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This paper presents a study on the two-stage assembly flow shop scheduling problem for minimising the weighed sum of maximum makespan, earliness and lateness. There are m machines at the first stage, each of which produces a component of a job. A single machine at the second stage assembles the m components together to complete the job. A novel model for solving the scheduling problem is built to optimise the maximum makespan, earliness and lateness simultaneously. Two optimal operation sequences of jobs are determined and verified. As the problem is known to be NP-hard, a hybrid variable neighbourhood search – electromagnetism-like mechanism (VNS-EM) algorithm is proposed for its handling. To search beyond local optima for a global one, VNS algorithm is embedded in each iteration of EM, whereby the fine neighbourhood search of optimum individuals can be realised and the solution is thus optimised. Simulation results show that the proposed hybrid VNS-EM algorithm outperforms the EM and VNS algorithms in both average value and standard deviation.  相似文献   

This paper considers a two-stage assembly flow shop problem where m parallel machines are in the first stage and an assembly machine is in the second stage. The objective is to minimise a weighted sum of makespan and mean completion time for n available jobs. As this problem is proven to be NP-hard, therefore, we employed an imperialist competitive algorithm (ICA) as solution approach. In the past literature, Torabzadeh and Zandieh (2010 Torabzadeh, E., and M. Zandieh. 2010. “Cloud theory-based Simulated Annealing Approach for Scheduling in the Two-stage Assembly Flow Shop.” Advances in Engineering Software 41: 12381243.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) showed that cloud theory-based simulated annealing algorithm (CSA) is an appropriate meta-heuristic to solve the problem. Thus, to justify the claim for ICA capability, we compare our proposed ICA with the reported CSA. A new parameters tuning tool, neural network, for ICA is also introduced. The computational results clarify that ICA performs better than CSA in quality of solutions.  相似文献   

This paper considers a two-stage hybrid flow shop scheduling problem with dedicated machines at stage 2. The objective is to minimise the makespan. There is one machine at stage 1 and two machines at stage 2. Each job must be processed on the single machine at stage 1 and, depending upon the job type, the job is processed on either of the two machines at stage 2. We first introduce this special type of the two-stage hybrid flow shop scheduling problem and present some preliminary results. We then present a counter example to the known complexity proof of Riane et al. [Riane, F., Artiba, A. and Elmaghraby, S.E., 2002. Sequencing a hybrid two-stage flowshop with dedicated machines. International Journal of Production Research, 40, 4353–4380.] Finally, we re-establish the complexity of the problem.  相似文献   

This paper studies the makespan minimisation scheduling problem in a two-stage hybrid flow shop. The first stage has one machine and the second stage has m identical parallel machines. Neither the processing time nor probability distribution of the processing time of each job is uncertain. We propose a robust (min–max regret) scheduling model. To solve the robust scheduling problem, which is NP-hard, we first derive some properties of the worst-case scenario for a given schedule. We then propose both exact and heuristic algorithms to solve this problem. In addition, computational experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithms.  相似文献   

Energy-efficient scheduling is highly necessary for energy-intensive industries, such as glass, mould or chemical production. Inspired by a real-world glass-ceramics production process, this paper investigates a bi-criteria energy-efficient two-stage hybrid flow shop scheduling problem, in which parallel machines with eligibility are at stage 1 and a batch machine is at stage 2. The performance measures considered are makespan and total energy consumption. Time-of-use (TOU) electricity prices and different states of machines (working, idle and turnoff) are integrated. To tackle this problem, a mixed integer programming (MIP) is formulated, based on which an augmented ε-constraint (AUGMECON) method is adopted to obtain the exact Pareto front. A problem-tailored constructive heuristic method with local search strategy, a bi-objective tabu search algorithm and a bi-objective ant colony optimisation algorithm are developed to deal with medium- and large-scale problems. Extensive computational experiments are conducted, and a real-world case is solved. The results show effectiveness of the proposed methods, in particular the bi-objective tabu search.  相似文献   

Classical scheduling problem assumes that machines are available during the scheduling horizon. This assumption may be justified in some situations but it does not apply if maintenance requirements, machine breakdowns or other availability constraints have to be considered. In this paper, we treat a two-machine job shop scheduling problem with one availability constraint on each machine to minimise the maximum completion time (makespan). The unavailability periods are known in advance and the processing of an operation cannot be interrupted by an unavailability period (non-preemptive case). We present in our approach properties dealing with permutation dominance and the optimality of Jackson's rule under availability constraints. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, we develop two mixed integer linear programming models and two schemes for a branch and bound method to solve the tackled problem. Computational results validate the proposed approach and prove the efficiency of the developed methods.  相似文献   

This paper considers a two-stage assembly flowshop scheduling problem with distinct due windows to minimise the sum of weighted earliness and tardiness. There are several identical parallel machines which produce parts in the first stage. When the required parts are available, a single assembly machine can group these parts into products in the second stage. It is assumed that a part can be split into sub-parts which can be processed independently on the parallel machines in the first stage. Setup is also considered. A mathematical model is established to describe and define the proposed problem. A new decoding method is developed by extending an existing decoding method. Two novel operators, named part splitting (PS) and optimal idle time insertion (ITI), are incorporated into the decoding procedure for improving the quality of the solution. A rule named Priority of Earliness and Tardiness (PET) and a Complete Immunoglobulin-based Artificial Immune System (C-IAIS) algorithm are proposed for solving the problem. To evaluate PET and C-IAIS algorithm, several existing algorithms are used in the experiments. Computational results show that C-IAIS algorithm performs better than other algorithms for solving the proposed problem.  相似文献   

A production scheduling problem originating from a real rotor workshop is addressed in the paper. Given its specific characteristics, the problem is formulated as a re-entrant hybrid flow shop scheduling problem with machine eligibility constraints. A mixed integer linear programming model of the problem is provided and solved by the Cplex solver. In order to solve larger sized problems, a discrete differential evolution (DDE) algorithm with a modified crossover operator is proposed. More importantly, a new decoder addressing the machine eligibility constraints is developed and embedded to the algorithm. To validate the performance of the proposed DDE algorithm, various test problems are examined. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm is compared with two other algorithms modified from the existing ones in the literatures. A one-way ANOVA analysis and a sensitivity analysis are applied to intensify the superiority of the new decoder. Tightness of due dates and different levels of scarcity of machines subject to machine eligibility restrictions are discussed in the sensitivity analysis. The results indicate the pre-eminence of the new decoder and the proposed DDE algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper considers a two-stage three-machine differentiation flow shop that comprises a common machine at stage 1 and two independent dedicated machines at stage 2. Two types of jobs are to be processed. All jobs must visit the stage-1 machine, and then the jobs of each type proceed to their dedicated machine for stage-2 processing. The stage-1 machine processes the jobs in batches, each of which, whenever formed, requires a constant setup time. The objective is to find a schedule that attains the minimum makespan. While the problem is strongly NP-hard, we investigate the case where the processing sequences of the two types of jobs are given and fixed. A polynomial-time dynamic programming algorithm is designed to solve this problem. We then deploy this algorithm to compute the lower bounds of the general problem.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the distributed two-stage assembly flowshop scheduling problem for minimising a weighted sum of makespan and mean completion time. This problem involves two inter-dependent decision sub-problems: (1) how to allocate jobs among factories and (2) how to schedule the assigned jobs at each factory. A mathematical model is formulated for solving the small-sized instances of the problem. Since the NP-hardness of the problem, we also proposed a variable neighbourhood search (VNS) algorithm and a hybrid genetic algorithm combined with reduced variable neighbourhood search (GA-RVNS) to solve the distributed two-stage assembly flowshop scheduling problems and approximately optimise makespan and mean completion time simultaneously. Computational experiments have been conducted to compare the performances of the model and proposed algorithms. For a set of small-sized instances, both the model and the proposed algorithms are effective. The proposed algorithms are further evaluated on a set of large-sized instances. The results statistically show that both GA-RVNS and VNS obtain much better performances than the GA without RVNS-based local search step (GA-NOV). For the instances with small numbers of jobs, VNS achieves better performances than GA-RVNS. However, for the instances with large numbers of jobs, GA-RVNS yields better performances than the VNS. It is also shown that the overall performances of VNS are very close to GA-RVNS with different numbers of factories, weights given to makespan and numbers of machines at the first stage.  相似文献   

The two-stage assembly scheduling problem has received growing attention in the research community. Furthermore, in many two-stage assembly scheduling problems, the job processing times are commonly assumed as a constant over time. However, it is at odds with real production situations some times. In fact, the dynamic nature of processing time may occur when machines lose their performance during their execution times. In this case, the job that is processed later consumes more time than another one processed earlier. In view of these observations, we address the two-stage assembly linear deterioration scheduling problem in which there are two machines at the first stage and an assembly machine at the second stage. The objective is to complete all jobs as soon as possible (or to minimise the makespan, implies that the system can yield a better and efficient task planning to limited resources). Given the fact that this problem is NP-hard, we then derive some dominance relations and a lower bound used in the branch-and-bound method for finding the optimal solution. We also propose three metaheuristics, including dynamic differential evolution (DDE), simulated annealing (SA) algorithm, and cloud theory-based simulated annealing (CSA) algorithm for find near-optimal solutions. The performances of the proposed algorithms are reported as well.  相似文献   

There is a vast literature on the problem of how to sequence products in a blocking flow shop so as to minimise makespan. It is often the case, however, that problem instances have multiple optima, and that within the set of optimal (or near optimal) solutions, other characteristics of importance vary substantially. Thus, the solution found by an approach that solely minimises makespan may be inferior to alternate solutions that have comparable makespan but superior value with regard to other criteria. In this paper, we demonstrate this by considering makespan and customer responsiveness, the potential that a sequence has for modification so as to incorporate customer order changes after production has begun. We consider the relationship between these two metrics and present computational results to show how different approaches to making trade-offs between them can change the solution characteristics substantially.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with the manufacturing model that has a common machine at stage one and two parallel dedicated machines at stage two. All jobs need to be processed on the stage-one common machine. After the stage-one processing, the jobs of type 1 (type 2) will route to the first (second) dedicated machine at stage two. We first elaborate several published works on makespan minimisation which are not known to other streams of recent works. While the minimisation of maximum lateness is strongly NP-hard, we develop a linear-time algorithm to solve the case where two sequences of the two job types are given a priori.  相似文献   

The flow shop scheduling problem with blocking has important applications in a variety of industrial systems but is under-represented in the research literature. In this paper, a modified fruit fly optimisation (MFFO) algorithm is proposed to solve the above scheduling problem for makespan minimisation. The MFFO algorithm mainly contains three key operators. One is related to the initialisation scheme in which a problem-specific heuristic is adopted to generate an initial fruit fly swarm location with high quality. The second is concerned with the smell-based search in which a neighbourhood strategy is designed to generate a new location. To further enhance the exploitation of the proposed algorithm considered, a speed-up insert-neighbourhood-based local search is applied with a probability. Finally, the last is for the vision-based search in which an update criterion is proposed to induce the fruit fly into a better searching space. The simulation experimental results demonstrated the efficiency of the proposed algorithm, in spite of its simple structure, in comparison with a state-of-the-art algorithm. Moreover, new best solutions for Taillard’s instances are reported for this problem, which can be used as a basis of comparison in future studies.  相似文献   

The two-stage assembly scheduling problem has attracted increasing research attention. In many such problems, job processing times are commonly assumed to be fixed. However, this assumption does not hold in many real production situations. In fact, processing times usually decrease steadily when the same task is performed repeatedly. Therefore, in this study, we investigated a two-stage assembly position-based learning scheduling problem with two machines in the first stage and an assembly machine in the second stage. The objective was to complete all jobs as soon as possible (or to minimise the makespan, implying that the system can perform better and efficient task planning with limited resources). Because this problem is NP-hard, we derived some dominance relations and a lower bound for the branch-and-bound method for finding the optimal solution. We also propose three heuristics, three versions of the simulated annealing (SA) algorithm, and three versions of cloud theory-based simulated annealing algorithm for determining near-optimal solutions. Finally, we report the performance levels of the proposed algorithms.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of computer technology and related softwares for mathematical models, mathematical modelling of scheduling problems is receiving growing attention from researchers. In this work, the hybrid flow shop scheduling problem with unrelated parallel machines (HFSP-UPM) with the objective aimed to minimise the makespan is studied. According to the characteristics of the HFSP-UPM, eight mixed integer linear programming (MILP) models are formulated in order to obtain optimal solutions based on different modelling ideas. Then, these models are extended to solve HFSP-UPM with sequence-dependent setup times (HFSP-UPM-SDST), no-wait HFSP-UPM (HFSP-UPM-NW) and HFSP-UPM with blocking (HFSP-UPM-B). All the proposed models and the existing model are detailedly compared and evaluated under three aspects namely modelling process, size complexity and computational complexity. Numerical experiments show that MILP models dependent on diverse modelling ideas perform very differently. The model developed based on stage precedence is the best one and should be given preference in future applications. In addition, the proposed models of HFSP-UPM-NW and HFSP-UPM-B improve several best known solutions for the test instances in the existing literature.  相似文献   

In this paper, a three-stage assembly flow shop scheduling problem with machine availability constraints is taken into account. Two objectives of minimising total weighted completion times (flow time) and minimising sum of weighted tardiness and earliness are simultaneously considered. To describe this problem, a mathematical model is presented. The problem is generalisation of three-machine flow shop scheduling problem and two-stage assembly flow shop scheduling problem. Since these problems are known to be NP-hard, the considered problem is also strongly NP-hard. Therefore, two multi-objective meta-heuristics are presented to efficiently solve this problem in a reasonable amount of time. Comprehensive computational experiments are performed to illustrate the performance of the presented algorithms.  相似文献   

The past few years have witnessed a resurgence of interest in assembly flow shop scheduling as evidenced by increasing number of published articles in this field. A basic assembly flow shop consists of two types of stages: fabrication or machining stage and assembly stage. Machining and assembly stages are composed of either one or a set of machines that are working in parallel. Final products have hierarchical assembly structure with several components and assembly operation(s). The components need to be processed in the machining stage(s) and then assembled based on hierarchical assembly structure. The goal is to find the sequence of jobs that optimises certain objectives. Assembly flow shop scheduling problem has several interesting derivatives and applications in various manufacturing and service industries. This paper provides a consolidated survey of assembly flow shop models with their solution methodology. Finally, the paper concludes by presenting some problems receiving less attention and proposes several salient research opportunities.  相似文献   

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