents of Cr, Zn did not vary significantly, while Cd and Pb varied significantly. Compared to the background values (loess in the basement), all metals detected except Co, Cr exceeded the background level. Cd had the greatest exceeding values, reaching 2 to 7 times. Ni and Pb were followed. The contents of Zn were comparatively high in lake sediments, especially in the lake bays. Ni was enriched in fiver sediments and Cu was highest in sediments from the Yangtze River estuary. Cd and Pb were concentrated in the coastal sediments. Comparatively, in space, Cr was associated with the carbonate fractions in the bay of lake. Cu-bound Fe-Mn oxides and Ni in residual form were highest in the open lake. In the river environment, Fe/Mn oxide-bound Pb, exchangeable Cd were the highest fractions. In the estuary environment, Pb and Zn bound carbonates, Cd-bound Fe-Mn oxides are the largest fractions. Cd in the exchangeable fraction, Cu-bound Fe-Mn oxides had the larger proportions in the coast. In general, the bioavailability of Cu and Cd were high in lake environment, the available Pb, Cd were remarked in river environment, and Pb and Zn were easily assimilated by creatures in estuary.  相似文献   

沱沱河流域是长江的发源地之一,其广泛分布的多年冻土对长江源区的产汇流过程、生态系统乃至于区域气候都有着重要影响,对该区域多年冻土分布和特征的调查和了解,可为研究江河源区多年冻土与气候、水文、生态的相互作用关系提供基础数据支撑。2020年10—11月,研究团队对沱沱河源区的多年冻土开展了为期50天的野外调查工作,并在不同下垫面类型、不同地貌部位和不同海拔高度共布设钻孔32个,总钻进深度1 200 m。该文是基于钻孔和探坑资料对沱沱河源区多年冻土特征和地下冰发育状况的初步总结。结果显示,沱沱河源区多年冻土在一定程度上受河流和地热影响形成了局部融区,其多年冻土下界大致在4 650~4 680 m之间;钻孔揭示的多年冻土上限平均埋藏深度为(2.47±0.98) m,部分地区存在融化夹层;受浅表层沉积物岩性和地热的影响,多年冻土下限埋藏深度相对较浅,平均为19.3 m,多年冻土相对较薄,平均厚度为15.0 m;多年冻土下限深度和多年冻土的厚度最大为75.0 m和72.7 m;地形地貌、沉积物特征和地热条件是影响多年冻土厚度存在较大空间差异的主要原因。研究区内地下冰主要分布于15.0 m深度以上范围内,同时也发现了处于萎缩状态的冰核丘与石质冻胀丘,这些现象也一定程度上与该研究区多年冻土退化过程有关。  相似文献   

气候变暖背景下,冰雪、冻土剧烈消融引起的寒区径流成分改变对流域径流演变规律及水循环机制产生了深刻影响。对长江源区各水体水化学特征及其生态水文学研究进行归纳总结,主要进展包括:长江源区的大气降水的水汽来源主要受西风环流和季风环流的控制。冰雪融水的水化学特征受到消融强度、消融持续时间和新雪融水的影响,同时在冰雪融水、积雪以及冰川融水之间可能存在化学离子的交换。冻土层上水受到降水、冰雪融水、地下冰融水等的混合补给,造成水化学特征变化的随机波动。海拔在4 500 m的地区是冻土层上水水化学特征对研究区离子控制源较为敏感的区域。随着海拔高度的增加,降雨直接补给对河水中化学离子的稀释作用逐渐减弱,同时,海拔从4 500 m到5 000 m的降水对河水中离子浓度的稀释效果最大,而在海拔5 000 m以上河水主要受冰雪融水的补给,降水和消融期的变化对河水水化学的影响很小。研究结果为更系统地认知寒区下垫面变化所引起的水文效应提供科学依据,为流域水资源的合理开发利用提供决策依据。  相似文献   

使用历史方志资料,根据台风发生时风雨潮洪的特点和文献记录中对它们的文字描述,建立了台风天气灾害现象筛选词语表,提取了台风相关信息,建立了长江三角洲地区公元1644—1949年历史台风灾害数据库。通过对现代台风过程中天气现象和可能造成灾害特征的分析,从历史台风描述词语、风雨潮现象发生的时间和空间特征、台风灾害链、风雨持续时间、台风风向、地形等方面制定了辨识历史台风的4条直接判别准则和6条辅助辨识依据,逐年辨识台风事件。与器测资料相对比,检验了历史台风事件重建的结果,公元1884—1949年间共重建出65次台风事件,相当于器测数的87.8%,两者相差1次以下的年数为55 a,占83.3%,说明利用方志资料重建台风频次序列的可靠性,为重建历史台风频次序列提供了方法支持,对研究长时间台风活动与气候变化的关系具有科学意义。  相似文献   

陈立德 《华南地质》2023,39(4):666-671
全新世海侵以来,巨量泥沙在长江河口湾一带堆积,形成了自西向东雁列的六个亚三角洲河口沙坝。长江口随之从镇江、扬州向东南方向推进到长兴岛一带,加之百余年来长江中游荆江河曲的演化和簰洲湾弯曲河道的发展,长江中下游河道累计延长620 km。长江中下游河床纵比降的自动调整,促使了中游一带河道泥沙淤积达12.9 m。长江河道的不断延伸加长和长江中下冲积河床对纵比降的自动调整,是长江中游河道淤涨和洪水位上升的内因;而荆江一带人类工程活动的参与,强化了长江泥沙向下游输移,加速了长江三角洲的发展和长江河道的延伸,构成了长江中游河道淤涨和洪水位上升的正反馈机制。长江中游防洪减灾策略、长江流域防洪规划和流域国土空间规划,应统筹考虑长江口浚海清淤和长江三角洲泥沙资源化利用,或开辟新的防洪入海通道,如开辟南通-如东入海新运河暨防洪新河。  相似文献   

在系统分析长江三角洲经济区地质条件与地质环境问题的基础上,深入研究了该地区工业用地与地质环境之间的相互关系,从而建立了基于工业用地的地质环境适宜性评价指标体系,并利用层次分析法确定指标权重,通过定性分析与定量计算相结合的方式,运用加权平均综合指数法对该地区的工业用地地质环境适宜程度进行综合评价。评价结果表明,长江三角洲经济区工业用地的地质环境适宜区及较适宜区占研究区陆域总面积的59%,总体情况较好。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲地区地下水锰的分布特征及其成因   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
为了解珠江三角洲地区地下水中锰的含量及其成因,笔者采集并分析了352组地下水样和13组地表水样。结果表明:珠江三角洲地区地下水的锰含量在未检出至8.32mg/L之间,平均浓度为0.34mg/L,超标率达49.4%。在该区9个地级市范围都存在地下水锰超标现象。区内地下水的锰含量与总溶解固体(TDS)、化学需氧量(COD)以及HCO3ˉ都呈极显著的正相关关系,而与Eh呈极显著的负相关关系。珠江三角洲地区地下水中锰含量的分布与该地区的工业化程度以及所处的补、径、排条件密切相关。影响该地区地下水锰含量分布的因素主要有氧化还原环境、酸碱条件、地下水的总溶解固体、上覆盖层性质、地下水径流条件以及含水层介质等。  相似文献   

长江三角洲地区土壤地球化学基准值及其应用探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对基准值、背景值概念的进一步分析,确定了以沉积环境作为土壤地球化学基准值求取的基本单元,以各基本单元的面积加权法求取区域土壤地球化学基准值的方法。利用长江三角洲地区完成的多目标区域地球化学调查数据,求取了该区的土壤地球化学基准值,并对基准值特征进行了分析和应用探讨。结果表明:各沉积环境有其特征的指示元素或组合,F、Cl、Br、I、Ca和Mg元素组合可反映海相沉积物的新老和比例;N、S、OrgC组合,I、Hg组合和Y、Ce、La等稀土和稀有元素组合分别指示湖相、泻湖相和陆相沉积环境。Hg、Cd等为全区富集的污染元素;土壤中亲石元素、稀有和稀土元素稳定;I和CaO易流失。部分元素的土壤清洁级界限值采用X0+2S0能较好地反映土壤污染的分布。研究区土壤中养分Co、Na2O几乎全部为适宜区,K、N、Fe、B、Cu、Cl、Mg、S含量丰富,Zn、Mn和P、Mo、Si相对缺乏。  相似文献   

对藏北长江源地区河谷地貌和新构造变形调查发现,该区具有平行式水系格局,河谷地貌以形态不同的窄谷和宽谷为特点,新近纪以来该区主要经历了早期挤压和晚期伸展构造演化过程,产生了褶皱-逆冲、走滑剪切、正断层和地堑构造3种构造变形样式。长江源区河谷地貌的形成演化明显受新构造运动的影响,新构造运动不仅控制了河谷地貌形态与水系格局,而且影响了河流阶地分布以及洪(冲)积扇的形态、结构。长江源地区主要水系至少自全新世以来是沿新构造运动产生的不同性质断裂构造溯源侵蚀发育而成。  相似文献   

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