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目的了解阿苯达唑、氟苯达唑和吡喹酮对犬钩蚴的作用。方法将药物与标本充分混匀,置于固体培养基滤纸上,均匀按压后,盖上平皿盖。置35℃培养(孵化)箱培养24h,分别将药物与培养物钩蚴混匀,用水洗沉淀法镜下分别观察药物作用24、48h的沉淀物中钩蚴的生长发育情况。结果药物作用24、48h后,与对照组相比,阿苯达唑效果明显,钩蚴发育停止、轮廓模糊、内部结构不清消失。氟苯达唑几乎无作用。吡喹酮结果与对照组相同,可见钩蚴明显长大,体态自然、虫体透明、轮廓明显、结构清晰。结论阿苯达唑对犬钩蚴发育有明显的抑制作用,氟苯达唑和吡喹酮对犬钩蚴发育无抑制作用。  相似文献   

中药合剂和阿苯达唑对犬钩蚴的作用效果观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解中药合剂(贯众、槟榔、全蝎)和阿苯达唑对犬钩蚴的作用。方法将感染钩口线虫犬粪便(含钩虫卵)标本置于固体培养基滤纸上,用竹签轻轻均匀按压,使之与滤纸广泛、紧密接触,盖上平皿盖,放35℃培养(孵化)箱培养24h,水洗沉淀法分离钩蚴。将钩蚴沉淀物与不同药物分别置入青霉素瓶中混匀,为实验组,对照组不加药物。然后放35℃培养(孵化)箱继续培养24h,镜下观察实验组、对照组沉淀物中钩蚴的生长发育情况。结果对照组可见钩蚴明显长大,体态自然、虫体透明、轮廓明显、结构清晰。药物作用24h后,与对照组及全蝎药物组相比,中药合剂组虫体较小、细,且僵直,自然曲线消失,不光滑,无蛋白质的折光性;内部结构不清、粒沙状,可见损伤的虫体与残留的角质层有明显不规则空隙。阿苯达唑组虫体僵直,自然曲线消失,不光滑,无蛋白质的折光性,虫体内部结构不清,团块状,虫体凸凹不一,虫体萎缩。结论贯众、槟榔、全蝎合剂与阿苯达唑对钩蚴发育均有明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   

本文对小鼠继发性腹腔泡球蚴病用吡喹酮脂质体、吡喹酮、阿苯达唑、氟苯达唑和甲苯达唑进行实验治疗。5个治疗组对小鼠均能抑制泡球蚴增殖生长,抑制率分别为68.7%,14.3%,70.0%,48.3%和77.0%。吡喹酮经脂质体包裹后,较吡喹酮组疗效明显提高(P<0.01)。各治疗组泡球蚴生发层均有不同程度损伤,与实验对照组有显著性差异(P<0.01),以吡喹酮脂质体对泡状棘球蚴损伤程度最重。超微结构显示,各治疗组对小鼠泡球蚴组织均有广泛的变化,以阿苯达唑组变化最重,细胞大部分解体。提示各种化疗药物对泡球蚴组织有广泛的细胞内效应。  相似文献   

目的了解芬苯达唑对犬钩蚴的杀伤作用。方法将染虫犬粪置于固体培养基滤纸上,用竹签轻轻均匀按压,使之与滤纸充分接触,盖上平皿盖,放35℃培养(孵化)箱培养24h后加入药物与犬粪混匀,继续培养,分别与药物作用24、48h后用水洗沉淀法收集虫体,镜下观察钩蚴生长发育情况。实验设不加药对照组。结果培养24h~72h,对照组钩蚴明显长大,虫体自然弯曲、透明、轮廓明显、结构清晰;药物作用24h、48h后虫体僵直、轮廓模糊不清、内部结构消失。结论芬苯达唑对钩蚴有明显杀伤作用,妨碍虫体生长发育。  相似文献   

为了解中药全蝎(scorpion)对犬钩口线虫(Ancylostoma caninum)钩蚴的作用,取感染钩口线虫犬粪便(含钩虫卵)5 g,均匀平铺于紧贴细菌干粉固体培养基的滤纸上,轻压使其紧密接触滤纸,置平皿中,盖上平皿盖,并用湿毛巾保持湿度,35 ℃ 培养24 h。水洗沉淀,分离钩蚴,分装3瓶[2 ml/瓶(低倍镜每个视野1~3个钩蚴)]。实验组分别加入中药全蝎(2 ml)、阿苯达唑(10 mg),对照组加2 ml生理盐水。同上法继续培养24 h。显微镜观察钩蚴生长发育情况。结果显示,中药全蝎组虫体明显缩小,停止发育,内部结构模糊不清,呈粒沙状。阿苯达唑组虫体僵直、萎缩,体表不光滑、无蛋白质折光性,内部结构不清,团块状,凸凹不一。表明中药全蝎、阿苯达唑对钩蚴发育有明显的抑制作用,后者更为明显。  相似文献   

本文比较了吡喹酮、甲苯达唑及阿苯达唑对体内、外细粒棘球蚴组织学的影响。结果表明,三种药物均能引起生发层表面粗糙、间质疏松、空泡变性、生发细胞结构模糊、核伊红深染及细胞崩解等病变,均以甲苯达唑组的为最重,发生率亦较高,而吡喹酮与阿苯达唑组的相似,均较轻,发生率亦较低,停药后,一些生发层的损害逐渐恢复正常,以吡喹酮及阿苯达唑组的较迅速,而甲苯达唑组的则较缓慢。  相似文献   

本文比较了吡喹酮、甲苯达唑及阿苯达唑对NIH鼠体内细粒棘球蚴组织化学的影响。结果表明,三种药物治疗3~14天,均能迅速引起生发层内糖原、AKP、ACP及ATP酶的减少、减弱或消失,以甲苯达唑组的为最明显,阿苯达唑及吡喹酮的较轻,但对生发层内DNA、RNA、蚤白质结合的酪氨酸、色氨酸、组氨酸以及碱性蛋白质的影响仅见于7及14天。亦以甲苯达唑组的较为显著。停药后,上述变化的恢复时间,吡喹酮及阿苯达唑的分别为14~30及30天,而甲苯达唑组的则需90天。  相似文献   

对感染了继发性细粒棘球蚴的小鼠,于吡喹酮(Pra)500mg/kg/d、甲苯达唑(Meb)25mg/kg/d或阿苯达唑(Alb)300mykg/d治疗14天后,取包囊液测定了其中18种游离氨基酸的含量,发现吡喹酮组小鼠囊液中有2种氨基酸的浓度高于对照组,有3种氨基酸的浓度低于对照组。而甲苯达唑组和阿苯达唑组囊液中的氨基酸浓度均低于对照组,其中各有14种和13种氨基酸含量明显低于对照组,表明甲苯达唑和阿苯达唑可干扰细粒棘球蚴囊的氨基酸代谢。  相似文献   

近年来,国内多采用各种化疗措施控制钩虫感染的回升,而在冬季采用全民服药驱虫控制钩虫感染回升的报道不多。作者于1995年10月与12月,在安定县岭口镇儒沐塘,对全村居民采用阿苯达唑和复方甲苯达唑伍用驱虫,进行了控制钩虫感染回升的现场观察。观察方法1 粪检 在治疗前、治疗后半月和半年,均用改良加藤氏法和试管滤纸培养法,14岁以下儿童加用透明胶纸肛拭法。凡钩虫卵阳性者,均计数虫卵,培养钩蚴阳性者,则进行抽查以鉴定虫种。2 土壤分离钩虫卵 采集屋内外的表土,每份重100g,用饱和硝酸钠漂浮法,分离虫卵。3 土壤分离钩蚴 在治疗前和治…  相似文献   

我们于1987年在安徽省含山县比较了阿苯达唑、复方甲苯咪唑和噻嘧啶3种药物治疗钩虫感染者的效果。 材料和方法 1 对象 凡粪检钩虫卵阳性者均作为治疗对象,共收治124例。 2 粪检方法 用改良加藤法检查钩虫卵,治疗前后均作钩虫卵计数;并取同粪0.5g,用试管滤纸培养法培养钩虫幼虫,鉴别虫种。 3 药物与分组 阿苯达唑片剂,湖北  相似文献   

应用虫体活力、产卵、幼虫孵化、形态学及组织化学方法,观察比较芬苯达唑、氟苯达唑和阿苯达唑对隐藏管状线虫的杀虫机理。实验结果表明3种药物的作用机理相同,均能使排卵减弱、停止,幼虫不能孵化,虫体结构破坏、消失,对糖代谢有明显干扰作用,对酸性磷酸酶、碱性磷酸酶活性无变化。  相似文献   

The morphology of Schistosoma mansoni eggs in intestinal tissues (oograms), and egg hatching in faeces, were studied after parenteral administration of praziquantel (PZQ) to infected mice. PZQ was given parentally in doses of 60 mg kg-1 for one day, five days or 10 days. Eleven days after initiation of therapy, oograms from all groups receiving PZQ showed more dead eggs than controls; a dose response was also observed. Depression of faecal egg hatching occurred within 24 hours of PZQ administration. Our observations suggest that PZQ kills most S. mansoni eggs in host tissues when administered in higher doses than are routinely recommended for treatment of intestinal schistosomiasis mansoni. In order to reduce the lifespan of metabolically active eggs in sensitive tissues, prolonged courses of PZQ could be used when treating central nervous system schistosomiasis.  相似文献   

目的 探究吡喹酮(praziquantel,PZQ)透皮剂的治疗效果,以及吡喹酮与宿主免疫系统是否具有协同作用,为治疗血吸虫病提供更便利的治疗途径.方法 新西兰大白兔感染日本血吸虫尾蚴150±2条或300±2条,透皮剂浓度为24%,以100 mg/kg剂量对感染日本血吸虫28 d的新西兰大白兔分别进行腹部透皮治疗1次和...  相似文献   

The comparative efficacy of mebendazole, fenbendazole, oxibendazole, oxfendazole, albendazole, flubendazole and micronized amoscanate (particle size 5-8 micron) against Litomosoides carinii and Brugia pahangi infections in Mastomys natalensis was studied on administration of the compounds per os (150 mg/kg/day for 5 days) and subcutaneous (100 mg/kg/day for 5 days) routes. It was found that benzimidazoles when given by the oral route had no effect on adults of L. carinii and B. pahangi. With most of these compounds there was a rise in microfilariae before registering a fall to varying degrees in the peripheral circulation. There was a gradual but effective reduction of microfilariae of L. carinii in animals treated orally with mebendazole (99%), flubendazole (95%) and oxfendazole (85%). No such effect was seen against B. pahangi microfilariae. On subcutaneous administration, all the benzimidazoles with the exception of fenbendazole exhibited marked macrofilaricidal activity against L. carinii. Such activity was not seen with oxibendazole, oxfendazole and fenbendazole against adults of B. pahangi. Amoscanate exhibited superiority over the benzimidazoles in that the compound eliminated microfilariae and adult worms of both L. carinii and B. pahangi species when given by oral and subcutaneous routes.  相似文献   

目的 观察白头翁总皂苷(Pulsatilla chinensis(Bunge)Regel saponins,PRS)对日本血吸虫虫卵、毛蚴、尾蚴的杀灭效果,为白头翁总皂苷作为抗血吸虫新药提供理论和实验依据。方法 采用尾蚴腹部贴片法感染ICR小鼠,感染后42 d的鼠肝脏经研磨、过筛获得虫卵,毛蚴由虫卵孵化,尾蚴由阳性感染钉螺光照逸出,采用0、1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8 μg/ml 的PRS药液分别于不同时间作用虫卵、毛蚴、尾蚴。结果 不同浓度PRS及对照药物吡喹酮(PZQ)对日本血吸虫虫卵作用24 h的孵化结果显示,PRS对虫卵孵化的抑制效果略优于PZQ,尤其在4 μg/ml浓度时,日本血吸虫虫卵对PRS的作用更敏感。1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8 μg/ml 的PRS药液作用于毛蚴30 min后,毛蚴死亡率分别为13.47%、26.05%、60.99%、90.84%、100%、100%、100%、100%。作用于尾蚴30 min后,尾蚴的死亡率分别为5.32%、18.81%、44.7%、76.87%、98.28%、100%、100%、100%。毛蚴、尾蚴的死亡率对PRS的作用时间和浓度有一定依赖性。 结论 体外实验显示PRS对日本血吸虫虫卵、毛蚴、尾蚴均有杀伤作用,有望成为新的抗血吸虫药物。  相似文献   

Our objective was to determine in a Cameroonian school population the effect of mild to moderate S. haematobium infection intensity on growth and development of children before and 6 months after praziquantel treatment. Previous studies have yielded contradictory results. Children from Bertoua schools were divided into four study groups: heavily infected (> 500 eggs 10 ml-1), moderately infected (1-499 eggs 10 ml-1) treated with praziquantel, a similar group treated with placebo, and an uninfected control group. Anthropometric measures--height for age per cent median (HAPM), and weight for age per cent median (WAPM)--were significantly higher among the uninfected children. Stepwise regression analysis showed that S. haematobium and Ascaris infections were the strongest predictors of the HAPM with hookworm and malaria infections playing a lesser role. Post treatment comparison of the praziquantel treatment group and the placebo group showed no significant differences for the anthropometric indicators except for mid-arm circumference. Longer observations of growth after treatment as well as monitoring of the rate of reinfection would be necessary to understand better the effect of S. haematobium on growth.  相似文献   

目的观察液态冷藏血吸虫卵的活性,为规范血吸虫卵孵化法提供阳性参考品。方法人工获取家兔血吸虫肝卵,保存1.2%的NaCl溶液,冰箱4oC冷藏,观察血吸虫卵存活时间和孵化活性;观察不同温度保存血吸虫卵孵化活性;比较不同地区的自来水孵化血吸虫卵的效果。结果液态低温冷藏保存25周虫卵能孵出毛蚴,第9周时孵化出的毛蚴数量开始明显减少,活力明显减弱。保存温度4℃5d均能孵出,18℃4d能孵出,25oC3d能孵出,30oCld后即不能孵出。不同地区水的pH6.4~7.1之间,脱氯水余氯含量0.02~0.05ppm之间,新鲜自来水余氯含量0.05—0.27ppm之间,均孵出毛蚴。结论液态低温冷藏血吸虫卵可以保持较长的活性,可以建立血吸虫孵化质控参考品。  相似文献   

Dipylidium caninum is a common intestinal tapeworm of dogs, cats and foxes. However, it occasionally infects also humans. We present a case of D. caninum infection in a 2-year-old child living in the Subcarpathian province. The infection was asymptomatic in the first months. The symptoms of abdominal pains, sleep disorders, loss of appetite, hyperactivity and occasional slimy stools appeared later. Proglottids on the underwear, in water while bathing and mobile proglottids passed with the stool were also observed. Prior to appropriate diagnosis the child was treated with pyrantelum (Pyrantelum) and albendazolum (Zentel). However, proglottids were found again in the stool after a few days. We examined stool samples and perianal smears collected from the child and his family. The stool samples were tested by coproscopic methods. Direct methods (direct preparation in 0.9% sodium chloride and in Lugol's solution, Kato thick smear) and concentration methods (decantation with distilled water and Faust's zinc sulphate centrifugal flotation) were used. In the stool samples taken from the child, we observed D. caninum proglottids demonstrating lateral genital pores and many packets of eggs containing from one to a few, mostly 3 to 4 eggs. In the direct preparations in 0.9% sodium chloride and in Lugol's solution single packets with D. caninum eggs were detected. In decantation preparations many D. caninum egg packets were observed. It has to be reported that the child's mother was infected with Giardia intestinalis. Dipylidiasis in humans is a rarely encountered infection in Poland and the diagnosis may be difficult. For these reasons we reported clinical case presentation, diagnostics, treatment and epidemiology of D. caninum infection. We have shown that concentration methods such as decantation might be very helpful in the diagnosis of dipylidiasis.  相似文献   

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