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High spin states of the odd-A87Sr were populated by the fusion-evaporation reaction82Se(9Be,4n)87Sr at a beam energy of 46 MeV. Excited levels of87 Sr have been extended up to an excitation energy of 7.4 MeV at spin31/2. The coupling of a g9/2neutron hole to the yrast states of the88 Sr core can account for the low-lying states in87 Sr. The structure of the higher spin states is discussed by analogy with those of the neighboring odd-A N =49isotones and possible configurations are proposed.  相似文献   

The high spin states of 112In have been populated via the 110Pd(7Li,5n)112In reaction with a beam energy of 50 MeV. By analyzing the γ-γ coincidence relations and DCO ratios of γ transitions,A new level scheme of 112In including seventy-four new gamma transitions and six new bands up to the excitation energy of 6.8 MeV has been presented.  相似文献   

The proton alignment in 82Sr has been investigated by the g-factor measurements of the ground state rotational band levels up to spin I=8+. The g-factors were measured by a transient-magnetic-field ion implantation perturbed angular distribution method. The obtained g-factors increase with the increasing of spin along the band and clearly show the g9/2 proton alignment that starts at I=6+.  相似文献   

We report the experimental realization of a ^88Sr magneto-optical trap (MOT) operating at the wavelength of 461 nm. The MOT is loaded via a 32 cm long spin-flip type Zeeman slower which enhances the MOT population by a factor of 22. The total laser power available in our experiment is about 300mW. We have trapped 1.6 × 10^8 ^88 Sr atoms with a 679nm and 707nm repumping laser. The two repumping lasers enhance the trap population and trap lifetime by factors of 11 and 7, respectively. The ^88 Sr cloud has a temperature of about 2.3 mK, measured by recording the time evolution of the absorption signal.  相似文献   

The g-factors of the positive parity rotational states up to spin I = 8^+ for the ground state band in even-even nuclei S2Sr have been measured by a transient-magnetic-field ion implantation perturbed angular distribution method. The experimentally measured 9-factors increase with the increasing spin along the band and show that the g9/2 proton aligns only and the alignment starts from I =6^+. The measured g-factors also indicate that the nuclei ^82Sr gain their spins by the quasi-proton alignment at higher spin.  相似文献   

We report on simultaneous magneto-optical trapping of fermionic ^40K and bosonic 87Rb atoms. This trap is the first step towards quantum degenerate fermi gas ^40K. Laser lights for the two-species magneto-optical trap (MOT) are generated from diode lasers and tapered amplifier. The enriched ^40K dispenser is utilized in the experimental setup. We obtain up to 10^7 -10^8 ^40K and 10^8 -10^9 ^87Rb atoms respectively in the steady-state single-species MOT.  相似文献   

High-spin states in 139Nd nucleus have been reinvestigated with the reaction 128Te (16O, 5n) at a beam energy of 90 MeV. The level scheme has been expanded with spin up to 47/2 h. At the low spin states, the yrast collective structure built on the νh11 / 2-1 multiplet shows a transitional shape with γ≈32° according to calculations of the triaxial rotor-plus-particle model. Three collective oblate bands with γ~-60° at the high spin states were identified for the first time. A band crossing is observed around hω~0.4 MeV in one oblate band based on the 25/2 level.  相似文献   

We report on the attainment of quantum degeneracy of 40^K by means of efficient thermal collisions with the evaporatively cooled 87^Rb atoms. In a quadrupole-Ioffe configuration trap, potassium atoms axe cooled to 0.5 times the Fermi temperature. We obtain up to 7.59 × 10^5 degenerate fermions 40^K.  相似文献   

简介首次合成新核素175Er及对其衰变纲图测定的实验方法和实验结果. the synthesis and γ decay scheme of new isotope175Er is reported for the first time.The related experimental process and main results are represented briefly also.  相似文献   

The high spin states of the neutron-rich odd-odd 106Tc nucleus have been reinvestigated by observing prompt γ-rays from the spontaneous fission of 252Cf. A previously known collective band is confirmed and expanded, and a new collective band is newly identified. Several levels in previous report in 106Tc are reexamined and they belong to the members of a band in 107Tc. The total Routhian surface (TRS) calculations show that the 106Tc has triaxial shape. The spins and parities as well as the configurations for these bands have been tentatively assigned according to the analysis of the angular momentum alignments.  相似文献   

The new neutron-rich isotope 208Hg has been identified for the first time from the reaction products in fully-stopping thick nat.Pb target bombarded by 30MeV/u 12C beam provided by the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou.Assignment of the nuclide 208Hg was based on the measurements of the deacy γ energy and halflife of its daughter 208Ti,which was grown up with 208Hg β-deacy.The half-life of 208Hg β-deacy was determined to be 42+23-12 min.The average production cross section of 208Hg over the incident energy region from Coulomb barrier to 30MeV/u is found to be 1.1±0.5μb.  相似文献   

New neutron-rich nuclide 185Hf has been identified for the first time.The 185Hf was produced via the 186W(n,2p)185Hf reaction by 14MeV neutron irradiation of natural metallic tungsten powder and separated by radiochemical methods.The identification of 185Hf was based on the observation of decay γ-ray of its daughter 185Ta.A half-life of 3.5±0.6min was determined for 185Hf by fitting the measured growth and decay curve of the 177.59keV γ-ray which is the strongest decay γ-ray of 185Ta.In addition,a new γ-ray of 164.5±0.5keV was found and assigned to 185Hf.  相似文献   

Angular distribution of the 12C(6He,7Li)11B transfer reaction is measured with a secondary 6He beam of 36.4MeV for the first time. The experimental angular distribution is well reproduced by the distorted-wave Born approximation (DWBA) calculation. The success of the present experiment shows that it is feasible to measure one-nucleon transfer reaction on a light nucleus target with the secondary beam facility of the HI-13 tandem accelerator at China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE), Beijing.  相似文献   


Unreported heavy neutron-rich nuclide 238Th has been produced via a multinucleon transfer reaction by 60MeVIu 180 ions bombardment of natural uranium.Thorium was radiochemically separated from the mixture of uranium and reaction products. 238Pa as a daughter nucleus of 238Th has been identified according to the growth and decay of 238Pa γ rays which has been observed. The half-life of 238Th was determined to be (9.4 + 2.0) min. At the same time, a new γ ray of (89.0 + 0.3) keV with T1/2= (8.9 + 1.5)min was found in the γ spectrum gated with the Kα1, X ray of Pa and assigned to 238Th decay based on the measurements of its transition energy and the half-life.


The optical potential parameters for the halo nucleus system ^6He+^12C are extracted from fits to the measured angular distributions of ^11B(^7Li, ^6He)12C reaction at energies of 18.3 and 28.3MeV with distorted-wave Born approximation analysis. The characters of the obtained optical potentiM parameters are basically consistent with the results extracted from the fits to the elastic-scattering angular distributions in the literature.  相似文献   

By means of using an isospin-dependent Boltzmann-Langevin equation which includes isospin-dependent symmetry energy, Coulomb energy, isospin-dependent nucleon-nucleon cross sections, Pauli blocking, and initialization, the radial expansion flow of reaction systems 40Ca+58Ni and 40Ca+58Fe at 53, 100, 150, and 200 MeV/u in the central collisions were studied. It has shown that the more neutron rich system exhibits smaller radial expansion flow. It was found that the neutron rich system had smaller threshold energy which may provide a new method to determine the isospin dependent nuclear equation of state from calculated result and linear fitting result.  相似文献   

The nuclei 11Li,14Be and 17B are considered as three-body systems composed of the N=2Z core and two outside neutrons.The core-neutron and neutronneutron interactions are assumed to be the attractive exponential potentials.It has been shown that the three-body system can have a bound state although any two constituents of the system cannot have a bound state. The experimental data of the binding energy and extraordinarily large matter root-mean-square radius can be explained in the frame of the three-body model.  相似文献   

High-spin states of 160Tm have been studied through the 146Nd(19F, 5n) reaction at a beam energy of 102 MeV. The previously known πh11/2⊙νi13/2 yrast band and πh11/2⊙νh9/2 side band are confirmed, and several low-lying levels are observed. A 4-quasiparticle band feeding into the yrast band based on the πg7/2⊙νh9/2⊙νi13/22 is suggested. Other two bands are observed and assigned to be based on the πd3/2⊙νi13/2 and πg7/2⊙νi13/2 configurations, respectively.  相似文献   

本文简述了新重丰中子同位素239Pa的首次合成和鉴别,并测定其半衰期为106±30min. This paper reports that the new heavy neutron-rich isotope 239Pa has been observed for the first time and its half life has been determined to be 106±30min.  相似文献   

High spin states in 107Ag are studied via the 100Mo(11B, 4n)107Ag reaction at an incident beam energy of 60 MeV. Prompt γ-γ coincidence and DCO ratios are measured by the detector arrays in CIAE. The level scheme has been updated and a new negative band belonging to 107Ag is identified. The new negative side band has been constructed and its configuration is tentatively assigned to πg9/2 νh11/2(g7/2/d5/2).  相似文献   

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