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Oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis has been used to replaceglycine residues by alanine in neutral protease from Bacillussubtilis. One Gly to Ala substitution (G147A) was located ina helical region of the protein, while the other (G189A) wasin a loop. The effects of mutational substitutions on the functional,conformational and stability properties of the enzyme have beeninvestigated using enzymatic assays and spectroscopic measurements.Single substitutions of both G1y147 and Gly189 with Ala residuesaffect the enzyme kinetic properties using synthetic peptidesas substrates. When Gly replacements were concurrently introducedat both positions, the kinetic characteristics of the doublemutant were roughly intermediate between those of the two singlemutants, and similar to those of the wild-type protease. Bothmutants G147A and G189A were found to be more stable towardsirreversible thermal inactivation/unfolding than the wild-typespecies. Moreover, the stabilizing effect of the Gly to Alasubstitution was roughly additive in the double mutant G147A/G189A,which shows a 3.2°C increase in Tm with respect to the wild-typeprotein. These findings indicate that the Gly to Ala substitutioncan be used as a strategy to stabilize globular proteins. Thepossible mechanisms of protein stabilization are also discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of engineered disulfide bonds on autodigestion andthermostability of Bacillus subtilis neutral protease (NP-sub)were studied using site-directed mutagenesis. After modellingstudies two locations that might be capable of forming disulfidebonds, both near previously determined autodigestion sites inNP-sub, were selected for the introduction of cysteines. Analysisof mutant enzymes showed that disulfide bonds were indeed formedin vivo, and that the mutant enzymes were fully active. Theintroduced disulfides did not alter the autodigestion patternof the NP-sub. All mutant NP-subs exhibited decreased thermostability,which, by using reducing agents, was shown to be caused by theintroduction of the cysteines and not by the formation of thedisulfides. Mutants containing one cysteine exhibited intermoleculardisulfide formation at elevated temperatures, which, however,was shown not to be the cause of the decreased thermostability.Combining the present data with literature data, it would seemthat the introduction of disulfide bridges is unsuitable forthe stabilization of proteases. Possible explanations for thisphenomenon are discussed.  相似文献   

Using site-directed mutagenesis, Ala166 in the neutral proteaseof Bacillus stearothermophilus was changed into Ser. Model buildingand molecular dynamics simulations of the mutant enzyme indicatedthat the Ser hydroxyl group fits well in a cavity which containsa water molecule in the wild-type enzyme. The Alal66 - Ser mutationwas expected to exert a stabilizing effect because of the gainin entropy resulting from the release of a water molecule fromthe folded protein to the solvent. In addition, the hydrogen-bondingnetwork around residue 166 was improved upon the mutation. Asa result of this mutation the thermostability of the neutralprotease was increased by 1.2 ± 0.1°C.  相似文献   

On the basis of the homology with the Bacillus thermoproteolyticuszinc endopeptidase thermotysin, we hypothesized that Glu-143and His-231 are the key residues for the catalytic activityof the Bacillus subtilis neutral protease. To test this possibilityby site-directed mutagenesis, we substituted these two residueswith Ala, Ser, Trp and Arg, and Leu, Val and Cys respectively.All these substitutions dramatically affected the amount ofsecreted mutant proteins, as determined by immunological methods,and their catalytic activities. No appreciable secretion wasobserved with the three Glu mutants Trp, Ser and Arg, whereasthe Glu–Ala mutant enzyme was secreted at a level of afew hundred micrograms per litre of culture. The His mutantswere all secreted at higher levels (in the order of a few milligramsper litre) and their residual catalytic activity could be determinedusing Z-Ala-Leu-Ala as substrate. Our results confirm the keyrole played by Glu-143 and His-231 in catalysis and moreoversuggest the existence of a relationship between the catalyticactivity of the enzyme and the extent of its secretion. In thiscontext, we present data suggesting an autoproteolytic mechanismof cleavage of the precursor form of the enzyme, analogous tothe one previously reported for the B.subtilis subtilisin.  相似文献   

Using genetically engineered mutants of the neutral pro-teasefrom Bacillus stearothermophilus (BsteNP), it had been shownthat the surface-exposed structural motif constituted by Phe63embedded in a four amino acid hydrophobic pocket is criticalfor the thermal stability of the thermophilic neutral proteasesfrom Bacilli. To measure the stabilizing contribution of eachhydrophobic interaction taking place between Phe63 and the hydrophobicpocket, we grafted this structural motif in the neutral proteasefrom the mesophile Bacillus subtilis (BsubNP). This was accomplishedby first creating the Thr63Phe mutant of BsubNP and then generatinga series of mutants in which the four amino acids which in thermolysinsurround Phe63 and form the hydrophobic pocket were added oneafter the other. By analysing the thermal stability of eachmutant it was found that the 2°C destabilizing effect ofthe Thr63Phe substitution was completely suppressed by the additionof the four amino acid hydrophobic pocket, each replacementproviding a stabilizing contribution of approxi mately 0.8–1°C.These results are discussed in the light of the peculiar mechanismof thermal inactivation of proteolytic enzymes.  相似文献   

A 10 residue ß-hairpin, which is characteristic ofthermostable Bacillus neutral proteases, was engineered intothe thermolabile neutral protease of Bacillus subtilis. Therecipient enzyme remained fully active after introduction ofthe loop. However, the mutant protein exhibited autocatalyticnicking and a 0.4°C decrease in thermostability. Two additionalpoint mutations designed to improve the interactions betweenthe enzyme surface and the introduced ß-hairpin resultedin reduced nicking and increased thermostability. After theintroduction of both additional mutations in the loopcontainingmutant, nicking was largely prevented and an increase in thermostabilityof 1.1°C was achieved.  相似文献   

Using genetic techniques the contribution of surface loops tothe thermal stability of Bacillus subtUis neutral protease (NPsub)wasstudied. Mutations were designed to make the surface of NP-submore similar to the surface of more thermostable neutral proteasessuch as thermolysin (TLN). The mutations included the replacementof an irregular loop by a shorter variant and the introductionof a ten–residue (3– hairpin. In general, thesedrastic mutations had little effect on the production and activityof NP–sub, indicating the feasibility of major structuralrearrangements at the surface of proteins. In the most stablemutant, exhibiting an increase in thermal stability of 1.1°C, 10% of the surface of NP–sub was modified. Several NP–subvariants carrying multiple mutations were constructed. Non–additiveeffects on thermal stability were observed, which were interpretedon the basis of a model for thermal inactivation, that emphasizesthe importance of local unfolding processes for thermal stability  相似文献   

Bacillus 1,3-1,4-ß-glucanases possess a highly conserveddisulfide bridge connecting a ß-strand with a solventexposedloop lying on top of the extended binding site cleft The contributionof the disulfide bond and of both individual cysteines (Cys61and Cys90) in the Bacillus licheniformis enzyme to stabilityand activity has been evaluated by protein engineering methods.Reduction of the disulfide bond has no effect on kinetic parameters,has only a minor effect on the activity-temperature profileat high temperatures, and destabilizes the protein by less than0.7 kcal/mol as measured by equilibrium urea denatu ration at37°C. Replacing either of the Cys residues with Ala destabilizesthe protein and lowers the specific activity. C90A retains 70%of wild-type (wt) activity (in terms of Vmax), whereas C61Aand the double mutant C61A–C90A have 10% of wt Vmax. Alarger change in free energy of unfolding is seen by equilibriumurea denaturation for the C61A mutation (loop residue, 3.2 kcal/molrelative to reduced wt) as compared with the C90A mutation (ß-strandresidue, 1.8 kcal/mol relative to reduced wt), while the doublemutant C61A–C90A is 0.8 kcal/mol less stable than thesingle C61A mutant. The effects on stability are interpretedas a result of the change in hydrophobic packing that occursupon removal of the sulfur atoms in the Cys to Ala mutations  相似文献   

Cavities in the hydrophobic core of the neutral protease ofBacillus stearothermophilus were analyzed using a threedimensionalmodel that was inferred from the crystal structure of thermolysin,the highly homologous neutral protease of B.thermoproteolyticus(85% sequence identity). Site–directed mutagenesis wasused to fill some of these cavities, thereby improving hydrophobicpacking in the protein interior. The mutations had small effectson the thermostability, even after drastic changes, such asLeu284Trp and Met168Trp. The effects on T50, the temperatureat which 50% of the enzyme is irreversibly inactivated in 30min, ranged from 0.0 to +0.4°C. These results can be explainedby assuming that the mutations have positive and negative structuraleffects of approximately the same magnitude. Alternatively,it could be envisaged that the local unfolding steps, whichrender the enzyme susceptible towards autolysis and which arerate limiting in the process of thermal inactivation, are onlyslightly affected by alterations in the hydrophobic core.  相似文献   

In recent years resistance to the antibacterial agent trimethoprim(Tmp) has become more widespread and several Tmp-resistant (Tmprdihydrofolate reductases (DHFRs) have been described from Gram-negativebacteria. In staphylococci, however, only one Tmpr DHFR (typeS1 DHFR) has been found so far, and this is located on transposonTn4003. To help understand the mechanism of resistance, we areinterested in determining the 3-D structure of the recombinantenzyme produced in Escherichia coli. However, the productionlevel of the type S1 DHFR was very low and >95% of the totalrecombinant protein accumulated in inclusion bodies. Furthermore,as a result of an internal start of translation, a truncatedderivative of the enzyme that copurified with the full-lengthenzyme was produced. We were able to increase the expressionlevel 20-fold by changing 18 N-terminal codons and to eliminatethe internal start of translation. In addition, through molecularmodelling and subsequent site-directed mutagenesis to replacetwo amino acids, we constructed a biochemically similar butsoluble derivative of the type SI DHFR that, after productionin E.coli, resulted in a 264-fold increase in DHFR activity.The highly overproduced enzyme was purified to homogeneity,characterized biochemically and crystallized.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a serine protease from the alkalophilicstrain Bacillus alcalophilus PB92 has been determined by X-raydiffraction at 1.75 Â resolution. The structure has beensolved by molecular replacement using the atomic model of subtilisinCarlsberg. The model of the PB92 protease has been refined toan R-factor of 14.0% and contains 1882 protein atoms, two calciumions and 188 water molecules. The overall folding of the polypeptide chain closely resembles that of the subtilisins. Furthermore,almost all of the secondary structure elements found in subtilisinCarlsberg are also present in the PB92 protease. The major differencesbetween the two structures are located around the deletion regions(residues 37 and 158–161 in subtilisin Carlsberg) andin two loops which are known to be the most variable parts ofsubtilisin structures. Flexibility of one of these loops (residues126–130 in the PB92 protease) is believed to account forthe inducedfit mechanism of substrate binding.  相似文献   

Two residues, K89 and S380, thought to interact with the -carboxylgroup of the substrate L-glutamate, have been altered by site-directedmutagenesis of clostridial glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH). Thesingle mutants K89L and S380V and the combined double mutantK89L/S380V were constructed. All three mutants were satisfactorilyoverproduced in soluble form. However, only the K89L mutantwas retained by the dye column normally used in purifying thewild-type enzyme. All three mutant enzymes were purified tohomogeneity and tested for substrate specificity with 24 aminoacids. The single mutant S380V showed no detectable activity.The alternative single mutant K89L showed an activity towardsL-glutamate that was decreased nearly 2000-fold compared withwild-type enzyme, whereas the activities towards the monocarboxylicsubstrates -aminobutyrate and norvaline were increased 2- to3-fold. A similar level of activity was obtained with methionine(0.005 U/mg) and norleucine (0.012 U/mg), neither of which giveany activity with the wild-type enzyme under the same conditions.The double mutant showed decreased activity with all substratescompared with the wild-type GDH. In view of its novel activities,the K89L mutant was investigated in greater detail. A strictlylinear relationship between reaction velocity and substrateconcentration was observed up to 80 mM L-methionine and 200mM L-norleucine, implying very high Km values. Values of kcat/Km,for L-methionine and L-norleucine were 6.7x10–2 and 0.15s–1M–1, respectively. Measurements with dithiobisnitrobenzoicacid showed that the mutant enzymes all reacted with a stoichiometryof one -SH group per subunit and all showed protection by coenzyme,indicating essentially unimpaired coenzyme binding. With glutamateor 2-oxoglutarate as substrate the Km values for the vestigialactivity in the mutant enzyme preparations were strikingly closeto the wild-type Km values. Both for wild-type GDH and K89L,L-glutamate gave competitive product inhibition of 2-oxoglutaratereduction but did not inhibit the reduction of 2-oxocaproatecatalysed by K89L enzyme. This suggests that the low levelsof glutamate/2-oxoglutarate activity shown by the mutant enzymeare due to trace contamination. Since stringent precautionswere taken, it appears possible that this reflects the levelof reading error during overexpression of the mutant proteins.CD measurements indicate that the S380V mutant has an alteredconformation, whereas the K89L enzyme gave an identical CD spectrumto that of wild-type GDH; the spectrum of the double mutantwas similar, although somewhat altered in intensity. The resultsconfirm the key role of K89 in dicarboxylate recognition byGDH.  相似文献   

We have identified previously two critical positions for thethermostability of the highly thermostable -amylase from Bacilluslicheniformis. We have now introduced all 19 possible aminoacid residues to these two positions, His 133 and Ala209. Themost favourable substitutions were to Ile and Val, respectively,which both increased the half-life of the enzyme at 80°Cby a factor of 3. At both positions a stabilizing effect ofhydrophobic residues was observed, although only in the caseof position 133 could a clear correlation be drawn between thehydrophobicity of the inserted amino acid and the gain in proteinstability. The construction of double mutants showed a cumulativeeffect of the most favourable and/or deleterious substitutions.Computer modelling was used to generate a 3-D structure of thewild-type protein and to model substitutions at position 209,which lies in the conserved (/ß)8 barrel domain of-amylase; Ala209 would be located at the beginning of the thirdhelix of the barrel, in the bottom of a small cavity facingthe fourth helix. The model suggests that replacement by, forexample, a valine could fill this cavity and therefore increaseintra- and interhelical compactness and hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   

The C-terminal boundary of primary sequence of the Bacillussubtilis PAP115 endo-ß-1,4-glucanase (EG) requiredfor stable catalytic activity has been mapped by site-directedmutagenesis using Escherichia coli as host. The 52 kDa cel geneproduct, EG470 and a 33 kDa mutant (EG300), lacking 170 residuesthrough a nonsense mutation at the leucine-330 codon of thegene, exhibited similar patterns of enzymatic activity and pHoptima using cellooligopentaose as substrate.CD spectra indicatedthat the bulk of the -helical secondary structure in EG470 wascontained within EG300. However, relative to EG470, the specificactivity of EG300 was 3- to 4-fold lower with amorphous celluloseas substrate and {small tilde}4-to5-fold higher with carboxymethylcellulose(soluble cellulose).These results along with data which showthat EG470 binding capacity to mirocrystalline cellulose is{small tilde} 11 times more than that of EG300, demonstratethe importance of residues 330–499 for non-catalytic bindingof cellulose. A construct of the cel gene carrying a deletionof codons 330–499 and an insertion of a nonsense codonat leucine-330, was further used to make mutants EG296 and EG291with nonsense codon substitutions at arginine and serine-321,respectively.Western analysis using EG-specific antiserum revealedthat relative losses in enzymatic activity of EG296 (50%) andEG291 (95%) could be accounted for by the extent of their proteolysis,signifying a marked destabilization of these enzymes by removalof only a few amino acids.  相似文献   

The Bacillus subtilis xylanase A was subjected to site-directed mutagenesis, aimed at changing the interaction with Triticum aestivum xylanase inhibitor, the only wheat endogenous proteinaceous xylanase inhibitor interacting with this xylanase. The published structure of Bacillus circulans XynA was used to target amino acids surrounding the active site cleft of B.subtilis XynA for mutation. Twenty-two residues were mutated, resulting in 62 different variants. The catalytic activity of active mutants ranged from 563 to 5635 XU/mg and the interaction with T.aestivum xylanase inhibitor showed a similar variation. The results indicate that T.aestivum xylanase inhibitor interacts with several amino acid residues surrounding the active site of the enzyme. Three different amino acid substitutions in one particular residue (D11) completely abolished the interaction between T.aestivum xylanase inhibitor and B.subtilis xylanase A.  相似文献   

In addition to hydrolysing RNA, bovine pancreatic ribonucleasesplits esters of pyrimidine nucleoside 3'-phosphates, includingdinucleotides. For a series of 3':5'-linked dinucleotides ofgeneral structure CpN, where N is a 5' linked nucleoside, kcalfor the release of N varies enormously with the precise structureof N. Structural studies have been interpreted to indicate thatthe group N interacts with a subsite, B2, on the enzyme thatcomprises Gln69, Asn71 and Glulll. We report studies by site-directedmutagenesis that indicate that Gln69 is not involved in productiveinteractions with any of the dinucleotide substrates and thatAsn71 is an important component of subsite B2 for all dinucleotidesubstrates tested. Glulll appears to be functionally involvedin catalysis for dinucleotide substrates solely when N is guanosine.  相似文献   

To explore the role of residues being close to the catalytic aspartates in the higher pH optimum and in the lower dimer stability of human foamy virus (HFV) protease (PR) in comparison with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) protease, single (Q8R, H22L, S25T, T28D) and double (Q8R-T28D, H22L-T28D) mutants were created based on sequence alignments and on the molecular model of HFV PR. The wild-type and mutant enzymes were expressed in fusion with maltose binding protein in Escherichia coli and the fusion proteins were purified by affinity chromatography. Specificity constant of most mutants was lower, but the value of Q8R-T28D double mutant enzyme was higher than that of the wild-type HFV PR. Furthermore, urea denaturation at two pH values and pH optimum values showed an increased stability and pH optimum for most mutants. These results suggest that the mutated residues may not be responsible for the higher pH optimum of HFV PR, but they may contribute to the lower dimer stability as compared with that of HIV-1 PR.  相似文献   

Serine endoproteases such as trypsins and subtilisins are knownto have an extended substrate binding region that interactswith residues P6 to P3' of a substrate. In order to investigatethe structural and functional effects of replacing residuesat the S4 substrate binding pocket, the serine protease fromthe alkalophilic Bacillus strain PB92, which shows homologywith the subtilisins, was mutated at positions 102 and 126–128.Substitution of Val102 by Trp results in a 12–fold increasein activity towards succinyl-L-Ala-L-Ala-L-Pro-L-Phe-p-nitroanilide(sAAPFpNA). An X-ray structure analysis of the V102W mutantshows that the Trp side chain occupies a hydrophobic pocketat the surface of the molecule leaving a narrow crevice forthe P4 residue of a substrate. Better binding of sAAPFpNA bythe mutant compared with the wild type protein as indicatedby the kinetic data might be due to the hydrophobic interactionof Ala P4 of the substrate with the introduced Trp102 side chain.The observed difference in binding of sAAPFpNA by protease PB92and thermitase, both of which possess a Trp at position 102,is probably related to the amino acid substitutions at positions105 and 126 (in the protease PB92 numbering).Kinetic data forthe variants obtained by random mutation of residues Serl26,Prol27 and Serl28 reveal that the activity towards sAAPFpNAincreases when a hydrophobic residue is introduced at position126. An X-ray diffraction analysis was carried out for the threeprotease PB92 mutants which have residues Serl26-Prol27-Serl28replaced by Met-Ala-Gly(‘MAG’ mutant), Phe-Gln-Ser(‘FQS’ mutant) and Asn-Ser-Ala (‘NSA’mutant). Met 126 and Phel26 in the crystal structures of thecorresponding mutants are fixed in the same hydrophobic environmentas Trp102 in the V102W mutant.In contrast, Asnl26 in the ‘NSA’mutant is completely disordered in both crystal forms for whichthe structure has been determined. According to our kineticmeasurements none of the mutants with Met, Phe, Leu or Val atposition 126 binds sAAPFpNA better than the wild type enzyme.Resultsof the site-directed mutagenesis at position 127 imply thatpossible interaction of this residue with a substrate has almostno effect on activity towards sAAPFpNA and casein.  相似文献   

The 247–260 and 289–299 -helices of Bacillus subtilisneutral protease have a lysine in their N-terminal turn. Theselysines were replaced by Ser or Asp in order to improve electrostaticinteractions with the -helix dipole. After replacing Lys bySer at positions 249 or 290, the thermostability of the enzymewas increased by 0.3 and 1.0°C, respectively. The Asp249and Asp290 mutants exhibited a stabilization of 0.6 and 1.2°C,respectively. The results show the feasibility of stabilizingenzymes by introducing favourable residues at the end of -helices.  相似文献   

The pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAGs) are secretoryproducts synthesized by the outer epithelial cell layer (chorion)of the placentas of various ungulate species. The amino acidsequences of eight PAGs have been inferred from cloned cDNAof cattle and sheep, as well as of the non-ruminant pig andhorse. We compare the PAG sequences and present results of thethree-dimensional models of boPAG-1 and ovPAG-1 that were constructedon the basis of the crystal structures of homologous porcinepepsin and bovine chymosin using a rule-based comparative modellingapproach. Further, we compare peptide binding subsites definedby interactions with pepstatin and a decapeptide inhibitor (CH-66)modelled on the basis of crystal structures of other asparticproteinases. We have extended our analysis of the peptide bindingsubsites to the other PAG molecules of known sequence by aligningthe PAG sequences to the structural template derived from thepepsin family and by making use of the three-dimensional modelsof the boPAG-1 and ovPAG-1. The residues that are likely toaffect peptide binding in the boPAG-1, ovPAG-1 and other PAGmolecules have been identified. Sequence comparisons revealthat all PAG molecules may have evolved from a pepsin-like progenitormolecule with the equine PAG most closely related to the pepsins.The presence of substitutions at the S1 and other subsites relativeto pepsin make it unlikely that either bovine, ovine or theporcine PAG-1 have catalytic activity. Only two of the eightPAGs examined (porcine PAG-2 and equine PAG-1) retain featuresof active aspartic proteinases with pepsin-like activity. Ourresults indicate that in the PAGs so far characterized the peptidebinding specificities differ significantly from each other andfrom pepsin, despite their high sequence identities. Analysisof the various peptide binding subsites demonstrates why bothbovine and ovine PAG-1 are capable of binding pepstatin. Thestrong negative charge in the binding cleft of boPAG-1 and ovPAG-1indicates a preference for lysine- or arginine-rich peptides.PAGs represent a family where the possible peptide binding functionmay be retained through their binding specificities, but wherethe catalytic activity may be lost in some cases, such as theboPAG-1, ovPAG-1 and the poPAG-1.  相似文献   

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